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Nuclear's Profile - Oneliners
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On Thu Jan 31, 2002 » Nuclear said
"1 + 1 = 3"
On Tue Jan 29, 2002 » Nuclear said
"Gurls rule..."
On Sun Jan 27, 2002 » Nuclear said
"Happy anniversary sarahluv..."
On Mon Jan 21, 2002 » Nuclear said
"I'll be your valentine..."
On Sun Jan 20, 2002 » Nuclear said
"A world without sex is not a world at all..."
On Fri Jan 11, 2002 » Nuclear said
"Some people have said that Nymph is a god and plays with people's avatar files ;)... Who will be the next victim!"
On Fri Jan 11, 2002 » Nuclear said
"This place is for oneliners... If you wanna have conversations use the message board!"
On Sat Dec 29, 2001 » Nuclear said
"Do you like pickled penis?"
On Wed Dec 12, 2001 » Nuclear said
"I heard that shpub has big tits..."
On Wed Oct 17, 2001 » Nuclear said
"What is originality? Undiscovered plagiarism."
On Wed Oct 17, 2001 » Nuclear said
"The world is watching America, and America is watching TV."
On Wed Oct 17, 2001 » Nuclear said
"Our greatness lies not in how high we climb, but in picking ourselves up after a fall."
On Mon Oct 8, 2001 » Nuclear said
"It's like the ottawa modo... If yah wanna pick up a gurl... just goto a montreal party!"
On Fri Sep 21, 2001 » Nuclear said
"So many little girls, I feel like a pedophile in here."
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Nuclear's Profile - Oneliners
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