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unknown.person's Profile - Community Messages
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» unknown.person replied on Sun Aug 28, 2005 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Greetings.
Coolness: 34885
Ah, great words of wisdom from people who sit too much in fromt of their computers.

The Village has taught me stuff, though. That gays are basically women who look like guys, and transsexuals are just women, who looked like guys, who just couldn't handle it anymore.

Homosexuals are damned as far as I'm concerned. If you can't handle your own dick, how can you handle someone else's?

I'm not PLUR, and I'm sorry, I'm just a big loonatic dog.

And yes, skateboarders are hated, everywhere they go. Which is why I would love to live in a skateshop and never have to deal with anyone else, ever. But that ain't gonna happen, is it now?
» unknown.person replied on Sat Aug 27, 2005 @ 6:01pm. Posted in Greetings.
Coolness: 34885
Good day humans,

please allow me to introduce myself - in my profile.

Anyway, how y'all doin'. I'm in pretty bad shape, looking for a place to live right now, and a job. I have to get the fuck out of the gay village, for my celebrity there has reached stardom-likeliness. I'm sorta like... I don't know, some celebrity. I guess they don't like me bringing my skateboard to the Parking in elephant pants. They're so mean to me, won't even give me the time of day.

If anyone's looking for a roomie and you live in that area without a name west of the multimedia city or near the olympic stadium (i skateboard) please give me a shout. Don't use my e-mail, just call me at 514-756-5406.

For those of you wondering, yes, I am crazy.

I have no friends, or very little anyway. I like crazy people, so if you just want to hang out, go skate, chill out, well give me a call. We'll do.
unknown.person's Profile - Community Messages