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Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Fri Feb 27, 2004 @ 12:08pm
Coolness: 71760
first you go to
[ www.imomus.com ]

then you try a daily picture
[ www.imomus.com ]

then you click on the pic and get a cool article
[ www.livejournal.com ]
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Mon Mar 29, 2004 @ 1:28pm
Coolness: 71760
once again, momus strikes a chord
[ www.livejournal.com ]
"Preparing my studio this week for new recordings, I rediscovered a lost truth: men are only truly happy when having sex or playing with little electrical boxes, and most happy when the two activities can be combined. (I exclude those men who like sports and wars and hunting and money and stuff like that. They're some kind of troglodyte sub-species, trapped in a Plato's cave of euphemism and metaphor.)"
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Wed Mar 31, 2004 @ 11:12am
Coolness: 145745
I like this a lot!

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Thu Apr 1, 2004 @ 2:16pm
Coolness: 141690
looks like the head of a mini japenese dancing robot...any of you seen those things...like whoa
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PookStah replied on Thu Apr 1, 2004 @ 5:34pm
Coolness: 106240
hah gordo your right..it does look like a mini jap robot
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 2:40pm
Coolness: 71760
ahhh ... momus....

"We need to draw people's attention to the toxicity of cars. We need to counter all the careless car-love, all the slick advertising, and make the idea that cars are toxic thinkable and sayable.

I'll say it right here. Cars are ugly. I hate them. I hate the look of them, the politics of them, the noise they make, their smell. I'd be delighted to see more cars in cities getting scratched, defaced, daubed with slogans, burned out. Cars deserve public vituperation much more than terrorists do. Cars are an idea that has had its time. They're past their sell-by date and they're damaging the world and the things I love.

A car cannot be cool. The world would be better off without cars. I will vote for people who are anti-car (unless they're Nader and my vote just helps an oil president). I want politicians to be proposing car-free cities, car-free days and car-free weeks, and eventually car-free nations and car-free years. I want to see Barcelona ban the carrida the way it has just banned the corrida. I want car bans to expand at the rate that smoking bans are currently expanding. I want to hear rhetoric about cars that matches rhetoric about terrorists. I want to see a big statue of Henry Ford toppled, to massive applause from freedom-loving people all over the world."
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 2:50pm
Coolness: 685915
I want to see where your going to get all the money to replace travel. Planes use gas. So do boats. They're also destroying the environment just as much, but you aren't complaining about them because you are following the trend of bitching about commercialy popular things because you probably "hate" capitalism. Your ideas are too narrow to ever be taken as anything more than a utopian pot-smoke inspired dream.

You want to get rid of cars, then propose a solution to them. Metro/trains going everywhere? Those cost more to build than cars. And, since, as I pointed out, cars are NOT the only thing poluting our environment with the use of fosil fules, how are you going to replace planes and boats? Or do we just have to start living like we were in the 1600s again? Let's get rid of plumbing and electricity while we're at it and read by candle-light, piss in the streets and bathe once a year.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 2:53pm
Coolness: 71760
sometimes i just sit and travel
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 3:01pm
Coolness: 71760
read the article here:

[ www.livejournal.com ]

its bascially saying cars are worse terrorists than the "terrorist threat"

"I want to hear about the complete separation of cars from cities. I want to see proposals from architecture students to put cars in underground tubes and tunnels. I want car drivers to be troglodytes. I want to see car drivers paying the actual price their cars cost the world, not just the cost of the metal and the gas. I want computers to take over all the functions of driving, not just parking, and I want cars to evolve into public spaces. For instance, when cars are snarled in tailbacks, I want little doors between their noses and tails to open automatically, turning the rows of private cars into a trainlike public space with a corridor. I want to see people getting up from their car seats, stretching, and walking up and down that corridor, looking at other people, buying a cup of green tea from a trolley."
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 3:43pm
Coolness: 685915
That is such utopian hippy bullshit that I can smell the BO from here in the waste.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 3:56pm
Coolness: 71760
wiggaz is scared of evolution
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 4:14pm
Coolness: 685915
Man, have you READ any of what you posted? All those options are stupid and COMPLETELY un-realistic. Cars "merging" into tunnels? That takes apart the whole concept of having a car. And the thing about putting all the drivers in tunnels like troglodytes? Man, that's nice. It's great to see that humans are "evolving" into beings who now not only hate others because of the color of their skin, the language they speak, their sexual orientation, their religious beliefs, their musical tastes and the clothes their wearing, YOUR proposing that we also discriminate and hate bassed on a NEED some people have for a specific mode of transportation?

It's utopian idealist bullshit, written by someone who also thinks we should worship nature, grow our own vegetables and wear non-synthetic clothing and shoes with no leather.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 4:22pm
Coolness: 71760
obviously you don't get it
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 4:28pm
Coolness: 685915
What, is it "subliminal" anti-capitalist propaganda? Or maybe a "subliminal" protest on the war on iraq by making a utopian society so that oil not be needed anymore?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 4:44pm
Coolness: 71760
i know! lets all be slaves to exxon and esso!
meilleur chance la prochaine fois
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