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» elixireleven répondu dessus Wed 26 May, 2004 @ 9:43am. Posted in what are you doing right now?.
Coolness: 74175
watching the bohemian grove video by alex jones. what a halfwit.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 25 May, 2004 @ 7:05pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
made: interviews coming out my ass
made: training thursday
made: contract meeting tomorrow
made: finally some responses for actual fucking jobs
made: beer last night
made: dems da breaks this weekend?
made: shopping
made: LOTR
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 25 May, 2004 @ 7:03pm. Posted in I need flyer printer *Help.
Coolness: 74175
jgraphx. or banner graphics.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Mon 24 May, 2004 @ 1:27am. Posted in starry starry night.
Coolness: 74175
and how you suffered for your sanity
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sun 23 May, 2004 @ 11:19pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
ruined: stupid west island thugs
ruined: lasjfmaksfmalkmfa;lfm,af,;l fuckoff
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sun 23 May, 2004 @ 11:16pm. Posted in starry starry night.
Coolness: 74175
look out on a summer day
with eyes that know the darkness in my soul
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sun 23 May, 2004 @ 4:30pm. Posted in The Corporation.
Coolness: 74175
i'm going to move to a town created by disney.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Fri 21 May, 2004 @ 1:16pm. Posted in Anybody practicing meditation?.
Coolness: 74175
^^ thats what certain shamanic traditions say. if something happens to your astral corpus your physical body takes the brunt of it. get locked out, get killed, seriously injured, etc. take it with a grain of salt.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Anybody practicing meditation?.
Coolness: 74175
^^ what kind of bunk are you carrying in your trunk?
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 4:41pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
ruined: still no concrete job, just these loosely formulated contracts that arent really solid until the fucking paper is signed which means im still bloody broke as fuck
ruined: more sick than yesterday

made: got taken to see shrek last night
made: mushmush made me yummy dinner and paid for my movie
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Anybody practicing meditation?.
Coolness: 74175
yup, i do. trancendental meditation, focus exercises, blabla. its part of my training regiment from crescent moon school.

next big hurdle is astral travel without the use of hallucinogens.

i recommend vibrating mantras or the names of dieties, has an instantaneous effect. (ex.: nam myoho renge kyo) gluck.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 9:59am. Posted in What do you want today?.
Coolness: 74175
i want this job. i want it bad.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 9:59am. Posted in Who's u'r idols ?.
Coolness: 74175
Jens Karlson (of chapter3)
Anders Lindhom (co-author of metalheart)
Jon Forester (the now defunct cougardesign)

all graphic designers.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Wed 19 May, 2004 @ 6:03pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
ruined: sick
ruined: broke
ruined: no job still and had to fight to get a second interview tomorrow but at least its a bloody design company

made: driving to mushmushs tonight
made: geek party friday? maybe. unless my stupid sinuses stay in this horrible state
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 18 May, 2004 @ 6:27pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
i didnt say i thought i was fat. when you have a "fat day" it generally refers to a feeling of bloatedness or bulkyness though not actually stating "i am [ad lib]".

you shoo now.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 18 May, 2004 @ 1:01pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
dont tell me to shut up. you shut up. turdhead. boys are so unsympathetic.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 18 May, 2004 @ 2:50am. Posted in what song is stuck in your head? (now).
Coolness: 74175

spookydoo youre good for something.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 18 May, 2004 @ 2:47am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 74175
ruined: come down
ruined: i want that damned job. now. and no return email.
ruined: bad press
ruined: fat day
» elixireleven répondu dessus Tue 18 May, 2004 @ 2:45am. Posted in what song is stuck in your head? (now).
Coolness: 74175
its this song from donnie darko (really retro, from the 80s) with this guy who has a super low voice and hes signing something like loooove love will tear us apart nuh nuh nuh. if anyone knows the same or the artist, gimme a heads up pwease
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sun 16 May, 2004 @ 11:45pm. Posted in Art channel.
Coolness: 74175
i'll raise your carre-brainstate malevitch with my brainstate pollock. never doing mdma again. fini.

[ www.nga.gov ]
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sun 16 May, 2004 @ 11:30pm. Posted in freaky flow.
Coolness: 74175
started off good, got bored after a couple of hours tho. then i dont know what happened to me, i started wandering around the park by myself not really realizing how sketch the area was. oh well.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sun 16 May, 2004 @ 11:29pm. Posted in Troy.
Coolness: 74175
shrek ii wednesday. weeeeeeeeeeee
» elixireleven répondu dessus Sat 15 May, 2004 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Troy.
Coolness: 74175
exceptionally good movie, saw it last night as well at the amc. but the screwed up a coupld of things historically, namely the stautary didnt look quite as idealized for the time and at the very begining the big guy fighting achilles was wearing a torque and thats celtic, not greek. and achilles wasnt supposed to be in the trojan horse.

but im nit picking. i thought it was very well done with enough pomp and circumstance, and enough cheese to lay the foundations for the next three thousand years of dramatic storytelling.


and harry potter and the pris0oner of azkaban cant possibly suck, the storyline was better than chamber of secrets.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Fri 14 May, 2004 @ 12:58pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 74175
[ www.smlinks.com ]

this is the type of day it is today. im sure its old, cept i just discovered this link...
» elixireleven répondu dessus Fri 14 May, 2004 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Art channel.
Coolness: 74175

[ www.ibiblio.org ]

this is by hokusai (the great wave of of kanagawa, sp?), my choice of the day. its a relatively well known piece when referring to japanese print art. it actually inspired the decor to my room last summer, when i went on a made hunt for japanese prints to plaster my walls.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Fri 14 May, 2004 @ 12:44pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 74175
losing contracts for no fault of my own. damnit i need a job already.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Fri 14 May, 2004 @ 12:33pm. Posted in Art channel.
Coolness: 74175
hardly. you're attempting to reiterate points I've previously made and totally ignored others. i think selective reading is kind of sad, really.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 10:41pm. Posted in psychological mess.
Coolness: 74175
Originally posted by LONE STAR...

I *hate* it when I over analyse people when I'm high. A never ending loop of self-analysing comes usually with it too. I interprete something that happens and try to find every god damn things that would make the person act/say that way (going even as far as childhood memories or experiences of the person). Sometimes I enjoy the ride but sometimes I just wanna break free. Anyway to get the hell out of that state of mind? I've only been thinking of such (usually stupid) things since I started my second half of the term (3-4 weeks ago).


this is why i stopped doing "natural" drugs. i find they're volatile when mixed with my personality and less easier to control than a chemical substance. mind over matter i think.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 10:26pm. Posted in Something most ppl don't know about you..
Coolness: 74175
i am. seriously. but stupid people get me madder faster these days.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 10:14pm. Posted in what Personality Disorder are YOU???.
Coolness: 74175
bad thog. behave.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 10:02pm. Posted in what Personality Disorder are YOU???.
Coolness: 74175
highly narcissistic and paranoid. moderately histrionic. everything else was hunky dory. except for the fact that theyre all out to get me.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 10:01pm. Posted in Something most ppl don't know about you..
Coolness: 74175
im a short fuse.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Art channel.
Coolness: 74175
you totally missed my point. completely and utterly.

what lions? en-light-en-ment. not, en-lion-ment.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 12:47pm. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 74175
okok, but you know how tlc had set up a staged documentary during the movie's release? i went to see it very early on while all the publicity was running rampant stating that it was a true account of something that happened in this little hick down in the states.

so i was a sucker to get thoroughly enraptured in it and freaked out. i wouldnt watch it again though, no more edge to it
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 12:42pm. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 74175
event horizon, totally freaked me out. i have a problem with anything missing eyes. or anything involving a mouldy bitch - like the tv version of the shining. even blair witch's final scene with the screaming and the guy in the corner.

theyre all relatively tame compared to some of the stuff listed here, but i freak out on trippy imagery. really fast choppy little splices of whatever, tends to stick with me longer than mutilated bodies.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 12:24pm. Posted in Art channel.
Coolness: 74175
[ ]

Death and the Miser, Bosch
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 12:20pm. Posted in Art channel.
Coolness: 74175
Originally posted by ELIXIRELEVEN

...imagination paintings are useless to me. i like seeing life through the eyes of someone.

that presents something of a contradiction, wouldn't you say that all art is representative of the vision of the artist, modified by that individual's perception?

but that isnt a solid excuse to define an artistic message as crap, if you can't see the artist's perception yourself. its ok to not understand something, but it takes a lot more character to say 'i dont get this' rather than shuffle it off as garbage.

pish posh heironymus bosch.
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 12:10pm. Posted in Troy.
Coolness: 74175
iiii cant wait. gonna go see this shizzle tomorrow
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 12:09pm. Posted in happy biRfday kitty cat cat.
Coolness: 74175
happy birthday cat!
» elixireleven répondu dessus Thu 13 May, 2004 @ 1:21am. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 74175
how is it one thirty already?
elixireleven's Profile - Community Messages