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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: OPED: Read Flawed Prop 19 For Yourself And Decide
Title:US CA: OPED: Read Flawed Prop 19 For Yourself And Decide
Published On:2010-07-21
Source:Arcata Eye (CA)
Fetched On:2010-07-21 15:02:15

I am continually being asked by the press, my patients, and community
members how I feel about California's Proposition 19, also known as
the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. The questions
range from: How will it affect medical marijuana? Will it save
California's incredible budget woes? How will it impact our county?
Will it get rid of cartels? Will it be dangerous for my children? What
are the pros and cons of this initiative? How should I vote?

These are all valid questions and concerns. My first suggestion always
is for anyone interested in this complex subject to read Proposition
19. Know that this is a voter-driven initiative which cannot instantly
or easily be changed without a vote from the people or by statute
passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. so, in other
words, know who the shareholders are and where personal agendas lie,
read between the lines, review your own values and concerns, be
careful what you vote for, and in short, become informed.

I took my own advice and read Proposition 19 and did some of my own

First, I want to address that this act will allow people 21 years of
age or older to possess, cultivate or transport marijuana for personal
use. There are restrictions on the amounts that one can possess (1
oz.) and the square footage one can grow in (25 square feet). Many
people recognize that the "war on drugs" or prohibition on cannabis
for non-violent offenders is not really working.

To allow and limit the amount would, hopefully, eliminate some of the
burden and money woes put onto the legal and prison systems. Since, I,
personally, feel that too much taxpayers' money is being spent on
prosecuting and imprisoning marijuana users, this seems like a
positive move.

It also addresses commercial grows in that they will need to be
licensed and regulated by the area they are situated in.

This initiative has excited some because of the prospect of helping
California climb out of its deficit problems by promising jobs and a
huge tax revenue to the state. Some estimates are that the taxes on
cannabis sales could generate billions of dollars in revenue.

The backers of Proposition 19 also feel that millions will be saved by
not arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating non-violent cannabis
users. This would open up resources and time to combat the dangerous
criminal elements that we fear. It is also thought by some that the
cartels and dealers will no longer be doing business in an accepted,
legal and controlled cannabis industry.

This is all theory, and only time will tell. How is this envisioned?
By allowing outlets for sales and commercial growing, cities are
allowed to regulate control and tax cannabis. Oakland is a good
example. Oakland has been very pro medical marijuana. This city is
looking at possibly approving a seven-acre parcel that would make
available 371 union jobs, pay an average salary of $53,700 a year,
produce 58 pounds of cannabis a day and generate 59 million dollars a
year which the city could heavily tax.

This could be the wave of the future. Cities that want to increase
revenues may take this model to heart. There is also the possibility
of cities and counties encouraging hemp production since this seems to
be allowed under Proposition 19. Fear that Marlboro or RG Reynolds
could move in and take over are probably premature. This product is
still federally illegal and considered a schedule 1 drug by the U.S.

In order to cover public concerns, the writers of Proposition 19 have
included the right of cities to tax and regulate cannabis within the
city limits. They have also given cities control over cannabis through
land use. It would still forbid driving under the influence, disallow
interstate or international transportation, retain employers' rights
to not allow cannabis consumption that would affect job performance
and medical marijuana laws would remain intact.

This initiative has some positive concepts and ideas. We do need a way
to save our fiscally strapped state and stop needless prosecution. I
am not sure, though, if this would be the solution and what kind of
negative impact could come from the passage of this initiative. I do
know that, on one hand, the writers of this initiative pride
themselves on having recreational users protected from arrest and

What it does not do is protect our young adults. The harsh penal
sanctions put on our youth are the reason why I will personally vote
NO ON PROPOSITION 19. Only adults who are 21 years or older are
allowed to be covered and protected under this initiative. If anyone
18 years or older furnishes a minor with cannabis, they "shall" be
punished by imprisonment in state prison for a period of three, five
or seven years.

That means that if your 18-year-old is at a party and smokes with a
17-year-old then he or she could be in jeopardy of losing part of
their youth in prison. Sending our young adults to prison for three to
seven years for cannabis use, in my opinion, is dangerous to our youth
and not good for our society. This initiative also states that you
cannot use cannabis in front of children. You can smoke and drink
alcohol, which are far more dangerous. What happens if you do smoke in
your own home in front of children? Can they be taken from you?

There are some good points in this initiative and if these specific
points were different, I might be able to support it. This, of course
is only my opinion.

I encourage everyone to read The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis
Act of 2010, also known as Proposition 19. Reach your own conclusions
and go out and vote. This is a historical moment in time that you do
not want to miss out on.

Mariellen Jurkovich is director of the Humboldt Patient Resource
Center, a medical marijuana collective in Arcata.
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