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» quanneur replied on Fri Nov 29, 2002 @ 4:16am. Posted in Stereo November 30.
Coolness: 41155
hmm.. well if you want to be in the club with maybe 100 other people, then go on friday. if you want to be in a freaking zoo with madness all around you, go on saturday. :)

Fridays have been super dead, lately, save for the RM9 party.. something's gotta be done about that! fridays used to be kickass..

quivver is OK but morales can be pretty wild, too. it's definately not for everyone but i've heard this guy do some pretty wild stuff on his residency night at stereo! i've also heard some real shitty sets of his at the club too. but on a night like this saturday you can expect an awful lot more than vocal house from angel and david. there will be lots of tribal, progressive and deep house too.

and if you like to see weird things when you go out then stereo on saturday nights is pretty hard to top... people climbing the lighting towers, others making love to the speaker stacks and all sorts of other ridiculous shit. just wild.. hehe
» quanneur replied on Sat Nov 23, 2002 @ 3:41am. Posted in Will drop pants for nickels.
Coolness: 41155
hey neoform,
where do you get the webspace to host 600 meg videos and 25 sets of 30 megs each?!?! that's one heck of a lot! i need that kind of hosting.. :) ...assuming you're not paying much for it, and for some reason i imagine you're not. heh!
» quanneur replied on Sat Nov 23, 2002 @ 3:27am. Posted in whistler or cali??.
Coolness: 41155
whistler is stupid expensive, too, in other ways... a 1 & 1/2 apartment in whistler village will set you back $1000/month, possibly more, and breakfast at a "cheap" restaurant can cost you $15 or $20... just for bacon + eggs + orange juice!

I'm from vancouver. some of my friends live in whistler (it's 1.5 hours away).. they say it can be real tough to get by, but you have one HELL of a lot of fun. whistler folk are super friendly, they love to party.. and shit, you've got the best ski/ride mountain in all of north america in your backyard!

there is a very small party scene there. a rave maybe once every two months. there is some decent e-music in the clubs, but they all close at 2am.

just some things to consider.. !
» quanneur replied on Mon Nov 11, 2002 @ 1:54am. Posted in how to spot a K dealer.
Coolness: 41155
there was a party at blade afterhours called "what is special k?" a few years ago.. they had boxes of special k (cereal, not drug :)) in the ceiling all rigged up to ropes.. in the middle of the night they pulled them all open and covered the the dancefloor in this puffed rice breakfast food. tangent... seeing that pic reminded me of it
» quanneur replied on Mon Nov 11, 2002 @ 1:50am. Posted in More Goa MORE PSY.
Coolness: 41155
haha! 170.. 220.. 240 bpm?! you guys are crazy.. my friends bitch and moan if i put anything higher than 150 on the stereo! :)

i do enjoy HHC from time to time because it is just so silly and, well, happy but my friends (mostly house and techno snobs) claim they'd rather be shot than listen to it.. which of course means it has to stay off the stereo most of the time (ever see what happens to serious house heads when they are subjected to HHC? it's actually quite interesting..) i haven't been to an HHC party in ages.. last one i went to was a hullabaloo in toronto in 1998. surreal.. had a ridiculous amount of fun
» quanneur replied on Mon Nov 11, 2002 @ 1:31am. Posted in :( i want to go to GLOOM but i sick:(.
Coolness: 41155
my key gripe with ray junior is that their events generally have a low production cost relative to the size of their parties yet the ticket prices do not reflect this. their DJ lineups are fairly inexpensive and the lights and sound are nothing special either so by paying the higher-than-average ticket price you're basically just lining their pockets. you can spot ray junior promoters at afterhours clubs with their girlfriends all wearing very expensive goose down jackets embroidered with the ray junior logo across the back. is this where the money goes?
they also cut corners on certain things (like the buses mentioned previously).. kind of sketchy stuff.

also, ray junior parties are chock full of the shirtless/crowd surfing/group massaging e-tard business. personally, i don't have problems with this kind of stuff. if people are having fun and not hurting anyone else then all the power to them, and lord knows i've done some very weird and etarded things at parties that probably made others question my sanity ;) .. but many people do have problems with the extreme etardedness that occurs at ray junior shows. if you're the kind of person that likes to get half naked, place blinking bicycle lights directly on top of your eyes, be hoisted into the air and then be rubbed down by a dozen people you don't know then you will probably like ray junior parties, but lots of people will not go because they don't want to see this stuff.
» quanneur replied on Sun Nov 10, 2002 @ 6:36pm. Posted in Crystal Methamphetamine.
Coolness: 41155
you can buy real ephedrine at any pharmacy, over the counter. keep in mind that they will make a record of your purchase and reference it in future if you buy more. it's often prescribed by doctors for allergies and at jean coutu it's $40 for a bottle of 100. ephedra (ma huang) is usually sold at vitamin/nutrition/bodybuilding stores as the same stuff but it's not nearly as potent. it's much cheaper, though.

speed is basically ephedrine that doesn't speed up your heart as much yet releases more dopamine, i.e. gets you higher. it's also a precursor to amphetamines (meaning that many methods for producing speed require ephedrine or pseudoephedrine)
» quanneur replied on Sun Nov 10, 2002 @ 5:57pm. Posted in Rm9.
Coolness: 41155
hmm.. i sincerely hope RM doesn't sell all of those 1400 tickets! legal capacity at Stereo is 935 and it starts to feel really crowded at about 800.

nonetheless it's the best venue in montreal. :)
» quanneur replied on Sat Oct 12, 2002 @ 10:38pm. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 41155
hiya noah, this is richard. do you mean last night at ben and ulric's place? you seemed pretty fine to me.. !

anyways like most other drugs, ketamine needs to be treated with respect, and while i understand what most of you are saying about its dangers i've also got to say that this is one of the most amazing drugs i have come across. i'm not saying that for its party potential because it's not much of a party drug, but from a psycho-exploratory perspective this drug has a lot of promise.

my take on it:
[ www.cs.mcgill.ca ]
and read this so you can see what people like Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson think about it:
[ www.deoxy.org ]

of course, ketamine is easily abused and the quality of your k-hole (or whether you even can k-hole) depends on what kind of k it was derived from (ketalean, ketalar, ketacet or whatever). for some people it is very addictive and that's always sad to see, but i don't think it's fair to judge the drug solely on the problems associated with its abuse, yeah?
» quanneur replied on Sat Oct 12, 2002 @ 9:48pm. Posted in Worst badtrips.
Coolness: 41155
this is my worst trip:
[ www.cs.mcgill.ca ]

i no longer completely agree with the conclusions i made at the end of it, but i keep this story around as a little reminder to myself never to be as wreckless as i once was. :)
» quanneur replied on Sat Oct 12, 2002 @ 9:26pm. Posted in Pcp.
Coolness: 41155
you can actually smoke pcp, too. the classic 60's/70's way of doing it was to dip cigarettes into a pcp solution, let dry and smoke. ahlakazaam, you're messed. watch out!
quanneur's Profile - Community Messages