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Mary Jane Conquers All...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Sat Dec 7, 2002 @ 4:53pm
Coolness: 52730
So i officially "met" one of the original ottawa snobby~jib~faced~junglettes. "Hectic Heather."

when i knew her before she was such a jib/coke head that she wouldnt talk to you unless you were a Dj/promoter... so we were never anywhere near anything like "friends"... but she knew who i was, and i knew who she was. partially through xvi, and also becasuse we have many mutual friends. so anyways, i recently "met" her. and she has completely changed.
she is no longer hectic. she quit chems and just smokes weed/drinks.
i mean shes still a sketch bitch, and always will be, but i can totally deal/communicate with her now. Mary jane has the power to free people like her and i from the evil sketch of meth or coke then how could it be that bad?

I mean, i know that escapism isnt healthy.
but smoking weed to keep yourself from becoming the sketch that you once were makes sence right?

cause without the sedation of THC the meth~sketch comes out and hurts/insults people.

so isnt it better to just keep yourself sedated?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 12:22am
Coolness: 141645
Wilbur Smith....read....escapism
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 2:25am
Coolness: 66795
oh this is great
you don't have the mental will power to resit one drug, so you consume another to build that will power. GOOD GOING!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» somekid replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 3:08am
Coolness: 85285
TV is a drug!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» mdc replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 12:33pm
Coolness: 149095
everything is a drug... if you define a drug as smoething addictive that screws your perception of reality....
advetising, tv, radio, music, books, pop culture, nationalism, friends
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 3:09pm
Coolness: 91970
"a drug is defined as any substance, other than food, which is taken to change the way the body and/or mind function"
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 3:13pm
Coolness: 685870
Ok, hash brownies and mushroom tea for breakfast it is! 'cause it's food, so I won't be doing drugs.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» mdc replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 4:28pm
Coolness: 149095
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 7:33pm
Coolness: 141645
I filled my Dristan nosilator with liquid heroin, i'm not doing drugs...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Agent_Yogurt replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 10:50pm
Coolness: 133890
once again elliot, weed sucks
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» djAmalgam replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 10:53pm
Coolness: 106070
You are soo right. Last nite Iznogood smoked me on one of his numerous joints and fuuuuuuck, i REALLY hate that stuff. More than i thought i did. It's icky.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Agent_Yogurt replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 10:54pm
Coolness: 133890
your cool
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 11:17pm
Coolness: 141645
Me: weed is wonderful
Myself: If it's so wonderful, then why are you trying to quit smoking it???
Me: Shhhhhh...don't tell people that, they're not supposed to know.
Myself: Just admit it, you know you are.
Me: Shhh...I know that, but if i don't admit it, then i can still smoke, until, well it's die or stop.
I: shit this isn't easy, especially when wherever i go, i have friends wanting to smoke me, but weed really is amazing, i believe.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 11:32pm
Coolness: 201505
I'll take a pot head over a tweeker anyday. I mean smoking weed constantly is not something to be proud of but at least I can tolerate being around those people sometimes...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 12:42am
Coolness: 141645
speaking from expeirience, you don't talk to much with the potheads, it's mostly talking about weed, or when you want to smoke again, or where you want to smoke this one or what flavored papes you want to use, or L cone or single paped, or talking about why so many people complain when we aren't even bothering people...as we smoke in a park around a childerens playground...i mean i can't deny i love to smoke and all, and i do encourage people to smoke it if they have a problem it can help with, but the whole pothead thing is getting old for me, and besides it took my focus away from things i love, like women...so i do encourage people to smoke if they like it, but don't become a stereotyped pothead, trust me, it doesn't do you good, and it's a hard reputation kill...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» somekid replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 3:29am
Coolness: 85285
I'll admit that I had a bit of a rep and so do many of my friends, but we sure as hell don't talk about the stuff you listed. If we do talk about that stuff it's for 5 minutes only. As an avid smoker I sure you've rented or own half baked and you theirfor know that their are different types of stoners.

Have you ever seen IMAX SPACE STATION 3D ON WEED?

PS I haven't smoked in over a mounth but I intend to as soon as I get to Montreal.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 11:34am
Coolness: 52730
Void null wrote: "oh this is great
you don't have the mental will power to resit one drug, so you consume another to build that will power. GOOD GOING!"

I never said i didnt have the will power to resist the drug. I hate crystal, i will never do it again. partially because of recent events...
having lost one of my best friends to it, again.

i said that i find it hard to stay posative and constructive when i dont smoke Mary Jane, because of the sketch from crystal.

But im working on reconstructing my life to have proper vents so i dont freak out on people anymore. Vents like kickboxing, volenteering, and possibly something like medatation or yoga...

and meg, i dont mean any offence but please, if your trying to form an arguement against weed can it at least be more constructive/creative then "weed sucks."

Smokin herbs is at least more constructive then watching Television since you actually create something... like new ideas, concepts, philosophies, artwork, etc.

Marijuana has affected most musicians/artists from past to present. In my opinion K sucks, and crystal/coke suck way more.
but i try to form arguemnts against them like the massive amounts of braindamage they cause, or how they can affect people for the worst(in my personal experience)

but weed does suck. its too good, makes life too enjoyable/pleasant. so pleasant in fact that you dont have any modivation to fix the problems not only just in your life, but in the world.

weed is the problem. since most of the creative/rebelious children end up getting into ganja, and instead of changing the world for the better, they just sit around smoking joints, and get too focused on the problems.

we need solutions.

and unfortunately, the people who are most driven to make changes in the world, are usually the coke/crystal heads. since they have the addiction driving them forward to make money to fund it.

and money makes the most changes in the world.

i could go on and on about the problems of the world. but thats another one of them.
we need solutions. not problems.

blah. this is the time where i usually smoke a doobie and to calm myself down, and forget the problems which plague me.

but i refuse.

cause i will make changes.
maybe not for a long time.
but eventually. i will.

and as hard as it is to give up my rastafari religion to do so... i must.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 11:46am
Coolness: 66795
It's quite simple really.
Drugs are relatively safe if done with intelligence. And based on what I've read here, most of you don't.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Optimist_pRhyme replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 11:51am
Coolness: 52730
voidnull wrote: "It's quite simple really.
Drugs are relatively safe if done with intelligence."

its true, and the more drugs you do the less intelligent you are.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Unknown User replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 11:55am
Coolness: 1200
optimus pRhyme: thank you :) finally someone who believes in purity
Mary Jane Conquers All...
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