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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Editorial: Overdose Victim Shared Responsibility In Latest Tragedy
Title:US TX: Editorial: Overdose Victim Shared Responsibility In Latest Tragedy
Published On:1998-02-11
Source:Dallas Morning News
Fetched On:2008-09-07 15:45:08

Life quietly came to an end Monday for 17-year-old Natacha Marie Campbell.

After waiting two days to see some ray of hope that the Plano teenager
might survive an overdose of cocaine and heroin, family members agreed to
take her off life support.

At least a dozen young people from the Plano area have died from
heroin-related overdoses since 1996. Natacha even attended the funerals of
two of the victims, a family spokeswoman said.

The mounting number of youthful drug overdoses has sent residents in search
of answers. A crackdown on drug dealers and an increase in awareness
programs have been the most immediate responses.

But relatives of Natacha Campbell also want Richardson police to press
charges against those who were with Natacha when she overdosed.

The request may be an emotional one, based on the failure of the people to
call help in time to save the teenager. Yet there are shared
responsibilities in tragedies such as this that should not be ignored.

Texas has a wide variety of laws, ranging from negligent homicide to
reckless endangerment, that address the criminal issue of death caused by
irresponsible actions.

By now, the risk of taking heroin should be apparent to young people. If
teenagers are going to share drugs, they should be prepared to face the
shared responsibility if death or permanent damage follows.

That may appear harsh. But society is in a war. This isn't a rebellious
phase of life that will fade with time. Texas teens are becoming hooked on
a drug that almost vanished in the 1970s because of its devastating

Along with tough prosecution of dealers and better education of students,
there should be a strong warning message about the consequences for those
who participate.

Pursuit of those who were with Natacha when she took a fatal dose might
provide the warning that ultimately will save lives.
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