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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Alerts: Growing Industrial Hemp
Title:US CA: Alerts: Growing Industrial Hemp
Published On:1998-02-11
Source:San Francisco Bay Guardian
Fetched On:2008-09-07 15:45:27

CAlifornians for Industrial Renewal (CAIR) is now circulating petitions to
get the Industrial Hemp Act of 1998 on the November ballot. The act would
allow the state's farmers to grow industrial-grade hemp with a THC content
of less than one percent. If you are interested in circulating petitions,
pick them up at Frankel Bros. Hemp Outfitters, 3817 24th St., S.F. (415)

Mail Alerts to the Bay Guardian, 520 Hampshire, S.F., CA 94110; fax to (415)
255-8762; or E-mail mandy@sfbg.com. Please include a contact telephone
number. Items must be received at least one week prior to publication date.
Call (415) 255-3100, ext. 552, for more information.
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