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» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 3:09pm. Posted in neoform.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

Dude if i wanted to do something rotten, i'da deleted your account along with eveything you've ever posted.. why would i change your password.. ? you could have easily done the "forgot your password" thing..... :|

Its okay man i took care of it ;)

» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 3:03pm. Posted in neoform.
Coolness: 77890
oh i did buddy and my email wast registred + it camme back liek that out of the blue ?

Your full of it man
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 3:03pm. Posted in Dj Neoform.
Coolness: 77890
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Cream Cheese on Bread is now officially.
Coolness: 77890
thats all we need ,1000 of neo-fuckers everywere in montreal passing flyers for his charest friend

Pro-liberaliste con ...
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:52pm. Posted in Dj Neoform.
Coolness: 77890
Its ending ------------> Here

I dont have time to waste whit a fucken pussy like him
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:46pm. Posted in neoform.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

What makes you think I ever act differently?

U act how u want whit annoye i dont give k,

But trying to shut me up by overtaking my account ,your fucken low and weak ,
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:40pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
I said u didt think like one,if u werent one at heart,then u would understand...
But hell , u pretty much understand things u want it too

Take care man
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:30pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Thats right ,nice too see u understand sommething else then your point of vue....
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:29pm. Posted in neoform.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

Hey, i'm lovin' this, i've got two threads with my name on it.. how sweet is that??

Yeh u should try pissing ppl off more often,
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:27pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Hehe ,What goes aroud commes aroud
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:26pm. Posted in Dj Neoform.
Coolness: 77890
oh yeh was real funny...
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:25pm. Posted in neoform.
Coolness: 77890
That was somme stunning work there Neo , *Clap Clap*
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 2:24pm. Posted in neoform.
Coolness: 77890
Wow all the suddent its back ...funny
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 1:03pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Opps sry,didt see your coolness % ....
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 12:59pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Fuck you. Who the hell are you to say what a REAL quebecker SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be thinking?

A Quebeckers whit a fucking head on his shoulders...

a REAL Quebecker doesn't try to disect the country they live in.
Somme ppl like to live in shit ,i dont k ,If your too blind too see the shit thats going on,or your too scare of change thats not my problem ,

Now am asking you , who the fuck are you too tell me what a real quebeckers is ?
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 7:51am. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Cares only about "us" when they're about to lose "us" ? Are you somehow forgetting that for the past decade the prime-minister was a french-canadian from quebec? who the fuck are you blaming here?

Okay does it really matter if hes french ,portuguese,italian?Hes serving the samme ppls,wich leads to a big nothing....And for the guy at the movies...
U should stop taking things u heard (individuellement) & personnaly like that,

Sorry to tell you, but not being able to speak the same language absolutely does mean trade will decline. If there's two people out there who are willing to trade with you, but one of them doesn't speak your language.. they'll most probably go with the one that speaks their language.. it's just easier

Its depend if i have sommething they need and the other doest ,Well there bout to hand signal me or sommething ,Mm just like the indian back then ....
The quebec government is most certainly not forcing anyone to speak english, so what the fuck are you afraid of

What are you?U think its unfair cause english ist use as primary language and that in todays world its a must....its not and it wont be....

just so you know, as a Quebecker, this is as much my province as it is yours. quit talking like i'm some outsider who in no way represents it's interests

If u were a real quebecker u be trying to preserve its heritage ,and not assimilate it ....
» Spinner replied on Tue Dec 13, 2005 @ 7:28am. Posted in Rave.ca / Afterhour.ca.
Coolness: 77890
Good Work
Keep it up
» Spinner replied on Mon Dec 12, 2005 @ 12:12pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
101 is heritage preserving ....
Too an extreme yes...
But youd feel the samme if says u were in a english village and u had hole bunch of french collonising,u woulndt mind the french being there , but u would find it suck says one day u take your car and instead of being mark Stop ,its says Arret ....No ?

ppl exagerate whit 101 ,its not that much of a big deal....
» Spinner replied on Mon Dec 12, 2005 @ 9:59am. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

hey here's an idea, why don't all you seperatists go join the FLQ and go murder/kidnap some english politians.. ?

Mm ,havent though of that.


Quebec just needs a good leader,And the ppls trust for 5 years,then well see change ,
In pollitic nothing happens in the firts mandate uselly,And Charest manage to bypass that rule ,by fuckin up student loans , Not hearing les syndicaliste,Thats like ignoring the ppl,Scandales...Giving welfare to mexican worker that work here for 2 months then go back home and get the *cheeze* the rest of the year.Need more?
(Nothing agains Mexican)
I woulndt even be surprise if one day they said they sold canada out to the states,just so they could have t here fair share of the deal ..*Que-Ching$*Americain S.V.P

-Possitive : They saved the shirners YAY!
Now thats what i call setting out prioritys...,asside from full houses hospitals,families whit 5 kids getting 500$ a month,Our teacher being underpaid and that doest even have equity...
Guess they had to do atleast sommething good to get on the sommewhat good side of the medias...

Quebec is living is a big lie right now...
Ppl need to wake up and stop feeling so treathen about The PQ party,its not agains u,its agains them...
For the best of us ,not them ,

Neo join us
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 10, 2005 @ 9:46pm. Posted in YES ou/or NON?.
Coolness: 77890
Bleh...its still true though....
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 8:09am. Posted in I'VE GOT A BOMB.
Coolness: 77890
Okay okay,b4 it ends up in a drama scene.....
My apologies.....
I just though it was funney...


[ lol...ca ] delete it

Sry man ....
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 6:34am. Posted in Re: Chew thoughs pills!.
Coolness: 77890
Bleh ..u shoulndt...See more as a reward for all that hard work you been putting in ...
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 6:30am. Posted in I'VE GOT A BOMB.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by » DJNEOFORM...

When I insult someone without reason, it's cause i know that person and either I a) hate them b) know they wont go nuts if i do so.

Do you hate me?

On taquine ceux quon naime :)
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 12:46am. Posted in I'VE GOT A BOMB.
Coolness: 77890
;) Comme on now , how many times have u freely insulted sommeone?
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 12:45am. Posted in I'VE GOT A BOMB.
Coolness: 77890
But....i felt like giving that exact samme look ,i swear man
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 12:22am. Posted in I'VE GOT A BOMB.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by » DJNEOFORM...

Originally posted by » Spinner...

Looks at Ghost Dad ....

who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you posting pictures of me like you know me or something.. ?

Now now...no need to get upset...
» Spinner replied on Thu Dec 8, 2005 @ 11:15pm. Posted in I'VE GOT A BOMB.
Coolness: 77890
Looks at Ghost Dad ....
» Spinner replied on Wed Dec 7, 2005 @ 4:42pm. Posted in Re: Chew thoughs pills!.
Coolness: 77890
U talk to your doctor?
Maybe it wast the pickle your dad was sticking in there..
» Spinner replied on Wed Dec 7, 2005 @ 2:00am. Posted in Re: Chew thoughs pills!.
Coolness: 77890
I tried once whit weed,
Didnt work....
» Spinner replied on Mon Dec 5, 2005 @ 5:37pm. Posted in Re: Chew thoughs pills!.
Coolness: 77890
Ever get those pills were u put them in your mouth , wash it up whit water ,and Bam , instant disolve...
Now that sucks..
But [ yeh..ca ] be worths then chewing...
» Spinner replied on Mon Dec 5, 2005 @ 7:58am. Posted in ))*SOMA 2006*(( 31 Dec. 2k5.
Coolness: 77890
» Spinner replied on Mon Dec 5, 2005 @ 7:16am. Posted in googlefight.
Coolness: 77890
[ www.googlefight.com ]

I like this one
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 3, 2005 @ 12:48pm. Posted in googlefight.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by DJNEOFORM...

this site used to only go by "ravewave"..

Why the change?
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 3, 2005 @ 11:16am. Posted in googlefight.
Coolness: 77890
i didt even know there was a [ rave.ca ] addy...
» Spinner replied on Sat Dec 3, 2005 @ 10:15am. Posted in What is glowsticking?.
Coolness: 77890
There doing it ...and over doing it ,
I over did it b4 and ive learn from it ,

Trial and error right?
I dont feel ashame , i feel as i grew from that experience ,
And its part of a things cald life,

Guess u got to know when to draw the line b4 its too late ....
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 4:27pm. Posted in What is glowsticking?.
Coolness: 77890
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 1:34pm. Posted in ))*SOMA 2006*(( 31 Dec. 2k5.
Coolness: 77890
That i can agree too :)
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 1:12pm. Posted in What is glowsticking?.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by PAUL WALL...

i know why i hate glowsticks

its cuz i think there's so much more to do than this in life

nice one practicing coordination and stuff, i'm down with that, but then dude why dont u join a circus or somethin'?!

sorry for being an ass , just expressing my 2 million dollas right here

maybe its cuz i'm older and i got a kid ....

Somme ppl paint, somme other ppl sculpt ,
I Spin ,as simple as that...
YEs there many thing to life ,and this is one of the things i love to do ,

Why would i join the circus ?lol
Of course it kool to do it for entertainement ..
But i do it for myself firts...
And....its like 350$ for 6 days ...Ive learn stuff on my own at no expenses...

Meh...Age and having a kid has nothing to do whit it i think,
U need too look further then the simple context (Man this guys is spinning tubes full of chemicals)
And see it for what it is ....Sommewhat a art ,painfull one sommetimes...

And for those who are gunna think(pff an art)...

What do u know?
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 11:13am. Posted in What is glowsticking?.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by TRASHANDSUICIDE...

Umm.. not really...

it does up your coordination...why u saying not really?
Ever try spinning?
» Spinner replied on Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 11:11am. Posted in What is glowsticking?.
Coolness: 77890
Originally posted by PAUL WALL...

have to admit i think glowsticks are pretty lame
this thing shouldnt even exist
dont go tell me its good for one's intelligence shit

When u do exercise ,u feel more alert ,thoughs flow faster , you just feel better,

Its about the samme here ....

But anyways its your 2 cent,and am fed up of debatting whit ppl that are so closed minded ,and just see it as bright lights being spun...

Read up on it , then maybe we can have sommewhat a constructive conversation were it doest involve (euhh i dont like glowstick duh,i dont know why,i just dont like them ) ....

Would u says the samme thing for firespinners?
Id spin fire if i could in the partys ,But....
So thats why we use glowstick,for the (effect)

Spinner's Profile - Community Messages