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» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 8:50pm. Posted in I know you do...
Coolness: 77890
I c u karl
» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 1:55pm. Posted in Windows one care.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

Router firewalls are good.

The problem is when you install an app and you're not sure what it does.
I have a software firewall that notifies me every time an app tries to access the net. This is particularly usefull when you believe a given app shouldn't be using the internet. I catch installs veeery often trying to call home when they shouldn't be.

Also *all* spyware calls home, this helps you catch spyware even better than a anti-spyware app..

black ice?
» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 7:04am. Posted in the Greg thread deleted ??.
Coolness: 77890
Its near...but not that near...
» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 4:04am. Posted in Check this.
Coolness: 77890
Way ahead of you....
» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 3:22am. Posted in Check this.
Coolness: 77890
Oh well... =/
» Spinner replied on Tue Jan 10, 2006 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Check this.
Coolness: 77890
Yeh i was thinking it might have been aroud .
Oh well :P
» Spinner replied on Tue Jan 10, 2006 @ 9:38pm. Posted in Check this.
Coolness: 77890

Look in the middle for lil wile
» Spinner replied on Tue Jan 10, 2006 @ 7:49pm. Posted in Lucid Dreams.
Coolness: 77890
Stop running behind cars whit a paper bag .
Iz no good 4 your healt :)
» Spinner replied on Mon Jan 9, 2006 @ 10:55am. Posted in I just got a second screen.
Coolness: 77890
U got your big screen connected on s.video?
» Spinner replied on Mon Jan 9, 2006 @ 10:42am. Posted in I just got a second screen.
Coolness: 77890
Thats odd , U getting any resolution ?
When ever u try to switch?Prob says sommething like having to be in 800x600?
Or the setting arent there?
» Spinner replied on Mon Jan 9, 2006 @ 10:31am. Posted in I just got a second screen.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by SILLY ROBBOTS...

I can't get the TV to work with both screens. I guess ATi all in one only supports 2 at a time. Either TV monitor, monitor monitor.
Once I get a projector, I'll hook my cpu to the chipped xbox with media player. :D two monitors and a projector :D

Am using all in wonder too and it works fine on my tv...Have u downloaded the Sofware on the ati site?
Then all u have to do iz set it up , then use whatever default key they have to switch , mine is Alt + f5
If u want the 2 screens on samme time u need to be in samme resolution...
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 8, 2006 @ 9:46pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

side note:

what the hell does "ack" mean? Is it supposed to mean "avec" cause if that's the case, that's beyond retarded.

U got bored or sommething?
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 8, 2006 @ 8:07pm. Posted in positive music.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by GOAJÑA...


hm... what exactly is positive music? immediately shpongle came to my mind because it makes me feel good... buuut... i don't know. reggae music is mostly positive too right?

Shiva Space Techonologie
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 8, 2006 @ 7:53pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
O wow....t donc ben kool...
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 8, 2006 @ 6:14pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by ECKI|3Z...

Originally posted by ~Ch®ist£ll£~...

Ecki sti que tes drole lolll! cest spinner qui a parti le thread comment il aurait pu ne pas poster????

Y part un thread de vote, avec un premier post qui parle de referendum ...

Ya editer son premier post quand je lui ai fait remarker. J'mexcuse mais y'avais un discution avant qui rentre icitte.

Bleh jparlait du bloc ,
Prend le comme un typo ,prend le comme ca te chante si c pour me le remette dans face,Amuse toi ,
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 8, 2006 @ 1:15pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
lol de 1 c grace au bloc si on a toute ca ,
De 2 y font juste nous renvoyer largent quon leur envoit...Pense-tu que le quebec economiquement parlant peut pas sen sortir?C justement pour ca qui veulent pas de separation ...Le quebec un bon moulin...Qui sert a engraisser les poches d ministeres.....
Tu dirais tu merci si qql te payait avec ton propre argent?
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 8, 2006 @ 9:27am. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Chere Ecki,

Tu souvient d autre post laisser par mdc?Les quebebois encloturer au labrador...pis dautre propos dmeme qui avait po daffaire din autre post ,mais qui ce sont retrouver la pareille...Bleh ta la memoire courte ...Pis apres tu va dire je vien icitte ack rien?
Javais pas a poster un message?Haha T qui toe?Porte parole pour ravewave?
Aller continue a teter ....teteux...
Ca voit ben tessay juste te mettre sur bon bord du monde...Ack ta ...(neutraliter)
Mais.. fait toi en pas ack moi.....chu juste un nickname,pis c juste un board right?

Mdc....Jtai juste rendu la monaie de ta piece ...
C chiant essayer dexprimer une opinion pis que le monde disent d betisse comme ca non?

Va relire le thread de Oui ou Non...Ou meme les autres qui sont surments perdu dans general discusion...Pis tu va comprendre pk je prend sattitude la...Tu donnait raison a Neo ,qui justifiais rien dautre que ca passion a detester le quebec & les quebecois...C pour ca jte trouve con [ ...Ca ] pis les autres comments con ta pu laisser dmeme ...A vrai dire jusqua aujourdhui ...c la premiere fois jte voit poster (Une opinion) qui soit le moidrement solide...Faut sajuster....

Esce que on a deja donne la chance a qql dautre? Jveut dire les liberaux pense au 32 millions de personne ,mais pense bcp plus au 200 personne du comitee...apparament...Pis en fait pense pas mal a toute le monde sauf nous...Stune bonne idee....Gardon le quebec dans lombre pour la prosperite des autres provinces...Srais p-e temps que qql pense a nous ....Merde ca vous fait po chier de voir que on se fait marcher decu ben raide? quon se fait exploiter,pis quon reste la ack le sourire?
Check nos ressources gouvernemental...Sont tutes en greves sti!Pk? A cause dla pensee leberaliste...Y nous donne d peanuts...pis on aiment ca apparament...
» Spinner replied on Sat Jan 7, 2006 @ 8:57pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Peut pres temps tu dise de koi dintelligent,
Aussi tu c rien sur mon backgroud ,fek dassumer que ten c plus ,c juste de tenfler la tete..
Jme suis fier a ce que je lisais venant de toi ...Cest sur c base la jme suis
Okay fek t pas francophobe,t quebecophobe?B

Fek tu dit les liberaux sont les seul a pouvoir mener,pourtant messemble ca se voit partout que non ,
Largent est pitcher par les fenetres ,les decitions sont pris sur d coup tete ,pis si on decouvre la les scandale qui sont arrivee ya d annee ...tu imagine tu le prochain 10 ans?
Bleh si le monde veullent pas voir plus loin que leur nez,cest leur choix

Anyways comme jai pu dire avant ,
C la meme marde depuis d annee....Pis ye temp que ca change...
» Spinner replied on Sat Jan 7, 2006 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by ECKI...

lo tu utilise telment mes terme. Ta de l'originalité kek chose de rare.

J'content d'etre ta source d'inspiration :)

T'est pa mieu que moi finalement. :lol

Euh....Je c po vraiment ou tu voit ca mais cou donc...

Toi qui le c ein...

Je respecte aussi lopinion des autres , mais laffaires c que Mdc stun francophobe itoo , si tu souviendrai de c dernier post , tu verai pk jle pas comme tu dit ....
Pis quesqui est de toi ...ben t un suck up ....

Moi jme souvient dun autre Ecki .....
» Spinner replied on Sat Jan 7, 2006 @ 4:16pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
jai jamais pretendu etre rien,jai dit ce que javait a dire.
Si ca ca fait de moi un chef,jaime mieux letre que (une poule mouiller) pis dme cache deriere d reponse neutre a double sens qui font juste avoir fier allure pis qui sont un peut vide en contenu...

Bleh....Si jetais toi je reponderai meme pas a celui ci non plus....
» Spinner replied on Sat Jan 7, 2006 @ 7:12am. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Boff me justifier...c passer ce temps la....

lol jaime ca ,like a chief sti ...haha ;)

Mdc stun beigne,pis toi ma poule? :P
» Spinner replied on Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 6:03pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by ECKI...

Originally posted by Spinner...

J'prefere rester neutre en defendant mes point que d'faire comme spinner ou mdc et de traiter tlm d'idiot sans raison

Ah pis jva juste pas repondre a ca ....

s'tu veux qu'on en parle... par un thread a mon nom, ici c'est la politique :)

Stai po un thread pour pointer du doit non plus...Pis ca ta pas empecher =/

Un thread a ton nom,ouen c vrai que la taurais surment lattention voulu,pis apres ca tu pourait nous montre a quelle point t neutre.
» Spinner replied on Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 1:59pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
J'prefere rester neutre en defendant mes point que d'faire comme spinner ou mdc et de traiter tlm d'idiot sans raison

Ah pis jva juste pas repondre a ca ....
» Spinner replied on Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 11:45am. Posted in Tams at raves.....
Coolness: 77890
Dsl jai skipper des boutes...
» Spinner replied on Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 11:37am. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
K firts off,i think ive told u b4 that your a dick,
U comme here calling everyone idiots ..right?
And the only thing u have in your bag is ..

yeah.. harper seems like hes doing great.. hes representing his party very well, duceppe and martin not so well, layton is doing a great job...

U got some strong arguments there,

Or what about this one

voting bloc "because im separatist" is the stupidest thing you can do.. they are a USELESS party...

Voting for liberal cause your not separatis is the stupidest thing u can do ...blah blah blah blah ...
Catch my drift?
I mean if your gunna says sommething like that + u use CAPITAL LETTERS ,well pls ,tell me why they so useless?

does anyone even research the parties before voting? or does everyone just listen to their own BIASED media outlets?

Man your whole comments looks like u eat somme toast this morning and u ran tru the gazette quickly ,and then made some half ass reply just so u could comme and call ppl who vote BQ Stupid..

Well u know what son...
U look like a monkey ass ,
Fek mange dla marde
Pis revien nous ack qql chose de contructif si tu veut faire ton smart ....

Ps: The only shame here is you & your story
» Spinner replied on Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 11:20am. Posted in Tams at raves.....
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by MAD FOR KARL...

Moi j'dis on met sur place une police contre les sifflets... genre ils patrouillent le rave a la rechercher des siffleux pis ils les kick out!!!

Moi j'dis,
C laffaire la plus conne que jai entendu cette semaine...

Pour quesqui est des tamtams...Peut etre en meme temps on pourais banir les lightsticks,pis les suces,pis les candys,pis tute les autres icons rave que le monde aime temps bitchers,
Pis apres ca on pourait appeller ca ,
Un Emo-Party?

Pis la au lieux demander au gar si y veut me preter c lightstick je srais genre ( Eille tu passe tu ta lame 2 sec,devrai pas etre long)...

Mais bon ...c ravewave ein...
» Spinner replied on Thu Jan 5, 2006 @ 8:52am. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 77890
juste un rapelle...

"Don't forget, never forget," Harper said in French, "the sponsorship scandal is not a Quebec scandal, it is a Liberal scandal that occurred in Quebec."

Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe could barely contain his contempt. Duceppe said Martin's extraordinary move was nothing more than an attempt "to save the Liberal Party of Canada. "

"The Liberal party said it wanted to promote federalism, but in reality the Liberals tried to buy the soul of Quebecers," Duceppe said in English. "It's not a Quebec scandal, it's a Liberal scandal created in Ottawa."

"It has now been proven that the Liberal Party of Canada misappropriated public funds for its own purposes and covered up acts of corruption, which is profoundly anti-democratic."
» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 4, 2006 @ 10:58am. Posted in Intense 2006.
Coolness: 77890
Woin...moi qui voulait essayer ca intense...
Faut tu etre sans coeur en estie faire ca le jour de lan ...
Greg u always seem to get in trouble @ parties , well any big one ...

stop carrying too much stuff, buy water at the jams, stash your drugs up your ass or somethin' slick and leave all those *psychedelic raver toys* at home, i'm sure it'll be less of a hasstle

my 2 cents ...keep it up !

Bleh comming from montreal we woulda all had a bad or 2 on us ...
There no exuse for what happen there ...Cheap ass security ...We all seen those...
Greg coulda been anyone of us that night .
Now how would u feel on new-years outside in the cold whit ppl making fun of you?
Heh,fuck that shit dont u think?
» Spinner replied on Sun Jan 1, 2006 @ 3:20pm. Posted in soma.
Coolness: 77890
Too anyone....u shoulda been there....
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Carl with a K official Thread.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by CARL WITH A Q...

need some one to take picture?

Ben non....continue de faire ce que tu fait la ...

Bonne annee en passant
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 9:22am. Posted in Équipement pour faire pousser du pot!.
Coolness: 77890
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 7:28am. Posted in ))*SOMA 2006*(( 31 Dec. 2k5.
Coolness: 77890
You [x]
Lightsticks(optional) [x][x]
Drugs(optional) [x]
$$$$$$Money [x]
Your ticket [?]I though this was free
Cigarrettes [x]
Your smile :-D [x]
Gum [x]

Cya l8tr =0
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 9:25am. Posted in ))*SOMA 2006*(( 31 Dec. 2k5.
Coolness: 77890
Repose vous bien
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 9:22am. Posted in what about DDR.
Coolness: 77890
ping -l 65510

Oh but wait..that shit is so 96...
» Spinner replied on Thu Dec 29, 2005 @ 9:48pm. Posted in DUde, I'm so sorry.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by ECKI...

Can I pay to see that?

Tu va surment rentrer gratis ack tute le sucking up tu fait lo lo ;)
» Spinner replied on Thu Dec 29, 2005 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Info on Drugs!!!!!.
Coolness: 77890
4 sure....
Safest way to trip....
» Spinner replied on Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 6:59pm. Posted in Hahah Emo Fucks.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by ECKI...


Official suck-up
» Spinner replied on Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 6:51pm. Posted in Hahah Emo Fucks.
Coolness: 77890
he likes calling your name...?
» Spinner replied on Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 6:30pm. Posted in Hahah Emo Fucks.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by ECKI...

Originally posted by DJneoform...

Drama's fun sometimes, but it gets out of hand and people get annoyed..

i must agree with that..

By the way Karl without a C. I don't think Mister Neoform here give a shit about the button you press.. I think he saw a lot of user like you before you came in...

Don't over estimate your self :)

Suck-up... ;)
» Spinner replied on Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 10:52am. Posted in ))*SOMA 2006*(( 31 Dec. 2k5.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by BR34TH3...

juicy weed?..

yeh u know when u dont have a baggy and u hide your stash in your sox ;)

Nah Juicy = Weed + (Nose Candy) haha

Spinner's Profile - Community Messages