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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Letter Of The Week - Almost Right About Drugs
Title:Web: Letter Of The Week - Almost Right About Drugs
Published On:2010-08-13
Source:DrugSense Blog
Fetched On:2010-08-14 02:59:31


Re: "Mexico's Sounds of Silence - No news is bad news when media
self-censors," Thursday Editorials. The Dallas Morning News almost
got it right.

The ghastly violence in Mexico is not about drugs.

It's about money, and we can stop it. Drug cartels don't have a
valuable product.

The drugs they sell are common and plentiful.

All they have and all they are fighting for is an illegal
distribution system. There were no beheadings during most of the
history of Mexico and the U.S., when any man, woman or child could
buy these products easily, cheaply and legally.

No journalists are murdered today by the distributors of the most
popular Mexican drugs, beer and tequila. U.S. drug prohibition laws
allowed this untenable situation to develop.

Doing prohibition harder and harder and hoping for a different result
will not stop it. The violence will cease when U.S. laws allow
competition from well-regulated, legal sellers to put the cartels out
of business.

Suzanne Wills, Drug Policy Forum of Texas, Dallas

Pubdate: Sun, 8 Aug 2010

Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)

Referenced: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n000/a031.html
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