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mdc's Profile - Oneliners
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On Tue Nov 12, 2002 » mdc said
"if it aint black it aint eddie murphy"
On Tue Nov 12, 2002 » mdc said
"three times out of two im dropping my goo"
On Mon Nov 11, 2002 » mdc said
"my brain hurts... class sucks!"
On Sun Nov 10, 2002 » mdc said
"its true... except replace he by she... *sigh*"
On Sun Nov 10, 2002 » mdc said
"*blink... blink*"
On Sun Nov 10, 2002 » mdc said
"it's NEVER too early to puke"
On Sat Nov 9, 2002 » mdc said
"whats with all the florist comments ian? is there a nice florist you have your eye on? (yes i said EYE... singular... only one eye is on her)"
On Sat Nov 9, 2002 » mdc said
"yeah i mixed those three together yesterday... bad bad bad"
On Sat Nov 9, 2002 » mdc said
"yes... drunk is good... alcohol makes you forget... like the great Eagles once said: "Some dance to remember, some dance to forget!" well replace dance by drink"
On Fri Nov 8, 2002 » mdc said
"*joins him* WHOOOOO!!! YEAH!!! ALRIGHT!!!"
On Fri Nov 8, 2002 » mdc said
"ok *gently places paper cut-out of breasts in hand ian ISN'T using to jerk himself off*"
On Fri Nov 8, 2002 » mdc said
"pear of apples you say? well how do ya like them apples!!!! *shows ian paper cut-out of breasts*"
On Fri Nov 8, 2002 » mdc said
"what's green and goes 500km/h backwards?"
On Fri Nov 8, 2002 » mdc said
"how about poor dj jokes? ever hear the one about the poor dj? his name was ian (this time i do mean poor financially)"
On Thu Nov 7, 2002 » mdc said
"i did and i do"
On Thu Nov 7, 2002 » mdc said
"i have nothing"
On Thu Nov 7, 2002 » mdc said
"dead people move ian... its called post-mortem reaction... and because i dig them up and screw them"
On Wed Nov 6, 2002 » mdc said
"but not ugly ones... cuz we all know what that leads to... OVERPOPULATION!!!"
On Tue Nov 5, 2002 » mdc said
"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! oh... for a minute there i thought you said cheese"
On Tue Nov 5, 2002 » mdc said
"apples taste better when they're covered with sugar and stuffed with razor blades"
On Sat Nov 2, 2002 » mdc said
"its true... have you ever seen them in the same room together??? i think not"
On Fri Nov 1, 2002 » mdc said
"yeah... born on different days and in different hospitals, to different parents"
On Fri Nov 1, 2002 » mdc said
"life is boring when you have nothing to live for and your life is just one useless, boring episode after another"
On Thu Oct 31, 2002 » mdc said
"that poor bastard..."
On Tue Oct 29, 2002 » mdc said
"how about the feeling of your girlfriend of 1 year dumping your ass cuz things are suddenly 'moving too fast'?"
On Mon Oct 28, 2002 » mdc said
"why? did someone set him on fire?"
On Mon Oct 28, 2002 » mdc said
"silverchairs are made of silver and must be expensive"
On Mon Oct 28, 2002 » mdc said
"boning is great! you should try it ian.. hehehe"
On Sat Oct 26, 2002 » mdc said
"money makes the world go brown... i guess it made more sense in my head"
On Fri Oct 25, 2002 » mdc said
"brothers are stupid... especially ones that move to San Francisco right when you need an older brother to talk to and receive guidance from...."
On Fri Oct 25, 2002 » mdc said
"i think i have a superfluous third testicle"
On Fri Oct 25, 2002 » mdc said
"toes: like little fingers, but for your feet"
On Wed Oct 23, 2002 » mdc said
"for a better time call me"
On Wed Oct 23, 2002 » mdc said
"You're lucky you're not in an alley, cuz i'd rape you"
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