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What Kind Of Pc'S Are You Lot Rockin ?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Intoccabile replied on Fri Sep 17, 2004 @ 10:46pm
Coolness: 65150
So, so, so, so ! What kind of pc's do you have ?

Those Athlon 64's look rather yummy

Anyone here have 'em ?

What would you suggest : AMD or Intel motherboard ?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Sep 17, 2004 @ 10:48pm
Coolness: 339965
Building an intel system is easier than building an athlon system.

that is all.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Intoccabile replied on Fri Sep 17, 2004 @ 11:05pm
Coolness: 65150
In terms of performance... let's say on one side we have an intel at 2400 and on the other side an Athlon at 2400, everything else being equal

What system do you think would be better ?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Sep 17, 2004 @ 11:28pm
Coolness: 339965
depends entirely on what you're using the computer for.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Fri Sep 17, 2004 @ 11:46pm
Coolness: 201525
To equal the performance of an athlon64 you'd probably have to pay a lot more if you go the intel route. Plus it can run 64bit software but that's probably not an issue for most people unless you run linux or enjoy using beta versions of windows.

I have an athlon xp 1800 and a centrino 1.5ghz laptop (intel). Athlons seem to handle music software well in general but you have to pay attention to how loud the fan is as that can become a problem for recording/listening. I don't know about the newer chips but athlons used to have a tendency to run hot so they needed good cooling.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 12:04am
Coolness: 339965
Originally posted by CLASH...

To equal the performance of an athlon64 you'd probably have to pay a lot more if you go the intel route. Plus it can run 64bit software but that's probably not an issue for most people unless you run linux or enjoy using beta versions of windows.

AND want to have more than 2 gigs or ram. which is stupid/pointless to even bring up.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 1:21am
Coolness: 201525
not at all if you are running very demanding software
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 7:54am
Coolness: 339965
you really don't know what a 64 bit system does do you..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 8:01am
Coolness: 339965
let's explain what 64 bit means.

bigger memory addresses... AND bigger integer sizes.

what does that mean? it means you can have up to 8 gigs of memory due to the increased addresses.

as for the integer size, well then you can hold larger numbers, which is great.. IF you're going to be working with huge numbers..

like.. 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.

with a 32 bit processor you can do 0 to 4,294,967,295

here's the catch though, you were ALWAYS able to calculate with bigger numbers on a 32 bit system, just not with integers. So the only benefit is it's a bit more efficient with those large numbers. But virtually no consumer applications use such large numbers, unless you specialize in mathematics.

So, real advantage to 64bit vs 32 bit..? More ram. the end.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 11:42am
Coolness: 145500
my cat likes tuna fish
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 1:37pm
Coolness: 201525
neoform: you said it was stupid or pointless to bring up needing more than 2 gigs of ram. This is not true...

Try running some demanding audio, 3d, video software, image editing with very high resolutions and many layers, OR RUNNING A SERVER. Those applications could benefit from as much ram as you have.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» El_Presidente replied on Sat Sep 18, 2004 @ 2:49pm
Coolness: 299625
try running cubase sx 20-30 of the latests vsts
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 1:28am
Coolness: 339965
do you know anyone with more than 2gigs of ram?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cvxn replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 8:01am
Coolness: 178945
I don't know, but I want some lololol :lol
I need a new comp... This one is quite fast, it's a Celeron 1.7 GHz (something like a P4)...
But it's running on Windows, 56k and no firewall.. :(
It's risky lololol

I'd like on install Redhat on another comp, is it a good OS?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 7:53pm
Coolness: 201525
I'd get more than 2 gigs of ram if I had enough money to do so
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cvxn replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 8:16pm
Coolness: 178945
Me too...
And a T3+ lolololol!!! :D (I wish...)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» lakester replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 10:12pm
Coolness: 59980
i'm on a P4 1.6 GHz with 256 MB of RAM. i can't imagine what i'd do with 2 GB (or more) of RAM. i should upgrade to 512 MB at least though.

my laptop is a P4 2.4 GHz with 384 MB of RAM. supposed to have 512 MB though, so i gotta bring it back.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bleeding_Through replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 11:06pm
Coolness: 54115
apple does the greatests computers.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lady replied on Mon Sep 20, 2004 @ 12:12am
Coolness: 182830
i dont know much about computers, i find myself lucky enough to sometimes connect to the internet

and speaking of which is anyone here good to like figure out whats wrong with a computer and then possibly fix the problem

my computer in montreal, isnt even 3 years old yet and honestly its in such a bad state you could just throw it out the window and it wouldnt make a diffrence

if anyone can help me out when i get home it would be much appreciatd,
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Mon Sep 20, 2004 @ 2:02am
Coolness: 201525
isnt even 3 years old yet

For a computer that's pretty old.

honestly its in such a bad state you could just throw it out the window and it wouldnt make a diffrence

Probably loaded with spyware, nothing a good format can't fix
What Kind Of Pc'S Are You Lot Rockin ?
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