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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Letter Of The Week - Nonstoners Want Legalization Too
Title:Web: Letter Of The Week - Nonstoners Want Legalization Too
Published On:2010-07-24
Source:DrugSense Blog
Fetched On:2010-07-24 15:00:30


So Louis R. "Skip" Miller (Opinion, July 12) thinks that the only
people who support legalizing marijuana are those who want to get stoned.

Sorry, but he's wrong.

I don't smoke pot, but I'll vote to legalize it. Why? It's a concept
called "freedom." I know, the Skip Millers of this world never take
freedom into account when deciding on all the ways that government
should protect us from ourselves.

Some of us, however, believe that adults in a free society shouldn't
be paying taxes to hire bureaucrats to tell us what we can eat, smoke
or drink.

But use caution if you do consider this viewpoint.

The concept of freedom is, in itself, quite intoxicating.

Joe Greco

Los Altos

Pubdate: Tue, 13 Jul 2010

Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)

Referenced: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n000/a021.html
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