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» WhiteLight replied on Mon Sep 27, 2010 @ 5:58pm. Posted in dnb, liquid funk ?.
Coolness: 51105
defenitly need more glitch-hop. (but bah, mochipet and vibesquad soon)

I love liquid dnb though. Prefer it to most kinda DnB.
» WhiteLight replied on Wed Sep 22, 2010 @ 6:28pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 51105
Some of my favorite art pieces at the moment:

» WhiteLight replied on Tue Sep 21, 2010 @ 7:34pm. Posted in PKP present : Mochipet (US) Oct. 8.
Coolness: 51105
This is gonna be fun.
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 8:18pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 51105
Everybody automatically assumes ruling species --> higher purpose. Nope, IMHO. [/quotes]
Agreed. But higher intelligence --> greater possibilities and capacity for a better understanding.
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 7:39pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By DATABOY
"...I don't want to hurt your feelings, but this is some of the most obvious circular thinking I've ever heard. You believe the physical world is the real deal because the physical laws apply there?.... ... .. . Think about it for a minute...or two...or more.

Beside, how do you know there is "everyone"...that you're not experimenting hallucinations of "other people". How do you know the laws of physics aren't hallucinations to? "

This dream within a dream deal of your is quite futile as far as I'm concerned. The physical laws are what keeps your cells agglomerated together so I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss there importance.

This is your belief. You chose to build your relationship with everyday life assuming that this is the absolute truth. The pope chose to build his relationship with everyday life assuming that his view of God, his belief, is the absolute truth...

Originally Posted By DATABOY
"I may be wrong, but there is a common Goal that seems to be the same with everyone."

Like eating and taking a crap?

More like realising one's full potential (for lack of a better expression). Achieving the Superman, as would say Nietzsche. But maybe this is only my view of the Goal...
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 6:50pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 51105
I knew I shouldn't have started with this subject. You all seem to focus on the institutional side of religion, wich have very little to do with personnal beliefs. I need to specify that I have the same repulsion for organised religions as what most of you probably have. I got my beliefs from personnal experiences and ended up reading a lot about spirituality after the fact to try to make sense out of it. My vision of "God" has very, very little to do with what most people believe in. I only use the word to name the conscious creation of the cosmos. I'm probably more "buddhist" than christian, although I don't agree with some things from the buddhist philosophy. I also use "God" cause I believe it's a metaphor like any other to describe the indescribable.

More often than not, hallucinations can all be explained. Some chemical imbalance, a drug, food poisoning, starvation, sleep deprivation, psychosis, schizophrenia.

Don't you see how futile your argument is? What if in my "hallucination", the physical experience could be explained as a product of the consciousness? Would it mean it is an absolute truth?

Screwhead, by internal, I'm talking about something much more related to instinct and basic state of being than "physicaly" internal...

Anyhow. The body is part of the same experience as the mind...obviously the mind and body are in relation. The question is wether you take one as the prime cause and the other as effect, or if you understand how both are truly, in fact, the same.

If you were to take something as "false" because there is a chemical process in the body that produced the experience/reasoning/emotion, then you would have to admit that there is no truth. Every tought, every emotion is in relation with chemical/biological/electromagnetic phenomena in the body.

We could stick an electrode in your brain to stimulate that particular spot, and stimulated it when you took a shit, and your brain would think that this dump was a religious experience; that this turd you just laid is a gift from whatever deity or belief system you just so happen to believe in. We could then stimulate it when you're eating a piece of toast and you would perceive this piece of toast as if it were a gift from the heavens, and that this particular toast is something deeply and profoundly life-changing for you.

And it probably is. Everything is a product of the same source. The damn toast as much as the sky or your mind.

You're never going to see some psytrance hippie have a trip and come out worshiping Satan or Allah, they're going to have a trip that reinforces what they already believe or suspect may be "the truth".

Once again, Satan or Allah are just images of the same ideas. Images brought by parts of the consciousness that aren't normally available during the waking state. These images have meaning that you can learn to read. A vision of Allah means as much in my opinion as diving into the white light. They are just images of the same force.

Dreams and near-death experiences have also been explained; our brain produces DMT, and when we sleep, a little is released. That's what makes us dream. Death/near-death experiences are the same, only instead of releasing a little, your brain dumps it's store, much like how it dumps it's seratonin store when you take some MDMA.

Shows how much people can believe what they're told without looking further... The DMT thing is an hypothesis wich never was verified. Some people tend to question science because they have been educated in a religious context. Others question religion because they were born in a society wich rejected religion. Some rare people will question everything and realise that there is very little absolutes in the universe.

You expect it, so when your final (or not-so-final) DMT trip starts, you see what you expect you're going to see.

Not proven, once again. I personally don't care wether or not it's true, but you probably do. It doesn't really change anything to the big picture in my opinion.

Here's a new spin on the subject.

What if I think that I don't need any kind of dogma to live a good life? What if I choose to follow my inherent sense of right & wrong? We all know the difference. We ALL know when we're beeing a douche. Thing is, if you follow your feelings, without giving in to greed or any other negative influence, would that not garantee a good life? I mean, I don't really believe in a god per say, but I do believe that deities were created by man to illustrate the way to go.

And well, If I'm completely beside the point, I think that when I die or somethin', and I get in front of that supreme beeing, I'll stand tall, just for having spent my life trying to do the right thing according to my innate sense of correctness. I mean, What kind of a God would shun me for using something he built into my beeing as a meter for righteousness?

Of course, maybe my senses are wrong, but what would really matter in this case is that I actually tried to be good. True to my heart, and I never makes excuses for my wrong doings.
In the end, I guess my point is that God did not create humans in his image. Man created God in HIS image.

My two cents.

Totally agree with most of this. Both these ideas and the seeking for answers can go very well together if you know how to balance things.

You can believe that beliefs are lies... it still is a belief, and still a lie.

Well, in my normal awake state, the laws of physics apply equally to everyone, whereas in a trance or in a dream state, the physical laws dont apply .

...I don't want to hurt your feelings, but this is some of the most obvious circular thinking I've ever heard. You believe the physical world is the real deal because the physical laws apply there?.... ... .. . Think about it for a minute...or two...or more.

Beside, how do you know there is "everyone"...that you're not experimenting hallucinations of "other people". How do you know the laws of physics aren't hallucinations to?

Bettering ones self's is always relative to the goals we set ourselves.

I may be wrong, but there is a common Goal that seems to be the same with everyone. Most people are simply to fearful to walk the path that leads to it's realisation and become sad human beings stuck in what they think they should be, rather than become what they can, want, and should "really" be.

But I come to a dead stop when anyone tries to impose their deities or Gods based on THEIR views and beliefs.

I feel the same. But I also "come to a dead stop" when anyone tries to impose their science and methods based on THEIR views and beliefs.


Totally agree with most of what everyone says about the Chuch. Thing is, be cautious not to associate too much personnal beliefs with organised religion.


Will try not to participate anymore to this thread. I feel like I'm trying to convince people of something and I don't like the idea. I'd just like others to realise that their views are also based on beliefs. In a way or the other, most beliefs, at their core, are trying to describe the same indescribable ideas with reason. Even quantum physics and buddhism have a lot in common.

We are paradoxal beings in a paradoxal universe.

"Nothing is True, Everything is permitted."
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 2:04am. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 51105
My mind and god might both be figments of my imagination, but one is my interface with the world so i'm pretty sure it exists and at least i can use it. The other is a an idea passed down to me by my peers witch is meant to be experienced by this interface.

To Whitelight, "Observation is the key word here. What if some things were not perceivable by observation, by the physical senses? What if it could only be experienced?"
What would be a "non-physical sense"?

Your mind and consciousness receive information that tells what the body hears/touches/tastes/sees, etc. We know that we can mess with the mind and give it information that isn't coming from the external, physical world (hallucinations). Therefore, how can you be so sure that the "normal" state of mind isn't a complete illusion? A skeptic shouldn't doubt only what he sees as false, he has to question everything, even the most accepted ideas. Accepting something as absolute truth asks for belief in something.

I wouldn't say "non physical sense"... It doesn't make sense to use "sense" as a word for a state where you are freed from the body and external stilumi. Maybe altered states of consciousness would be a better term. It's hard to describe in terms of "senses" what ego death feels like, for example. Or the dream state, or trance. Or near death experiences.

I'm definitely on the Gnostic side of things.
» WhiteLight replied on Mon Sep 13, 2010 @ 10:54pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Its called the "scientific method" and it will prove everything that can be proven trough observation. God, so it seems can not be proven with this method.

Observation is the key word here. What if some things were not perceivable by observation, by the physical senses? What if it could only be experienced?

I don't think that you can "explain" God or consciousness. The beauty of the thing is that it's so far from normal human concepts that there is no way to put it into words. No wonder Islam forbiddens the depiction of It.

Judaism has been around for about 4-5 thousand years, Christianity for 2 thousand, and Islam For 15 hundred years and non of those "faiths" have ever come close to explaining life and the universe around us, quite the opposite.

Thank God for science!
[ www.youtube.com ]

These aren't the only options.

Sacred books were written as a way to give a glimpse of God through poetry/myths/rituals. They are written in metaphors and shouldn't be seen as an "explanation".
» WhiteLight replied on Mon Sep 13, 2010 @ 7:23pm. Posted in Westboro Baptist Church Burns the Koran.
Coolness: 51105
"Atheism is the lack of belief in something with no empirical evidence, this fact alone makes it impossible for it to be a belief system."

"If it were something like Ascience, the lack of belief in Science, then you might be able to say it's a belief, but just not believing in the multitudes of gods or goddesses throughout history isn't a belief "system" in and of itself, that's just silly.."

Believing only in what has been "proven" through empirical evidences is a belief system. It's your choice if you put faith in the words of scientists and on scientific experiments.

I can't "prove" the existence of God any more than you can prove that everything true can be proved by scientific means.
» WhiteLight replied on Sun Sep 5, 2010 @ 2:02pm. Posted in 3D designs on t-shirt by Public Beta Wear.
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL
I want to buy one but where are the Hindu gods, mandalas, or at least flowers of Merkaba or the tree of life or like something else that indicates that I read about things like this on acid and think they're MAD TRIPPY but essentially bring back no real knowledge of anything from the trip to everyday life?

Yeah, cause poetry, mathematics, culture and arts are all so useless.

People should stop looking for answers and, you know... get a real job or something.
» WhiteLight replied on Wed Aug 18, 2010 @ 9:03am. Posted in Dubstep @ So You Think You Can Dance.
Coolness: 51105
First video sucks. Popping fits way better with dubstep than this shit they tried to do at SYTYCD.

Last vdeo is a good example (could still be better though).

This one knows:

» WhiteLight replied on Tue Aug 10, 2010 @ 7:18pm. Posted in Openmind.
Coolness: 51105
Tout à fait d'accord.

Probablement un des weekends les plus magiques que j'ai jamais vu.
» WhiteLight replied on Sat Jul 31, 2010 @ 12:55pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 51105
Je ne me rappelles plus si je l'ai déjà postée dans ce sujet, mais cette citation est de loin une de mes préférées.

"In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked tree,
"Look at me...I'm tall, and I'm straight, and I'm handsome. Look at you...you're all crooked and bent over. No one wants to look at you."

And they grew up in that forest together. And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and they said, "Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest." So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper.

And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day."

- Tom Waits
» WhiteLight replied on Tue Jul 27, 2010 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Eclipse 2010.
Coolness: 51105
One of the best parties I've ever seen.
» WhiteLight replied on Mon Jul 19, 2010 @ 1:02am. Posted in bassnectar/dig.it.all/construct&vilify/lexis.
Coolness: 51105
Fuck yeah. J'pense que j'ai rien de plus constructif à dire que ça.

Quelle belle journée.

Vilify+Construct: Very nice. Probably the best set I've ever heard from them. Happy to see these guys getting better and better.

Dig.iT.aL: I love these guys. So proud of them. Lots of funky beats, lots of glitches, lots of bass.

Bassnectar: Was fun to see him play here in Montreal. Was the fourth time I've seen him, not the best one, but still an amazing show. Played lots of good remixes (Sigur Ros, The Beatles, Nine Inch Nails, Massive Attack). Only thing that makes me sad is that he didn't play any track from Underground Communication (but I didn't really expect him to...)

Anyways. Awesome music all day long, good vibe, and the venue was way better than the normal spot in my opinion.
» WhiteLight replied on Sat Jul 17, 2010 @ 9:00pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 51105
Made: Pas de clope depuis 1 semaine. Je crois que cette fois ci vas être la bonne.
Made: I can almost taste the NECTAR. Plan pour demain: se lever, fumer un bat, aller au Piknic, et faire le party west coast style!
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Jul 15, 2010 @ 10:20pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 51105

Bass music the way I like it.
» WhiteLight replied on Tue Jul 13, 2010 @ 7:20pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 51105
Made: Space Gathering était effectivement très spacey.

Made: Nectar next weekend.
» WhiteLight replied on Tue Jul 13, 2010 @ 6:33pm. Posted in Space Gathering 2010.
Coolness: 51105
Excellent party. Je m'attendais pas à grand-chose (c'était mon premier Space) et j'ai été très agréablement surpris.

Très bonne vibe, bien organisé, de très bons DJs. Un trip comme ça dans un coin naturel, c'est pas mal ce qu'il me fallait.
» WhiteLight replied on Fri Jul 9, 2010 @ 10:58am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 51105
Made: Space Gathering ce soir.

Ruined: La température qui risque de faire chier.

Made: J'suis excité comme une groupie par rapport au prochain piknic. C'est sûr que j'aime mieux le vieux stock de Bassnectar, mais y reste que c'est du gros west coast beat qui débarque chez nous à Montréal et que ça risque de tourner en journée plutôt chaotique.

Ruined: Je m'ennuies de la Colombie-Britanique et devoir manquer Shambhala me fait mal au coeur.
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Jul 8, 2010 @ 8:11pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 51105

Le nouvel album de VibeSquad, New Creatures. Funk/Glitch/IDM... Les intéressés peuvent écouter l'album à l'adresse suivante:

[ vibesquad.bandcamp.com ]
» WhiteLight replied on Wed Jul 7, 2010 @ 10:06pm. Posted in Nexus!!.
Coolness: 51105
Noah, calm down, I'm not saying your soundsystem sucks. Just saying something was wrong and that I don't know enough about sound to know what it was (that was wrong).

Vince probably know what it was more than me.

Screwhead > As I said, it's not a matter of the bass not being loud enough. I just couldn't hear the "roundness" of the psy triple-bass. Sorry for my lack of better word (...)

SamB0bo > I personally give a lot of importance to sound quality because I like to hear the music as it should be heard and not just a distorted version of a track. Sure I'm going to raves to dance and party (and I probably dance and party harder than most people), but I'm mostly going to raves for the music.

Anyways, I don't want to offend anyone with my toughts concerning the sound, I'm simply trying to give an honnest review. I know everybody's doing what they can and it still was one hell of a party.

Sad I couldn't go see Artifakt on tuesday. How was it?
» WhiteLight replied on Wed Jul 7, 2010 @ 9:01am. Posted in Nexus!!.
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
Tell that to the person who said there was too much bass. You prefer the sound of bandpass speakers.

Not a matter of too much or not enough bass. Me and my friends instantly noticed that something was missing. I don't know a lot about sound quality and stuff, but I know when some frequencies are fucked or missing.
» WhiteLight replied on Tue Jul 6, 2010 @ 11:25pm. Posted in Le Chat avatar....
Coolness: 51105
songs that are better than drugs + drugs > songs that are better than drugs > drugs
» WhiteLight replied on Mon Jul 5, 2010 @ 6:38pm. Posted in Nexus!!.
Coolness: 51105
Great party.

Wasn't too convinced by the sound quality in the psy room though. The bass sounded a bit empty and I ended up spending most of my time in the dubstep room.

Living-Stone played one of the best dubstep set I've heard in a while. Very creative.
Wampa killed it. I don't really like "filthy" dubstep except when it's original, wich was indeed the case here.
» WhiteLight replied on Fri Jul 2, 2010 @ 9:27pm. Posted in St Jean Basstiste.
Coolness: 51105
Avec des petites esclaves asian qui nous apportent des psychotropes sur des coussins en or et une shisha pipe accrochée au plafond.
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Jul 1, 2010 @ 5:57am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 51105
Made: soirée chill avec des potes

Ruined: Omg. Mes sideburns étaient rendues trop innégales et j'ai donc dû décider de les raser afin de mieux les refaire pousser. Alors j'suis pogné pas de sideburns pendant 2 semaines environ, le temps qu'ça repousse. J'étais tellement pu habitué de me voir la face comme ça c'est inconfortable X_x
» WhiteLight replied on Wed Jun 30, 2010 @ 7:13pm. Posted in osheaga 2010.
Coolness: 51105
Yeah. Hobbs and Sonic Youth are tempting. But honnestly, I doubt I'll go to that party.
» WhiteLight replied on Wed Jun 30, 2010 @ 6:40pm. Posted in St Jean Basstiste.
Coolness: 51105
J'veux un totem flashy dans ma cours.
» WhiteLight replied on Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 8:33pm. Posted in St Jean Basstiste.
Coolness: 51105
La qualité sonore était effectivement vraiment bonne et c'est probablement un des points de ce party que j'ai le plus apprécié. Je savais pas trop à quoi m'attendre pour ma Saint-Jean Basstiste; le son ne m'a pas déçu.
» WhiteLight replied on Mon Jun 28, 2010 @ 7:01pm. Posted in St Jean Basstiste.
Coolness: 51105
Wow. Just wow.

Best way to sart the summer.

Thanks a lot to those who managed to set up such a great freeparty. My first outdoor festival on this side of the country, and definitely not the last one.
» WhiteLight replied on Fri Jun 25, 2010 @ 1:07pm. Posted in Le Chat avatar....
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Yup, thats why I can't keep a straight face now when these kids try to convince its the next big thing,

It stopped being "cool" about 3 years ago, went mainstream 2 years ago, its not "underground" like some would like to you believe, its very commercial and popular at this point.

try listening to some dub reggae, that shit will always be underground

Fuck all these commercial dubstep clowns yo, producing Britney Spears albums and remixing pop artists like La Roux, get the fuck outta here.

Yeah, cause obviously, mainstream music is ALWAYS shit. (...)

Just playing the devil's advocate here. The problem with dubstep is not that it's becoming mainstream. The problem is that there's way too much generic shit right now and that sadly, most people will always go with what's easier on the brain (dumb music vs music with substance). It's pretty much the same thing with every other EDM genre though. You just need to look a bit more to find the good shit.
» WhiteLight replied on Fri Jun 25, 2010 @ 5:08am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 51105

Love how Reznor's music is evolving. (Damn his wife's hot.)
» WhiteLight replied on Fri Jun 25, 2010 @ 4:37am. Posted in Le Chat avatar....
Coolness: 51105
What? You don't know yet?

I heard Ketamine ruined dubstep (or was it Borgore?)
» WhiteLight replied on Thu Jun 24, 2010 @ 10:40pm. Posted in Le Chat avatar....
Coolness: 51105
Screwhead: You know Rusko's gonna be producing Britney Spear's next album? I don't like Rusko's music the same way I do with Aphex Twin, Kode9 or Prefuse 73; it's cheesy party music. But the thing is that enjoy seeing Rusko infiltrate pop music and can't wait to see how him producing Birtney's next album is gonna influence mainstream music. I still enjoy Rusko much more than most heavy dubstep.

theorator: The sad thing is that I'm getting bored of going to dubstep nights because it seems like most DJs are playing that brostep stuff constantly with 2 or 3 other kinda track in the whole mix. Kids don't like creative music, they want the same shit with a huge bassdrop over and over again....


"serieux moi JADORE le dubstep" - Émilie
"serieux moi JADORE le dubstep" - Émilie
"serieux moi JADORE le dubstep" - Émilie
"serieux moi JADORE le dubstep" - Émilie
"serieux moi JADORE le dubstep" - Émilie
"serieux moi JADORE le dubstep" - Émilie

J'vais imprimer ça en gros caractère noirs et te le faire encadrer.

Melo: Les fusions musicales, c'est chill, mais ya mieux. Moi j'veux entendre des producers qui font de la musique sans se dire "ok je fais une track de dubstep" ou même "ok je fais une track qui va mélanger le dubstep et l'electro"... J'veux de la musique ou ça parrait que l'artiste c'est juste lancé à faire d'la musique sans essayer de se mettre des barrières de style. C'est certain qu'au final, on peut toujours trouver les influences, mais c'est facile de voir quand la musique est forcée dans un sens ou dans l'autre.

» WhiteLight replied on Tue Jun 22, 2010 @ 6:43pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 51105

Love this kind of artwork.
» WhiteLight replied on Sun Jun 20, 2010 @ 3:14pm. Posted in Le Chat avatar....
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By RAWALI
yay acid house!!!! yay being confined to a 20 year old synth that does essencially ONE god damned sound... YAY!

dont bring back acid house... fuck acid house... just about as stupid as wobble

Wobble isn't stupid.

The way most dubstep producers use it is, though.

Don't wanna sound like a bitch, but if dubstep DJs were playing tracks that don't sound like they were all made with the same filthy synth, maybe people who love the music would keep going out to dubstep nights. C'est pas une critique de ce que tu mix Wally, mais plutôt une critique de la scène montréalaise en général. Je t'ai pas entendu mixer depuis un bout de temps anyways.

But you know...I'm talking about the dubstep scene here but it's the same thing in every scene....It seems like DJs are afraid of playing the good, interesting and mind-blowing music.

(And yeah, honnestly, I do agree that acid house is kinda...oldschool and limited.)

Anyways, I still love the 303's sound.

Update » WhiteLight wrote on Sun Jun 20, 2010 @ 3:15pm
Damn j'écris encore moitié français/anglais X_x
» WhiteLight replied on Sun Jun 20, 2010 @ 1:19pm. Posted in Le Chat avatar....
Coolness: 51105
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
Bringgggggg back ACID house!

Fuck yeah.

» WhiteLight replied on Sat Jun 19, 2010 @ 4:24pm. Posted in osheaga 2010.
Coolness: 51105
Sonic Youth
» WhiteLight replied on Sat Jun 19, 2010 @ 2:53pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 51105

Wax Tailor...qui viens au festival de Jazz d'ailleurs.
WhiteLight's Profile - Community Messages