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» prrr replied on Tue Jan 4, 2011 @ 12:19am. Posted in Selling Vexy clothes, fat pants, etc..
Coolness: 44360
Je suis interessée en:

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Est-ce qu'ils sont dispo? Merci :)
» prrr replied on Tue Jan 4, 2011 @ 12:04am. Posted in S0m4.
Coolness: 44360
Thanks so much for this Soma.

The clear air was amazing, I was able to see the paintings which were amazing,

Scorb was amazing,

and so was the attitude of people who were there.

Thanks so much.
» prrr replied on Fri Dec 31, 2010 @ 5:21pm. Posted in Hottest Female Ravewaver.
Coolness: 44360
Because stars and psychedelic images are pretty :P
» prrr replied on Fri Dec 31, 2010 @ 5:19pm. Posted in best parties of 2010.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
well, unfortunately, i couldn't really go to any parties 'cause of my weekend/night job, so it was all about bar nights for me! OCDj & Bassdrive & DWN & Rebirth - good times!

and the best morning i spent at a party/rave was NTK w/ Keygen ...

and Kinetik (no, not a rave, but an electronic party event nonetheless!) was wicked ...

let's just hope 2011 brings us more hardcore ;)

Oh I really wanted to go to Kinetik and couldn't because of work! I want more hardcore too this year :) And melodic trance. And ambient/downtempo rooms... Yeah a hardcore industrial party with a downtempo psychedelic room, this actually worked really well in the west.
» prrr replied on Fri Dec 31, 2010 @ 5:16pm. Posted in best parties of 2010.
Coolness: 44360
1. Openmind
2. Psymind
3. Spore

and so many others, but I didn't make it to many this year!

It was my first year at Harvest and that was also pretty awesome, a different and intense experience.

Update » prrr wrote on Fri Dec 31, 2010 @ 5:18pm
It was just such an awesome year for parties even if for me it was mostly in the summer. Fantastic indoor parties too but I couldn't go much because of the smoke.
» prrr replied on Sun Dec 12, 2010 @ 7:22pm. Posted in S P O R E !!.
Coolness: 44360
That was completely off the hook, amazing music, amazing smiles, glowing flowers, everything. There was so much love put into it, and in dancing for almost 10 years I can't believe this was the first all-live event I've gotten to experience! My eyes were burning by the end of it from the cigs and smoke machines lol. And my jacket is going to have to go through a few washes to get the smell out. But it was worth it, goggles and a plastic bag for my coat next time ^.^ Wow beautiful party that I'll remember forever.
» prrr replied on Sat Dec 4, 2010 @ 2:22am. Posted in dimension x.
Coolness: 44360
It's very difficult for me to go and enjoy Vince's psytrance parties now, because of the smoke. Props to him for dealing with the cops though. But last year when he was promoting a party of his to me, telling me and asking me if I was going to come, I asked him if there would be smoking inside (it was really getting to me). He said, in a way to humiliate me in front of my friends I was talking to, "what do you think, it's a fucing RAVE."

I've been going to parties for 9 years now. I don't need "RAVE" to be defined for me, how disrespectful, I know what it is. I just asked if there would be smoke, so that I could know if I will be ABLE to come and dance or not. Of course I WANT to.

I have muscle spasms in my eyelids. It's not blinking, it's mild symptoms of tourettes. Do you have any idea what the amount of smoke at these parties does to them? Then what it does to my voice (I'm a singer) and the assault on health in general (of breathing in smoke). Rave does not mean that we automatically are down with sacrificing our health or impose that on others.

In all the many parties I've been to since 2000, none of them had indoor smoke except these here. And you know what?? NO smokers died from cold lol. They didn't even complain. It was just what made SENSE. Smoke outside if the party allowed for that. OR, go to the designated smoking room. These parties were every bit as wild, if not moreso, than the ones here. Wild doesn't mean disregarding each others' comfort and health. The smoking laws are part of progressive social change. Smoking in parties isn't progressive, it's REgressive.

Going out in the cold to smoke doesn't make you sick. SMOKING makes you sick.

That's fine if you're a smoker, I'm not against them. I'm not against anyone who does any substances, but I'd prefer if they didn't give me some of whatever they're doing, I'd like to go to the party without having any quantity of substances forced on me. There are so many rooms and levels in most of these parties you coudln't close off one chill room with a window for smokers?? How hard would that be?

That would be the compromise. That would be reasonable!

There are a lot of people, who would want to be part of the scene, have been dancing for many years, want to come - and can't because we feel literally pushed out by the smoke.

There was a time (before only the last short amount of time) where I could go to a party and not have all my clothes including my winter jacket which isn't as easy to wash, reeking like smoke an all the chemicals in it afterwards. It's a few weeks after Continuum, which I loved, but my damn jacket STILL smells like smoke!! And another person there told me they hated the smoke too without me even mentioning it to them. This isn't an isolated thing we just almost never speak up about it.

Psymind was perfectly amazing and wild without the smoke! Not a tame party by any means. I'm happy I finally got to go to an indoor party and really enjoy it without my eyes getting all messed up and stinging by the end. I didn't hear any smokers complaining. Either they smoked outside or there was a room for it. Everyone still seemed very happy.
» prrr replied on Wed Nov 24, 2010 @ 7:09pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By KIRE
LOL wow i wonder if thats a true story angry jungle kids man im telling you

Hahaha so true the only party I've ever been to (and I've been to a lot, and a variety) where people actually started being violent and the cops had a proper reason to show up was a jungle party... and I like jungle but now I hesitate to go to those parties ^.^

Noah you could start an awfully fun Ravewave Zine with this stuff.
» prrr replied on Mon Nov 22, 2010 @ 9:10pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 44360
HAH, there's at least one of those in every town ^.^
» prrr replied on Mon Nov 22, 2010 @ 9:12am. Posted in 10 day-old baby dolphin rescued ->.
Coolness: 44360
teehee ^.^ omg the eyes!
» prrr replied on Mon Nov 22, 2010 @ 8:46am. Posted in Spore | 16 LIVE ACTS! | 11th Dec. | 2 Room Psy/Prog Event | 3D Visuals.
Coolness: 44360
It looks amazing
» prrr replied on Mon Nov 22, 2010 @ 8:37am. Posted in 10 day-old baby dolphin rescued ->.
Coolness: 44360
Lol It's classic to tell someone to chill and have humor if they don't bend over and accept antagony. It doesn't mean they're humorless or need to relax.

This isn't like walking into a waving fist and getting punched. Vegans are being directly attacked. Countering is totally reasonable. Even if it was someone else who was being put down, I'd still counter it. If you attack vegans then don't whine about it when we defend ourselves.

Originally Posted By PERCEPTION
diet wise, the last bio class I took, one of many, you can get all 8 essential amino acids from eating a combination of for example, corn and beans, while the body synthesis the remaining 12 as long as the diet includes organic nitrogen (organic in the sense of chemistry)... Not sure meat is necessary... Vitamin and mineral wise, I'd have to look it up. I think the major problem with being vegan or vegetarian is a lack of knowledge, thus the inability of making a balanced meal.

Yeah basically it's only lack of easily obtained knowledge that prevents people from getting everything they need. There are lots of non-animal things that have all essential amino acids, like quinoa, hemp and a lot of other stuff. Scientists have found out recently that for the incomplete sources, we don't even have to eat them at the same time since our bodies can store the nutrients for later to combine them.

Originally Posted By niji
Screw corn, grow hemp.


Originally Posted By flo
I guess one of the main reasons for that is the over-consumption of corn in north america (cob, syrup, bread, flour, starch, etc.), especially through industry and GMOs...

Most corn in North America is used to feed livestock.

Originally Posted By screwhead
I haven't had everyone call me the 2nd coming of hitler for a couple of months now..

I never called you Hitler. I was saying that just because some omnis are assholes (like Hitler/Bush etc) doesn't mean that all of them are. Same with vegans. ...and I won't judge other omnis based on *you*, lol! (just to make things square for antagonistic humor)

I don't care if you aren't familiar enough with amino acids to know where to get them in abundance from non-animal sources. Just stop vilifying me.

The entire point of this, for people who don't want to read all of it, is to ask to stop bullying, bashing, or vilifying vegans.

Stop it, please. No more anti-vegan jokes. No more posting shit you think is original/witty/funny for the sole purpose of trying to upset us. No more flat out insults. Please and thank you.
» prrr replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 1:49am. Posted in Best rave club in Montreal?.
Coolness: 44360
I enjoyed it a lot... lol the dark/hard just kept going until the very end, which I really loved even though I love melodic morning music too when it happens. The live set was my favorite part. I don't know why I haven't yet learned to bring my own TP to parties tho.. :p
» prrr replied on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 12:27am. Posted in 10 day-old baby dolphin rescued ->.
Coolness: 44360
I totally agree with that it doesn't work to base arguments on going vegan on scientific facts, and that the only meaningful arguments would be logic/ethical arguments. Especially for veganism since it's not only diet (like strict vegetarianism and vegetarianism). What tends to work for me is to explain what I've found from an abolitionist standpoint, and that since I don't need to use animals to live, I don't. So live and let live, specifically avoiding using and harming animals in all aspects of life which actually turned out a lot easier to do than I thought it would be, even as a broke kid living in Alberta. Breaking the myth that it's difficult or unatainable, and smashing the superhero complex (that some vegans seem to think they are, well they're not).. works. For other people who aren't interested in it, and/or just want to argue on a personal level and throw insults, instead of discussing kindly...

I don't need to push with them. It's not worth it, the time, the effort and the stress. There are always other people who care more and want advice on products and nutrition and how to go vegan.. so it's best to move on to them. Nothing will come of an insult-fest with the others, as I've learned in the past.

We're getting side-tracked a bit though, this thread was about bashing vegans though, wasn't it? Not about veganism itself - it would be nice to have discussions on that, but I don't think it's possible here with all the trolling. And definitely, I'm not expecting or trying to influence people to stop using animals here, as I know this forum is too much of a volatile environment for that and there are better places for it, like anywhere else. So I don't think this is the place for debating ABOUT veganism, but whether or not to attack vegans personally in the scene and elsewhere.

All I'm asking is for a little respect.

I don't go around attacking other ravers (or anyone else) who has different viewpoints than I do.. and believe me I care about this issue more than most of you do.. it's all I ask in return. I don't want to be attacked for it since I'm not attacking you. Yes I disaggree on the issue, strongly. I won't be one of those hypocritical vegans who says they're not one of "those" vegans that cares what everyone else does.. of course I care about animals being used, whether its by me or by anyone else. But I don't hate people for it. I don't go around screaming nasty PETA catch phrases at them. If I ever try to encourage people to stop using animals it's in a non-violent and creative way, with positive intentions all around and no attacking. So I don't deserve to be attacked and ALIENATED for it either.

I refuse to stop coming to parties and being friendly with people, I don't put up with bullying BS. I will not be bullied away from the scene that I've been a part of, loved and supported for so many years. I've never known peer pressure, which is one reason why I've always done everything I wanted to do and thought was right. Whether it's veganism or human rights issues or going to raves when my entire redneck school in Alberta said it wasn't cool. I don't care about them or anyone who will attack me for anything else I do that doesn't hurt them, like not using animals. They shouldn't generalize and hate every single vegan because they didn't get along with the ones they met. Chances are, they were an asshole to the vegan before the vegan even did anything to them in the first place. I don't get along with every vegan and quasi-vegan. And there are a lot of extremely stupid omnivores out there too. Would you like for me to judge you based on George Bush, Hitler, and every other asshole who happened to be non-vegan, or give each new person the benefit of the doubt?

Extremism in relation to veganism:

Veganism's not such an extreme thing as it's made out to be, I don't think. Extremely what? The word extreme is often spread as a scare word, when it doesn't hold much weight on its own. Extremely extreme?

For me, veganism seemed like the moderate thing to do. Getting my tasty stuff, nutrients and products from plant and synth sources instead of animal source. I don't think that's so unbalanced or out-there. Especially if you don't just eat lettuce and bs supplements, and you're actually getting the balance of nutrients that you need. The only reason it seems extreme is for the same reason why something like raving is seen that way.. because it's not how we (most of us) were brought up. When we know that raving isn't all that "extreme" unless we mean extremely fun, extremely liberating. Like veganism is extremely... caring about animals?

IMO only things like torturing one another, gay-bashing, rape, etc merit that connotative use of the word "extreme". But using vegetable glycerin soaps instead of animal glycerine soap? And even sharing the info that these options exist with others? No, not extreme in that context.

Update » prrr wrote on Mon Nov 15, 2010 @ 12:36am
btw I really appreciate the polite and non-malicious replies.
» prrr replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:03pm. Posted in 10 day-old baby dolphin rescued ->.
Coolness: 44360
Why is it that every time I come onto this board to try to have fun and befriend people,

The lifestyle (my lifestyle) of choosing not to exploit animals because I don't have to to survive,

Somehow is turned into a personal hate war? When it's not personal at all, but people turn it that way because they feel criticized and threatened by something they've been trained to fear by the animal agriculture industry/government who subsidizes it?

You all are so nice to me in person and think I'm a very sweet person at parties and all that, and you'll share my positive energy on the dance floor, and talk to me and try to be my friend, and I'll be super nice to you in return.

Yet on the internet you'll flip your lids about shit you know nothing about, just brainwashing.

Veganism isn't about hating everyone else or some sort of ego trip thing. It's not a fucking club or self-righteous movement, and it's not about being privaledged and buying all sorts of expensive products.

News flash, veganism is about the animals, and I went vegan because I'm a caring person in the first place. I'm not saying that non-vegans are not caring people, but that caring about others (including other animals) is what prompted me to go vegan in the first place.

For the record, when I went vegan, I was dirt poor and found out that going vegan actually helped me save lots of money because it turned out that lentils and stuff are cheaper than everything else, and that omega 3 from flax costs many times less for the same amount of it than if I were to get it from fish, which would have killed dolphins etc at the same time.

It's very sad that it's so easy to live without exploiting and using animals (as far as is possible), yet we've all been brainwashed by our institutions to believe that it's not, and that you have to buy expensive luxury products. If you went vegan and didn't know what you were doing, also, it's not veganism's problem, it's society's problem for not educating you properly about where to find your nutrients, and your own problem for not finding the information yourself.

It's also lame that people have to come on here and bash others because they are doing what they can to avoid animal suffering. It's pathetic bullying, bullying people just for trying to be nice.

I'm nice to you in person despite the fact that you might be a minority or different from me in whatever aspect, you might have radically different views to mine, hell you do things that I think are completely horrific yet I'm still nice to you. Vegans get WAY more disrespect from others than they EVER dish out to anyone else. I've NEVER said to someone, hey you're not vegan so fuck you, or anything like that (unless someone attacked me first).

The least you can do is not persecute me and whoever else chooses to try to minimize their impact on animals, human animals and the environment by living a vegan lifestyle. The reason, the ONLY reason I'm using vegan soap (soap that isn't made of or tested on animals) instead of animal-based lab torture soap is because of the impact on other animals. NOT to say "fuck you I'm better than you." I think that's all in your minds because I've never met another vegan who is vegan out of spite to other people, either (maybe the vegan friends I have are really nice and actually vegan, I don't know).

If you've read this far, congratulations, I don't hate you but please get off your bullying anti-vegan podium and we can go back to being friendly. Sound like a plan?

Update » prrr wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:14pm
Moloch so basically you being all nice to me and liking me in person was based solely on the fact that you didn't know I was vegan, but now that you know I'm vegan, I'm all of a sudden not a person with feelings and worthy of your respect?
Update » prrr wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:15pm
p.s. is this a place for ravers or bigots?
Update » prrr wrote on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:18pm
It's like finding out your friend or kid is gay and all of a sudden disowning and hating them because of that, despite that they are still the same person you knew from before.
» prrr replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 7:37pm. Posted in Best rave club in Montreal?.
Coolness: 44360
Happy to share the dancefloor with you, any time you're here :)
» prrr replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 7:35pm. Posted in Hottest MALE Ravewavers ;).
Coolness: 44360
I'm voting for my buddy Etienne, though he's technically not on here.. he's in a bunch of photos (let me find some) and at pretty much every psy party there is... I find him awfully handsome ^.^
» prrr replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 7:33pm. Posted in RAVE NEWS! Canadian Rave Scene Articles!.
Coolness: 44360
Noah you're killing me. <3
» prrr replied on Sun Nov 14, 2010 @ 5:09pm. Posted in Best rave club in Montreal?.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By BLISSS
raves have always been heavily associated with drug use,

BARS and clubs are always associated with drug use. The only difference is that the government doesn't make money off of the drug use from raves as opposed to EVERYWHERE ELSE, so they demonized raves in the media to try to turn general society against them to keep them in the bars and clubs (where the government makes money off the drug use).

Originally Posted By BLISSS
Let me tell you I went to raves for years and never did drugs, & guess what I was pretty much the only one hehehe...drugs are everywhere!

People always THINK they're the only one not on drugs. But you're not. I dance all night long and people think I'm on drugs when I'm sober. Why do they assume I'm on drugs? Because it's a party and I'm decorated and dancing until the next afternoon. In reality, I'm just healthy enough to use my limbs to flail around for many hours before getting tired (go figure the human body is capable of that on its own) and think that electronic sounds are pretty awesome and fun to bounce around to, combined with feeding off the energy of others around me who may or may not be on drugs regardless of whether or not they like blacklight art and psychedelic and other music. By the way I don't mind being around people who are on (most) drugs. I'm just pointing out, there are many more sober partygoers than anyone thinks.

In Vancouver actually there were some of the most off the hook NON-drug parties (and I estimate that 80 to 90% of people didn't take anything before coming), they were some of the best parties I've ever been to, with no drugs, no smoke, just amazing music and vibes... thanks Byron Dreamweaver. Yeah you may doubt, but you weren't there! People who generally take drugs would go, and love it, a different sort of night to take a break from the substances. The music and artwork I think we can all agree, are great enough to appreciate whether sober or high.

Originally Posted By BLISSS
They cant just take your money like that, its not the way its done.

Cops tend to do a lot of things that they "can't do".

I'm sorry about your loss, rawali, ravedave & co! Thanks for continuing to make parties, I've really enjoyed them.

Circus - I finally went there for my first time after being in Montreal for a few years. A couple months ago, a rave took over half of it. It was surreal, a rave taking over Circus. Anyways, halfway through the night, the barrier between the clubber side and the rave side was broken down for whatever reason. You can just imagine how interesting that made the rest of the night! trickles of one side finding their way to the other, being culture-shocked to the max. I had fun. At one point these philistines standing behind where I was dancing said something like "this sucks (refering to the music and the non-mainstream crowd)... we should go.. to blabla.... oh but this girl (me) is *really* lovin it" (said in a disrespectful way, like I'm stupid for dancing like a maniac to psytrance) and my response.. I turn around and say to them "yeah, that's right, I REALLY FUCKING DO." and danced harder (so there :p) So it wasn't a horrible night but it was very expensive for what it was, the bouncers had attitudes, and I wasn't allowed in with my non-disposable water bottle (yeah I know why, but whatever, I like to bring my own liquids to raves because I don't like wasting plastic). It was a neat night but I won't be going back, even though it's only a couple blocks from my place. Also, they screw the artists, I know this because one of my best friends is a very talented DJ and producer who has worked there. As an artist myself that doesn't sit too well with me. --my Circus story.
» prrr replied on Tue Aug 10, 2010 @ 6:49pm. Posted in Openmind.
Coolness: 44360
That was the most beautiful weekend that I can remember having, in every way. It was a very profound experience. Thank you so much! C'etait une fin de semaine extremement belle et speciale pour chaque raison. C'etait un expérience vaiment profond. Merci beaucoup!

Je vais etre la encore en 2011 100%!
» prrr replied on Tue Jan 19, 2010 @ 7:26am. Posted in Black Magik.
Coolness: 44360
Wow the new photos are really slick, too.
» prrr replied on Mon Jan 18, 2010 @ 2:43am. Posted in Black Magik.
Coolness: 44360
Merci pour l'art, la musique et l'energie... vraiment <3 Thanks! The artwork, music and people were wonderful.
» prrr replied on Sat Jan 16, 2010 @ 5:53pm. Posted in Black Magik - January 16th, 2010.
Coolness: 44360
YAY so happy

I bought an extra ticket by accident though :P If someone still needs their ticket let me know.
» prrr replied on Sat Jan 16, 2010 @ 12:13am. Posted in Soma 2010!!!1.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
I saw tons of flashes going off, especially when I was mixing (wasn't just the lighting flashing) but there' like 100 pics up :\

I took a few pics with my substandard camera. I'm trying to find the stick to upload them, sorry :P

It was an amazing party, the artwork and music were fantastic.

THANK YOU, thank you for the separate smoking room! My friends and I can start coming to parties again now!! Our throats, eyes, and clothes thank you for the non-smoking policy on the dance floor. It made a huge difference to us. I had given up on Montreal parties because there was so much smoke. The music & dancing means a lot to us and it was a tough decision to stop partying here. I can't thank enough for it. I should have said thank-you earlier.
» prrr replied on Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 8:52pm. Posted in Eclipse 2009.
Coolness: 44360
I had so much fun and am grateful that it didn't rain when I sang my set. Sunday night-Monday afternoon was my favorite part, of course :-) Thanks to the people who let me use their fuel to spin fire, and to all the people who were dancing and all the artists :-)

My pants disappeared on the solar stage dance floor on Friday night, if anyone found them. They are black stretchy material with big red flowers on them. Mes pants ont disparu de l'etage solar Vendredi le soir, si quelqu'un a vu. Ils sont noir avec des fleurs grands et rouges.

I found a big black umbrella. J'ai trouve un parapluie grand et noir.

Update » prrr wrote on Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 8:54pm
and Michael, you played an EXCELLENT set.
prrr's Profile - Community Messages