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» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 9:56pm. Posted in Plan-c ~ Bass-ic @ Forwardmusic.
Coolness: 83395
no worry..its only stuff..nothing compare to what you've all delivered :}
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 3:30am. Posted in NTK jour de l'an - Laurent Ho.
Coolness: 83395
..precisement le but de mon message sachant que bcp de ntk vont d'in party cruz et vice-versa..une idee en l'air comme ca qui pourrais etre genial puisque les deus soiree m'attirres..
» Psilo replied on Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 10:16pm. Posted in NTK jour de l'an - Laurent Ho.
Coolness: 83395
moi je dit oui a NTK!

..{+et essayer donc de combiner avec la gang de Cruz{eur} control{eur}..2 salles ce serais doublement sympatique ;}
» Psilo replied on Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 9:36pm. Posted in hoook.
Coolness: 83395
impossible menteur.
» Psilo replied on Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 9:23pm. Posted in hoook.
Coolness: 83395
le monde comprennes??????????
» Psilo replied on Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 2:00pm. Posted in My Tekno Family 2.
Coolness: 83395
69db fut assurement un des live/machin/machine le plus impressionnant{et amusant}que j'ai gouter a ce jour!!!

..technique de feu..mais le plus malade c'est la progression du [ gars..ca ] fesait longtemps que j'avais vus un dancefloor on fira comme ca a mtl..

..sans oublier de souligner l'EXCELLENT travaille de Gwen et Pascal qui leurs ont fait honneur..ont est pas mal pris..

..merci aussi au concerner pour tous ces after de qualiter superieur {did i said that i love mtl?}
» Psilo replied on Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 5:38am. Posted in Je suis toujours là !!!.
Coolness: 83395
no just because everyone was free to say want they want..speech freedom at is best..i tend to think that a little social group can take care of himself,when there's a couple of smart ppl.
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 10:38am. Posted in Kurse-O-ramA --- v.2.0 ---.
Coolness: 83395
Screwhead: comment peut tu en vouloir a qlq pour sa "stupidité relative"? Qui es-tu donc pour juger a ce point la difference? Moi tant que tu ne cause pas de mal au autre.. 75% des humains sont stupide{blow the world?}.

Pis des fois quand 90% ont un avis contraire au sien, ca vaut la peine de s'arreter deux minutes pour se demander si ce serais pas nous qui, cette fois, aurions eu tort. J'ai jamais vu autant de monde reagir de la sorte a ton post. (Meme moi en 5 ans de b.s. sur [ Rave.ca ] j'avais jamais vue une opinion me deranger autant,serieux!).

Comment peut tu etre SI CERTAIN qu'il fesait de la vitesse?

..le pire c que tu n'avais peut-etre pas tort..ce n'etais juste TELLEMENT pas le moment..la place..ni NOTRE travaille de faire cette petite enquetes..tu n'est pas dieux mon vieux..relax.

Peace out!
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 9:54am. Posted in Plan-c ~ Bass-ic @ Forwardmusic.
Coolness: 83395
Another really interesting night..like all the other Forward night i've gone to yet..Props!

..P.S. i have "lost"..my sunglass an "another item" from the coat check..could someone check it for me plzzzz?
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 9:48am. Posted in My Tekno Family 2.
Coolness: 83395
4 shooters pour 5$ jusqu'à la fermeture (Kamikaze, Bananarama, Mini Cosmo)

..lets get wasted on weird taste shooter!!!
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 9:45am. Posted in Je suis toujours là !!!.
Coolness: 83395
[ Rave.ca ] free of mod was the Eden Garden..
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 9:40am. Posted in Screwhead.
Coolness: 83395
..i only said that as an observator..its only what i've felt..my point if view..no hate at all..maybe just a little power trip..anyway dont worry with that..
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 9:40am. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 83395
did MASA just moderated SCREWHEAD ?????????????????????????

..think about it..to be a mod you got to stay calm no?
» Psilo replied on Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 9:33am. Posted in Screwhead.
Coolness: 83395
actually i was thinking about creating a thread like this mysefl..{or pm it to Noah;}

..cuz i really dont think that he is fit for the job..technicaly no prob..but hes values/valor concept are WAY to fuckup..my point of view anyway.

..didnt say that to offend you Fred..in fact you were of of the most funny guy around here for all the time a was around {like 5years}..but now something in your attitude have change..{my point of view again}..

..this site dont need any mod..this was this site magical side before..we'll handle the troll/spam/shit..

» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 10:51pm. Posted in Drug Is Bad.
Coolness: 83395
they all have done a lot of acid..as for u fred how many blotters have u ingest in your life?
» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 10:42pm. Posted in Kurse-O-ramA --- v.2.0 ---.
Coolness: 83395
Im pretty sure that most of the ppl here DONT want any mod here..that was this site magical side..

{just for u to know, i always found that u where one of the most funny guy around here. Since a couple of day i really dont recognize your "humour style"..and now i learn that ur a mod..that make me think ;}

..pis laver son linge sale en public c jamais [ payant..ca ] peut-etre bon pour l'ego per contre ;}

» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 7:07am. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 7:06am. Posted in Je suis toujours là !!!.
Coolness: 83395

..you've called 2 mod for reinforcement??
» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 6:36am. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
..possession concept is the base of a big pyramid of actuals problems..
» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 6:11am. Posted in Music Torrents....
Coolness: 83395
same here Laurent..and its not for nothing..in fact they most have done that thinking of the Pink Floyd Animal Tour {including: pig on the wing}.

..they had awesome advertissing innovation..thoses huges balloons with animal form floating in the city sky..{n they had a pig;}.


Update » Psilo wrote on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 6:14am
Screwhead ta tu perdus ton cerveau?..{no english T.V. for french kid}.
» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 5:54am. Posted in Plan-c ~ Bass-ic @ Forwardmusic.
Coolness: 83395
Une autre excellente soiree enrober de sons de qualiter en bonnes compagnies..

..les soirees Forward serait-elle entrain de devenir une valeur sure a Mtl?.. *cought cought*

Nice One!
» Psilo replied on Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 5:25am. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
Ce fut un reel plaisir que de faire votre connaissance mon cher Masa..vous me semblez, ma fois ,d'avoir tout l'air d'etre plutot sympathique.

..pis "ton Let me Google that for you" ca torche en sale.
» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 5:07am. Posted in this is a Thread.
Coolness: 83395
just got a call..it was God..he just said that this thread is not a thread anymore..Goodnight Potheadz Krew!
» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 4:33am. Posted in The 4:20 Thread.
Coolness: 83395
mmmmmmh..damn it was goooood!
» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 3:50am. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
*jury freak*

-"Wait,Wait! Not so fast. Theses three backdrop are sublime in sooooooooo many differents way..lets organize a parliamentary commission of inquiry!"
» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 3:12am. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 83395
NON Mickos chek tes pm..

..arretes de poster dans le thread tu debarque comme Screwhead a 3h du mat..{a jeun;} dans un trhead que si t'aurais pris la peine de lire t'aurais classer dans la categorie *serieux*..

le gars vient de voir mourrir la personne qu'il aimais..c'etait un accident..

» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 2:37am. Posted in My sincere condolence to Dj Wood !!.
Coolness: 83395
7 of us *light it up late but with a strong ray of compassion*

Update » Psilo wrote on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 2:38am
reaper pm moi \....vite.
Update » Psilo wrote on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 2:40am
all this bullshit here is the perfect reflection of why its all soo wrong in our world..dont listen to them..
» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 12:31am. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
[ ..ca ] l'air des fois j'penses connaitre des mots en anglais..j'fait mon smart tse!

Un *RESUMÉ* ostie.. ;}
» Psilo replied on Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 12:02am. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
Ok..so knowing that nobody will read that GIGANTIK brick who could be interesting..i've sacrificed myself..read it..then i can submarise: Noah is Wise.{nothing more nothing less}.
» Psilo replied on Wed Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:13pm. Posted in WHo made the painting in front of the stage at the Tunnel party??.
Coolness: 83395
Julien..i don't know where to start..

First let me tell you something,accept it or not: You just overreact big time.

And its good for nobody. Its just about respect. I had a lot of respect for your nice art, but now that i've saw you been rudely agressive and accuse someone i respect to be a pedophile {witch is btw, a really serious accusation in my book, not to take lightly and doing research?}..maybe that will change, and maybe other "potential client" here will think like that to, who know!

I'm pretty sure you'll respond me that you don't give a fuck about "stupid raver nerd" contract since you've maded a lot of money showing your beautifull work all around the place..maybe that a part of the problem..?

..now that i remember it, i've never talked to you cuz you always look so full of yourself..i wish im wrong..anyway..Most of the people you've just insulted ARE truly "peacenlove" minded..

Im sorry to be honest like that but you've just overflooded a nice amount of bad vibes here..and im tired to see ppl a care for being insulted..so try to think before talk, try to play it Diplomatik Way,like this nice Databoy {and me;}

No Hate Here..only clearing things.
» Psilo replied on Wed Dec 10, 2008 @ 3:06pm. Posted in adrenochrome-adrenolutin.
Coolness: 83395

..euh..j'tune blague..encore..

..but how can you be that sure about its real or not?..;}
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 4:42am. Posted in Akarien Chrismas Bash@ SAT 06\12\08.
Coolness: 83395
..someone could tell me what it looked like..?

..cuz i really didnt see a goddamn thing with these *from the future* sunglass..an all these bats flying around..;}

..sound was AWESOME tho!!!
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 4:31am. Posted in Holy Fuck!!!!!.
Coolness: 83395
to humble to respond my pm Screwhead?..so you DID create these insanely hilarious sheet of cyber-paper..{impressed is the lilliputian gnome squating a hole in Whorass Anus Tower,from where he"camed all the way"just to give you this :=====> A shitload of disturbly massive among of G.O.L.D.
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 4:21am. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 83395
its more the sensation it gave then the taste in itself..really thick drink sensation..so in water..yeah it taste shit.

{trying to look smart using other thread?;}
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 3:56am. Posted in the tunnel rave conclusion.
Coolness: 83395
..got weird dream..you've stop the reeferz ;?
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 3:14am. Posted in Dj A1 : Glitch Life Vol. 1 mixtape.
Coolness: 83395
M'as essayer d'me Glitcher un warpzone de vortex spacio-temporelle tribulatronik..direction breche de QcCity!
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 3:08am. Posted in forward podcast updated.
Coolness: 83395
thx God you're alive!
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 3:01am. Posted in DJ Sw@t.
Coolness: 83395
..l'after after after after party {SAT?} ce fut l'utlime accomplissement de l'apo-fuckin-gé.

Update » Psilo wrote on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 3:01am
J'M mon amie LEGO!!!
» Psilo replied on Tue Dec 9, 2008 @ 2:42am. Posted in the tunnel rave conclusion.
Coolness: 83395
Im not gonna discredit or insult anyone who decide to throw party(saying he want to share what he love)before im sure that he done wrong..
im not..and a couple of misty post wont help..

..they did two error,maybe even acceptable cuz its work like that there..?{n stop these REAL racist shit;}

Give the guy a chance.
» Psilo replied on Mon Dec 8, 2008 @ 2:58pm. Posted in adrenochrome-adrenolutin.
Coolness: 83395
EVERYONE of my post on this site are THE seriousness of things..THE ultimate truth!!

(..je suis un psychiatre bio/chimiste philosophe agree et je viens tout juste de terminer mon doctorat en novananosonologie101..)
Psilo's Profile - Community Messages