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» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 1:34am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Latendresse has skills. He's no Crosby or Overchkin, he's not the same type of player anyway. Give him some time. Also people should stop yelling gui gui gui every time he has the fucking puck. This is a team we're cheering for, not a single player (who cares if he's a frenchie, really).

Anyway he knows how to keep the puck, how to protect the puck from the defenseman. He's great in one-on-one battles. He'll do good work in front of the net, good checking also. All he needs now is to get his game on a higher level to keep up the fast beat of the NHL. That will require time. If you look at the statistics of players like Joe Thorthon and Vincent Lecavalier during their first season, you'll understand why we shouldn't get all excited over Latendresse for his rookie year.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 1:30am. Posted in Drugs And Animals!!!!.
Coolness: 43465
Well I don't know, getting drugged WITH animal sounds weird to me. But if I could change myself into an animal, and then take a drug, I'd like to be a squirell on a speed or an eagle on LSD.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 1:28am. Posted in Marijuana in Montreal....
Coolness: 43465
Well I lacked info and now I've learned much (and got reminded of some stuff, like the difference between sativa and indica). I guess the solution would be to switch to sativa. What I get is M-39, altough recently I got my hands on something different...I call it bubble gum pot, no idea what's the real term. It's very chewy.

Murd I heard this story recently from my friends where they end up in hospital after eating pot. Nothing crazy actually, yet I live in the shadows of life, in fear and loathing, so I do weird assumptions and get paranoid. Plus, it was a good way to start a conversation on the topic, and you see now we have here a good amount of interesting info on the subject.

Anyway I'm going to finish this batch, aware of what it is, and seek another kind.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 8, 2006 @ 6:33am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Was an emotional game, that was. Pierre Houde probably wet his pants somewhere in the middle of the second period.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 8, 2006 @ 6:30am. Posted in substitute tabacco in joints?.
Coolness: 43465
- Nobody does it outside of Quebec anyways so why should we be conditionally predisposed to feel otherwise?? -

I had a very, very weird feeling of deja vu reading this sentence.

In Western Europe, mixing tobacco and hashish is quite popular.

I tried green tea with my joints once. It wasn't bad, but I had such a trip that I don't really remember if it smoked well. I think it burned my joint in a weird way, yet it worked. Yet, it's better to keep your green tea for drinking haha.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 8, 2006 @ 6:25am. Posted in Extacy does me good!.
Coolness: 43465
What is the context ? How are you feeling ? Where are you ? Who are you with ? And finally, are you sure what you're swallowing/smoking/shooting is of good quality ? All good questions to ask yourself before taking E, or any kind of intense drug.

I think it's possible to have positive and permanent changes from ecstasy. But my experience from it has been mostly soul shatering and I can't take pills anymore. But I'm quite happy to learn that some of you had, au contraire, great experiences with E.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 8, 2006 @ 4:35am. Posted in Marijuana in Montreal....
Coolness: 43465
Hey there

I buy my marijuana from local pushers, delivery guys. I don`t know how they get their stuff, and really I'm not interested to know.

Aiight no point of doing an intro, I'm not in the mood anyway. Is it just me or the pot here is boosted with other drugs ? I can't relax anymore when I take pot. It gets real intense in my head, fears, paranoia, and sometimes the exact opposite, a great and deep feeling, true love and peace. These are just feelings provoked by the drug. But I remember being able of smoking 3-4-5 joints a day without that much effect, and recently I've had friends dealing with some strong experiences by smoking local pot.

I'm not speaking of Berri's stuff, which I know is abnormal. I have this fear that more and more dealers are using other drugs on their plants in order to get more and more people hooked. Is this rational, or is it just me ? Perhaps the product hasn't changed in years and the issue here is more about my psychological stability, which is very possible. But I lack of info here, I want some feedback, share the knowledge over this.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 5:06pm. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 43465
I'm getting my hands on a bottle of LSD in Portugal in two weeks. Can't wait.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 5:01pm. Posted in Dog got Sprayed by a skunk...helpppppp.
Coolness: 43465
I pass by the same skunk every night when I go to work.

Actually this high skunk population is good, whenever family passes by and complain about the pot smell, i blame it on the skunks. Works like a charm. But there again, my family is naive.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Lionel Groulx, We Barely Knew Yee.
Coolness: 43465
Germany has a high unemployed rate because of East Germany, which was under the Soviet control for quite a while. And these people finally realise that capitalism isn't that much greater than communism, financially speaking.

Seriously who cares about Lionel Groulx ?

The sponsorship scandal is related to Ottawa, not Quebec. It doesn't mean that Quebec is clean of corruption. There is no government in the world that is clean of corruption. But the PQ was much, much better than the Liberals... I recall when they tried to give some money "en cachette" to the Jewish schools last winter. What was that all about ?

"Only here are we dumb enough to get a flashy hospital to impress the medical community while countless patients have to wait days in another one just to get a fucking X-Ray done."

Right. Go get yourself cured in South Africa for fun. I'm tired of Quebecers who say "Only here we suck this much", when it's not true. We have our problems, but I'm tired of Quebecers who shit on Quebec when they don't back it up. It's like Gilles Proulx who keeps telling us we're complete ignorants. Do we need this ? No.

"Toronto was greedy about things, but it would never have emerged as the bigge$t city unless Montreal dropped the ball 1st."

Montreal lost the ball when the frenchies got control over stuff. Of course Montreal was n.1 when everything was controlled by anglophones, but it wasn't realistic. You cannot let a minority control the majority of the money, ultimately the majority will always prevail. Separatism did not help. But the take over of the francophone community over politics and business in Quebec is the main reason why Toronto is so big now. It was unavoidable.

You're asking Montreal to be rich, and fun. The only cities like this are London, Paris, NY, LA....BIG cities, where you can find everything. Montreal is not big enough for that. The only possible way would be an independent and economicaly productive Quebec. If Quebec becomes a country, it won't be a great model of productivity. Face it : Montreal will never be a big business player. We do arts and porn (third city behind LA and Vegas, i think). We'll make money out of tourism. We're like a small version of Paris.

Seratism won't work. Unless we go free trade with Europe and try to do the maximum of business with countries other than North America, so we can match their way of living. Because the North American style is productivity over the health of their own people. Anyway right now things in the world are so fucked up, that people won't have the courage to vote Yes. Who are our allies ? Who can we really trust ? What are the States are going to do about free trade, terrorism, environment ? We don't know. That's very scary. Free trade is slowing tearing itself appart (silly dream from retarded economists, I HATE ECONOMISTS), no one seems to know what to do about terrorism other than invading countries (not smart) and no one really cares about environment (Kyoto ? it's a joke, and the States won't even sign it !). Point is : Quebec independence would change very little, because the way we govern is set by what's going on outside of our province. Bush has more power over Quebec than Charest does.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Jul 7, 2005 @ 4:30pm. Posted in London, UK Transit Attack.
Coolness: 43465
Well this isn't a surprise. Payback for hundreds of years of murder and colonization, but these are innocents victims...

Believe me, England is going to regreat winning those Olympics. Ok you had Moscow, NY, Madrid, Paris, London. These are the cities that Al Quaida would be more likely to hit ! All of 5 of them ! Actually all 5 of them have dealt with Islamic terrorist in the past. Think they weren't planning anything ? And not only what happened today, but in 2012. This isn't good. Let's hope the Muslims finally solve the problem before that (because neither the french, the english or the americans can solve this, only the muslims can).

But on the other hand, neo has a point. Attacks like these shock people, because no one expects them, because these people weren't suppose to die. But people in Iraq, Egypt, or Sudan, are expected to die, so we just don't care. We accept the fact that people die every day, or we just forget about it. We think it doesn't concern us, we think it's not our fault. I think we are responsible for letting people die every day. I think there's something selfish of spending all your money on raves, on drugs, on clothes, on restaurants, while for some people, shit they don't even have enough money for food. There's a big mess out there, and everyone is just too greedy to do something about it. So things like 9/11, the Madrid train bombing, or the London attacks, are not surprinsing.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Jul 6, 2005 @ 4:32pm. Posted in Lionel Groulx, We Barely Knew Yee.
Coolness: 43465
Originally posted by @TRIX...

I hope it was clear that I was refering to Quebec in the Legal Political Entity kinda way, and not the fine-ass people of quebec who are way more fun, intelligent, and beautiful than anywhere else in Canada.

I was implying that, with a government like Quebec has, it's no wonder the drop-out rates are what they are, and that the government can't manage its finances! That wasn't clear, I appologise, and I hope it is now!

But, yeah, QC Gov't does dumb DUMB shit like that all the time. They do racial intolerance the way the Old French do incompetance. Fine examples of this racism above and beyond Lionel "Mein Kampf" Groulx include: 1) Jaques "It was those fucking ethnics that made us lose the referendum " Parizeau. 2) Dr. Pierre Mailloux (radio personality) who is under CRTC investigation for implying in June (2005!...NOT 1935) that Blacks are primitive next to white europeans. 3) Bill 101 which scared out all the big anglo business ($$) to Toronto and dropped QC's economy to the competitive level of Romania and Latvia, and just behind Mexico.

Now it looks like Quebecers would rather have a PQ government. While I enjoy the cheap property values that the political instability of the PQ brings with them, don't the soaring taxes and unemployment rates and plummeting incomes make life generally harder on Quebecers?

My question is: When will these fine, intelligent People of Quebec get a clue and realize they're fucking themselves by choosing such an impotent political party and that Toronto is gladly taking their share of the money?

The wise thing to do with racism is to ignore it. You don't fight racism with police or laws. Heck HOW do you fight racism ? With the government ? I don't think that makes sense. You don't fight racism. There are much bigger problems than that in Quebec...

The fact we aren't as greedy as the rest of our north americans friends explans why we're aren't as uptight as them, and that Montreal is one hell of a place to be. Do you believe that americans are happier because their GDP is higher ? We might not be acting smart with our money, but that's because we understand that life isn't only about numbers, economics and the IMF. Unlike the UK, the Germans or the States, for example. You want us to become greedy ? I think we're already greedy enough....
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 28, 2005 @ 9:25am. Posted in fucking weather!.
Coolness: 43465
Originally posted by SEBASTIANPRELAR...

Remember, this is a farmer country, colonised by country loosers years & years ago.....

Ouais mais on est quand meme pas a Londres...
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 28, 2005 @ 9:21am. Posted in Xbox 360 got owned by ps3.
Coolness: 43465
I'll wait to see -real- footage. It wasn't the actual machine running... Also I can't wait for Nintendo to reveal what's so "revolutionary" about their next gen console. Super Smash Bros Online ? I'm in.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon May 23, 2005 @ 5:42pm. Posted in What should i expect ?.
Coolness: 43465
I was a candy raver what, for one rave ? Then I went into a short "pill dancing" phase. Now I just sit, talk and listen to the music. I don't even really like raves, I just go there because all my friends do. Guess I don't bring any good energy... I'll try get more in the mood next time.

Please, Tupperwave is a sad excuse for lazy moms who are affraid to waste sarandrap. It also gives the false illusion of having a goal in life, I sell Tupperware and I go to Tupperware reunions ! Fun fun fun.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon May 23, 2005 @ 12:49pm. Posted in Dollar Cinema Day?.
Coolness: 43465
You shouldn't be upset because people dissed your favorite movie theater.

But yeah they are whiny bitches.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon May 23, 2005 @ 12:45pm. Posted in colgate vanilla mint. the truth about it.
Coolness: 43465
Alcohol keeps your teeth white. Remember that.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon May 23, 2005 @ 12:42pm. Posted in "le delire".
Coolness: 43465
Roland Garros ? I don't get it.

N'importe quoi.
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon May 23, 2005 @ 12:40pm. Posted in What should i expect ?.
Coolness: 43465
You shouldn't be affraid of candy kids. I mean, shit be affraid of nazis, but candy kids ? Do you have an issue with people having fun ?
» thehemeraproject replied on Mon May 23, 2005 @ 12:37pm. Posted in pubic hair....
Coolness: 43465
I wouldn't feel confortable having a laser pointed at my crouch.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 21, 2005 @ 10:29am. Posted in colgate vanilla mint. the truth about it.
Coolness: 43465
Vanilla ? Crazy shit. Soon your toothpaste will taste, and actually will be, chocolate. Why use the regular stuff when now you can put some toothpaste to put on your cake hmmm ?

Just to point out that the toothpaste is not essential to have clean mouth, and it is clearly overrated.

I haven't tried it, and I don't expect me to put some energy into getting a vanilla toothpaste. But I hope someone will put some on their muffins soon.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:43pm. Posted in Xbox 360.
Coolness: 43465
I'm selling my XBox soon, and my GameCube. Buy this new holy machine, then wait for the N Revolution to drop it's price to 99$, then buy it. Fuck PS3. Everyone is going to own one anyway.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:42pm. Posted in Jean leloups=Raveurs????.
Coolness: 43465
Why not ? Jean Leloup likes Daft Punk hahaha
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:41pm. Posted in French in Montreal....
Coolness: 43465
"But it would appear that that assumption is incorrect. "

The body movement is only a tool, which you can control or not. Some people -know- about how this stuff, so they will use their hands and all to convince you, not only their words. Le non-verbal est plus important que le verbal. Obviously shy people don't act out a lot... It's just that you just can't dump all the people who uses a lot of gestures into a category like that, things are much relative than that.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Best Cartoon.
Coolness: 43465
1.Family Guy
5.South Park

I miss Duckman.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:34pm. Posted in The City is Retarded.
Coolness: 43465
Why is it ridiculous ? I don't get it. It's a freaking crossroad. Shesh....
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:30pm. Posted in being sober.
Coolness: 43465
I want to do a LSD/Ecstacy/Mushrooms/Alcool/Marijuana trip tonight. I'm like a horny horse, better drug me, I might be dangerous.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sat May 14, 2005 @ 8:25pm. Posted in Fuzion, May 14th @ Velvet.
Coolness: 43465
Sounds like a good mix of styles. I'm in.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 5:49pm. Posted in being sober.
Coolness: 43465
"My attorney never grasped the concept, often espoused by former addicts, that you can get just as high without drugs as you can with them. And neither have I, for that matter....."
- Hunter S. Thompson

I also like this quote, totally unrelated.

"His real name is Steve, but you should call him Joe."

"Why not? ". I said "We'll call him anything he wants. How about 'Zoom' ?"

"No dice, it has to be Joe"
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 5:40pm. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 43465
I'm not into DXM. I'd send you some for something more universal though.

Someone talked to me about some "liquid acid", but it wasn't (according to him) LSD. Anyone could give me some info on this ? What could it be ? (I know, acid is overused as a word...)
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 5:32pm. Posted in have a lovely month of May everyone!!!!!.
Coolness: 43465
Go for a pedalo (or w/e you call them in english) ride, all stoned and drunk. High point of my trip.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 5:30pm. Posted in hey pat....
Coolness: 43465
Nice sandals.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 5:29pm. Posted in Thank you for the Best of Montreal.
Coolness: 43465
Cocaine is dangerously high on the list.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu May 12, 2005 @ 5:28pm. Posted in "Israel belongs to the Jews".
Coolness: 43465
"but we ask you to leave your fuckin problems at the border. "

That's just your opinion, not a national fact...

Israelis are just as worst than the Talibans in my opinion. How about you read something else than the Bible or the Coran for a change ? While these books have great advices, I mean, get over it. Bible, Coran, Buddha, all the same goal...

Stupid religions....
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 11:21am. Posted in Is LSD back ?.
Coolness: 43465
Alright whatever, If any of you have decent stuff, or have access to, send me a msg or something. I have tried 4 blotters of the same guy, and I want to compare with another source.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 11:11am. Posted in User RedNatasha IS a SETUP !.
Coolness: 43465
Confusion, madness, non sense, waste of time, useless insults, pointless life... this topic -defines- evil.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 11:08am. Posted in Bc.
Coolness: 43465
"do you guys think that it matters more where you live or what you're doing with your life?"

Where you live will influence what you do with your life, and vice versa. When I'm done studies, I'll go get some work wherever it seems like it'll be the best place to live considering my job (because I do not intend on living in Montreal all my life). My view of it is go where you need to go, and do what you need to do. I need to get out of here, so I'll get out of here. I'll study Psychology because I'm incredibly talented in that. I'll have a job that will let me go wherever I want, because psychology is an international thing. So really, I'm very happy with my future plans. If you think your environment is more important than your actions, then go somewhere you'll enjoy living, and find something to live on. If you think your actions are more important, then just do them, and see where they might bring you. Only you know the real answer, because only you know what is better for you.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 10:56am. Posted in Jean leloups=Raveurs????.
Coolness: 43465
Don't know, but It would be cool to meet him in a rave. He'd play djambee most probably.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Apr 3, 2005 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Bal en Blanc (The White Party).
Coolness: 43465
Stereotypes exist for a reason.

And i'm not saying you should stick to them. I'm saying, there is a sense of truth in it, altough it's obviously far from getting the whole straight picture.

What is great is relative.

Oh and some of my friends are real assholes, some are egocentric, some are rude, some are actually violent, but they're still my friends. The fact that I think they are wasting their money going to this event, because they do not know any better event and their knowledge of the "scene" MIGHT be limited since this is the type of rave that could attract people who rarely dances/raves, does not mean that I cannot consider these people as good people, and I wouldn't reject them as individuals.

I'm just saying, Bal en Blanc is pricey and snob compared to other raves. I guess I could have fun there. But there again, having fun is just a state of mind, and 80$ bucks is a lot for no reason, from my point of view.

And if you're snob, then go have fun I guess. It's wrong to be snob, but it doesnt' mean that I'll refuse conversation with a person that I consider as snob.

Snob, because if I got there with old clothing...you get what I mean ?

» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Apr 3, 2005 @ 6:53pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 43465
Once again, we are hungry for a lynching
That's a strange mistake we make
You should turn the other cheek
Living in a glass house
thehemeraproject's Profile - Community Messages