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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: A Medical Marijuana Campaign Report Card
Title:US: A Medical Marijuana Campaign Report Card
Published On:2003-08-10
Source:Portsmouth Herald (NH)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 17:15:08

Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana has put together a voters' guide
indicating how potential 2004 presidential candidates responded to
calls to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. Here are the results:

President George W. Bush - Rating: F

In short: Asked about medical marijuana as he campaigned for president
in 1999, George W. Bush said he believes "each state can choose that
decision as they so choose." Yet the Bush administration has arrested,
prosecuted and imprisoned medical marijuana patients and providers at
an alarming rate. Administration officials have aggressively
campaigned against local and state proposals to protect medical
marijuana patients.

Carol Moseley Braun - Rating: ?

In short: Carol Moseley Braun, who served as a U.S. senator from
Illinois from 1992 to 1998, is something of a puzzle. In a 1994 letter
to a constituent, she suggested that marijuana should be
"decriminalized." But she never acted on the idea, and she carefully
avoided taking a clear position when medical marijuana controversies
arose later in her term.

Howard Dean - Rating: F+

In short: Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who is a physician, is the
only candidate who has actually killed a medical marijuana bill.
Because of Dean' s actions, Vermonters with AIDS, cancer and other
terrible illnesses still face arrest and jail under state law for
using medical marijuana. Dean recently retreated from his earlier
pledge to direct the FDA to study medical marijuana. His reversal and
his actions have shown that medical marijuana patients can never trust
him. The only reason we give Dean an F+ and not a straight F is
because the latter grade should be reserved for Bush, who is as cruel
and heartless as anyone could possibly be on the medical marijuana

Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C. - Rating: D-

In short: Edwards has publicly stated that he would not change
marijuana laws, and he favors the Justice Department's arresting
patients and caregivers who defy federal law. While "F" grades are
reserved only for candidates whose actions cause the arrest of
patients, Edwards earned a "D-" because he would jail patients if
elected president.

Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo. - Rating: C-

In short: While Gephardt voted for a 1998 resolution condemning state
efforts to legalize medical marijuana, he recently stated that he is
for the right of states to protect seriously ill medical marijuana

Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla. - Rating: C-

In short: Graham would not sign federal legislation legalizing medical
marijuana, though he would defer to states that protect patients with
medical marijuana laws.

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. - Rating: C

In short: Kerry previously said he favored federal legislation to
allow people with cancer, AIDS, and other serious illnesses to have
medical marijuana, with their doctors' approval. However, Kerry
recently retreated from that stance, saying he wants to rely on a
scientific review before he makes any decisions about protecting patients.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio - Rating: A+

In short: On May 29, 2003, Kucinich was quoted in the San Francisco
Chronicle as supporting medical marijuana "without reservation," and
indicated that as president he would be willing to sign an executive
order permitting its use. This is on the heels of his May 27
announcement calling for a broad rethinking of anti-drug policies,
emphasizing treatment over criminalization. On May 1, Kucinich signed
on as co-sponsor of the positive Truth in Trials Act. He has come full
circle on the subject, having voted for the 1998 resolution condemning
state medical marijuana initiatives.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn. - Rating: D+

In short: While Lieberman cosponsored a 1998 U.S. Senate resolution
condemning state efforts to legalize medical use of marijuana, it
seems that his position may be evolving. We have upgraded Lieberman
from a "D-" to a "D+" based on his recent positive statement about
medical marijuana, though Lieberman must make a stronger statement
about protecting patients before he moves out of the "D" range.

Rev. Al Sharpton - Rating: I (incomplete)

In short: Incomplete. Although a critic of mandatory minimum sentences
for drug offenders, Sharpton has not spoken on the issue of medical
marijuana. It's hard to imagine he wouldn't be a supporter, but until
he speaks to this issue, we cannot grade him.
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