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» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 1:59am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
He used to be a top defenseman. He could easily play on your first duo. And then he got real bad.

It's too early to call a trade. I'm pretty sure he'll stay with the team until february. Just so Gainey can show him to others teams.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 1:57am. Posted in Votre Hallucination la plus Weird...your best hallucination.
Coolness: 43465
I don't know. I recall a weird LSD trip, I was walking in the longueuil bus station and everytime someone passed by me I could hear their voices, even if they weren't speaking. It was more like a hummm, more of a sound than actual words. I kept turning my head from left to right.

Once after a speed I went bersek for several hours in my room because there was voices outside, I could heard them, they were looking in my room and criticizing every single thing.

But the worst is Salvia. Jesus fucking christ. Every time I take some, it gets weirder. Last time I was in the living room of a friend of mine. We both took a hit. I remember getting up from my chair, going towards the table. But my perceptions were totally fucked up, they were stucked in time. For about thirty seconds (was it more ? was it less ? no way to tell) all I could feel is the repetition of the same movement, me pushing myself towards the table. My vision went totally blurry, I was deaf. I remember telling myself : Is this it ? Am i ever going to get out of this ? Is this the end ? This single action...forever ? Is this death ? . I really thought that my life was over, frozen forever.

I really have to get more info on salvia.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 1:48am. Posted in Smash my wii dot com.
Coolness: 43465
Seriously axel ?

Je me retiens a deux mains pour pas m'en acheter une. Patience, patience...
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 4:44pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
You can't get rid of Niinima, he costs too much for what he does. Yet the guy has talent, and it's always good to have some depth at that position. Plus, the habs are not safe from major injuries.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 1:29am. Posted in "Kramer's" Racist Tirade -- Caught on Tape.
Coolness: 43465
It might be bullshit but it does exists in our society.
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 3:37pm. Posted in Paintball chaingun!.
Coolness: 43465
Sniper > Machine Gun
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 3:35pm. Posted in School Shootings.
Coolness: 43465
Perhaps he didn't want to kill anyone. He practiced limb shots. Soldier of Fortune is good for that.
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 3:33pm. Posted in "Kramer's" Racist Tirade -- Caught on Tape.
Coolness: 43465
Positive racism is when you make a constuctive decision (electing MPs, hiring an employee...) based on the racial reasons. Positive doesn't automitically mean "good", I just needed a word to designate my point.
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 2:40am. Posted in Al Jazeera English broadcasts begin.
Coolness: 43465
Satellite dish.
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 2:39am. Posted in "Kramer's" Racist Tirade -- Caught on Tape.
Coolness: 43465
Racism, from my perspective, is to care about other people's race by action or thought. Positive racism, like election a MP because he's asian, often provokes a negative backlash.

Really who gives a shit...we shouldn't even have to debate over this anymore.
» thehemeraproject replied on Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 2:35am. Posted in Kissinger: Iraq military win impossible.
Coolness: 43465
Logically, the integrists in the Middle East should gain some social power in their countries. I think this is unavoidable, unless we call a genocide. So we might as well just say fuck it right now then do it in four years. The difference, well four more years of this kind of mess will create only more opportunities for the violent movements inside the muslim socities to recruit more lost individuals. Obivously pulling out of Iraq would might provoke a civil war. Yet if Iranians and Syrians diplomats and politicians could push aside the extremists, who are a true force inside their respective governement, sit down with the Westerners and make a deal about it, they could save the day. Hell, get Saudi Arabia in the debate also. All the main actors in this conflict have to sit down at a table and find a solution. But I don't see how things could get better and they will probably get worst.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 11:43pm. Posted in Al Jazeera English broadcasts begin.
Coolness: 43465
Just a matter of time.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 2:15am. Posted in Temperature VS Lifespan.
Coolness: 43465
Je vois pas le rapport. On parle de la relation entre la temperature et l`homme. Bien sur il y a d'autres choses, comme le fait que les formes de vie se mangent mutuellement...mais ici on parlait specifiquement du facteur temperature sur la question. Et comme aerial raver vient de dire, y'a toute une difference entre tuer pour survivre et tuer pour tuer.

-Donc, si vous voulez tuer kkun, mangez-le après.-

rofl :)
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 2:12am. Posted in Mike Tyson To Be A Prostitute.
Coolness: 43465
Tyson did to his career what Michael Jackson did to his face.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 2:09am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Great win tonight, great game for all the players on the team. Big win against a good team !
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 2:08am. Posted in Raves.
Coolness: 43465

Please point out the difference between the good old fashion and the...modern...version of it.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 17, 2006 @ 11:38am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Hey marco are we going to get more of your great insights every time the Canadiens lose a game ?
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 11:54pm. Posted in We are all dirty!!!!.
Coolness: 43465
That boy needs therapy.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 11:47pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Seriously ? That's cool :)

I saw Kovalev once. I was working by night in the Old Montreal, smoking a cigarette with a girl i worked with. It was the same night they lost their second game in the Caroline/Habs serie last playoffs. We just froze there. I was like, wait I saw him playing on TV in Carolina like a few hours ago, what is he doing here ? Wish I had talked to him, encourage him a bit, he looked very down.

I don't know what happened tonight, the Habs weren't playing well, as a team. Belfour played great and Aebiescher didn't...
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 10:45pm. Posted in Christmas.
Coolness: 43465
For me it's a time to do some serious drugs. Psychedelic holidays.

Hell I might even go to a rave, which I haven't done in a year now.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 10:43pm. Posted in 2C-B drug Report.
Coolness: 43465
great balls of fire
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 8:12pm. Posted in Temperature VS Lifespan.
Coolness: 43465
C'est pas des pays nordiques comme la Scandinavie, la Russie ou le Canada.

Update » thehemeraproject wrote on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 8:13pm
Pis de toute facon dans ce temps la tout le monde se battait alors...
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 8:11pm. Posted in Al-Qaeda Warns Canada.
Coolness: 43465
The Palestinians put the Hamas into power through democracy.

And now our governement have cut the funds to the Palestine governement, which has increased the chances of civil war (or social disturbance).

This is a good example of why they see our governements as hypocrites.

Shit, most people here consider our politicians as two faced liars, why would the Afghans or Iraqis think otherwise ?
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 10:31am. Posted in You know it's gone too far....
Coolness: 43465
No more of that talk, or I put the fucking leeches on you, understand ?
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 10:30am. Posted in Temperature VS Lifespan.
Coolness: 43465
Might indirectly explain why the most peaceful countries are up north. Except Russia, but Russia is more like a continent than a country.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 10:17am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
You can't bench kovalev unless he's injured. Otherwise, it'll be bad drama and Carbo doesn't want that. Kovalev is injured and it'll hurt the team if he has to miss a long period.

Souray pisses me off. One night he makes the worst play in his zone, the next game he's great around his net, makes good passes and scores 2 goals. But it's ok. It's not like Niinima, the guy used to be N.1 defenseman, now he can't even make top 6.

Anyway, good to see Huet back on top of his game.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 8:45am. Posted in HIghest Grossing Film of ALL TIME?.
Coolness: 43465
People are so used to the serie, they're going to leave the movie theater after 30 minutes.
And those who are going to stay will feel akward for the rest of the movie.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 12:48am. Posted in Casino Royal.
Coolness: 43465
I'm pretty sure this is going be a good one. After all, this is the story of (like they say in the trailer) James becoming Bond. We're going to see some actual psychological evolution in a Bond movie. And less gadgets, which is good, the last one was an absurd technoaction movie.

If they play Texas Hold Em, I'll have no other choice but to go see it.
» thehemeraproject replied on Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 12:46am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Indeed, this team is in great need for a second center.

Yet I don't regreat Ribeiro's departure.

They should remove Kovalev from the roster for the next games. He's obviously injured. We're going to need him for the playoffs... Put Plekanec with Samsonov and the other russian guy, Kostkysyn or whatever (the weirder the name, the better they are) for a few games.

Bouillon is FINALLY coming back. This probably means for Niinima a seat in the press box. And Dandenault coming back soon also, Stret will probably be the guy who's going to lose his spot. Unless they put Dandenault on the fourth line, play 7 defensemens and remove Downey. Talent-wise, it would be a good move.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 5:36am. Posted in How many 5 year olds could you take on at once?.
Coolness: 43465
Indeed, we could be suprised how strong and healthy some 80 years are.
» thehemeraproject replied on Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 5:35am. Posted in Ketamyne.
Coolness: 43465
Never took K. I might know someone. It gets on my THINGS TO DO IN 2006 list.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
It's real hard to argue with soemone who pretends to know hockey, yet cannot back it up.

This is APPRECIATION threat just start a new one, you useless prick. Do you KNOW what people said about Robitaille when he was rookie ? DO YOU KNOW ? HES TOO SLOW HE'LL NEVER MAKE IT. You know, the kind of things that people say out of ignorance.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 6:39pm. Posted in How many 5 year olds could you take on at once?.
Coolness: 43465
ok 23
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 6:36pm. Posted in Marijuana in Montreal....
Coolness: 43465
I'm leaning on the same path Deadfunk. I'll have to find some new kinds of weed or stop altogether.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 6:34pm. Posted in Drugs And Animals!!!!.
Coolness: 43465
Zamboni baloney ?

Executive staff member ?
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 10:39am. Posted in Al-Qaeda Warns Canada.
Coolness: 43465
The people are 50/50 in Canada over the Afghanistan war. This is not a massive protest like in the case of the Iraq war. Is war bad ? Well I guess, yes. Should we be fighting the Talibans ? Maybe, maybe not. But the debate now is about how things could go wrong if we pulled out. In my opinion, our army is STUCKED there, for political reasons. If we withdraw, the odds of a Taliban uprising will grow dramaticaly.

"Wars are very unpleasant, but when one country's regime openly attacks another in a relatively unprovoked attack on it's covilian population, that is simply, an act of war."

The problem is not war, the problem is post-war. Sure, we got into Afghanistan and kicked their asses. But what now ? The international community FAILED to give money for reconstruction, the numbers are much smaller compared to Bosnia's reconstruction after the Kosovo situation. Plus, they're trying to create a western style government in a country that does not have a culture to support this kind of regime. This is not working. And in order to make it work, we might have to stay in Afghanisthan 10 more or years, if not more.

Sure, the Talibans were unfair and quite cruel. But is it our role in the world to take care of this ? Our own history is full of injustice and non sense, we grew out of it. We might be forcing the hand of natural evolution here, or not. This is a complex issue that goes over the simple fact that "war is bad" or "we invaded Afghanistan for oil".

It's just very hard for the USA and it's allies to look credible in the role of the Savior. After all, they've been provoking coup d'etat over coup d'etat in Central/South America, Africa, Asia, Middle East... A lot of people over there do not trust our intentions, partly because of our past actions and also because we keep doing the same mistakes. If we had left these countries alone in the 60s/70s, we wouldnt have this situation on our hands. But no, we need oil/natural ressources to keep our economy running, since we're consuming ressources in such excessive ways. That's the problem : the overconsumption of the world's natural ressources in order to boost our economies. If we were more responsible, we wouldn't need that much ressources, so we wouldn't need to fool third world countries in order to get them cheap. That's the main problem that is responsible for Cold War ugliness and massive pollution.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 10:23am. Posted in the pineal gland.
Coolness: 43465
I'd rather crawl into the sewers eating May Wests dressed as priest. But thanks for the advice.

Geez what is up with me this morning.
» thehemeraproject replied on Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 10:22am. Posted in Montreal Canadiens Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 43465
Luc Robitaille n'a jamais ete capable de patiner comme un pro.

Non je penses pas que Latendresse va etre aussi bon que Robitaille, mais c'est court comme argument. Un trio c'est trois joueurs et l'un compense les faiblesses de l'autre...

ou tu ecoute le hocket juste pour chialer ? Hmm ?

Moi j'ai confiance en Carbo sur ce point.
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 7:02am. Posted in Good riddance to bad Rumsfeld....
Coolness: 43465
If you don't vote because you believe in non of the major parties, vote for a serious small time party, bloc pot, greens, QS. If, for example, the provincial green party would get 7-8% in the next election, it would force whoever wins to do some minimum efforts to put into action ecological politics. Small parties are lobby parties­, it's something that the US lacks off.

(ok im member of the Greens so i'm biased, but my point remains good)
» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 9, 2006 @ 3:39am. Posted in Drugs And Animals!!!!.
Coolness: 43465
Sure. And hamsters wheels, all of them on cocaine, in minituare tanks. You now have an artillery. We'll have to lock them up though, in order to avoid this. [ video.google.com ]

Chiwawas are good for diversions, but make terrible leaders. Stupid and loud prima donnas.
thehemeraproject's Profile - Community Messages