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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Soaring Heroin Possession Convictions in North-East Shocks MSP
Title:UK: Soaring Heroin Possession Convictions in North-East Shocks MSP
Published On:2009-11-27
Source:Press and Journal, The (UK)
Fetched On:2009-12-02 12:22:17
Call for Police to Get More Resources to Tackle Drug Crime and for More Investment in Treatment Programmes


The number of people in the north-east caught with heroin has soared,
according to new figures.

Scottish Government statistics released yesterday show that
convictions for possession of the class A drug rose from 16 in 2001 to
171 in 2008.

Of the 171 convicted of possession of heroin, 113 were issued with a
fine, 20 were put on probation and four were ordered to carry out
community service.

Only one drug treatment and testing order was issued, nine received
jail time and 24 of the offences were dealt with by "other disposals".

Last night, Labour justice spokesman Richard Baker called for more
investment in drug treatment programmes. He said: "These figures show
a shocking increase over the past eight years of these offences and
that paints a very depressing picture of the continuing problem that
the north-east of Scotland has with drug abuse.

"Much more action is needed, not just in terms of police tackling drug
crime but also getting people out of drug addiction and living
productive lives.

"Grampian Police need more resources to tackle drug crime in the area
but we also need to work with local drug treatment agencies to bring
down these numbers in the future."

Grampian Joint Police Board convener councillor Martin Greig said: "It
is well known that the level of drugs in the north-east has increased.

"The area is being targeted by gangs from other parts of the UK and we
need to take a hard line with such criminals."
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