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» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 9:33am. Posted in get crunked.
Coolness: 74185
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 9:27am. Posted in I want to blow up Q-92..
Coolness: 74185
This damn station is stuck on the server at my work and it will just not turn off! I am going insane!! If I have to hear Kelly Clarkson, or any of the other one hit wonders one more time I will die! I dont know how this station is so popular. It is pure crap!
Sorry needed to vent.
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 8:58am. Posted in New in town, need advice.
Coolness: 74185
Mårten pop on [ psyfreaks.ca ] It might be more your scene:) all us psyheads go on there usually. But its for Montreal not so much TO.
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 8:56am. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
I wish I had tits.
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 8:55am. Posted in Favourite Genre of Electronic Music?.
Coolness: 74185
I think my top fav for listening and chilling @ home or a funky club is 80s/electro/new wave/breaks. And going to parties and dancing my ass off its anything trance - psytrance, euro trance, morning trance etc.
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 1:38pm. Posted in Time Slots 4 Spring Breaks.
Coolness: 74185
hey lee will see ya there:)
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 11:16am. Posted in Spring Breaks - 18/03/06.
Coolness: 74185
ohh yeah I will definately pop downstairs...Im curious about this venue
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 10:12am. Posted in how do you delete ur account?.
Coolness: 74185
LOL this thread is funny. I hardly post on here unless I am bored off my ass @ work and have a few min to kill:) which is probably the case for most people. but yeah do not take anything seriously. I dont know how people were mean to you..I have seen a lot worse on here. chillllout. good thing u do not take drugs anymore. so paranoid !:)
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 10:07am. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
oh thanks jess! sounds complicated. Oblic charges 100$ and it takes about 10 hours for the whole procedure..O_O Is that reasonable? but yeah my hair is naturally red so do you think it will be easier? I just want my old color back. I think you have seen me with red hair but I always had some black and blond in it. I might just do it the old fashioned way and grow it out. Already since I stopped dying my hair the texture is so much nicer. I just have 3 inch red roots and the rest black..it doesnt look so bad! LOL Thanks so much for the advice...xox
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 9:35am. Posted in Spring Breaks - 18/03/06.
Coolness: 74185
breaksssssssssssssszzzz. I have been listening to breaks all week to pump me up.
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 14, 2006 @ 9:21am. Posted in Time Slots 4 Spring Breaks.
Coolness: 74185
» subfl0wer replied on Mon Mar 13, 2006 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Aquarium (01/04/06).
Coolness: 74185
good job guys
» subfl0wer replied on Sun Mar 12, 2006 @ 11:46am. Posted in i went.
Coolness: 74185
yeah that usually happens when its been a while...I love that feeling!! when its new and fresh again :)
» subfl0wer replied on Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 4:20pm. Posted in Hydro!?!?.
Coolness: 74185
try yah thats what I think (paying with someone else)
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Hydro!?!?.
Coolness: 74185
yeah thats it and I am already getting a refund so it never ends! damn hydro
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
I just called Oblic and they told me it will take about 10 hours altogether to take the color out then put my natural color in!!:O and it will cost 100$$ about
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 6:15pm. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
LOL I wanted something different I guess. I LOOOVE black hair. Its very sexy! But I think the black dye killed my hair and I want the old texture of my hair back. So I guess I gotta spend the big bucks to do so at a salon...oh well!! BETTY HAZE, I never heard of that stuff...I wonder if it would work..my hair is pretty subborn..LOL
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 3:15pm. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
thanks tina!:) :) :) I am not sure how a natural red would work over black without bleaching...my roots are now 3 inches so I might as well wait..:( we'll see...
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 3:03pm. Posted in ThX.
Coolness: 74185
yeah good advice amber...it totally works. Its what I have been doing for 6 yrs!
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 1:03pm. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
yeah it is black #5. It is all faded now tho..I guess I might have to just leave it to grow out:( I miss my red hair now. Oh well. thanks guys
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 11:56am. Posted in Hydro!?!?.
Coolness: 74185
holy shit! yeah thats normal tho seb...160$ for a 3 1/2 is not. Jac, we called hydro and they told us that the ppl that were there before us were paying MORE! and they said we should move out..LOL
Im going to tell my landlord because she will never keep tenants this way...I think either the heating system is very old or we are unknowingly split with someone else.
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 11:01am. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
hahahahahah hmmmm sounds like a plan!
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 11:01am. Posted in Hydro!?!?.
Coolness: 74185
yeah that is our fixed rate. if we didnt have a fixed rate we would have paid 350$ last month!!!! its insane! and jacinthe, u live in a basement too right!??!? Damn something is wrong! I think I am getting jipped...maybe wires are mixed or something..............
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 10:41am. Posted in Hydro!?!?.
Coolness: 74185

I know this is kinda personal, but what does everyone pay for their hydro? I think I am getting scammed. I am charged 157$/month for a 3 1/2 basement. The place isnt that big either.
Thank god I am moving out! The new place I got is a 5 1/2 and hydro is 90$/month!
So I was just wondering...
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 10:39am. Posted in ThX.
Coolness: 74185
Yeah well your friends are a bad influence;) j/k just do what u feel.
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 8:47am. Posted in Hair advice from you hair freaks please!.
Coolness: 74185
I want to get rid of the black in my hair and go back to my natural red. Is there a way (besides bleach or growing it out) I can get rid of it? it is not actually black now it is a dark dark brown because the black faded.
I might go to Tornade to do the job because its cheap. I usually go to Oblic to do my hair but I think they charge a lot for coloring...
» subfl0wer replied on Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 8:28am. Posted in Spring Breaks - 18/03/06.
Coolness: 74185
yay vinny we gotta hang a bit ok!
» subfl0wer replied on Thu Mar 9, 2006 @ 4:39pm. Posted in Spring Breaks - 18/03/06.
Coolness: 74185
see you poopoofaces there!
» subfl0wer replied on Thu Mar 9, 2006 @ 4:37pm. Posted in weekend of 10-12th of march.
Coolness: 74185
LOL I havent gone out in ages. I needed a massive break. Plus there are just no more good psy parties going on. So I am hitting the Spring Breaks! See u there Sebby!
» subfl0wer replied on Thu Mar 9, 2006 @ 9:17am. Posted in i need sum advice!.
Coolness: 74185
Just go and dont think about it. You are over analyzing the situation. If I were you I would just go and dance and forget the drugs. You dont NEED E to enjoy a party.
» subfl0wer replied on Thu Mar 9, 2006 @ 9:14am. Posted in Go HABS Go.
Coolness: 74185
Huet ROCKS. Theo is mneh. I dont know what happened. I feel bad for him but he seems to be a good sport about the trade.
I think the habs have a good future for the rest of the season. Well aside from being beaten by Toronto the other day but whatevah!
» subfl0wer replied on Thu Mar 9, 2006 @ 9:12am. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 74185
my bf,my job, my apartment, music, art, my rat, my dog, my friends,travelling to belgium,dancing,laughing,sex,clothes,spring, autumn,my family, and you!
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 8, 2006 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Smoking Pot.
Coolness: 74185
oh u silly potheads.
» subfl0wer replied on Tue Mar 7, 2006 @ 1:44pm. Posted in Need a home for my rat.
Coolness: 74185
He is 1 yrs old...the life span of a rat is 2-4 yrs. He is pretty healthy...I have taken him to the vet for check ups and they all told me he is in great shape. he is TOTALLY cute.. I was lucky to get this one...but yeah my landlords suck..:/
Noah, they are allowed to do whatever they put on the lease. They said no pets except cats..not even birds...so imagine a rat? not a pet everyone can find cute....:(
His cage is cool too. Its a loft. 2 floors..and he has a hamock at the top. Yeah I spoiled him hehehehe
LOL vinny I heard that joke mannyyyy times:)
» subfl0wer replied on Mon Mar 6, 2006 @ 8:14pm. Posted in Need a home for my rat.
Coolness: 74185
Hey everyone
Unfortunately I have to give my rat away. I am really sad to do so, but my landlords are super old fashioned and only allow cats.
I am willing to give him and his cage/toys etc for free to someone who loves animals and will take good care of him. His name is Cortex. He has an amazing personality...he loves people, never bites and is super smart! He likes to play and sit on your lap and be pet. His fav thing is when you scratch him behind the ears...:)
He is allergic to pine/spruce shavings so I put paper towels in his cage (recomended by the vet) and he loves it. He tears it apart and makes nests.
Anyways here are some pics of him:
[ www.rave.ca ]
[ www.rave.ca ]
Anyone interested send me a msg on [ rave.ca ]

» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 1, 2006 @ 3:18pm. Posted in Anne and greg got Married??.
Coolness: 74185
yeah I figured as such. I went through some odd hippy-ish new age crap when I was in Europe...its very interesting! But you gotta know when it starts to get too much and you lose touch with reality. AHEM greg.
whatever they did it is their business and I think it is highly immature to go around posting your personal spiritual choices on a message board. it shows it is just for attention and thats it. so I really dont take any of this seriously.
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 1, 2006 @ 9:45am. Posted in Snow (28 Janvier 2006).
Coolness: 74185
Im glad it went well...congrats Mike:)
» subfl0wer replied on Wed Mar 1, 2006 @ 9:11am. Posted in Anne and greg got Married??.
Coolness: 74185
ok wow. Im so not with the raver gossip these days...but I just read this post and I am speechless. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
I think we should all just ignore, mind our own business. I have had MANY friends who had lots of mental probs and trust me...all it does is bring stress, bring you down and surround you with negativity. It is not worth it. They do NOT want to help themselves so there is no point in trying to help anymore. Making fun of him in a forum doesnt help either. But when your bored your bored right? heh.
I am also confused. Anne doesnt want to have anything to do with him but MARRIED him and says spiritual crap in his profile and in this thread?? Im lost...
» subfl0wer replied on Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 4:12pm. Posted in 3 1/2 available for sublease as of May 9.
Coolness: 74185
hey guys
this add is closed we dont need anyone anymore:) thanks!
» subfl0wer replied on Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 8:47am. Posted in 3 1/2 available for sublease as of May 9.
Coolness: 74185
Yeah Vinny...we found a new place...much bigger. We love the apartment on Fleury tho but its too small for a couple.
subfl0wer's Profile - Community Messages