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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK BBC: British Doctors Back Use Of Cannabis
Title:UK BBC: British Doctors Back Use Of Cannabis
Published On:1997-11-20
Source:BBC Online News
Fetched On:2008-09-07 19:35:23

Britain's doctors say drugs extracted from cannabis should be legalised. In
a report, the British Medical Association says chemicals found in the plant
can relieve pain in people suffering illnesses like multiple sclerosis and

The publication is in line with the BMA's policy on legalising certain
cannabinoids the psychoactive chemical compounds found in cannabis for
wider medicinal use, and sets an agenda for taking the necessary legal
steps to develop cannabisbased treatments.

Cannabis was first recognised as medically beneficial 5,000 years ago in
the reign of the Chinese emperor Chen Nung, for malaria, constipation and
even absentmindedness. In every part of the world cannabis has been used
to treat a wide variety of health problems.

The BMA report advocates more research The BMA report concludes that
cannabis is useful for relieving the wasting that accompanies Aids by
encouraging the appetite, treating glaucoma, promoting sleep. It also
relieves chronic pain, muscle spasm in multiple sclerosis, asthma and
epilepsy. Many doctors consider marijuana effective in treating nausea
brought on by chemotherapy.

The active chemicals in cannabis affect many parts of the central nervous
system; they may produce a range of reactions, including muscle relaxation
and mild euphoria. Several areas of the brain are sensitive to the active
chemicals in cannabis, some of which control arm and limb movement.

Although much of the evidence about the medicinal benefits of cannabis is
anecdotal or based on small studies, synthesised drugs that are legally
prescribed to treat these conditions produce sideeffects which can be
physically unpleasant. The report suggests that cannabinoidbased
treatments would not cause such sideeffects, and there is growing evidence
from patients that cannabis provides the only relief from some of the more
unpleasant symptoms of MS, spinal diseases, cancer, and arthritis.

However, the political sideeffects of medical legalisation of cannabis
could be discomforting. It is classified along with LSD and ecstasy under
Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971, as having no therapeutic
benefit. Heroin and thalidomide, Schedule 2 drugs, are considered medically
acceptable for pain relief and can be prescribed by a doctor.

The Home Secretary, Jack Straw, recently reiterated his opposition to any
move to decriminalise 'soft' drugs and public opinion appears to be on his
side. According to a MORI poll taken the day after the general election,
only 21% of respondents supported cannabis decriminalisation, compared to
49% against and 30% 'don't knows'.

Cannabis and its derivatives cannot be prescribed by doctors, or dispensed
by pharmacists, and can only be possessed for research purposes with a Home
Office licence. The BMA regards further research into the use of
cannabinoids as essential in order to establish optimal doses, and methods
of administration.

Although the current BMA policy concerns legalising cannabinoids for
medicinal and research use only, it might prove difficult to police the use
of prescribed cannabis and ensure that it does not end up being used for
recreational purposes. However, the Association does not support
prescription of the drug in cigarette form, the most common form of
recreational consumption.

Regulations concerning the use of cannabis have not just restricted the
accumulation of scientific evidence about its effects, according to the
report. They have also forced otherwise lawabiding citizens to resort to
the illegal use of cannabis to alleviate distressing symptoms inadequately
controlled by other drugs.

The BMA suggests that while research is underway, the police, courts and
other prosecuting authorities should be aware of the medicinal reasons for
the unlawful use of cannabis by those suffering from certain medical
conditions for whom other drugs have proved ineffective.

Danish hospitals are already treating patients with both natural and
synthetic cannabis in large scale treatment programmes. Cannabis in pill
form is administered to Aids and cancer patients and, according to Dr Erik
Sandberg, Chief Physician at Esbjerg Central Hospital, the results are
good. He claims that cannabis reduces sickness, stimulates the appetite and
increases his patients' well being and will to live.

In November 1996, voters in Arizona and California approved controversial
measures that would allow people to grow and smoke small amounts of
marijuana legally on their doctor's orders. The federal government
immediately reminded doctors that under federal law, prescribing the drug
was still illegal and that doctors who did so risked losing their medical
licences and a spell in prison.
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