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» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 1:06am. Posted in Pig's Head Soup (222 bpm wtfcore mix).
Coolness: 76990
I'm intrigued... I will let you know what I think once I've heard it. Lil Wayne and Young Joc after a Bong Ra / Sickboy track... this is going to sound mental.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 1:04am. Posted in RatsOnCrackAttack2.
Coolness: 76990
It would be awesome to have a party like this in an actual venue with people above the age of 18 but yeah... I guess that's the scene. Hope all you kids had fun staying up past your bed time.

Lots of great music, not really the most comfortable environment to tell you the truth, and anyone who says otherwise is kissing ass unnecessarily. Studio Loco is just a loft, why the fuck did it have to cost $14 a head? Someone told me it cost $600 to rent out? You got RIPPED OFF!

Nothing personal, but I think it was the wrong spot and I think you got dissed by the NTK folks even if they made excuses. Totally not cool. But very typical!
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:59am. Posted in Festival Kinetik - Electro.Industriel.Noise.Hardcore - 15.16.17 Mai 08.
Coolness: 76990
Colin + panties = retinal damage.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:50am. Posted in RANDOM-O-TRON III: Hardcore Edition! Friday Dec 21st BREAKCORE!.
Coolness: 76990
It better be DuranDuranDuran!!

What the fuck is ECW? Man Colin, you are the king of the obscure sometimes. It's probably before my time and far more hardcore than I could have dreamed of being at that age.

I have the Even Worse 12"... does anybody want it? Anybody? Anybody? It's got "Alimony", "I Think I'm A Clone Now" and "Lasagna", as well as the ever popular "Fat".

Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:52am
"Melanie" is the only good song... it's pretty twisted for a Weird Al song, he's going through all these things he did that might have frightened Melanie away, but he can't figure out why she won't date him or something. When I was very young and I first got this record I remember getting creeped out by that song. And the pictures of him with his foot over his shoulder.
Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:56am
Nevermind me not being aware of ECW btw... I only got into wrestling recently, now that I don't have to deal with people swearing it's not fake anymore. And I only know the classics from around 85-89.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:30am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 76990
That's exactly what I'm saying. George Michael is the anti-rave.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:29am. Posted in an 18-year-old snipped off his penis with garden pruning shears..
Coolness: 76990
I had an awful Datura trip one Hallowe'en long ago. It was a three-day nightmare. I thought the street was electrocuting me. I kept hallucinating I was doing things but then realizing I hadn't moved, or so it would seem, then somebody would mention what I just thought was a dream... I went to one of my classes at the theatre school I was attending at the time and was asked to improvise because apparently I didn't seem to be turning green enough or anything and spooked out the entire class by essentially believing I was somewhere else and acting like it. I couldn't tell up from down and everything kept on melting suddenly into bizarre landscape or whatever, but I couldn't figure out who the hell I was or where I was. It was sort of strange that I was able to get anywhere, but I guess I had brief moments of enough lucidity to function. The weird thing was how my short-term memory was totally fucked, and it would seem like events would get out of order. Like I'd be in one place, then suddenly in another thinking about what I had done, but I'd be doing it for the first time as I remembered it, as far as my sense of linear time was concerned. So goddamned fucked up. No wonder Hunter S. Thompson said that he would never do it. Think about it, the DUKE wouldn't do it... yikes.

That said, for information's sake I did the seeds, not the leaves. The leaves, if brewed, can be a mild euphoric and induce lucid dreaming, without all the bad trip shit I mentioned. Apparently keeping the flowering shrub near your bedside will do the same, that funny smell that Datura has apparently opens up some cerebral gateways. The seeds are dangerous for many reasons, mainly because they're highly toxic, and also because the dosage varies so greatly between seeds.

The biggest regret that anyone in that experience had was that it seemed to cause the beginning of a gradual nervous breakdown in one of our friends that led to him committing suicide. We swore after that night never to try it again, and I'm sticking by it. This is not a safe entheogen to ingest, and I strongly discourage anybody trying it just for hero points.

Oh and I bet if someone had handed me garden shears I'd have also lopped off Mr. Happy. It's that fucked up.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:17am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 76990
It's not PLUR, it's WHAM... War, Hate, Anarchy, Malice.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:16am. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 76990
Yer still a bunch a fookin cunts.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 19 Dec, 2007 @ 12:14am. Posted in ********* U R B A N - C H A O S ********** - Dec 22nd @ Cafe Chaos.
Coolness: 76990
You going to fly Odie back over here? As far as I know he just got back home... like last weekend... after much ado trying to figure out how. You gonna pay him?
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 17 Dec, 2007 @ 3:39pm. Posted in Attackers chop off man's 'magic' leg.
Coolness: 76990
It's the Kali Yuga actually, the age of Kali. This is why the Krishnas are so numerous, they believe that chanting is the only proper meditation for this epoch. But yeah, cutting off someone's leg for its magical powers is fucking retarded.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 17 Dec, 2007 @ 3:34pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 76990
According to The Encyclopedia Frobozzica of Zork fame, Quendor (aka the Great Underground Empire) rests on the shoulders of a giant Brogmoid. Quendor is flat, and is hence held up on sort of a disk with grooves and ridges on it which form all the tectonic surfaces of the world. The giant Brogmoid is supposedly standing on another disc-shaped world, also supported by an even larger Brogmoid. A smaller Brogmoid holds up a disc-shaped world above Quendor, as evidenced by the discovery in 883 GUE of its feet in the higher altitudes of Mount Foobia.

[ jzip.sourceforge.net ]

I figure this is my chance to find out if anybody on here is old enough to have played Zork Zero or for that matter the original Zorks I-III, Beyond Zork, and the Enchanter series. Oh and nerdy enough, but that goes without saying.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 17 Dec, 2007 @ 1:50am. Posted in Online alignment test.
Coolness: 76990
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 17 Dec, 2007 @ 1:46am. Posted in Top 1o Albulms Or 12 Inches Of 2007.
Coolness: 76990
Ah Colin ye make me look forward to the 21st with great anticipation.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 76990
Didn't you notice, I called everybody a cunt. It's ok, you don't need to get sand in your vagina there kid.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 76990
Awesome you heard that. But it's ok I like total cunts. Who else would I fuck?

Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:50pm
Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:51pm
Then in the mouth. See I'm bored, I'd even screw a twinkie.
Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:53pm
Changed my mind, just looked at your profile pics.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:29pm. Posted in Top Things You'd Overhear At A Rave....
Coolness: 76990
"Yo dude, remember Stevie Hyper D? R.I.P. yo"
"Uh yeah, he was pretty wicked"
"Best track yo *chew chew chew guern* biddyup n' woaohoh nanana anna ney, biddyup n' woaohoh nanana anna ney..." *ad infinitum*
"Did you do jib?"
"No, man, I mean, only three caps."
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Best Rave Gear.
Coolness: 76990
Hoes with guns.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:15pm. Posted in dbrain powa.
Coolness: 76990
Hmmm... D-Brain... um... yer wack!
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Monster movie !!!!.
Coolness: 76990
Gee, that's original, basing it in New York. Timely and everything. They just don't make enough movies about New York being under attack. Probably helps the city prepare for bizarre disasters that make absolutely no logical sense when explained by the mass media.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 9:00pm. Posted in Online alignment test.
Coolness: 76990
Japan is pathetic, they all draw the same. And it always looks gay.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:58pm. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 76990
All she's missing is a pearl necklace.

And a pink sock.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:58pm. Posted in this website need a free porn section.
Coolness: 76990
What we should do is have a section where we all take photos of our genitalia and breasts, but submit them anonymously, then play a guess who kind of game where we have to guess which private parts belong to whom. The winner gets to smell the crotch of the people correctly identified and guess what they've been eating.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:56pm. Posted in New Phones!.
Coolness: 76990
Rogers likes to charge you for mysterious shit though, and you can't reach a representative at all unless you know the special code words to say to "Emily" the English correspondent. And has anyone else noticed that even with the volume maxed the *611 messages are totally too quiet to hear? And how you're expected to talk to a machine? Imagine that, a machine that can understand every cadence of pronunciation.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:54pm. Posted in kinda like ice cream.
Coolness: 76990
Yeah you gotta eat bones for the white shits.

The best was when I was younger and my sister or I would eat a bunch of freezies and then laugh at our shit. We were pretty bored kids. We used to play with dead animals because our mom wouldn't buy us living pets.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:52pm. Posted in naps....
Coolness: 76990
Paralyzed arm, not really, but numb yes. And a mad huge boner. If you can get to the bathroom quickly enough it's like a stranger's touch.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:51pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 76990
I don't know, the rainbow graffiti is fading, so I'm sure the since is dieing.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 8:51pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 76990
Well considering I'm on WassUpOnEarth's ignore list for posting something jokingly while drunk let me just say YOU'RE A TOTAL CUNT. And your sense of humour is malfunctional.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 4:36am. Posted in 16-year old Ontario girl choked for not wearing Hijab.
Coolness: 76990
Yeah man you've really got abuse figured out, don't you AlienZed. That is the most retarded pile of crap I've read on here in a long time and that's saying a lot because [ rave.ca ] is BUILT ON RETARDED CRAP.

You think that someone deserves to be killed just because they in some way set off a loose cannon? You think that it has to do with adolescent disobedience when the issue goes beyond religion and is clearly one of domestic abuse going too far? It's not an ambiguous issue. Fathers who kill their daughters do it because of an internalized power struggle between their superego and ego. He can't deal with the lack of power over her so he exerts it in a violent manner, starting with a threat and letting it escalate to murder. Even if legally it is "manslaughter" she is dead, he is responsible, and the motive was, plain and simple, POWER. Look at every level of this psychological puzzle and it's all about power. A religious power wants power over women and changes the scripture, in a typically antidisestablishmentarian way, because having the state support that power structure leads to more power. Men in this culture habituate themselves to being the ones in control, to having that power over women. They enforce laws that are a direct result of the religio-military structure, then pass them down to the satellite churches in other countries, where people develop a fear of a power on high and a sense of empowerment from their religious role, then they get used to being the ones in power in the household, motivated by fear of God or Allah. The daughter grows up in a society that does not recognize this almighty power and the resulting clash with her father drives him to insanity and extremes that NO SANE FATHER WOULD COMMIT. Why would you give birth to a child only to kill her 16 years later? You'd have to be mad. And I doubt that the motive could ever be as simple as misbehaving. She opposed his power and was struck down by him as a result. This is the natural outcome of power-madness.

Did the point come across or do I need to emphasize it again? POWER is the problem. Typical, familiar, masculine might-is-right power.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 3:14am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 76990
Ha I could have predicted you were a sincester from a mile away. Got any good pr0n?
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 3:12am. Posted in More Gore!!!.
Coolness: 76990
Yikes... the movie is actually called (sqrt)964 Pinocchio, where (sqrt) is that square root symbol. She pukes some kind of chunky corn/rice blend for a good 15 minutes. Then eats it. And laughs.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 12:32am. Posted in naps....
Coolness: 76990
I inevitably over-nap. Usually up to two hours. I dream way too vividly and I can't help it really. When I've fallen asleep in class I've almost always woken up with at least one of my arms asleep, and the impression of my textbook on my face.

Oh yeah, and when you take a nap in public sometimes Jimmy gets all confused and thinks it's the morning again.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 12:26am. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 76990
Where you gonna go,
Where are you gonna hide?
You go on showing your twat
And we can see real deep inside.

I can feel your heart beat
Right through my schlong.
You don't have to worry
You just been lonely too long
I know what it means to pound yer twat
While you're trying to jog.

I'll fuck you running
I'll fuck you running

I know how you feel
You know I been there
But you try to start running away
Well I'm still up in there

Are you gonna worry
For the rest of your life
Why are you in such a hurry
To be lonely one more night?
I know what it means to plow your bush
While the two of us are on the move...

I'll fuck you running
I'll fuck you running...

Really, those are real Doobie Brothers lyrics.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 15 Dec, 2007 @ 12:05am. Posted in Yer a bunch a fookin cunts..
Coolness: 76990
Perfect place to aim the skeet.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 11:33pm. Posted in Best Rave Gear.
Coolness: 76990
Guns. Definitely bring your guns.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 11:32pm. Posted in sea.sound project.
Coolness: 76990
Aw great, I broke my brain reading all that.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 11:30pm. Posted in Antitheism.
Coolness: 76990
You know I was going to post something about all the quoting but I figured someone angrier would come along and do it.

"I am so smart. S-M-R-T." - Homer.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 9:31pm. Posted in Online alignment test.
Coolness: 76990
Screw your alignments! Look at what we're getting ourselves into! We have to hurry or we're toast. Toast in hell! And toast in hell burns, it doesn't toast at all!

[ www.chick.com ]
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 9:01pm. Posted in RANDOM-O-TRON III: Hardcore Edition! Friday Dec 21st BREAKCORE!.
Coolness: 76990
Wow man I'm getting all "hâte" thinking about it. Where's Kumala? I don't see a Kumala flyer. You should also do Captain Lou Albino. Come on, waste more money on printing costs!
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 8:58pm. Posted in Neurotik_New_Year_Party.
Coolness: 76990
I don't think I can go, I'm having one of those NYE's where I have to move out in a hurry or risk having all my stuff thrown out. No money, No fun. E.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 14 Dec, 2007 @ 8:52pm. Posted in More Gore!!!.
Coolness: 76990
That's not gore at all. That's puke, straight up puke. Over and over. Reminds me a bit of that scene in √964 Pinocchio. ☺☻
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages