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News (Media Awareness Project) - LTE: Molesters or dope fiends?
Title:LTE: Molesters or dope fiends?
Published On:1997-09-08
Source:Houston Chronicle, page 19A, oped page
Fetched On:2008-09-07 22:49:10
Source: Houston Chronicle, page 19A, oped page
Contact: viewpoints@chron.com

Molesters or dope fiends?

In reading the Sept. 2 Outlook article by Dan Morales,
"Forewarned is forearmed against sexual predators," I finally
figured out why a registry for all known child molesters bothers
me. Instead of filling our jails full of drug offenders and then
letting the child molesters out, let's do it the other way
around: Keep all child molesters in jail and develop a national
registry of dope fiends.

Which would you rather do: Worry about which neighbor to steer
clear of to avoid the terrible trauma of having your child be
molested, or which neighbor you need to avoid because he might be
getting stoned on politically incorrect substances?

Titus Stauffer,
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