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» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 11:02pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By THE_BIG_JO
A bit of biology:

Notice the pronounced canines and incisors, teeth that evolved to suit their purpose, ie. tearing meat off bones.

Let's compare to a herbivorous animal

Notice the large collection of molars and pre-molars, teeth useful for grinding vegetable material.

Why would you deny a cat the very food source it evolved to survive off of?

It's the same reason why you don't feed an iguana meat, because it's digestive system is not equipped to deal with it.

Yes, I understand that, that's why I'm shocked that cats can be healthy and vegan. I mean, I couldn't believe it, but, the proof has been shown to me in the form of living healthy vegan cats.

I am going to ask him about the exact molecular makeup of the food, how it works in their digestive systems, etc. I want to know what's going on.

Because I am curious. So I like to find out how things work. I am pretty curious to know exactly how there are two cats, who are biologically carnivores (with a different digestive system than ours and 200 times the amount of enzymes for breaking down meat than WE have), who have been thriving for a long time on a raw vegan diet. Aren't you?

I would never ever make a cat eat something it cannot eat.

Please notice, I am the only one who responded to rescuing the cat, even though I really don't have much space for it, and it's not an ideal situation for me but I'm going to do it regardless.

SO, if you want to rescue the cat instead, then go ahead and feed it what you would like.

Otherwise, the cat is going to the SPCA to be put down.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:51pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
When you buy meat at the store, the animal is already dead... If you don't eat it someone else will... So you might as well enjoy the dead animal. If no one enjoys the dead animal, it will get thrown out in the garbage...

That's not how it works. Buying it creates demand. The more people buy, the more is produced. Eating something that is thrown out, however, is different. That's called "Freeganism", and those ppl are farther along the ethical scale than even I am, by my own standards of ethics.

Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
The same thing applies to people who argue that we use too much paper in the world and it's killing the trees... I say we should all use more paper because if we use more paper, the companies that produce the paper will plant more trees to keep up with the demand...

*palmface* no, dude, they don't plant the trees they cut down for paper. even in Canada where supposedly we plant back more trees than anyone else, it's only like 3 or 10 percent or something.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:40pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By PALY
Okay sorry to go back here.. but you said in another thread that you would make Armani's cat vegan!??? WTF!?? Cats hunt.. they see a squirrel, they don't think cute, they think prey (to use your words if I'm not mistaken).

*The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or house cat to distinguish it from other felines, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal *

Predatory carnivorous.. unlike us, they don't pick berries or eat apples.. they eat meat. Isn't that taking away the freedom of another?

Although I agree with most of the FACTS you have stated, I'm starting to think you have been brainwashed.. No offense

Heya, I forgot to respond to this. OK, I would NOT make a cat vegan unless I absolutely knew what I was doing, down to a science. I said I would LOOK INTO IT, not do it.

I have a raw vegan friend, who has 2 cats, who have been THRIVING and living happily and healthily for MANY YEARS NOW on a raw vegan diet.

I was just as shocked as you are, but, I have seen it for my own eyes, so I am willing to look into it.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:36pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Taking another sentient being's freedom away isn't really a freedom.. it's an ANTI-freedom.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:34pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
here is a paradox at the heart of your logic...

You're saying people shouldn't have the right to take away the freedom of others...

now... by extension, *you* can't have have the right to deny others the freedom of choice.


Our freedom should end where another sentient being's freedom begins.


If the freedom of one sentient being is being taken away, this is the point at which is is reasonable for someone to try to stop the person who is taking that freedom away. To protect the right of freedom of the first sentient being that is getting its freedom taken away.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:29pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Cruelty is natural. Happens all the time at every step of the food chain.

Making it OK and necessary, right?
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:26pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
And yet every time you mention meat eaters, you can't help but point out that they're violent and cruel and evil and that they slaughter and torture animals.

Only in response to the unfair accusations put on me. Also, yes, it IS violence and torture, literally, it's not untrue so I don't understand why you see a problem with it.

Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Clearly accusing someone of torture and murder is a way of showing you love and care for them.

I'm not accusing them of it, they do it consciously and openly.

Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Saying that everyone that is eating meat is a cruel animal torturer is the same as saying all black people steal, all chinese people can't drive, all religious people are insane, all jews are cheap, etc. etc..

I never said they were all cruel. Just because someone causes cruelty to happen doesn't mean that they MEANT for it to happen, or fully understand it. I don't believe all meat eaters are innately cruel, but they are definitely supporting cruelty, whether they know it or not, whether they mean to or not. That's not my doing, shoot me for being the bearer of bad news.

Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Veganism/vegetarianism is just another 'ism', much like facism, nazi-ism, totalitarianism, religionism.. It's a way of thinking in which you are fanatically devoted and believe YOU are SO RIGHT and everyone else is SO WRONG that they MUST be shown the error of their ways and converted!

veganism, humanitarianism, socialism...
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:15pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
As for giving a shit about others... it doesn't really matter how much you care if you can't respect their right to make their own decisions.

How can I respect someone's right to take away the freedom of others?! That's not a right that anyone should have!
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:10pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
ok we all know that's terrible. rwanda was fucking terrible... hiroshima was terrible...

did you have a teenage crisis at some point in your life or you just discover these day that this world is terribly rude and unapologetic!?

um no, I'm pretty sure I was always aware of it. Things "being the way they are" does not make them fine to stay that way. Yes I did have a bit of a crisis when I found out what is really happening to the planet and the animals, and how this is the last generation of excess. If I hadn't, there would have been something very wrong with me IMO. It will likely be too late by the time everyone else starts deciding to do something about it too.

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
that makes me laugh the expectation of young wester people. they expect that life should be easy, fair a walk into sunshine alley.

Um, I never expected like to be easy...

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
if you don't calm down you'll be a sad person.

a rave board is not really the best place to take action in your desire of utopia world inc. maybe you should imply yourself at different level in the community/society.

arguing on a board is futile. i know i do it myself once in a while.

Oh. Right. Well why don't you read the very first post of this article again, and then get back to me. I suppose this is the right place to post hatrid then?

..n if the rave community is not the place to promote compassion, where is.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:01pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By THE_BIG_JO
I am an asshole, I am the first to admit it. Ask any of my friends.

I <3 steak, especially when it cries.

Well at least that is not hypocritical.

As for calling my posts a diatribe. What exactly would you call the article you posted? At least my diatribes are factual.

Originally Posted By armani
So, instead of talking about animal rights and morals, we should show the good side of a non-meaty diet.

I tried at first to do that on here.

Originally Posted By databoy
I had a 2 of my uncles that had farms and they didnt "torture" their animals.
You cant always take the worst case and generalize it on to the whole world.

Well that's why I asked you where your animal products come from. Do all your animal products and byproducts come from there?

Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:03pm
AND I NEVER SAID I WAS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! You keep putting those words in my mouth when I have repeatedly stated I am nowhere near perfect.
Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:05pm
I am not stuck up, hence I don't think I'm so above everything else that it's OK for me to harm animals just because I think they taste good... now THAT takes some ego...
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:55pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
y'know what I find strange... a bunch of people who have made up their minds about what they want to eat, getting preachy and bitchy about the fact that other people have decided to eat differently than they have.

It's not about a personal dietary choice. It's about actions that affect others. I don't think it's OK to stand by and not do or say anything while needless mass genocide and torture in nazi-type camps is happening.

If I only gave a shit about myself and nobody else, I wouldn't say anything at all.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:41pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Strangedalia, there is no point talking to you because you ignore every bit of reason that I've gone over. I've explained my feelings very fairly and yo just ignore it and post a bunch of unreasonable stuff anyways. For the very last time, from me to you, I do not try to guilt people, I am not imposing myself on others, that is what *you* are doing and if you feel guilt from it, fine. You are just realizing the blame for yourself then. You made the association on your very own between the things you do to animals, and guilt.

databoy - I find it very weird that someone can claim to love animals and then defend the system they're tortured in. I asked to please answer my question so I can have a better perspective on it.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:36pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
I added an update to the post above:

and natural doesn't = right, anyways. I think we have evolved to know better than that by now, to be able to distinguish between the two.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:32pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Please fully answer what I asked, databoy. I thought those were very fair questions.

What we are doing to animals now is not "natural" and it's nowhere within the realms of natural suffering. It's something else altogether. Please answer the things I asked.

Strangedalia: I'd like you to take a look at a factory farm (concentration camp) and tell me, who are the nazis.

Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:36pm
and natural doesn't = right, anyways. I think we have evolved to know better than that by now, to be able to distinguish between the two.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:28pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
--copter XD lol
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:24pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Do you do any sort of test? Urine, blood, hair... how do you determine what is good for who?

Btw, My naturopath gets a lot vegetarians and vegans with some funky hard to treat conditions. Cutting out all animal protein can be dangerous.

My family doctor seems to think I'm in amazing shape, and I've done tests and everything is optimal. I am also an athlete and require a lot of (complete) protein, and I don't eat soy.

What do you think is in animal protein that we need that we can't get in vegan protein?

I think what happens is that mainstream society refuses to educate people on proper vegan diets, and then people go vegan and don't know what they are doing and get unhealthy. That's not veganism's fault, it's the education system that needs to advance. Most doctors don't even know anything about nutrition!!! I had to tell mine where I got my protein. O.o

Originally Posted By DATABOY
For vegans, the health issues usualy start showing up 10, 15 years later.

I know a bunch of raw vegans who have been vegan for about 15 years now and they are the healthiest people I know. There is no difference in the lifespan of vegans and omnivores, despite the fact that this is talking about vegans from a time when there was virtually no nutritional information available for them, like we have today. In fact the guy who coined the term "vegan" died a few years ago at like 95 years old. He went vegan alone when he was 14 and had no nutritional info available.

Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:26pm
I actually had to cut down on my protein because I was getting too much of it :P lol.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:17pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
damn girl i thought i was talkative but it's nothing compare to you haha

maybe in that way people perceive you being forceful or that you insist a lot.. it's can live a bad taste or make you look bitter easelly you know if you start acting out too much during a dinner with friends or else..

When your point of view runs against the grain and there is so much pushing on the other side, it can require outspokenness to balance it out. Especially if there is only one or two of me speaking on this side, and about 10 people on the other side, I have to respond in equal measure even though I am less people (though really, we are all on the same side :)

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
insisting is not going to change the world...

It's the only thing that's ever changed the world. I don't know exactly how much I will change it but I want to do what I can.

Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
show in your actions you p-o-v & i think it's really like that you are going to achieve possible conversion in other members of society...

i understand you must be a very passionate person that's why you act out i suppose.

Showing in actions does that too, and speaking out about it helps. Every social justice movement is like that. I think it's good for info to be presented in a variety of ways. :)

Originally Posted By databoy
I think where a lot of peoples have a problem is when vegans try to guilt peoples into changing there ways.

I think it's a misconception that vegans are trying to guilt people. I simply state a fact (animals are enslaved, mistreated, needlessly) and they feel guilty. That's their own conscience telling them to feel guilty, not me. I have never once told someone, "you are a bad person because you eat meat!"

I ate meat and I wasn't a malicious person, just wasn't connecting my actions with my values.

Originally Posted By databoy
I love animals and I respect life. I have lived my whole life with several species of animals. I have had 2 dogs die in my arms. But food is different. The suffering, witch is a built in part of nature, is not senseless.

This is completely not a personal attack, but I want to understand how you think, and why:

You love animals and respect life? Have you seen where all of your food comes from, what happens to the dairy and egg animals, how your meat was raised *before* it was killed? How is it in coherence with loving animals if you abuse them at all to get things you don't need from them?

These aren't loaded questions or to make you feel bad, they're completely honest. I think if I can get a decent reasoning on it from anyone here, you seem to be one of the people who would be more likely do give one.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:47pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By YOGOURT
1/3 of the world population, thats about 2 or 3 billion (2 000 000 000 or 3 000 000 000) that are starving right now. They eat things that you would have thrown away because its shit and you are arguing that ome food or some diet are better that other??

..which is one of the many reasons I'm vegan. All the ressources and veggie food matter that we feed to livestock could feed the hungry people of the world instead! Livestock is an inefficient system because we get much less out of it than we put in. If a smallish fraction of the population went vegan, we could feed the hungry people of the world.

While on the issue of human rights, since livestock production is the number one cause of pollution in the world (I'm not just talking greenhouse gasses, I'm talking actual pollution), if more people go vegan now, our future humans will live in a much better world too.

Originally Posted By Deadfunk
"PETA" which is the organism in the u.s. that kills the most animals each year, with ways that are more retarded than any other animal killing buisness.

Deadfunk, I don't even support PETA and that's not true. They kill a lot of animals, but nowhere NEAR the most.

About PETA... presenting people with their issues is not a good argument against veganism, because PETA doesn't have very much to do with vegans. Many of us don't support PETA and many members of PETA are meat eaters. Go figure. Trust me I could go on about it but it has no relevance to this thread.

In response argument about it being evolution/natural/designed etc. - I understand exactly where you are coming from, because this was my argument and point of view ever since I heard about veganism (which I thought was "like vegetarian, but even more extreme, noble idea but not natural, we are natural omnivores"). I do understand your point of view, completely.

Over time I realised that "natural" is not synonymous with "good". Then I learned that its is completely possible (and even in some places in the world, natural) for people to not eat any animals or animal products whatsoever and get *absolutely* all of the nutrients that you would get from the animals... and now I've been finding, it's actually more.

So, regardless if it's naturally possible for me to be an omnivore, or if I grew up that way, or if my ancestors grew up that way... the fact is PRESENTLY: we live in a world where we don't need to any more. There is no good reason to exploit or kill other animals for food any more, because we don't need to, for ANY of our nutrients, name me one nutrient and I will tell you where you can get it in a vegan diet.

I have nothing against you on a personal level so please don't get so upset and insulting. These are things I've learned, and I wish someone had "been imposing" and kindly shared them with me sooner.

Originally Posted By DrNyarlathotep
I like the taste

You honestly think that is valid reasoning for torturing something its entire life in a prison system and then killing it? I love the taste of cashew butter (better than peanut butter hehe) but if it had nociceptors, there are also 10000 other things that taste good to eat instead.

Originally Posted By DrNyarlathotep
Now, as far as the freedom of animals, I'm afraid of the day where all animals would be liberated. We'd have to subject them to the same laws and rights as humans and it would mean fuck-all to animals who don't understand the idea. Having, say, a bear get in my living room and endangering my family, I would have to call the cops and get them to arrest him on charges of "breaking and entering". If the scared bear attacked my family, I'd have to do nothing, lest I be charged with manslaughter (well, animal slaughter). It's a scary notion. I don't see how total animal liberation would work.

Of course they wouldn't be subjected to our laws if they were liberated. The pidgeons are liberated and are not subjected to our laws. Animals like bears don't come into the city... If they did, for some weird reason, they would be tranquilized and transported out back into the wild. Fear of these things is unreasonable. Fear breeds hate and the perceived need to dominate.

Originally Posted By databoy
Not everyone has the time and interest to become a dietitian/naturopath, but unfortunatly, to get a balanced diet as a vegan you have to be just that, or fill up on supliments.

It's very easy. I thought it was going to be hard (it looks hard from the outside in) but it only seems that way because it's a foreign ideology but it's very easy after not very much digging.

Originally Posted By databoy
An other thing, there is no sure fire diets that will fit everyone. We all have diferent tolerances for different foods we all have different neads.

That's right! There are many different vegan diets for many different dietary needs. Absolutely all the nutrients that are found in meat (except for an overload of certain carcinogenic amino acids) can be found in vegan foods. Vegan does not depict one set diet. It's a very broad spectrum. There are people with all sorts of health requirements who meet them as vegans.

Originally Posted By databoy
Idealy, humans should find out what food they nead, what is good for THEM, and witch ones are les helpfull and/or detrimental.

Absolutely everything that different humans need is found in a vegan diet. If anyone wants to call me on that, please tell me which nutritional requirement you're concerned about and I'll let you know which type of vegan diet is good for it.

Originally Posted By databoy
...its way better to eat meat than to go on a half assed vegan diet (helthwise), cus that can be downright dangerous.

A half assed diet in general is bad for people, and that is true all around and does not apply any more to vegans than it does to omnis.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:00pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
...so did a lot of other things...
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 7:45pm. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
There were so many very unfair things said through this thread. It's I hope that everyone can read this carefully, and mull it over:

Originally Posted By BODKIN_VAN_HORN
I appreciate this

Vegans don't push their ideas on others forcefully. They often find themselves defending themselves though...and this can be misunderstood as persuasion or a challenge to someone with drastically different beliefs.

I appreciate it when people challenge my beliefs - it allows me to re-evaluate their strengths and weakness. No one has yet convinced me that meat eating is a better way for me than veganism.

It's accepted for people to laugh and joke about torturing animals and how much they hate vegans etc, but if ONE vegan has the guts to speak up and defend it and say, "It's wrong to torture and kill animals! We don't need to!" Then you freak out and label it with self-rigteousness and extremism and a whole ton of other fallacies.

My posts were in RESPONSE to a thread that is calling all veggies/vegans a whole ton of bad things. I never came on here and troll-posted a thread myself, calling all meat eaters names and stuff (though believe me I have QUITE as much or more feelings on the issues as the guy who wrote the article does, and have just as much of an inclination to post a thread about it, but did I? NO.) and I never ONCE said (through all the attacks) that "I hate meat eaters" because I don't, I WAS a meat eater for most of my life. But I've always been a very curious person and I did a lot of research (from many different sources) and have come to the conclusion that it's not reasonable, with everything that goes on in the industry today that is not OK, or natural (including taking the freedom of other animals at all), and even if it was natural to keep things in prison camps and pump them full of drug before eating them and drink the maternity milk of another species (it's not), natural does not necessarily = good. "All natural" is normally just a mar

In fact, if you'll read my first posts, I specifically kept saying how it was NOT an attack on the person who wrote it, or on any meat eaters, I was only sharing things I've learned out of non-biased research. Because it counters what we have been force-fed our entire lives, I was jumped on for it.

Calling me a hippy as if it means anything is silly. I have nothing against "hippies", whatever they are, but I don't think I fit into that or any specific category. I'm not calling you "redneck conservatives" in response, because it's meaningless.

Call me defensive if you want but it's easy for a sensitive person like me to get defensive when there is an article of anti-me and conservative anti-compassion propaganda posted on here.

Not all vegans support PETA, you can drop your stigmas now, and I vote Steven Best over Pete Singer.

I would like someone to ACTUALLY respond to this, and try to make it a reasonable response:

How can someone call me self-righteous when I've decided specifically NOT to push myself on others (like, keeping them in torture camps and eating them is a way of pushing yourself on others). It's the entire basis of veganism, NOT exploiting others, NOT forcing my ways (prison camps) on others, not forcing death on them even though in THIS DAY AND AGE (regardless of WHAT we have been doing before) when we don't need to any more... (natural does not = good, though I'll point out, we are obviously as a species capable of eating both plants and meat or only plants).

...Yet I am the one pushing myself on others?

Over and over in this thread, this clear logic is being ignored.

So please, for the first time, actually read this, take it in, and respond to it:

If I am "forcing myself on you" (which I never was, until I was attacked and equally responded with the other side), to get you to stop forcing YOURSELF needlessly on other sentient beings, and then you accuse me of being the forceful one? HELLO, YOU ARE FORCING PHYSICAL TRAUMA AND DEATH ON OTHERS, without need. I'm not "forcing" anything upon you, please wake up and








Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 8:01pm
oops. sorry, up there I meant to say "All Natural" is often just a marketing scheme. It's not so important though, I half deleted it instead of deleting it by accident.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 6:57pm. Posted in Recession getting worse?.
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
this is what happens when you PRINT money and LEND it to the other banks at an interest rate.

It makes NO sense at all, I mean, how you can pay interest on money borrowed from the only legal entity that can print money?! It's like me saying, I have this priceless painting, I will lend it to you but you will owe me this same painting PLUS more of this same painting next year.... there's only one fricking painting!!

So yeah, money is going to collapse, I can't wait personally... we're all going to die!! (I mean, we are, aren't we?)


In the future people will see this reality and won't call it conspiracy "theory" anymore.

Mike grab some weaponry and stock up like Scotty said :) I've got my bike and tent and backpack and everything all ready... Woot! Come on, it'll be fun.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 6:45pm. Posted in Building a more positive scene -) Lets do it.
Coolness: 39490
Wahahahahaha. *bows down, in reverence and servitude*... .... (jk)

I always thought that plur should be something that's naturally in the scene and that each person would do their part to let it flow.

I come from a place thought where there was at a time a lot of unplurriness in the scene where people would start stealing backpacks, being dishonest etc. I remember being virtually the only one trying to get ppl to wake up to it and "crack down" on unplurriness, so I can see where you're coming from.

At the same time, having the most heavily smokey raves in the ENTIRE country is something that needs to be seriously looked at, smoke assaulting innocent party goers including under-18's is something very non-plur, no matter what you say. You're not the God of all, or the inventor of the concepts of peace, love, unity and respect... you're not the only one with an valid opinion.

Obviously there was a hard fought social movement in the direction of clean air, hence the smoking ban in public places.

A scene that's (cigarette) smokey encourages young people to start smoking. Cigarettes are everywhere, offered continuously, and seen as a social norm. Also, a scene where it's smokey makes it harder for people to quit, since they cannot escape it!

As a "progressive" scene, there should be no smoking in doors, or at the VERY LEAST if there IS smoking in doors, have some fucking ventillation!

Otherwise, as Rawali poined out, smoking indoors when there are non-smokers around is DISrespectful. Therefore unplur.

You are not the sole judge of what is plur.

You can get off your "non-newbie" superiority cloud about being on the boards longer, it's not like I popped into existence yesterday. I've been to a lot of parties in different cities. This is the smokiest of them all and it repulsed a number of other people as well. I'm just the only one with the guts to say anything about it, simply because I don't care about the social reprocussions.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:14am. Posted in Looking for a Poker game ....
Coolness: 39490
ekshellent! let's get something going sometime next week shall we?

I'm actually thinking of getting a bunch of poker chips and painting them with my blacklight paints and taking them to parties. How rad would that be?
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:07am. Posted in What The Fuck?.
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By THREAD
"Whenever there's a protest where people cover their faces with masks or any type of cloth, usually it results in violence or there's an intention to commit violence," he said.

ORRRRRR the cops want to INCITE peaceful protesters into violence, by way of infil-fucking-tration etc. It's not like they haven't done it many many times before.

This is a blow towards Animal Rights protesters too. The governments (especially in North America after what GWB did in '06 that has turned everyone for good against AR) are very angry with people campaigning for compassion, you see, it gets in the way of their nasty business!

They're trying to find a way to further persecute people who aren't down with the G summits.

People have a right to gather and protest and not have the government see their face so that they can track them and hunt them easily later!

Originally Posted By THREAD
"At a political demonstration, I think there's a right of privacy – I have a right to cover my face if I don't want to be seen," he said.

Damn straight. For the above reason. We're not out of the dark ages yet people, just hit a lull, and we are going back in.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 6:31am. Posted in Building a more positive scene -) Lets do it.
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Patches, chewing gum, and lots of swearing.
Coming from someone who's been on a plane for 20 hours in a row traveling from Montreal to Manila.

(I don't smoke - but you can't help but notice "them")

Some times, it's better to just bear the smoke a little while, than to bear the whining and ranting that can go on for hours on end when someone decide they need their fix ...

:( That must be very tough for the ones who usually smoke every few minutes.

I'd honestly rather the whining than the smoke :( At least I'd be able to sing the next day.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 6:00am. Posted in What the f**k is up with ppl uploading pr0n non stop on rave.ca.
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By APR1ZM
heahaeh jadore le porn cest pas sa le point! mais si jveux du porn jvais aller sur un site de porn! cest rendu je scroll les pics de la gallery pis jai des fucking hardon! sans compte le fais que jpense tjs cest une fille du site pis que jvais pouvoir la baiser!!!!!!! deception.... :)

Bahahahahaha XD bien sur
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 5:33am. Posted in Building a more positive scene -) Lets do it.
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
I just love how gamos is a self-proclaimed minister of plur.
I thought he would drop the whole act ages ago but no hahaha.

Hahaha I know it really is a ridiculous proclamation to make. XD

Originally Posted By Kishmay_Pinas
Welcome to the board, crazy vegan hippie chick, learn to read things with a grain of salt around here, and save yourself a whole lotta typing

Aw it's ok, I type faster than I talk so it's just like breathing :) But those things were in response to serious subject matter *insert serious face*. Though I like to joke around a lot, this is something that wasn't being joke material.

Originally Posted By drnyarlathotep
It's like watching Lisa Simpsons go on a tirade without realizing she's been in a Wonder Showzen episode for the last couple of days.

:) Scary hippy chick, don't change. Just don't bash me with poi, either.

Awwww shit. I've made myself unpopular here! XD That so sucks, I'd better stop dancing now. *looks down, sadly*

....but maybe the poi will be in FIRE. Did you ever think about that?! EH?! DID YOU?!

Originally Posted By drnyarlathotep
I don't like smoke in raves but it's never been a problem to me so far. However, as Dahlia stated, the smoke machines are the real problem.

Hmm, it was really embarrassing actually when I took some out-of-town raver friends of mine to a couple parties recently and both times the smoke was so intense that it kind of shat on our otherwise awesome nights. It wasn't even me who commented on it either, in fact I was the one who was trying to make excuses for it, you should have heard me trying to defend the party when I knew they were right... "well it's not so bad now... it's cleared out a bit!" ...and then we looked around and the smoke hung so thickly in the air that it was a haze... and it was no smoke machine smoke...

All of us have been raving for a long time, in different cities, and we have never, I mean NEVER, been to parties with such a concentration of smoke. Maybe you guys are used to it but to us it's completely... I can't find a good enough adjective.

Originally Posted By drnyarlathotep
Also, please realize that most smokers are doing it out of addiction. It started as a mistake and now it can't stop. There aren't that many people who are willing and proud of killing themselves with nicotine and tar.

We all make mistakes. A little bit of compassion (and a compromise of freedoms) goes a long way. Much better than extremist views (on either side).

Oh totally, I feel bad for people who are addicted to something like that. My mother smokes and has tried to quit many times, I love her dearly (but she was compassionate enough towards me as a kid not to subject me to it). I'm sure it's very hard for any of them to try to quit, too, when their parties are filled with smoke.

Originally Posted By drnyarlathotep
And lastly, please realize that when I mentioned getting sick in the cold, I wasn't referring to the flu but rather other extreme cases (which have been seen lately with the extremely low temperatures). You know, pneumonia (which CAN be obtained through physical injury of the lung, like being frostburned by a -30 temperature) and so on. :)

o XD I'm honestly sorry, I understand you now. I would not want that for anyone. I guess it really is excrutiating for them to just not smoke for a few hours. What the heck do they do on air planes, trains, busses, in school, at work, if they go to the hospital!?!?!?
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 4:50am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Out of everything I said, all you did in reply was go on about ranting and repeating the very same dogma all over again.

..in response to you not getting it and saying the same inaccurate accusations over and over again. You're right, I shouldn't humor you like that. ...n what did I say that was a dogma?

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
You against the whole world. Putting everyone in the same basket - that's the way to a more "humane" society, innit?

Putting words in my mouth again. Never did I put everyone into the same basket. What do you mean when you say "humane"? What e.x.a.c.t.l.y does the word define for you?

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
By the way - forget what you've been indoctrined to think and say by your vegan society, go back, read this thread, and quote me on saying I am "so much greater than every other species on Earth, that you feel you have license to persecute them all, in the most vile of ways".

Indoctrined by who? I have done my own research, come to my own conclusions based on nutritional fact and reason, nobody came to me and told me to be vegan... but I wish they had years ago though! If someone else had been more outspoken about it (like this) earlier in my life, I would have come to this understanding much sooner.

What are you trying to say about your persecution of other animals (keeping them enslaved, inflicting pain and death)?.. You do those things, why do you have an issue with the statement? You should be perfectly fine with it, since you believe these things are perfectly fine to do... or else why would you do them?

I stated the fact in response to your accusing me of "forcing myself on others". I can't bear the idea of forcing myself on others any more, that's the reason I went vegan. It's an integral part of the philosophy. "...to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals..." ...animals, which includes other humans!

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Meanwhile, maybe you should start caring about what other people think. Ya know, having friends, seeing different point of views, sharing, bonding ... couldn't hurt ya.

I do and have done that. If I didn't ever care what other people thought I would not talk to them at all or have any friends. In certain situations though, I feel that it's good to let go of caring for the idiocy of others and not let it get to you. That's what I meant about not giving a flying fuck what they think. You continuously make false accusations, based on your own misconceptions. You've absorbed enough brainwash against veganism that you think we all have some sort of weird motive to "control others". Dammit, NO, we only wish that you would STOP controlling others!

Oh I remember now in what context I said "I don't give a flying fuck.." that was when you were criticizing the legitimacy of me having common values factor into who I date. 0.o

Originally Posted By moondancer
You can resolve to try and be more like something without being obsessive compulsive about it. You can strive to be something within reason, without being extremist.

Exactly. And contrary to popular misconception, there is nothing outside of reason or extremist about veganism. It can be perfectly healthy and fit into a happy, full life. There is nothing extreme about choosing to live with a big importance on the value of compassion and respect for all other life, enough respect that you wouldn't cause harm to another animal if you could help it. There is nothing extreme about putting my compost into a compost bin instead of tying it up into plastic bags to put in a landfill. There is nothing extreme about using shampoo that wasn't pointlessly tortured on animals, and there is also nothing wrong with encouraging others to do the same!! There is nothing extreme about wanting people to stop pointlessly hurting other animals. Am I trying to "force" a compassionate lifestyle on others? LOL! What a ridiculous thing to criticize. I used to get the same criticism in Jr High school when I tried to get people to stop being mean to the Gay kids. IMAGINE THAT, I WAS THE ONLY ONE STANDING UP FOR THE GAY KIDS. If only I had that ability to convince people to stop causing needless harm and suffering.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 4:13am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By MOONDANCER
Personally I didn't see anything wrong with Veganible's posts as she was also just responding her opinion to the article. She made long posts about her beliefs, true, but she didn't single anyone out as a murdered and she didn't start a thread called "Everyone turn vegan or i'll hate you", she only expressed her side of the story and some people seem to have felt that she was imposing. It IS a thread about veganism/vegetarianism values so is anyone who disagrees with the article(that vegan values are hypocritical), a preacher? That's what the article is about, stay in the context people.

meep. :S thank you :/

I saw the one side, which is lacking so much fact and propagated so often, and felt that it was an appropriate time to respond with the rest of the story.

Originally Posted By strangedahlia
But note I said I'm switching to raw food - not vegan raw.

I actually had thought, at the time that I wrote back, that you meant raw vegan because they are the only type of raw foodist that I have known until now.

Originally Posted By strangedahlia
Vegans irk me for exactly that behavior that she's been displaying here, and the reasons I have myself stated above.

I'm sure that to me, this behavior you're speaking of, is spewing out truth that nobody wants to hear, and to you it's "self-righteousness".

Originally Posted By strangedahlia
Can we still be PLUR ? ;)

I'm not sure torturing and killing others works with PLUR does it?

This convo has gotten me thinking a bit more than I wanted to tonight.

Originally Posted By the_big_jo
What exactly does "guiltless grill" imply? So I'm supposed to feel guilty now if I eat meat? Screw you.

In retrospect, maybe what they should have instead for the title of the menu would be something more accurate: "exploitation-free grill" or "cruelty-free grill".

Maybe those words make what we do to the animals sound harsh because it *is* harsh. But it's not untrue. They are exploited, and in very cruel ways. Maybe the owners of the restaurant felt that the truth words were too harsh, so they softened it up a bit and put "guiltless" instead in hopes that it wouldn't offend people.

I guess they should have just put "non-animal-and-non-animal-byproduct grill". Hey, that's catchy! ;)
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 3:32am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Actually it has everything to do.

Belief system.
Adherance to a movement.
Finding completion in finding "common values" in others.

For fuck sakes you could say that about so many things. What is a value you must share with your romantic partners? Maybe they're not allowed to murder and torture other human beings? For me, it's that they think that torturing and exploiting ALL animals (not just humans) is wrong and that they won't do it!! I will not live in the same place with someone who is doing it, I will not live around that stuff in my fridge!! Like you probably wouldn't date someone who wears human skin and has human skin lampshades, I wouldn't date someone who wears the skin of ANY animal, not just humans.

If someone is not compassionate enough to think causing unnecessary harm to animals is wrong, they are not compassionate enough to be my partner!

I will date people who believe in religion when I do not, but if someone from any certain religion does not want to date outside of their religion, I'm not going to mock them and tell them that it's silly! If it's important to them to share that with their partner, they are entitled to that.

When I get involved in human rights issues (which I do), nobody accuses me of being in a religion. Why? Animal rights (which includes human rights) is just so much more taboo right now than human rights on its own, spurred on by our scared government and the scared industries that sit behind the mask that is our "government".

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
And ...... a pissy sense of self-righteousness.

How many times do I have to say that I don't think I'm anywhere close to perfect. I'm not, however, going to stop standing up for innocent tortured animals just because people think I'm somehow self-righteous for it. In fact, it's the people who harm those animals who are the self-righteous ones that they think they have any right to do those horrible things.

IMO you have to be prettty stuck up to think that torturing and killing another creature is OK, when you know that you don't need to.

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA

No offense meant, but you're not going to make any friends here, or anywhere else for the matter, with that kind of attitude. And no, it's not about being rejected by others.

It's about ostracizing yourself.

I'm not trying to make friends. Please tell it to someone who actually knows what peer pressure feels like.

I didn't ostracize myself, I learned one day that the doctrines I was taught were false and decided to stop contributing (as much as possible) to the horrors. Now all I want is to heal some of this this crazy mess and I don't give a flying fuck if I am popular or not for it.

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA

You believe that as Humans we shouldn't try to tamper with other species lives.

Let other people live as they wish.

Practice what you preach.

I do practice what I preach... now it's your turn...
When you say "let other people live as they wish" I say "let ALL the animals live as they wish, not only humans" and I assure you, that does not include confining them to tiny cages, skinning them alive, etc.

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA

I thought Vegans stood against "specyism"


Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA

....... We do not have to eat meat!

Damn right .... we are given free will.

And that's what it's all about, in the end.

Your (and my) freedom should end where another's begins (another animal who does not have it in their interest to be confined to a cage and subjected to your violence!!!).

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Guess that's what sets me apart from religious freaks and vegan extremists.

What's extreme are the gross injustices that are done for NO GOOD REASON to the other animals!

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
What I hate is people trying to force themselves and their beliefs upon others.

Then stop forcing mass violence upon other animals!! Hypocrisy!! The only thing I try to get other people to do is to STOP FORCING THEMSELVES ON OTHERS. Other creatures. Why must people insist on forcing a sick twisted prison system on them.

Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Remember, your opinion counts for nothing - you'll always think you're right.

Obviously people always think their opinions are right, that's what an opinion IS. And opinions do count, since they determine the decisions we make.
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Stop giving a damn about it and take your beliefs out of the equation.

I will never stop caring about the victims of this shameful torture camp system.
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Kill your ego to become untouchable.

You're the one who needs to lose your ego, thinking you are so much greater than every other species on Earth, that you feel you have license to persecute them all, in the most vile of ways.
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Be happy. Be zen.

Walk your talk.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 2:47am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
...SO THERE! hate me! bwaaa.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 2:39am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
It's not about religion... it's about if my partner holds certain values that are very important to me that I share with my partner.

Personally I'm a very staunch atheist, the idea of religion is whack to me. But I would date someone who is spiritual/believes in God because that's a difference I'm willing to have with my partner.

Trust me this is for the best that I only date vegans.

I am very lenient/open minded in other aspects of the relationship though... much more than the vast VAST majority of people in the world...

So no comparisons with religion pls, that's not fair, it has nothing to do with supernatural beings..
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 2:22am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By DISS0NANCE
only if it's vegan


(diss0nance was referring to if we swallow or not)
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 2:16am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By THE_BIG_JO
How about some hippie porn?

!!!!!!!! oh my Flying Rice Vermacelli Monster... that's getting me SO WET!

..wait for it... waaaait for itttt....

!!!@*&#&Aaaaaaaaahhhhah aU!(*&(#!&&! yAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhh h h h hhhh hh hh hhhhhh....#&! <<<vegangasm
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:35am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Guys guys guys ....

Let's stop the hate.

Post pr0n and make up.


Right well, to stop the hate, not torturing and exploiting animals would be a good way to start.

<<<Everyone will hate me but at least I have the guts to point out the facts.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:29am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By ARMANI
I'm pretty tolerant and hate when someone tells me what I should and shouldn't do, so I tend to act the same.

That's the whole point of veganism, to not force yourself on others (i.e. other living creatures).

Non-vegan consumers are forcing their way of life on animals, which unfortunately results in the torture and exploitation of those animals.

Me encouraging people to go vegan and live a more compassionate lifestyle (aka forcing my lifestyle ruthlessly upon them) results not in torture, but would actually benefit them or at the very worst be neutral.

So I see a very big difference there. I find it very rich of non-vegans to accuse us of forcing ourselves on anyone, in light of what results from their own lifestyle.

It seems like people often accuse others of the things they do themselves. Redirect the blame.

Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:33am
Oh diss0nance. That's an extremely ignorant and misinformed view of it in so many ways and not really even worth commenting on. Honestly. Absolutely every bit of it is true the other way around.
Update » Vegan wrote on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:34am
Oh and completely untrue as well.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:21am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 1:11am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
I'm glad there was some animal testing done. It's how insulin was made, for one thing. It's how my grandmother lived another decade.

I'm not even going to go there right now, but I REALLY could.

Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
I like meat. I like food. I would never be able to narrow my choice to one type.

Unfortunately for you, your choice *is* narrowed. Since I went vegan, my diet actually expanded bigtime. I eat things now that I never even knew existed before. I discover new awesome dishes all the time. I'm totally addicted to food, love love love it. I'm a total foodie. The best things I've ever eaten were vegan, a whole world of food I never knew about before.

It's a big misconception of the omnivore world that we eat *less* diversely than you. If anything, it's the other way around. I was there less than a year and a half ago. I didn't have any clue what vegans ate, but thought I did.

Vegan food is not simply, what you eat, minus the animal products. There are so many amazing things you are missing out on because they are replaced with meat, dairy, eggs etc. If you didn't have that stuff, you would find a world of thousands and thousands of awesome ingredients that you don't use because you block it with dairy, meat, eggs, and other animal byproducts.

It's like saying my shampoo and conditioner are somehow lacking something that yours have, because they have no animal ingredients and were not tested on animals like yours were. No; they have other things in them that yours do not. For example, the hair care products that I found *only* because I went vegan (that are biodegradable, vegan, non-animal tested, etc etc) are the best hair care products I have ever owned, and don't even cost any more than the other stuff. I would not have discovered them if I was using the "normal" brands that just HAVE to be tortured on animals to work.. evidently...

Originally Posted By ponchalice
its like smoking, gradually cutting down never works... you have to do it "cold turkey"

I know you said this to be funny but I'm gonna reply anyways - we're talking about billions of people, not an individual. As each individual changes in their own time (some people over night, some people years), this affects society as a whole on a more gradual scale.

Originally Posted By diss0nance
congratulations, you are a responsible citizen of the world! really a role model for all of us.. and it is the way of the future. we could all do with a little less harm. but I still like bacon.

As I said before, I am not a perfect person and this is not about me. I guess I am being a good role model in a way? Doing my best to minimize impact, be as responsible as I can, and realizing what that means? I don't want to be an egomaniac but I have to appreciate myself on some level here.

I'm not putting you guys down here but I do think that it's time for the human world to take responsibility and more towards more compassionate choices.
» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:47am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By ARMANI
I'm vegetarian, mostly because I'm disgusted by meat. Plain and simple. I don't see what's pleasant about eating it, but hey if you guys like it, that's up to you. Someone's daily diet is a personal choice, and nobody should be criticized for it, vegan or not.

As you can see in the definition of veganism, it's not just a dietary thing:

[T]he word "veganism" denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.[1] (Donald Watson)

I keep seeing this whole "I choose to be compassionate... but if someone else chooses not to, that's fine by me!" Well then why are you choosing compassion then? Why would it be okay for other people to cause excess harm to animals, but not for you?

If you went vegan/vegetarian out of ethics/compassion, then IMO is *is* hypocritical to say that you accept the choice of others to cause excess harm to animals, since they do not need to for survival.

How I see it:

I'm not going to give birth, but maybe one day I might adopt a kid. I am going to be nice to that kid, I would never confine the kid to a cage, force-feed it with tubes, castrate it without painkillers, give it tons of drugs/hormones/antibiotics, sensory deprive it, cut off its lips with hot metal, burn marks into its face, conduct crude experiments on it, put screws in its head, (all of this without any painkillers), force it to give birth repeatedly then kill the infants, then drink it's maternity milk, etc etc ETC ETC.

I'M not going to do all those things, because I think those things are wrong to do to another.

Well... there are other people that will adopt kids too.... what if its *their* "lifestyle" to do all of those things to the kids they adopt? What if those things are legal, and a regular part of human culture? Do I say "well I don't do those things, but if somene ELSE wants to do them, IT'S THEIR OWN CHOICE AND NOBODY SHOULD BE CRITICIZED FOR IT, WHETHER THEY DO THOSE THINGS OR NOT" ?????

» Vegan replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 12:30am. Posted in An interesting take on vegetarianism..
Coolness: 39490
Originally Posted By PONCHALICE
ive always wondered what would happen if all livestock was set free?

That would not happen, it would be a gradual change. We would simply stop continuously breeding them as the demand decreases.
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