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Picnic Electronic
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BOBDYLAN replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 12:45am
Coolness: 148465
I got at picnic electronic couples of time so euh,
I might look like a negative basstard, but here's my opinion: Picnic electronic sucks, gros-temps! So I point no one directly here, just being a dork :

[ www.rave.ca ] , how absurde that people put much more attention on their hair/clothes/accessories than the music they are listening too. I mean, if you REALLY like the music who play there; you are totaly numb about techno/tekno. Could you disgrace more tekno by playing even gayer songs/live ? please, hit me with the gayest merengue/house/latino set that have ever been created!! encore! encore!! people were shouting; encouraging their ignorant ears into unknowledge deafness being blind about it cuz they look so cool with their mega TECKY outfit and their mega futurist haircut like on a cover of a star trek magazine; jesus fuck, is that Spock there with the red mohawk ?

FUN !!!!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Czarkastik replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 3:45am
Coolness: 149285
i actually like picnic, it's a cool concept, etc... but what really pisses me off is to see so many people there dancing and enjoying themselves.. where are all these people at other techno events? where are these people at underground events? minimal techno stuff is IMPOSSIBLE to do in montreal... except for certain promoters who have succeeded.. (and good for them, dont get me wrong) .. i just get the feeling sometimes at picnic electronique that these people dont give a fuck about the music, they dont even know what they are listening to... still, support, positivity, if people learn from picnic what techno and minimal techno is, then all the better (even if they need some gay shit to get them into it heheh)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cactain_steef replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 11:18am
Coolness: 154955
haha, i only been to one piknik elektronik, an that was the 'bboy edition' one on saturday... prettty bawwlin, i dno bout the regular sunday ones tho...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» SebastianPrelar replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 1:16pm
Coolness: 65070
Hmmmm I'm quite neutral, I don't love it, I don't hate it. The location kicks, cool green areas with the whole MTL skyline in view. As for the event itself, I went a few times last year, and only once this year. I have to admit I wasnt impressed at all with the music, the DJ (don't even remember who it was) really sucks, he was bad and the music he put was too. The DJ's played safe music, no risks or anything, with the same styles I've heard 100000 times. And I have to say it was pretty funny to see all those " look I'm cool I wear cool clothes" people, Laval style, happy to show them off in a superficial mood. Lots of them take that shit waaay too seriously. And like Lalla mentioned, where are they during the regular techno events??? That's the question.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» SebastianPrelar replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 1:21pm
Coolness: 65070
AND becuz of all the fuckin pink polos I saw last time, I'm voting -GAY- ostie
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» daFTWin replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 1:36pm
Coolness: 276715
I dunno, I don't take into account what people are wearing when I go somewhere.
I rate it on how much I enjoy it.

Like you said seb, The location is awsome, you got this amazing view of montreal and the water, I went with yasmine this past saturday, and I really enjoyed it.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 2:17pm
Coolness: 55570
Most of the crackers you see dancing and cheering for lame techno are leftovers from the after-hours massive who tried speed for the first time and can't find the off-switch.

If you're about promotion, you need to flyer these fucks when they're cheering their asses off like a 5 year-old at a water park. It's like they're asking you for it. They don't know what is what. You just go and tell them you're their daddy.

I've had some amazing times at Pique nique. Well, one anyway. The only time I went Aquasky showed up for a suprise set so it was like a private party with only 50 peeps there. Phat location. And it looks like there might be some surprises this summer as well...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 3:22pm
Coolness: 150740
...So do I go, or not?

Like Katie said, the people around aren't a bother to me unless they spit on me, shit on me, steal my shit, or sell me shitty drugs, etc. If they're just wearing super-cool-cosmic-clothing and parading around like billboards and yell encore to electro that can be equated to elevator muzak, I say that's their fucking problem and I don't really see how that can translate into yours or mine. And I certainly don't think that that can be used as a basis for judging the event itself.

I mean, even though i've never been to one of these events, i've always beeen excited to try one out. And I would judge the event based on my own experience from what I enjoyed; such as the Music and the atmosphere. If the people there are your problem... well that sucks for you.

However! If the music sucks.... to me that's a different story.

The way I see this: is that it reminds me of Cirucs. The people there are usually lame and sketched out, and sometimes, the music blows big dick. Raising the chances that i'll have a terrible time.

Yet, there are other times when the same lame people are still sketched out and giving me werid looks... but the DJ is playing a wicked set that suits me, and I meet a few cool people that I can talk to, and dance with -I can have a really great time, regardless of who's around! To me, that's what matters most: cool people and good music. Not Joe Blow who thinks he's dancing to disco or Buddy who wants to stab me because I glanced at his girlfriend.

Know what i'm saying?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 3:40pm
Coolness: 150740
Originally posted by KARL MARX...

i actually like picnic, it's a cool concept, etc... but what really pisses me off is to see so many people there dancing and enjoying themselves..

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mr_Frog replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 4:01pm
Coolness: 97380
I like going to piknic.
Music is relax, chilling music, people are friendly, there's grass, water, the location is awesome, I always find friends, some people I don't see often. I'm not going there to dance, but to chill on the grass with friends, with some good minimal tech/house music in the background.
I don't care about others, only about my friends and all theses cute girls! :)

I don't think it's gay, even if it's full of gays!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 5:23pm
Coolness: 145700
I have never been there but I dont think I have to be there in person to know it the gh3ey.....my hunch was too big.....plus I dont even go to MUTEK so a minimal line-up wont make me whip out my CAM to take the metro all the way there.....I dont hate minimal but I dont love it either....it's ok to my ears....but people with too much awareness on fashion and not enough on music dont actually make me wanna mingle.....fak my vote goes to gay ostie as well....hehehe sorry for the coying there Sebastien.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» davesob replied on Mon Jun 27, 2005 @ 7:20pm
Coolness: 53235
I went yeasterday, and it was alot of fun. Tommie Sunshine played ok. Its not a place to go to hear a great dj set, but It was still good musically, At one point he played Pump up the Jam-Technotronic followed by the 3rd track on the M.I.A. cd , then `London Calling` by the Clash. I really love all those songs, and he kinda made them work together. And besides, where else can you bring in your own beers and get your drink on legally on a sunday outdoors.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» spo_onani replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 4:12am
Coolness: 75965
Originally posted by SEBASTIANPRELAR...

AND becuz of all the fuckin pink polos I saw last time, I'm voting -GAY- ostie

mwahahahaha j'approuve !
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Choda_Bean replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 4:25am
Coolness: 220250
Originally posted by DAVESOB...

And besides, where else can you bring in your own beers and get your drink on legally on a sunday outdoors.

i always wondered if u can bring in your own beer. i'll definately go one sunday this summer to check it out for myself...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nuclear replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 7:39am
Coolness: 2604265
You can bring your own beer as long as it's in cans...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cactain_steef replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 9:35am
Coolness: 154955
hehe... iuno.. we had bottles, but they came up to us and gave us plastic cups..rather nice, dear!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» prvd replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 2:21pm
Coolness: 34990
"Not Joe Blow who thinks he's dancing to disco or Buddy who wants to stab me because I glanced at his girlfriend.

Know what i'm saying?"

Hahaha I totally hear you on that,

Sort of O/T could someone please explain the fascination with taking your shirt off at events (day/night/indoor/outdoor). I mean I am not a prude but we as a society have agreed to go around clothed. I'd like to formally ask for those of you that do this to please spare me the sight of your sweety hairy back when I am coming down from LSD-25. Its unpleasant and unnecessary
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» earthyspirit replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 2:51pm
Coolness: 229955
IT's HOT outside, can't expect everyone to stay clothed when they're sweating buckets.

I went to this a couple weeks ago for kicks, was fun to hacky sack to music!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mr_Frog replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 4:07pm
Coolness: 97380
well, I'm sorry, but at a sunny event like the Piknic Electronik, if I want to tan, I will remove my t-shirt for sure, elseway I'll tan like a farmer.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 10:28pm
Coolness: 201505
it seems like sunday the choice is either hippy's drumming or clubbers and batty boys dancing shirtless to techno..

Or you could just stay in
Picnic Electronic
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