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» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Feb 12, 2005 @ 10:48am. Posted in Who's religious in here ?.
Coolness: 43465
That's pretty interesting.

It is written in the Bible, that it is "unclean" food.

[ www.themodernreligion.com ]

You'll find tons of different theories on the subject. Simply type jewish and pork in google.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Feb 12, 2005 @ 9:26am. Posted in Asians in Montreal.
Coolness: 43465
People who has two different cultural background (metissage) are often good looking people, for some reason. I knew these two afghani/singapore girls...quite something. I wouldn't say they're all hot, but I think it helps. Altough what is beautiful remains relative, but anything that is "multicultural" seems to be popular here.

Damn me and me pure french canadians roots.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 11:13pm. Posted in SAQ opens on friday.
Coolness: 43465
Bassic, I don't even work there, so whatever...

Unions are managed like mafias, but they are necessary to stop companies from making Quebec a third world country again. The problem is not the unions or the companies, they are only there because something is deeply fucked up in our system. Too much competition is no better than lack of competition, when it comes to economy.

Btw, money and computers don't make you happier. It only does if you care a lot about those things, which I really don't. They are certainly usefull, but only tools for bigger and more important things.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 1:52pm. Posted in SAQ opens on friday.
Coolness: 43465
I don't know any good jobs. And if I had the opportunity of fighting for better salary and social advantages, I'd do it anytime. Because there are no good jobs, unless you're a the very top of the food chain. You have the people who owns everything, and the rest, who are working under their command.

If we lived in a good capitalist system, people would be free to open their own businesses, doing what they love to do, whatever what might that be. But now it is hard, very hard. You have to be competitive, and you end up living only for your little business. Or you go get yourself a job in a company, where they decide what you do of the majority of your life time. I find that highly illogical, and a big reason why people are morons/stressed/sad/depressed/go out fucking everything that moves on friday nights. This society is not sane you know, me first.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Open in a new window.
Coolness: 43465
I was actually looking at his eyes on the subway earlier. He gave me the feeling of looking at a fucking dead body with eyes like fish. It is really frightening and sad.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 1:37pm. Posted in Who's religious in here ?.
Coolness: 43465
Could science explain that killing, stealing and raping is still common in the world then ? It is one to thing to know, it is another thing to actually live by it. This is where the Western civilization has failed in it's evolution. We say stealing is wrong, yet some might argue that we're stealing ressources from other countries every miute. The definition of "stealing" is relative.

As in lying and killing, they are still common things in the Western world. Yet we know that it is wrong. Science can tell us what is right or wrong, but what's the point if we cannot apply it ?

Is pollution wrong ? According to science, yes. According to economists, it's not that of a big deal.

Science is made of scientists, and scientists contradicts themselves. Do you read the National Post ? I've read tons of articles about the global warming, about how "false" it is, and that global warming is natural and has totally nothing to do with humans behavior. Yet, the actualy consensus is that global warming was caused, completely or partly, by human activity. It is a major contradiction, on a major issue. Science is also ruled by money, and what is true or not is sometimes hard to tell.

Psychoanalysis prove that there's a difference between speculations (because science is full of speculations and theories) and reality. You might discover how our brain and subcounscious works, but it might not be usefull. Maybe we shouldn't learn about that stuff, maybe we should avoid going in that direction. Science and progress are responsible for pollution, acid rains...

And what about those nuclear bombs ?

Science is one thing. How humans use it is a different story. Don't kill, but build huge bombs in case others wants to kill. And then they do the same.

Basicaly, science and knowledge could save us and could destroy us. And what is right or wrong remains relative of the context. Killing is wrong, killing someone who's going to kill is right ? Is death penalty wrong ? Only sciences like sociology or psychology could answer such question, and those sciences are mostly speculations and are enterely relative depending on the point of view. You cannot build a society determined by science. It never happened, and most probably never will. People know what is right and wrong, there is no need for science to know that, but somehow they often do the contrary. The problem is not science, or religion, the problem is how weak and retarted we are compared to the great evolution step we took in science and knowledge. Our knowledge as a specie grew bigger and bigger, while our brain remained the same. Common sense (like don't kill and don't hate) and emotions don't fit well together, and that is why we baffle simple rule like "do not steal" every day. Our lives got insanely complex for no reason, and what is right or wrong got messed up.

Another good example : Hitler had a scientific explanation for the jewish people...eugénisme (forgot the english word), which is basically a way to "improve" the humans genes. It made perfect sense from a rational, scientific point of view (if you see it Hitler's way). Obviously it didn't worked. But I do not see
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 9:46am. Posted in Who's religious in here ?.
Coolness: 43465
'is it about winning arguments with people, or is it about really trying to know and understand the truth of things"

It's a mix of both. You learn from arguing with people, arguments is one way to discover what you know and mostly what you don't. Some use it for intellectual superiority, even scientists...
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 10:55pm. Posted in Who's religious in here ?.
Coolness: 43465
Religious organizations are pointless, money sucking, brain washing, naive thinking.

Religion is dead.

Personal religion, spirituality, is the way to go. You don't have to believe in God, or in trees or have rules. You set your own vision of life. And the more science you know, the more you know about life. So your spirituality grows from your knowledge. Science made people realise that are ancestors are most likely not Adam and Eve, for example. Science destroys illusions and replaces them with whatever fits you. As long as you respect others visions, you can believe in whatever you want.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 10:46pm. Posted in Hi I'm cinderella soul...
Coolness: 43465
Common knowledge is an illusion, in my opinion.

On the other hand, I believe in the concept of usefull posts, and that pointless posts are a waste of time. Which is why I don't write messages often, and this stops the regulars from making "you're posting too much" messages, which is also useless.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 3:44pm. Posted in Who's religious in here ?.
Coolness: 43465
Checkout what they are saying about Global Warming...

And yes, there is many more contradiction in religion. While science is a consensus, religion is suppose to be something personal...And since everyone is unique, everyone should has it's own religion, based on what is your vision of the world. Let's not call it religion, call it spirituality, or whatever, but it's not a religion anymore... Religion is organized spirituality, which is stupid in my opinion.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Who's religious in here ?.
Coolness: 43465
Science makes religion deeper and smarter. Without knowledge, faith is nothing more than naive divination. Without religion, science is just a big chunk of facts and an ever bigger chunk of speculations.

Religion starts where science ends, where science cannot provide an answer. Einstein, Newton and many other great scientists believed in God, not "Jesus" or "Allah", in God. You cannot actually expect science to answer all questions, because some things are too abstract or far from our reach, and because science is full contradictions.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 12:49pm. Posted in SAQ opens on friday.
Coolness: 43465
It's not because we have crappy jobs and because big companies exploit people that the SAQ has to do the same thing, you know.

Some top executives that does nothing but taking "decisions" at the top of Big Company Co. gets a big fucking paycheck every week for doing absolutely nothing, but you're complaining about some students, mothers and whoever that are lucky to get a slightly bigger paycheck than yours ?

I don't see the logic in here.

And no, they don't "deserve" it because they got to the top of the food chain. You are born in the top chain, or you struggle all your miserable life trying to reach it.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 12:41pm. Posted in Hi I'm cinderella soul...
Coolness: 43465
This topic gave me silly high school flashbacks. What's up with all these teenage pulsions anyway ? I'll never go as low as starting a trash threat about a specefic person...trash talking on message boards is pretty old and retarded in my opinion, no matter how you put it.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Feb 5, 2005 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Amazone @ la S..A.T. : Samedi 5 février.
Coolness: 43465
Hmmm Amazaone at SAT then afterparty at chill ? Sounds like one crazy night...
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Dec 31, 2004 @ 9:20am. Posted in Looking for NYE tix.
Coolness: 43465
Looking for NYE events tickets...Soma and/or Apocalypse. email me, thehemeraproject@hotmail.com
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 11:12am. Posted in A pair of tickets for Apocalypse to sell.
Coolness: 43465
Id buy you one.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 11:03am. Posted in Billet pour Apocalypse à Vendre 35$.
Coolness: 43465
Im interested. Sent you an email.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 9:57am. Posted in worsest way to die?.
Coolness: 43465
I think it would be from lack of sleep. Like, not sleeping until death. If that is possible. There's no decapitation or bleeding, but the level of insanity must be incredibly high.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 9:52am. Posted in Proof that Metallica has hit rock bottom.
Coolness: 43465
Spongebob and drugs are a good mix. Unlike metallica and drugs.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 9:51am. Posted in It Is Not Ok.
Coolness: 43465
Boxes can be usefull. Some people collect them.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Dec 20, 2004 @ 9:39am. Posted in SAQ bullshit.
Coolness: 43465
The thing is : companies are employing more employees, cutting the full time schedules into part time schedules. This is not a SAQ-only thing, a lot of places are doing that. Some people need full time jobs since they have a family to support, and without a full time schedule, they're screwed. And no they can't go search for another job, since most big businesses use all the same kind of strategies (which is all about less money for employees and more profits).

Booze is not worth whining for. Unless your life is booze. Then you should whine about your life. I guess.

But whatever, this is just another union vs big company issue. There are stupid and pointless battles like this because the system is stupid and pointless.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Dec 18, 2004 @ 11:39am. Posted in Smoking Ban.
Coolness: 43465
I think (hope) it meant to be sacarstic.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Dec 18, 2004 @ 6:11am. Posted in Smoking Ban.
Coolness: 43465
They should open coffeeshops. And legalize pot. So whoever wants to smoke whatever can go there.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Dec 18, 2004 @ 6:05am. Posted in SAQ bullshit.
Coolness: 43465
It's funny how everyone turns to be an socio-economy expert when they can't get their alcohol anymore.

Opinions are hilarious when based on emotions...
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat Dec 18, 2004 @ 5:23am. Posted in Pensées Publiques.
Coolness: 43465
You have to be honest with yourself if you want truely watn to become "open minded". Otherwise, "open mind" is just a synonym of "indifference".
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 5:24pm. Posted in favorite time to smoke a joint?.
Coolness: 43465
After work, in the morning, at home listening to music.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 5:23pm. Posted in Decriminalization vs. Legalization.
Coolness: 43465
I think they should talk -SERIOUSLY- about pot in schools. Educate the people, avoid the trouble.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 5:15pm. Posted in scott peterson just got death penalty.
Coolness: 43465
And when he dies, everything shall return to normal ! Rainbows !

There's no point in killing. Killing for killing is an irrational and emotional way to do stuff. But w/e.
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 4:34pm. Posted in exam writing on Speed.
Coolness: 43465
I meant 1 pill and a half speed...which would be 1.5g, right ? I took the first half at 12h30, second at 3h30 and last at 6h30. (I was at homeworld)

I don't do speed often so...

I think it was the boosted pot that I smoke at 4 in the afternoon, after the rave, that started it all.

» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 4:27pm. Posted in Who you gonna vote for?.
Coolness: 43465
I believe it's just logicial for a person who has an average income (or less) to vote for a left wing party.

Even if our economy gets stronger, with the Liberal or Conservative in power, the average taxpayer will not be richer. Only the rich benefits from neo-liberalism.

And about the debat des chefs, Layton looked and sounded like a bad a car seller, Harper seemed constipated but he will own in the english debate, Martin kept using his catch lines (la sante, c'est notre prioriter...*big smile*), and Duceppe was invincible.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 1:16pm. Posted in exam writing on Speed.
Coolness: 43465
You think so ? Never had such effects on weed...maybe it was boosted with something...or the combination of both drugs...anyway I'm ok now.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 1:15pm. Posted in Who you gonna vote for?.
Coolness: 43465
"adhérer sans réserve au principe d’universalité du système de santé, lequel doit être administré et financé par le secteur public; "

[ www.greenparty.ca ]

Couldn't find it in english. Anyway, it seems like they aren't interested by privatization...but this IS a political party so...
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 1:08pm. Posted in Who Lives Longer?.
Coolness: 43465
I never heard of someone "sleeping too much". The only people who actually have time to achieve this are in deep coma.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 1:54am. Posted in exam writing on Speed.
Coolness: 43465
I see that some here have experience with Speed.

I took 1.5 g last night, plus 4 joints (not all by myself, of course). Then I smoked another joint at 4pm. Ever since, I have to deal with small halucinations (weak voices behind me, a poster "floating", and I won't even start about walking in the dark). It's 2am, and i still have some. This is my seventh "speed trip" in a year, and these hallucinations are new to me. Never had them before.

So, is it normal ?
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 1:00am. Posted in Homeworld 3.
Coolness: 43465
GJ Alien Crew, that was one memorable party.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Jun 13, 2004 @ 11:02pm. Posted in psychological mess.
Coolness: 43465
Originally posted by NAILBUNNY...

artificial drugs are for artificial people

It's not because something is artificial that it is necessarily worthless. Drugs, I believe, can be beneficial for one's mind. It's a tool, you can do harm to yourself, or do some good. And most people don't use them properly (including myself).
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Jun 13, 2004 @ 10:44pm. Posted in Who you gonna vote for?.
Coolness: 43465
Their new program is much less progressive than it used to be. But, it's still a left-wing party. I think they just figured that it's impossible to be in power without a minimum of help from the big spenders.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Jun 13, 2004 @ 10:25pm. Posted in Montreal Police.
Coolness: 43465
They're good people...in their own ways...

Seriously though, I never had any trouble with the police, and I had to deal with some policemens three times.

While this is based on no actual stats, I believe that younger cops are more comprehensive and less agressive than their older co-workers. But this, of course, is kind of obvious.
thehemeraproject's Profile - Community Messages