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» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Mar 3, 2011 @ 11:37am. Posted in mumumumumumum lost a FB friend mumumummum.
Coolness: 78985
i'm pretty sure that if you go back to passeport with a peacefull attitude they will let you in, that tobacco "accident" happened in november
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Mar 2, 2011 @ 5:51pm. Posted in Dreadlocks.
Coolness: 78985
where can we get this soap ? i use some natural lavender-rosemary scented shampoo, which is pretty good but when the bottle will be empty i might want to try the bars
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Mar 2, 2011 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Dreadlocks.
Coolness: 78985
dreads need a lot of maintenance to look good, especially the first month. ironically, many people have gross dreads because they wash them too often, and the shampoo stay in them if they're not rinsed properly, and it makes them smell bad. i'm lucky for that because my hair is naturally very dry so i wash my dreads once in a month and my scalp every week and i don't feel like my dread is dirty. personally, i also think it is better to avoid putting stuff like wax in them.

also, well made dreads make a major difference between that will look good for years and dread that will be gross after a couple weeks. here in mtl there is lili prdz and her magic fingers
» sex.is.boring replied on Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 12:47am. Posted in La scène dubstep a Montréal ....
Coolness: 78985
noah you're being creepy right now seriously
» sex.is.boring replied on Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 12:46am. Posted in Burning Man.
Coolness: 78985
yes me too i wanna go so bad, i HAVE to go once at least, but it's not gonna happen before i'm done with university because burning man is on the same week the semester begins and i cannot really miss a week of classes :(
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 2:16pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 78985
i used to work in a department store, so a woman calls, and she asks for direction to go to the store. i ask her where she lives, and she tells me "it's a personnal information, i can't tell you where i live", so i precise and tell her that i don't want to know her exact address but which part of city, because it will change the directions, and she starts yelling at me saying that we don't respect people privacy

another good one : in clothing stores there's often adds on racks like "chemises 19,99$", so there were shirts and pants on the same rack, a guy comes to me and ask if the pants are 19,99 i'm like it's the shirts, so he starts arguing that the price adds are not right and blah blah blah, but dude i worked there for 3 years i know what the law says about that, so he gets mad and tells me "i don't speak french, how can i know that a chemise is a shirt and not a pant, you should give me a price adjustement"... HEY, we are in a french province, so we do our price adds according to bill 101, if you go in mexico for example will you complain and ask for price adjustements because adds are in spanish and you cannot understand this language ?... the same story happened to me a couple times and once there was a confusion between "pantalon" and "manteau", the woman got really man when i made her notice that "pantalon" and pants are very similar words, so she should normally be able to understand it even if she doesn't understand french very well

Update » sex.is.boring wrote on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 2:27pm
oh and two other good stories :

- i was shopping at ikea and as everybody knows there is a display section where you shop and then if you want to buy something you write the product code on a paper and you take it from the warehouse section, which is just next to the cashpoint. i had the time of my life when i saw a couple having a hard time trying to move a sectional couch from the display section to the cash

- i worked at h&m for a couple years and during the week-end it gets mad busy, the store looks like vietman during the war and even worse, so at 3pm on a saturday a teenager was annoying me at the fitting room, she wanted some advices about which white basic tee-shirt suits her best when i had a crazy lineup and a HUGE pile of clothes to process back to the sales floor, but once when i went to a dep close to my house i saw this girl, and she was working there, so i started to ask her for advices about which cheap wine would go better with pastas and seafood, HA !!
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 7:21am. Posted in Is tim hortons racist?.
Coolness: 78985
me neither i don't understand how people can like it... maybe because i was raised in a house where we had an amazing coffee machine and always the best quality coffee you can find so i didn't get used to drink and enjoy to drink this kind of piss. i guess people go to tim horton because it is convenient (it's always open and there are tim hortons pretty much everywhere), but it's still cheaper to make good coffee at home and/or for the same price as tim horton you can get something way better
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 12:21am. Posted in Is it just me or......
Coolness: 78985
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Sorry MH, but nothing makes you make absolutely no sense at all than a good bump/line of K... nevermind dancing.

K turns well spoken intelligent people into complete tards and that's why I cant stand it.

somehow it would be better if everyone could party sober, but life isn't a bad educational video for say no to drugs campains, so people do drugs, and it's just a question of respect to avoid judging people on which drug their prefer
» sex.is.boring replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Is it just me or......
Coolness: 78985
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
i do like K also... but not like those new people who does 2 fioles in a rave... burk...

meler meler...

u cant even dance on the stuff...

depends of each person, it's not because YOU can't dance on k that other people can't. i'm talking for myself, but nothing makes my ass move more than a bump/line of k. the quantity you can do during a night also depends for each person, you get used to k really fast, so a regular user can do 3-4 vials in a rave no problems. it's the same as other drugs... i'm not a regular speed user i do some like 2 times a year, so it kinda freaks me out when people tell me they pop 2-3 pills in one night, as i'll 2-3 vials in a night when these same people will do a half of one only.

also, for the person asking why people do it in front of everyone, i would say it depends in what kind of party/venue you are. if i'm in a free party or a ghettoish venue i won't hide myself to do drugs because there is no security, and i find it a bit ridiculous to hide myself when everyone will see the result of me being high anyways... but if i go to a club or a party with security or piknik where people bring their kids i'll do my stuff in the bathroom, because first i don't want to get caught but also because i don't find it is appropriate to do drugs in front of kids or random people who are not in this drug mood
» sex.is.boring replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 3:06am. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 78985
moi très honnêtement (et je m'excuse si mes propos sont un peu trop crus), mais moi j'ai toujours été persuadée que jesse organisait des événements dans le seul but ultime de pouvoir vendre sa drogue (de qualité médiocre, pour ne pas dire de MERDE)
» sex.is.boring replied on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 10:52am. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 78985
Je suis pas dj, alors je peux pas parler par expérience, mais selon mon humble opinion je crois que c'est correct pour un dj de jouer gratuitement ou pour un très petit montant, mais si le dj le fait de son propre accord, et que le promoteur est CLAIR avec le dj comme quoi il le booke mais il sera pas payé; à ce moment là l'artiste sait à quoi s'attendre et est libre d'accepter le booking ou non. Par contre promettre un cachet et pas tenir sa parole c'est vraiment inacceptable.

J'ai une dent personnelle contre Jesse (il a crossé du monde, mais sur d'autres trucs que l'organisation de party, enfin, je ne veux pas m'étaler là-dessus, mais l'honnêteté ne semble pas être sa principale qualité hehehe) alors c'est sûr que déjà je juge mal ses partys, mais il me semble que ça doit pas lui coûter très cher organiser sa soirée de marde au koi... alors il a aucune raison de pas pouvoir payer les artistes qui se déplacent et investissent de leur temps pour ça...

Qui plus est, l'argument de "ouin mais tsé man les dj doivent faire ça par passion et non pas pour le cash"... mais justement pour travailler sur cette passion et s'améliorer comme dj, c'est pas gratuit, il faut investir dans du nouvel équipement, le réparer quand il brise... acheter des tracks !!! C'est une roue qui tourne, si les promoteurs payent pas les dj, ceux-ci n'achèteront plus de musique alors les producteurs ne composeront plus aucun son, et il n'y aura plus de scène... Arnaquer les gens c'est jamais un investissement à long terme, mais il y en a qui ont pas compris ce principe de base
» sex.is.boring replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 12:19pm. Posted in space gathering cancelled?.
Coolness: 78985
no, it sucks.
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Feb 10, 2011 @ 8:51am. Posted in Limouzine Magazine.
Coolness: 78985
moi j'aime pas stroboscopes ça me donne la gerbe quand je les regarde trop longtemps
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Feb 10, 2011 @ 8:50am. Posted in Hexa 5's Birthday Party.
Coolness: 78985
isn't it a bit expensive.. ?
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Feb 10, 2011 @ 8:49am. Posted in Time stops: Russia abolishes daylight saving time.
Coolness: 78985
drink vodka and stop the drama
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Feb 10, 2011 @ 8:45am. Posted in Getting Fired.
Coolness: 78985
last time i got fired from a job i was actually happy
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Feb 9, 2011 @ 9:18am. Posted in PARTY SPEAKERZ /// ELITE FORCE /// 19 février 2011.
Coolness: 78985
» sex.is.boring replied on Mon Jan 24, 2011 @ 5:44pm. Posted in The Joy Of Teen Sex.
Coolness: 78985
young gay virgin afraid of anal sex for the win
» sex.is.boring replied on Tue Jan 18, 2011 @ 1:12pm. Posted in best parties of 2010.
Coolness: 78985
i didn't want to bash on dubstep, but since i really don't enjoy it, i have a preference for parties where other styles are represented, that's it
» sex.is.boring replied on Mon Jan 17, 2011 @ 11:49am. Posted in best parties of 2010.
Coolness: 78985
any party without dubstep
» sex.is.boring replied on Fri Jan 14, 2011 @ 3:04pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 78985
made : journée d'école presque finie
ruined : trop de devoirs...
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Jan 13, 2011 @ 8:46am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 78985
ruined : 4h of sleep was not enough, nor are the 4 cups of coffee i had this morning
made : at 11h30, i'll be free
made : wi-fi at school
ruined : boring grammar class
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Jan 12, 2011 @ 4:50pm. Posted in Stanton Warriors @ Igloofest! January 15th.
Coolness: 78985
how much are the tickets and where can we get them ? i would avoid to wait in line that night
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Jan 12, 2011 @ 11:18am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 78985
je suis effectivement loin d'être underage, quoi que souvent les commis de dépanneur et les bouncers sont surpris quand je leur montre mes cartes
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Jan 12, 2011 @ 10:31am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 78985
Originally Posted By NIJI
I'm assuming you're just going with "what feels right" in that statement about public events? I remember going to a skinny puppy (I think) concert where there were signs on the door with a big warning about how the event was gonna be filmed. So I'm guessing law states otherwise.

this is very different, because first in that case people know they are filmed (they still have the choice to leave if they don't agree) and second because the pictures / footage are for professional use
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Jan 12, 2011 @ 7:27am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 78985
at a public event, everyone is allowed to take pictures, unless the promoters say it's not ok to bring cameras in, but at a private event i think it is awkward to take pictures and then to put them on a public website without people permission. yesterday, there was a going away party at one of my friends' place, he ended up there and took a bunch of pictures.. we were all like heum ouin louche
» sex.is.boring replied on Tue Jan 4, 2011 @ 3:28pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 78985
the problem with antonino is that he takes a lot of picture when it's not the good time to do it.. i mean pics of people passed out, people puking their life in a garbage, people doing drugs, people with a huge ring on their nostril... and he even put these pics on facebook where everyone can see them, and he even tag people in these pictures, without their permission... i assume what i do when i party, but i don't want my co-workers to see this kind of pictures... and antonino doesn't seem to understand that
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Dec 22, 2010 @ 8:31pm. Posted in Selling Vexy clothes, fat pants, etc..
Coolness: 78985
ya la robe vexy en zebre gris et noir, le corset en camo et les bottes carreautées qui m'intéresseraient, mais jsuis sur qc juskau 28, si c pas vendu quand jrentre jpasserais voir
» sex.is.boring replied on Tue Dec 14, 2010 @ 2:02am. Posted in Hottest MALE Ravewavers ;).
Coolness: 78985
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST

I can see you're still buttfucking your buddy Bliss, huh?

It's alright, you do whatever you want, ain't got nothing against homosexuality anyways.

BTW, About me being racist: do you know what he thinks about Haitians? You prolly don't care since you're all caught up in your life and decisions doing that sex change from When D'uuh'l to MerryJane any time soon. And yes I'll keep on with the few white people's jokes I got in my bag since it's okay in QC to make the worst black jokes if you say "chuis pas racissss, c'é jusse dé djokes, mèène"

Anyways, Hope you both die in a fire as's appartment catches on fire and you can't find your way out.

Seee yaaaa and fuck right off.

» sex.is.boring replied on Fri Dec 3, 2010 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Stanton Warriors @ Igloofest! January 15th.
Coolness: 78985
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Nov 24, 2010 @ 9:12am. Posted in O.C.D.J. Paseport !!.
Coolness: 78985
yep, vraiment cool comme soirée,
» sex.is.boring replied on Mon Nov 8, 2010 @ 10:39am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 78985
ruined : i am soooooo tired
» sex.is.boring replied on Sun Nov 7, 2010 @ 10:53am. Posted in First timer on mushrooms tips?.
Coolness: 78985
- it is always better to start with a smaller quantity. if you don't feel the effects after an hour, it is always possible to take more shrooms.

- eat before your trip, but nothing too heavy. the shrooms themselves won't hurt your stomach, but everything you eat aside can
» sex.is.boring replied on Sun Nov 7, 2010 @ 10:40am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 78985
made : friend back from europe after 3-4 months
made : might go to school this winter, if i don't fail my exam, and if i get the loan i applied for
ruined : 10 days of antibiotics, and i still feel sick... i need to change my lifestyle....
ruined : i don't feel like going to work
» sex.is.boring replied on Sat Nov 6, 2010 @ 12:07pm. Posted in 10 day-old baby dolphin rescued ->.
Coolness: 78985
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Nov 4, 2010 @ 11:02pm. Posted in when i was a baby.
Coolness: 78985

i need to scan more pictures ...
» sex.is.boring replied on Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 6:28pm. Posted in found a camera last night.
Coolness: 78985
il faudrait un gps pour sa cam perdue
» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Oct 27, 2010 @ 4:10pm. Posted in ~for everyone downtown~.
Coolness: 78985
i lived in centre-sud for a couple years, there was a crack dealer "working' just in front of my place, but nothing bad happened to me, except for that penis-showing weirdo i saw once on the lorimier, but i saw one like that in sillery (which is a rich suburb of qc city) too,so...
» sex.is.boring replied on Sun Oct 24, 2010 @ 10:19pm. Posted in Good indian food on the plateau.
Coolness: 78985
yess pushap is the best one i know in mtl, i used to go there often when i lived in ndg it was not too far from my place... there's also a couple ones in parc extension that are pretty good
» sex.is.boring replied on Thu Oct 21, 2010 @ 11:45pm. Posted in Tuesday + Thursday.
Coolness: 78985
Originally Posted By RAWALI
yeah, thats exactly what I mean... it's just inconceivable for me that people could live somewhere and not even be slightly curious to learn a couple of words of one of the official languages...

yes... when i travel i always to learn a few words so even if i can't have a full conversation with people i can at least communicate a bit with them. even when i'm here in mtl and i meet people who speak a foreign language i always ask them to teach me some words...

i think maybe some anglos are afraid to speak french because they will have a different accent or because their grammar won't be perfect... but it's normal !!! my english is not perfect, i learned mostly with talking with people, english classes in french schools suck as french classes in english schools haha.. and of course i have and accent, but at least i can understand people and be understood, so it's just better, especially for job opportunities
sex.is.boring's Profile - Community Messages