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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AL: Inhalants Drug Of Choice For Some Kids
Title:US AL: Inhalants Drug Of Choice For Some Kids
Published On:2003-08-09
Source:Troy Messenger (AL)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 17:14:29

More than 1,000 drugs are within easy access of youngsters and children as
young as 6 years old are abusing them.

Seemingly harmless products, such as felt tip markers, hair spray,
deodorant and correction fluids, can kill.

Patricia Block, M.D., Charles Henderson Child Health Center, said a growing
number of parents have contacted the child health center with concerns
about inhalant abuse and they have every reason to be concerned.

"Inhalants are the fourth most abused substances in the United States among
students from grades eight through twelve," Block said. "Alcohol,
cigarettes and marijuana are the top three. Inhalants are higher on the
list than crack cocaine. Inhalants are readily available, cheap to purchase
and hard to control."

Block said that inhalant abuse, commonly called huffing, is the purposeful
inhalation of chemical vapors to achieve an altered mental or physical state.

"Most abusers get a high from the inhalants," Block said. "Euphoric
effects. But what young people don't realize is that these inhalants are
dangerous and can kill. Death from an inhalant can occur after a single use
or after prolonged use."

Besides sudden cardiac arrest, huffing can kill quickly in a number of
other ways, Block said.

"A user can die from asphyxiation, aspiration or suffocation while
huffing," she said. "A user who is suffering from impaired judgment may
also experience fatal injuries from motor vehicle accidents or falls."

When huffing doesn't kill quickly, it damages the body each time and can
cause memory loss, impaired concentration, loss of coordination and
permanent damage. Chronic inhalant abuse may result in serious and
sometimes irreversible damage to the user's heart, liver, kidneys, lungs,
and brain, Block said.

"Once a young person becomes addicted to inhalants, it is very difficult to
get them off," she said. "It is all but impossible without professional
help. Even then, it's difficult because inhalants are everywhere. They
can't be controlled."

Block said inhalants are breathed in through the nose or mouth in a variety
of ways.

"Abusers begin by inhaling deeply," she said. "They then take several more
breaths. Abusers may inhale by sniffing or snorting chemical vapors
directly from open containers or by huffing fumes from rags that are soaked
in a chemical substance and then held to the face or stuffed in the mouth."

Abusers may spray aerosols directly into the nose or mouth.

"Any spray can be used as an inhalant," Block said. "Even cans that contain
products as seemingly harmless as whipping cream have been used inhalants.
In some instances, the whipping cream is still inside. So, a can does not
have to be empty to be used as an inhalant."

Inhalants may also be poured on the the user's collar, sleeves or cuffs and
sniffed over a period of time.

"Students can have an inhalant on their clothing and be huffing in class
and a teacher might never know," Block said. "So, parents and teachers need
to be aware of the widespread use of inhalants and discuss this type of
substance abuse with their children. Peer pressure plays a big role in this
type of substance abuse and children too often are not aware of the dangers.

"About 22 percent of those who die from inhalants do so the first time they
huff. Alabama is among the states with the highest percentage of inhalant
abuse - number six - and one of only four states that have not recognized
the problem of inhalant abuse."

The signs of inhalant abuse are often mistaken for colds or allergies.

"The signs that can easily be overlooked are a runny nose and red, itching
eyes," Block said. "These are also symptoms of allergies and colds and
missed as signs of inhalant abuse. Parents, teachers and even doctors can
miss these signs."

However, other signs are more tell-tale.

"Nausea or loss of appetite, sore or rash around the nose or mouth can be
signs of inhalant abuse," Block said. "These signs should be taken seriously."

A drunk or disoriented appearance or slurred speech should put parents or
teachers on alert. Hidden empty spray paint or solvent containers and
chemical-soaked rags or clothing are red flag warnings, as are signs of
paint or other products where they would not normally be.

"If a child has chemical odors on their breath or clothing, that's a
certain sign that a child is huffing," Block said. "Inhalant abuse is a
very serious problem and it is affecting our children - our young children.
Parents and teachers need to be aware of the growing problem and be alert
to any signs that might indicate abuse.

"If a parent suspects that his or her child is using inhalants, it is very
important that they seek professional help without delay."
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