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» quanneur replied on Mon Jul 7, 2003 @ 3:08pm. Posted in Refuge Electronik @ Industry 04.07.03.
Coolness: 41145
too bad we missed you, carlos! we all showed up at 1:30AM or so. amalgam, just looked through your pics.. i think i saw you and your friends just as you were leaving..

anyway we had fun but i can't say i was all that impressed with the place. the passes we had were only good before 11PM but were supposedly reduced afterwards.. nope. they wanted us to cough up $12 each even though there were only 1.5 hours left. We moaned a bit and then left. Waited a few minutes and then one of us went in and propositioned them $45 for the 6 of us.. they said yes to that and we were in.

the place is spacious with quite high ceilings. it sort of suffers from the cave-like empty vibe of aria though because it is so big and not much is done to fill the space. the lighting is OK. one very large cross-shaped trussel in the ceiling with a few intelligent lights on it. 4 in the center. i found myself wishing there was a mirrorball hung from the center or maybe 4 smaller ones at the midpoints of the cross's appendages. there was a big smoke machine in the DJ booth.

the sound was yucky. way way way too loud when we were there. I was constantly covering my ears and running off the dancefloor to take cover elsewhere. I don't think I've ever been in so much physical pain from listening to music. this was worst in the last half hour until 3. my ears were still hurting afterwards.

music was pretty good. the autist was on when we go there and threw down a lot of really aggressive electro and hard-edged prog house. he was pretty good, though, some other guy kept coming on every few minutes and would change the vibe by playing more thrashing techno style. not cool.

the place was definately lacking any kind of vibe. a lot of people seemed bored and we kind of were too. maybe it was just because we got there so late.. anyway we decided we had to do something to make the night interesting for us so we drank excessively and danced on the podiums, all 6 of us. this was actually a lot of retarded fun and probably the best part of the night although the place, the music and the other people had nothing to do with it..

industry is just too expensive for what it is. $12 is too much for a bar like that, as is $7 for a weak, watered-down highball. there was also a guy in the washroom hawking gum and cigarettes and shit while trying to collect tips. the place seems like it's meant to just suck money out of you. what makes this more annoying is that so many people seem to be not paying a dime. lots of people were waving around drink tickets and like everyone there seemed to have gotten in for free. i don't want to have to pay these excessive prices so that people i don't even know can party for free.. (yes i know you said you were drinking/partying there without paying in the other thread, amalgam, so i feel that i gotta point out that this is not some masked attack specifically on you or something.. it's just a general complaint)

i doubt i'll be back unless there's something really interesting going on.
» quanneur replied on Fri Jul 4, 2003 @ 5:33pm. Posted in Saeed&Palash @ Industry 27.06.03.
Coolness: 41145
luc raymond and XL in particular are not the kind of DJs that most people like right off the bat. their sound is not particularly accessible.. the kind of music i like on a first listen usually doesn't end up being the best stuff but rather just catchy stuff. music that takes a few listens and some consideration tends to be more timeless and of better quality.............................

personally i think that XL is a very good DJ. he is certainly not for everyone. he has a very twisted tribally proggy tech-house feel that many just can't dig. his music is twisted through and through. the first few times i heard him i hated
it. but then i began to love it. :)

amalgam, kind of a long shot seeing as i don't know you but are you in the position to be hooking up passes to industry for tonight? some friends and i are thinking of checking it out.. been meaning to for a long time. anyway thanks if you can, obviously no probs if you can't!
rrause@po-box.mcgill.ca /icq: 2066484 / 844-3015 if things are cool
» quanneur replied on Fri Jul 4, 2003 @ 5:21pm. Posted in big fat fucking moving sale!.
Coolness: 41145
greetings ravewavers.. this doesn't really fit into any of the forums, so here it goes. sorry if this is the wrong place to put it!

i'm moving away from montreal in like, 10 days and I have lots of stuff to get rid of: furniture, computers and audio gear. All very cheaply priced. I made three separate posts in the MEMF buy/sell section about it:

[ pub42.ezboard.com ]

just look for the three posts made by me near the top. shoot me a message/e-mail/phone call if you're interested.. info is in the posts!

i don't know many of you but those i do i'll miss loads!! shoot me an IM or email or phone me if you want hang out before i leave. bye guys.
» quanneur replied on Fri Jun 6, 2003 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Wake Ups News.
Coolness: 41145
definately.. if i have to much caffeine in my system then my mind is to flighty to do any serious work...

wakeups have been 100mg since about as long as i can remember btw.

and the asian grocery on the top floor of La Cite sells Jolt. you know the one, right across from the escalator.
» quanneur replied on Tue Jun 3, 2003 @ 3:09am. Posted in Flux.
Coolness: 41145
good to meet you too, lee.. ! we also met at invasion actually but it was very brief. remember when tried to meet like 20 times a couple years ago? heheh... :)

flux was awesome. posted a review on memf earlier but i'm too tired to copy/paste now. good seeing a lot of you peeps... the pics i took are here:
[ www.spacedisco.com ]

kafwin and i think we should have some sort of inter-message board water fight.. this could get interesting ;)
» quanneur replied on Wed Apr 23, 2003 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Wtf are SARS symptoms?.
Coolness: 41145
void null's right... there is literally no chance you guys have SARS as there have been no reported cases in Montreal. and if you do get SARS, you will know it! you will be sicker than you have ever been.

there is no way this will be the second black death (even if it does reach the third world) because the
mortality rate is less than 4%. it only kills old people and very young people.. not people like us that (should) have healthy immune systems.
» quanneur replied on Sun Apr 6, 2003 @ 3:00am. Posted in rave montreal 11.
Coolness: 41145
i only heard about an hour or less of feria's set but i highly enjoyed it even though i don't really appreciate much hard tech... i didn't notice any of this beat doubling business. i think i loved devilfish's set for the exact reasons carlos disliked it. a lot of freaky, funky basslines shooting around all over the place, almost trancey or progressive like, it's true. nuclear ramjet's set i thought was far from bad though this stuff is certainly not for everyone. really weird, creepy sounding tech trance with strange sounds emerging only to quickly disappear, deep rumblings and chugging, eerie wafting noises passing through.. fuck, i loved it. i really liked seeing nuclear ramjet play for such a big crowd which they don't get to do very often.. given the more mainstream nature of the event, though, i think some people were caught of guard by it and didn't really know what to do with themselves on the dancefloor. i didn't stick around for creator's set......

the set up was pretty awesome. one thing you can always count on 514 for are elaborate lighting and sound setups. from the pics amalgam posted i thought maybe the circular trussels would be rigged to cranes, allowing for the entire rigs to drop and rise making for weird angles and that kind of shit. nope, but impressive none the less. tons of intelligent lighting, 8 visuals projectors (two of the screens must have been at least 30 feet across) and killer strobes than managed to brightly light up the whole entire venue.. wow.

partiers of all types at the place, maybe 2 or 3000 but hard to tell with all the mezzanines. dancing on the escaltors was fun. great views from upstairs. clean washrooms. fruit smoothies for sale. mainstream, big party feel but hey, there's nothing inherently wront with that. the truth is that even if you did pay for your ticket, $20 or $25 is a pretty bargain basement price for a party of this caliber.. very well organized and a lot of money and effort dumped into production.

was good to see a few of ya there :)
» quanneur replied on Sat Apr 5, 2003 @ 8:44pm. Posted in Ravemontreal 11.
Coolness: 41145
hi sharon!!!
*HuGGlez!!* *KiSSeS xoxox* .. *DiRTY SaNCHeZes*
» quanneur replied on Sat Apr 5, 2003 @ 7:25pm. Posted in Ravemontreal 11.
Coolness: 41145
the lighting didn't really obscure the projections on the two big screens that much.. ? also there were six more projectors other than the big ones.. more visuals on the ceiling and and elsewhere if you had a look round :)
» quanneur replied on Tue Mar 25, 2003 @ 1:39am. Posted in Open minded is an over used term.
Coolness: 41145
dunno said:
"-dropping into 30 ft metal halfpipe with 2ft of vert on a $10 board without pads on and skinning yourself SUCKS
-mustard sucks
-paying $6 for an itty bitty cup of regular coffee because you're on the top of a mountain sucks
-pay toilets in euro train stations suck"

these are all very easy value judgements to make. the subject of your judgment is clear and well-defined. when someone dismisses an entire genre of music they are dismissing a huge body of material. it's really a very bold thing to do.

in my mind, for someone to be justified in slagging an entire genre they had better know that genre very, very well or else they must be referring to such a restricted subsubsubsubsubgenre that there is virtually no room for self-expression or experimentation within it. otherwise i don't think they're really fit to make such a judgement.

i don't have problems with someone preferring one genre over another or disliking the stylistic hallmarks of a particular genre, but saying something like "trance sucks" or "house sucks" doesn't go over well in my books. generally the person saying such a thing either doesn't understand the genre completely or isn't familiar with the entire scope of the material that the genre spans. i would consider such a person narrow and short-sighted, or maybe simply ignorant. i wouldn't dislike a person for thinking this way because most people do at some point (i know i did)....... but i wouldn't respect their point of view and might try to change it..

anyway i'm too silly a person for such a serious discussion. ;) but this is the way i feel
» quanneur replied on Mon Mar 24, 2003 @ 1:13am. Posted in Open minded is an over used term.
Coolness: 41145
" If they guy doesn't like it, it means he's listened to it enough for him to NOT LIKE IT. In otherwords, he was open minded enough to give it a chance, and it failed to excite him in any way."

many people judge far too quickly. i'm always skeptical of someone who dismisses an entire genre because way too often such a judgement is based on insufficient knowledge... it's something akin to someone disregarding all of electronic music because of the MC Mario mixes he hears on the radio. you can't expect the best music of a certain genre to just fall into your lap.. and there really are interesting things happening in pretty much all genres of e-music.

i can't even begin to tell you how many times i have heard people say they dislike or even hate house music. oftentimes they simply don't understand it and even more often they don't even really know what house music is. unforutnately they are narrow and confused, as are most people that judge and dismiss categorically
» quanneur replied on Tue Mar 4, 2003 @ 2:06pm. Posted in Pics.
Coolness: 41145
dontcare, you average 40 posts every time you login... that's something fierce
» quanneur replied on Tue Mar 4, 2003 @ 12:18am. Posted in Hacky.
Coolness: 41145
don't care, you are like a posting machine.. you better be careful that you don't OD on it!!

it does happen
» quanneur replied on Fri Feb 21, 2003 @ 1:35am. Posted in Marty McFly +others...Last Night: Review.
Coolness: 41145
i only brought it up here because you did, ben. :)
» quanneur replied on Fri Feb 14, 2003 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Marty McFly +others...Last Night: Review.
Coolness: 41145
hmmm.. didn't really mean to sound so pissy there. blah. whatever
» quanneur replied on Fri Feb 14, 2003 @ 3:28am. Posted in Deep house?.
Coolness: 41145
quiet, sharon, or else i'm going to tell everybody what you do when you listen to deep house!
» quanneur replied on Fri Feb 14, 2003 @ 1:57am. Posted in Rave Rave Raveeeeeeeeee.
Coolness: 41145
that's quite possibly the stupidest thread i've ever read! it just keeps on getting better and better......
» quanneur replied on Fri Feb 14, 2003 @ 1:42am. Posted in Marty McFly +others...Last Night: Review.
Coolness: 41145
" i am really glad i have the kind of friends who watch me get thrashed by some stranger, and then call me an asshole because i'm upset about it."

get real, ben, that was hardly a thrashing. the guy didn't even hit you. the reason why i was pissed off is because you called our friendship into question when most of us have stuck up for you more than you will ever know. please understand that.

and besides, what do you seriously think we could have done? the whole thing lasted about 30 seconds and with the way everyone was positioned in the room it would have been ridiculous if we had even tried. the only one who could have done anything was dan and this guy was about twice his size, i.e. pretty much the same size as you.

doug's flipout was a shitty and stupid thing to have happen but please don't blame us for it, huh?
» quanneur replied on Fri Feb 14, 2003 @ 1:19am. Posted in Deep house?.
Coolness: 41145
i love deep house and probably listen to too much of it. when i listen to the vocally deep at home alone i run around my apartment like a chicken with it's head cut off belting out the lyrics. it's funny!

therapy with jojo flores is one of the best nights going in this city, hands down. simply wicked deep house, garage and afro-latin shizzy. i used to go fairly regularly but not so much anymore..
» quanneur replied on Thu Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:09pm. Posted in Ravewave mentioned in the dawson plant!.
Coolness: 41145
tipsy, you mean like old school hardcore, huh? i gotcha...
» quanneur replied on Thu Feb 13, 2003 @ 10:28pm. Posted in Ravewave mentioned in the dawson plant!.
Coolness: 41145
there are really only two distinct mother genres from which all other forms of electronic dance music emerge:

and then everything else is formed from the cross pollination of these genres and their subgenres.

jungle, hardcore, speedcore, and trance are descended from techno.

what you guys call dance is simply pop music that draws on the electronic underground for influence. i've heard this "dance" moniker batted around by a lot of people from ravewave but i think what you really mean is hiNRG if you're referring to old early 90's pop dance like 2 unlimited, snap, and all that... i don't know if you also are referring to modern pop e-music like alice DJ and ATB but i would just call that pop.
» quanneur replied on Thu Feb 13, 2003 @ 5:22am. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 41145
i'm drunk
» quanneur replied on Thu Feb 13, 2003 @ 5:20am. Posted in hi, introducing myself.
Coolness: 41145
i've got it in for ya, kafwin, baby.......

and mike, you gave me the hardest smack of my fucking life!! if it had been anyone else i would have sat on their stomach and we would have MC'ed together for 30 mins straight like a couple of hyenas choking on their own vomit..........


» quanneur replied on Sat Feb 8, 2003 @ 8:36pm. Posted in Just WHY is it....
Coolness: 41145
i puked all over my living room floor once..
i also took a shit in a bush in plain view of people walking on the sidewalk. woops!
» quanneur replied on Sat Feb 8, 2003 @ 4:39pm. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 41145
heya seb!!
yep, it's been a while... probably see you soon, i'll bet :)
» quanneur replied on Sat Feb 8, 2003 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Dehydrated from DRINKING?.
Coolness: 41145
and remember NOT to reach for the tylenol...
acetaminophen + alcohol = very stressed liver

even the morning after it's a bad idea.
» quanneur replied on Thu Feb 6, 2003 @ 3:05pm. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 41145
i'm not insulted.. :)

just in case anyone's actually interested, it's a recently discovered tryptophan protein. yay!
» quanneur replied on Wed Feb 5, 2003 @ 12:18am. Posted in why do gino's listen to...
Coolness: 41145
ever wanted to peek inside a gino/guido's head?

[ www.njguido.com ]

this site is no joke! funny.

if you're into house and progressive then you'll find that they actually share a similar music taste.... but there the similarities end and it goes all cocaine, tight clothing, and grinding on the dancefloor. yipee.
» quanneur replied on Mon Feb 3, 2003 @ 10:16pm. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 41145
maybe you can decipher this one for me, boozy?

» quanneur replied on Sun Feb 2, 2003 @ 9:49pm. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 41145
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a disease old people get from inhaling volcanic ash. i know this because i am lame. i even have this stupid word memorized. ask me sometime and i will say it to you
» quanneur replied on Tue Dec 17, 2002 @ 1:03am. Posted in Dmt....
Coolness: 41145
sorry about being a bit jumpy before.. i don't have anything against any of you. thanks for the compliment seb.

dmt is indeed a psychedelic. k is indeed a dissassociative, and therein lies the difference in the power of the two drugs.

"So basically, you want to take a drug, which throws you into a whole brand new world, then combine it with a drug which dissociates you from the new world."

i still get the feeling that you think that i am suggesting you combine the two drugs.. i am not.

in your statement you expose a misunderstanding of ketamine. this drug certainly does open you up to a whole new world, one that is just as vivid and surreal as that of DMT, believe it or not! (but in a different way, and it does take a substantial amount of good quality ketamine for a k-hole of this type, of course) terrence mckenna believed that while on ketamine he could communicate with the alien species that created the earth and humanity. on the Discovery channel they sometimes replay an older TV show on ketamine. it is administered to people with weak immune systems (i.e. children and the elderly) because it is a very safe anaesthetic. it does not burn holes in your brain. i've read those studies and I believe they are BS. ketamine is routinely used in hospitals today. this discovery channel show explores how the people that were administered ketamine had near death experiences, out of body experiences and transcendence experiences while on ketamine! watch for this show. it will put you in touch with how mind-expanding a drug ketamine is.

here is an article i wrote on ketamine:
[ www.cs.mcgill.ca ]
as i mention in the article, psychedelics tend to create hallucinations within the realm of human senses.. you might "see sounds" or "hear smells" or something like that and have lots of freaky shit happening all around you while on psychedelics but these sensations are still basically within the realm of human senses. the hallucinations of ketamine go far beyond that. you become omnipresent and sometimes seemingly omnipotent. it's like you've developed a whole new set of advanced senses, like you are some sort of advanced human or extraterrestrial (refer to Circuits article). it is hard to describe these sensations because at this present stage of human development/evolution we do not have the language or other tools to do so.

now, i've got to add that there is loads of bad quality ketamine out there and all it does is confuse and bewilder you, and then render you totally immobile without giving you any of the powerful, mind-expanding transcendence stuff. so i can see why you might think ketamine is just funky heroin or something.

ultimately, i think that both ketamine and DMT can be extremely interesting drugs if used properly. if you are interested in really pushing the limits of your mind and exploring alternate realities then they both deserve some consideration..

zeev: ketamine is most commonly used as a cat tranq. but it is also used on humans, pigs and other animals less frequently....
» quanneur replied on Mon Dec 16, 2002 @ 1:22pm. Posted in Dmt....
Coolness: 41145
who said anything about mixing DMT with ketamine?! it really seems like some of you are just searching for any reason at all to take a holier-than-thou tone with others. the level of preachiness from you and others on this board is almost frightening.

instead of waving your finger in other people's faces, why don't you EDUCATE YOURSELF by actually following the link I posted? to say things like ketamine is mind-numbing and not mind-expanding is complete BS and shows a deep misunderstanding of the drug and psycho-exploration altogether. ketamine is regarded by serious psychonauts (including Dr's Tim Leary and Terrence McKenna) to be the most mind expanding drug available to man, but of course you have to know how to use it. i'm sorry that you are an irresponsible fool who gets himself addicted to PCP or ketamine or whatever, but just because you are a retarded fuck doesn't mean everyone else is.

so, like i said before, DMT is a 7th circuit drug and ketamine is an 8th circuit drug. if you want to know what this means that go back and follow that link. furthermore, there is another isomer of DMT called AMT that is quite addictive and in fact sometimes this is sold as DMT. suggesting that it's safe to explore with DMT and not ketamine is ridiculous.

i find it almost funny that the same people who criticize ketamine can suggest DMT as a mind-expanding experience. talk about stupid and uninformed...
» quanneur replied on Sun Dec 15, 2002 @ 12:20am. Posted in Dmt....
Coolness: 41145
DMT is still a 7th circuit drug. it's too bad you have all these personal hang ups about ketamine, OP, because it allows for some serious psychonautics.

[ www.deoxy.org ]
» quanneur replied on Sun Dec 15, 2002 @ 12:15am. Posted in Drinking and doing K....
Coolness: 41145
kath, we in BC say i see said the blind mind to his deaf daughter. i saw it through the whole in the barbed wire fence!
» quanneur replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Ecstasy : l’extase avant Parkinson.
Coolness: 41145
but then check this out.. this article says that ecstasy REDUCES the symptoms of parkinsons!

[ www.ananova.com ]

these scientists are fucking with our heads.
» quanneur replied on Sun Dec 1, 2002 @ 12:18am. Posted in [ [ [ E U P H O R I A 3 ] ] ] 30-11-02.
Coolness: 41145
loungex supabunny!
haven't seen that in a while..
» quanneur replied on Fri Nov 29, 2002 @ 6:26pm. Posted in Have a great weekend.
Coolness: 41145
you too, lee! good to finally meet you this past weekend. :)
» quanneur replied on Fri Nov 29, 2002 @ 6:26pm. Posted in wtf is up with the crack smoking?.
Coolness: 41145
totally agree with you, kaf!
one of the most horrible things about the scene in vancouver is that many of the jibtechs are despised, hated and ostracized by the less cracky people simply because of their drug use. (and i say only "less cracky" because some of these morons do all sorts of other drugs up the yin yang but have issues with crystal.. silly double standard) it's created this huge rift in the scene there and so much hate. i feel sorry for people that fall into the trap of thinking that way because it means that they miss out on the friendship of a lot of good people.

my stance on all this crystal business right now is -. ..nothing, really. i'm certainly not going to judge anyone for doing it. at the same time, when i see people falling into self-destructive cycles of smoking during the week and going on 4 or 5 day long sleepless binges regularly then I can't help but worry a bit because of what i've seen in the past.. but still i'm not going to abandon these people. if they start stealing from me or getting seriously paranoid on my ass then it's over, though, and they can come find me if and when they make it out of the funk

and i do know people that keep their use to just weekends and at a recreational level. there was a period when i lived in van where i'd do a point or two of crystal every weekend to keep me awake through the rave and it always stayed at that. not everyone turns into a jib crazed maniac
» quanneur replied on Fri Nov 29, 2002 @ 2:29pm. Posted in wtf is up with the crack smoking?.
Coolness: 41145
what's just as bad for you as the crystal itself is the huge amounts of time you go without sleeping and eating. THAT is bad for you. in fact there's not much worse you can do to your body.

i enjoy sleep too much. and i really, really like to eat. hence crystal and ice are not for me.

..the couple times i've used ice lately i've honestly felt like i've scrubbed a piece of my brain clean. I've felt like I've had to relearn things. I'm in a computer science program that is very demanding and in the days following my experiences I found myself unable to remember and understand simple formulas and notation. in fact, I even found that hand writing was more difficult. I value what little intelligence I have, so again, crystal is not for me. and i won't repeat my previous mistake.

I'm from vancouver, where crystal and ice have been popular for years. many people consider crystal to have destroyed the rave scene there. it's common to meet kids skinny as all hell with sores all over their faces that claim not to have slept in 10+ days and eaten in 3 or 4.

some of my closest friends are smoking crystal now. they are intelligent people and I give them the benefit of the doubt. I do not judge them. they can handle themselves. i'm not bothered by the fact that they smoke crystal, save for the times where they become a little too edgy, anxious and paranoid.

but i do know what crystal can do. and i do know that like most addictions, it creeps up on you. and I know that the toll it takes is very unforgiving. and I've witnessed patterns of use from these people that I've seen many times before. so I'd be lying it I tried to tell you that I'm not a little bit worried.


and in general, drugs =/= bad... that's a very naive thing to say (that all drugs are bad). even crystal can be used recreationally over the longterm by some people. not many, mind you.
» quanneur replied on Fri Nov 29, 2002 @ 2:07pm. Posted in Stereo November 30.
Coolness: 41145
how's it going with that huge yellow lightbulb?

that reduced pass usually means $10 off.. so $10 or $15 on Friday and $15 - $20 on Saturday
quanneur's Profile - Community Messages