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News (Media Awareness Project) - Cannabis: The New Growth Industry
Title:Cannabis: The New Growth Industry
Published On:1997-10-03
Source:The Guardian, London, UK
Fetched On:2008-09-07 21:52:58

Duncan Campbell discovers that nearly 3 million users spend 3.5 billion
pounds a year

Regular users of Cannabis are consuming an estimated 800 tonnes of the drug
in Britain every year and spending about 3,5 Billion pounds on it,
according to new research. Around 2.75 million people could be described as
regular consumers, says the survey.

Contrary to popular conceptions, students take fewer drugs with the
exception of alcohol than their employed or unemployed contemporaries.
Cannabis prices remain stable, virtually unaffected by customs seizures and
police raids, the findings suggest.

A survey of 1,333 regular cannabis users by the independent drug monitoring
unit indicated that younger users started at the age of 12 14, but the
most common age for starting was 15 18. The heaviest age range for use is
20 30 and men are more regular users than women., the regular user spends
UKP 68.60 per month on cannabis, according to the survey.

Prices are similar throughout the country. The cost of an ounce of cannabis
resin varied between UKP70 and 120, typically UKP85 95, with an eighth of
an ounce of resin costing UKP15 or less.

Skunk, the stronger strain of cannabis, cost between UKP20 and 25 for the
same quantity, home grown herbal cannabis cost less than half the price of

Prices are now roughly double those reported in a similar survey in 1984,
but most of the intervening rise took place during the period 198587 and
have remained stable since.

Moroccan cannabis resin was the most common type in use, accounting for 35
percent of the total. The 1996 "drought" of Moroccan resin appeared to
have no long term effects.

Asked about their best and worst drug experiences, users gave positive
reactions to cannabis, magic mushrooms, LSD and E (in that order) and
negative reactions to solvents, crack, barbiturates, heroin and tranquilizers.

One opium user reported that taking the drug had "opened the doors of
perception", One LSD user said that taking the drug had led them to believe
that "friends were werewolf" while another reported that "friend turned
into beast". An eater of a "gold top" mushroom said that it seemed "that I
was going to be eaten by a cannibal".

One cannabis user found that it "gets me fried, pumps my juice", another
said "I love feeling like a gibbering mess". Many cited it as enhancing
sexual experiences.

Home grown cannabis is becoming increasingly common, with 60% of users
having grown at least some of their own cannabis at some time. One in three
growers used "pedigree" types such as skunk or northern lights.

Cannabis accounted for 42% of all money spent on all drugs per month
amongst regular users, with 37% spent on tobacco and alcohol. Of those
surveyed, 32% were women and 68% men.

The most popular method of consumption was in tobacco joints (73%) followed
by water pipes (9%) with 2% eating it.

Of those growing their own cannabis, 71% were growing the plant indoors,
14% in greenhouses and 23% outdoors.

A total of 582,204 people have been convicted or cautioned for cannabis use
up to 1994, noted the survey. By taking the percentage of those surveyed
who had drug convictions 21% the researchers estimate that regular
users now amount to 2.75 million. They would consume 800 tonnes of cannabis
products in a market worth UKP 3.5billion

>From Regular users: self reported drug consumption patterns. Matthew Atha
BSc MSc and Sean Blanchard, Independent drug monitoring unit, freepost
NWW11111, Wigan, WN2 3ZZ. UKP24.99 inc P&P.
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