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» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 9:14pm. Posted in XRNS-PHP - PHP Scripts For Renoise - Layer Upon Layer Of Nerdom.
Coolness: 44990
XRNS-PHP : [ xrns-php.sourceforge.net ]

XRNS-PHP is a collection of PHP5 command-line scripts for working with Renoise ( [ www.renoise.com ] ), a program for composing music using samples and sequencing. XRNS-PHP provides tools to convert, merge, compress, and otherwise manipulate the data files that are produced by and used with Renoise.

Currently available:

xrns-sf: XRNS Script Frontend, a graphical interface to any PHP script (for Windows)
clip2code: converts pattern data to simple text
xrns_merge: merges 2 XRNS modules
xrns_ogg: compresses XRNS and XRNI with OGG VORBIS
xrns_randomizer: randomizes XRNS modules
xrns2midi: translates an XRNS module to MIDI format
xml2mid: converts a MidiXML file to MIDI format
xrns_searchandreplace: Replaces every occurance of specific note in the song to another one

New scripts welcome.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Aug 4, 2007 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America.
Coolness: 44990
After watching the Zeitgeist video, posted here in a thread titled "another theory about the bible" and pulling the long haul to the end of the video, I was floored by the section on the history of the american banking institutions. I decided to check the sources. Anyway, I fell into this pile of awesome, enjoy!

The Fascist Nazi interests of George W Bush's Grandfather, Prescott Bush, as he and others attempted to overthrow the US government the 1930s to install a fascist dictatorship.

[ prisonplanet.com ]

BBC Radio Report:

[ prisonplanet.com ]


[ www.youtube.com ]
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Aug 4, 2007 @ 10:50am. Posted in another theory about the bible.
Coolness: 44990
If you aren't religious, raised christian, or have no theological background, ignore this link:

[ www.remindedway.com ]

No religion will save you...

Update » Teblchple7 wrote on Sat Aug 4, 2007 @ 10:52am
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 6:32pm. Posted in Stereo Image - Johnny Dark & San Serac - Forthcoming.
Coolness: 44990
I've had the privilege of playing a show with JD in Toronto last year and hearing the material evolve. Blake will remember this as the show I punched a hole in a wall and that we fought on stage. Well, the tracks JD was dropping was some sort of vocal-less variation of this forthcoming stuff.

Original beat-smith for the first Junior Boys records, his stand-alone mutant 2-step style fused with the bowie like vocals of San Serac makes for some very infectious pop. There are more tunes forthcoming, I can flex that I heard em, but they got one hosted on myspace now:

[ www.myspace.com ]

Check it out!
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Jul 8, 2007 @ 11:11pm. Posted in Do you think it's wrong for people to party when they have kids?.
Coolness: 44990
Mayday, are you pregnant?
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Jun 30, 2007 @ 11:14am. Posted in Wrestler Chris Benoit Family Murder-Suicide.
Coolness: 44990
Originally Posted By REGIMENTAL911
i dont fuck with guns,so if a guy pulls one my first thought is running.

Running from a gun only gets you shot in the back.

I know how to fight, it doesn't mean I will win a fight. I've seen guns pulled, knifes pulled, people stabbed, people hospitalized with crowbars, people thrown down stairs, parties taken hostage by drug dealers, i've never been any of these dudes and I've always managed to break up fights. I also make it a point break up fights, violently if I have to.

Unless the situation is agreed on, and competitive, fighting is retarded. It solves nothing. I agree you have to learn to defend yourself. But the best defense is always the diffusion of a situation.

It's like a bomb. You can absorb impact if you have to, but if you can diffuse it, then everyone wins.

Always diffuse.

Update » Teblchple7 wrote on Sat Jun 30, 2007 @ 11:39am
That is to say defuse. Although diffuse works too... on an existential level?

Anyway, some guys like to fight. Angels on a hip-hop / r&b in the late 90's was always the fist pile and it's not like they saw the error of their ways. I'm still friends with a guy who was beating the shit out of people all the time. He's more chill now, but still enjoys fighting. Same thing with all the skids and steelworkers in Hamilton in the early part of that decade. But message board tough guys... this ain't the place. You can't come back with fists in the realm of the written word. Step up your intellectual game. You ain't winning with empty threats.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Jun 30, 2007 @ 10:45am. Posted in the issue of french in Quebec....
Coolness: 44990
Je suis pour l'idée d'un pays du modèle socialiste du genre finlandais / norveigien. Mais je m'en fou de la langue, la poutine, la cabanne a sucre de mononcle skidoo donc ce pays nord amercain théorique pourrais exister. J'ai de la dificulté a imaginer un success francophone Québequois. On est pas mal collectivement parreseux et pas mal un 'Texas Français' - donc, eux aussi, i.e. le Texas, ont des racines séparatistes... et je ne peux pas dire que je voudrais habiter dans un Texas libre.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 10:53pm. Posted in the issue of french in Quebec....
Coolness: 44990
Pour un nombre important de municipalités ontariennes plus petites, la proportion de francophones est majoritaire. Quelques exemples sont Hearst, Kapuskasing, West Nipissing, St-Charles, Clarence-Rockland (la ville ontarienne qui compte le plus de Francophones en pourcentage, 75%), Champlain et Hawkesbury. Encore plus pour le Nouveau-Brunswick, meme chose dans l'ouest du Canada.

Je suis ex-franco-ontarien. Oui, parler en francais a l'école hors classe en Ontario ca fait un peu loser, mais nos racinnes d'ouvrier pauvres sont evidante et notre culture unique à nous meme. C'a fait 10 ans que j'habitte à Montreal et c'est toujours la meme choses. Les quebecois ont la dificulté à comprendre que les non-métropolles s'en fiche de politique et que la culture francophone existe en forme mutante hors du nationlisme Quebecois. Et c'est un miracle que je parles sans accent, avec un accent jouale comme celle de mon grand pere nord-ontarien. Je passe presque comme un quebecois! lol

In any case, anglos, suck it up. Learn french. Boo hoo, it's tough. But rest assured french speaking quebecois are just as big the asshole to anyone who's not pure-laine. I would say they are the minority and a dying bread. You'll meet assholes in France, you'll meet assholes everywhere. Giving up on french won't solve anything. Just keep trying, and stop whining?

» Teblchple7 replied on Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 6:25pm. Posted in Detroit Jit / Chicago Juke.
Coolness: 44990
Has anyone else been keeping up with this?

For the last 6 months I've been watching this stuff on YouTube The participants accuse each of stealing their city's dance styles in the comments. I ordered a DVD called "Detroit vs Chicago Jit vs Juke" and got it today.

[ hardcoredetroit.biz ]

These styles are insane, and I can no longer tell them apart. This video is, literally, ghetto. They have a Chicago showcase where I'm feeling the Juke, but then what looks like to be Detroit X-Men from the previous showcase are dancing in the Juke showcase, evidently doing the Jit? Then the battles break out and it's psycho. The music is pretty awesome too. A lot of old jungle beats and crazy techno music with bass distorting the camcorder that makes everything sound like shit, but must have been hella loud at this event. The ladies are doing some crazy belly dance crump and at at many points it looks like a hartdcore show but the dancing is way better and more insane.

Search for Detroit Jit or Chicago Juke on Youtube. Also check the comments sections... Before getting this video I thought I understood the differences in the style and was a fan of the Jit. But now I'm completely lost.

I'm down for a dance session after watching this. I need to learn these styles!
» Teblchple7 replied on Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 9:51pm. Posted in EZ @ Edgars.
Coolness: 44990
WTF, this was yesterday? Should have bumped a MTLDNB thread and I would have showed up. I totally forgot about this but was thinking about it for months as the line-up was classic.


Update » Teblchple7 wrote on Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 9:53pm
Upon further inspection I now see it was properly bumped sp I guess I just completely flaked out... :-(
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Jun 2, 2007 @ 6:46pm. Posted in Extra!Extra! Hostie gets some of his own medicine. [Nekkidness inside].
Coolness: 44990
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Jun 2, 2007 @ 5:34pm. Posted in like in the movie:"good bye lenine" ---->.
Coolness: 44990
I slept through communism and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri Jun 1, 2007 @ 12:50pm. Posted in Extra!Extra! Hostie gets some of his own medicine. [Nekkidness inside].
Coolness: 44990
I didn't get to see the pictures. Host One, can you post them again?
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri May 18, 2007 @ 3:24pm. Posted in TROTCH in Sound Central MTL.
Coolness: 44990
I finally got off my ass and restocked the record. Considering the new location is one measly block away from where I live, I have to pat myself on the back for procrastinating. Also, I picked up "Rammer - Cancer" on vinyl. I
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri May 18, 2007 @ 3:14pm. Posted in NIGHTLIFE Contributors.
Coolness: 44990
...and more!
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri May 18, 2007 @ 1:46pm. Posted in NIGHTLIFE Contributors.
Coolness: 44990
I'm not in charge of hiring, or aware of the details, but yes it pays if you get the job(s). That info, and more, will be posted in next Wednesday's newsletter.
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu May 17, 2007 @ 5:48pm. Posted in NIGHTLIFE Contributors.
Coolness: 44990
Avis à tous, NIGHTLIFE va afficher plusieurs postes (photographes et collabos dans les sections musique, mode et culture urbaine) pour compléter sa banque de collaborateurs pigistes dans la prochaine édition de sa newsletter envoyée par courriel mercredi prochain (23 mai). Personnes intéressées, gardez l’œil ouvert!

Si vous ne recevez pas la newsletter, vous pouvez vous abonner gratuitement au [ www.nightlifemagazine.ca ] Fun!

Merci de faire circuler l’info.

* * *

Hey everyone! NIGHTLIFE is looking for new contributors (photographs and writers in the music, fashion and urban culture sections) and will be posting freelance job offers in its next newsletter, sent by email Wednesday May 23rd. If you are interested or know someone who would be, stay tuned next Wednesday !

If you don’t receive the newsletter, you can subscribe at [ www.nightlifemagazine.ca ]

» Teblchple7 replied on Mon May 7, 2007 @ 9:43am. Posted in Info About Hi Traffic Websites' Bandwidth Use/Cost? (like rave.ca?).
Coolness: 44990
Thanks for the help.

Update » Teblchple7 wrote on Mon May 7, 2007 @ 9:46am
Edit: Thog, is there a reason you chose a Windows server and not a Unix server? Does PHP/Apache come pre-installed or did you install it yourself?
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri May 4, 2007 @ 10:10am. Posted in Info About Hi Traffic Websites' Bandwidth Use/Cost? (like rave.ca?).
Coolness: 44990
Any opinions on [ www.aztus.com ] ?
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu May 3, 2007 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Info About Hi Traffic Websites' Bandwidth Use/Cost? (like rave.ca?).
Coolness: 44990
800 gigabytes a month? Is that true? What's a site like 33mag, serving videos, doing? Or digg/slashdot for that matter?
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu May 3, 2007 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Info About Hi Traffic Websites' Bandwidth Use/Cost? (like rave.ca?).
Coolness: 44990
Nerd alert.

I'm looking for stats about hi traffic websites. How much does this shit consume in bandwidth? And what are the associated server costs? Sites i'm thinking are along the lines of [ rave.ca ] [ terminus1525.ca ] [ 33mag.com ] [ stillepost.ca ]

Anyone have any idea?
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Apr 14, 2007 @ 10:57am. Posted in PARADIGM-X, Saturday April the 14th 2007.
Coolness: 44990
Furcoats, dubstep, and ragga jungle in the back room of some sketchy fripperie!

This is sooooo going to rule.

Get in on this, the venue is totally crazy.
» Teblchple7 replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 7:50pm. Posted in CBC IQ Test.
Coolness: 44990
I'm even more less non-competitive!
» Teblchple7 replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 7:47pm. Posted in CBC IQ Test.
Coolness: 44990
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
i'm highly non-competitive, it's scary. :S

I'm more non-competitive!
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 6:27pm. Posted in Hope is Emo.
Coolness: 44990
The replies from seemingly real emo girls who agree with her are funnier, also scarier.

Fame whores.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 5:56pm. Posted in For Sale - Numark CD-Mix-1 and Behringer Eurorack UB802.
Coolness: 44990
Posted on Craigslist here:

Numark CD-Mix-1: [ montreal.craigslist.org ]
Behringer Eurorack UB802: [ montreal.craigslist.org ]
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 4:03pm. Posted in For Sale - Numark CD-Mix-1 and Behringer Eurorack UB802.
Coolness: 44990
For Sale:

Numark CD-Mix-1: $140.00
Behringer Eurorack UB802: $25.00
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in Now *i'm* banned from MTLDNB.
Coolness: 44990
My IP is banned. This is the solution:

In the cms_security table (mysql database), you will have to look for the record where you are banned and delete that record. Sorting by the ban_time column might help locate the record.

I believe this stuff now is disabled, Mayday handled the interface part, but leftover bans are still active, just wipe them.
» Teblchple7 replied on Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 11:57am. Posted in Now *i'm* banned from MTLDNB.
Coolness: 44990
It's not fixed.

"Bad IP, You are banned from this site due to a bad ip."
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 11:36pm. Posted in Now *i'm* banned from MTLDNB.
Coolness: 44990
Nah, this is way more vindictive.
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 11:15pm. Posted in Now *i'm* banned from MTLDNB.
Coolness: 44990
I don't know who has admin access anymore, it's not me as I banned myself (conner_bw) from the board and posted the password for conner_bw here on [ rave.ca ] in another thread.

Bliss, I don't know what you are talking about with regards to hacking, I'm not a hacker. The site is auto banning people incorrectly, me from work as an anonymous lurker, and if someone was in charge it could be fixed. I figured Noah could figure it out as he's hosting the site and is a pretty bad ass PHP guru. Noah, since you were able to transfer the database, I suggest pasting the md5 password from an account you know into the mysql field of an admin and log in?

» Teblchple7 replied on Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 11:09pm. Posted in CBC IQ Test.
Coolness: 44990
113, fuckin [ rave.ca ] is the nerd herd?
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 11:22am. Posted in Now *i'm* banned from MTLDNB.
Coolness: 44990
My other car is a monstroyer.
» Teblchple7 replied on Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 11:07am. Posted in Now *i'm* banned from MTLDNB.
Coolness: 44990
I heard the site is now hosted on Noah's servers? Respect!

As I want nothing to do with that site, like a disowned child who chose art over hockey, I can't do much. Well that, and I banned my admin account and spread the password so that if it is ever unbanned the site will be hacked.

In any case, someone who has root needs to log into the /admin.php section of the site and go to "Security" and loosen the reigns. Either adjust "flooding" and "IP's" or deactivate them altogether.

Also, my Google ads are still running on that site. $20 bucks every 4 months, you see me roll on my segway, feel free to replace them with your own. Look in the templates directory for the MTLDNB skin. And no, the FORD advertisement is not mine. That's Mike's? Not sure, really. All I got up there are Google ads.

Good times.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in TROTCH in Sound Central MTL.
Coolness: 44990
Like hotcakes!
» Teblchple7 replied on Mon Mar 12, 2007 @ 12:01pm. Posted in TROTCH in Sound Central MTL.
Coolness: 44990
Hardcore, like Minor Threat and Converge.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 4:16pm. Posted in Whats the best part about fucking twenty nine year olds?.
Coolness: 44990
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 2:46pm. Posted in Yé quelle heure? What time is it?.
Coolness: 44990
Exceptions: In Canada, areas of Quebec east of 63 degrees west longitude do not change to daylight time and remain on Atlantic Standard Time year round. Pockets of Ontario and British Columbia do not use daylight time. - [ www.cbc.ca ]

Man, this shit is confusing
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 1:33pm. Posted in Yé quelle heure? What time is it?.
Coolness: 44990
I think I misunderstood the news.

Thanks, all.
» Teblchple7 replied on Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 12:58pm. Posted in Yé quelle heure? What time is it?.
Coolness: 44990
With all this time zone shit going on because of the USA, what time is it in Montreal? My computers have auto adjusted themselves to 12:54 PM when my microwave clock says 11:54AM. I heard on the news that Quebec isn't changing the time along with Saskatchewan or something? Seriously, what time is it? It's a golfers conspiracy! [ en.wikipedia.org ]
Teblchple7's Profile - Community Messages