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News (Media Awareness Project) - OP Editorial: Border troops fixation
Title:OP Editorial: Border troops fixation
Published On:1997-09-11
Source:Waco TribuneHerald
Fetched On:2008-09-07 22:44:59
Source: Waco TribuneHerald
Contact: letters@mail.iamerica.net
Subject: ED, Border troops fixation

Border troops fixation

Ominous approach would misapply military dollars

Congress is getting into a nasty habit of trying to foist things
onto the Pentagon it doesn't want. And we're not talking about the
kind of needed austerity measures that no bureaucracy wants.

We're talking about things that drain resources unnecessarily
and hurt readiness. One good example is Congress' insistence
on the production of $18 billion worth of new B2 stealth bombers.
That would add nine. The Pentagon wants none.

A more alarming example of this tendency, however, came
Friday when the House, for the second time, voted to allow
deployment of up to 10,000 troops at the Mexican border to
assist in drug interdiction and enforce immigration laws.

This is something the Pentagon vigorously opposes, and for two
good reasons: (1) soldiers aren't trained to be civilian police;
(2) this mission diverts funding and manpower from the military's
assigned mission. It undermines the nation's readiness.

This vote comes in the wake of an incident that showed everything
that's wrong with putting troops in the job of narcopolice:
the fatal shooting of a teenage goat herder near the Texas border.

A Marfa grand jury found no reason to indict the Marine who,
after requesting permission from superiors, fired the fatal shot.
It's not the soldier who merits an indictment. It's the policy.

It is reasonable for troops to be summoned in an emergency
and temporary capacity when chaos is the alternative. But on these
shores, longterm, openended commitments are wrong.
Totalitarian states use troops to perform police duties for the
simple fact that these countries don't have the same civil rights
protections that this nation does.

This whole initiative has the odor of border control done on the
cheap, rather than done the right way. If Congress thinks the
$650 million price tag of this initiative is truly worth the
investment and thinks the military can spare the manpower
and resources, it could cut the military budget accordingly
and put that much money into the Border Patrol.

Or, it could put a hold on one B2 bomber, which would more
than pay for it all.

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