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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MD: PUB LTE: It's Drug Prohibition That's The Source Of The
Title:US MD: PUB LTE: It's Drug Prohibition That's The Source Of The
Published On:2000-02-11
Source:Baltimore Sun (MD)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 03:50:55

In their recent column, Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and Dan Morhaim
wrote: "Substance abuse...costs the state an astimated $5.5 billion a
year." ("State must take charge on drug addiction," Opinion - Commentary,
Feb. 1)

They should have said that it is the failed policy of drug prohibition, not
sub-stance abuse itself, that costs the state $5.5 billion a year.

The authors gave lip service to drug treatment, but didn't note that the
state's budget allots two-thirds of drug-related funds to law enforcement
and prisons.

Recently, The Sun published a list of names of the people murdered in
Baltimore in 1999. Most of them were victims of turf battles brought about
by the huge monetary incentives drug prohibition produces. ("Homicides
1999: What went wrong?" editorial, Jan 4)

Among them was the name of my oldestest friend, who was killed over a
dispute involving his prescription pain medication. Had prohibition not
been in effect, his pills would have been worth pennies, rather than being
more valuable than gold, and he would be here today.

New Mexico's governor, Gary Johnson, has shown great courage in taking a
stand against drug prohibition ("A lonely stand for drug legalization,"
Oct. 24, 1999).

Why can't politicians here in Maryland show a semblance of a backbone and
admit that prohibition will never work?

William Smith
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