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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: America's Other War Escalating
Title:US CA: Column: America's Other War Escalating
Published On:2002-01-20
Source:Contra Costa Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 23:33:16

It looks like the war is about to turn a lot uglier. No, I'm not talking
about Afghanistan. I'm talking about America's Other War -- the Drug War --
and the way it's playing out down in Colombia, where a simmering civil war
is wired to explode.

After three contentious years, the Colombian government broke off peace
talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) late last
week, as 12,000 troops prepared to retake control of the demilitarized
region ceded to the rebels in 1998. FARC leaders responded by vowing to use
"all forms of struggle" against the government and its supporters.

This will undoubtedly lead to a much bloodier phase of the conflict -- now
in its 38th year -- that pits the rebels against the Colombian military and
right-wing paramilitary groups. The war has already claimed 40,000 mainly
civilian lives in the last 10 years.

The question is: Will the U.S. role in this intensified war increase the
chances for peace or increase the civilian body count?

For an answer, look to the fact that President Andres Pastrana broke off
the peace talks just one day after the U.S. ambassador handed him the keys
to 14 spanking new Black Hawk combat helicopters -- part of the $1.6
billion in aid, most of it military, Congress has earmarked for Colombia.

"We will continue working together to liberate Colombia, the region and the
hemisphere from narcotics," said Ambassador Anne Patterson at the chopper
ceremony. This one statement sums up the pie-in-the-sky ludicrousness of
U.S. drug policy.

After 35 years of failed eradication, interdiction and "liberation," our
government still doesn't get it. The problem isn't the supply from foreign
countries; it's the demand here at home.

And since the drugs she intends to liberate the hemisphere from are grown
in areas protected by both the FARC and the paramilitary groups, she and
her bosses in Washington are effectively condemning the United States to
stage manage an escalating battle with highly questionable allies and no
endgame in sight.

The helicopters are only supposed to be used for counternarcotics efforts
- -- but if the Colombian military finds itself in the midst of an all-out
war, don't you think it's going to be just a little tempted to put those
state-of-the-art Black Hawks to use on the rebels?

After all, its record for restraint and a strict interpretation of the
rules of engagement leaves quite a bit to be desired -- starting with its
close ties to the paramilitary death squads, which were recently placed on
the State Department's list of terrorist organizations. If President Bush
is serious about declaring war on all regimes harboring terrorists, what
are we doing arming one of these regimes to the teeth?

Or is Ambassador Patterson planning to take back the Black Hawks, one by
one, each time the paramilitary terrorists slaughter innocent civilians?

The collapse of the peace talks demonstrates just how wrong the champions
of Plan Colombia were when they insisted that the best way to speed the
peace process was to strengthen the Colombian military.

In fact, just the opposite has happened. Hard-liners in the Colombian
military have been emboldened to believe that Uncle Sam would come to the
rescue if things turned ugly, while the rebels have found little reason to
make peace with a government fortifying itself with billions in military aid.

Military analysts agree that neither side can win this war. And what has
made the war even more unwinnable is that it has become so thoroughly
enmeshed in that quintessentially unwinnable fight -- the war on drugs.
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