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» prrr replied on Fri Aug 19, 2011 @ 11:31pm. Posted in Openmind 2011.
Coolness: 44360
Thank you so much. Merci et remerci, for all the little things too, like hammocks. Pour la beauté et éco-esprit de la fôret enchanté. And that there was always toilet paper. And compost and recycling done so well and encouraged. The beautiful land. L'alimentation. Tous les activités et spectacles. Les douches dans la fôret. L'amour partout. La musique pleine des sentiments et des styles variés. Le déco. Le gallérie d'Art et merci aux tous les artistes visuelles et du cirque. Pour l'organisation qui a été très impressionant! Thank you for the many other events and features, I've never seen a gathering with so many fantastic things going on at once. And each day was something different from the next. All the efforts and their explosive dreamlike outcome are very appreciated and many people have been touched very deeply, again. J'espère que maintenant vous allez avoir un bon repos. *mwa!*
» prrr replied on Fri Jul 15, 2011 @ 4:42am. Posted in 30 People Arrested for Intent to Feed the Homeless.
Coolness: 44360
» prrr replied on Tue Jul 12, 2011 @ 11:59am. Posted in Pandemonium 2011.
Coolness: 44360
I had a wonderful time, thanks! Jak thanks especially for your set, you're crazy, completely insane :) :) :)

If someone found my fire poi that went missing from the beach/main dance floor on Sunday, please return them!
» prrr replied on Tue May 24, 2011 @ 6:50am. Posted in Mutagenetix.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By PENCAPCHEW
lol he has one album last year if im not mistaken before that he was basically unknown

I found him on myspace a few years ago when browsing around through friends of friends of friends spaces. His music stood out to me and I put him in my top friends so that I could easily access his page and that my friends could find it :P

So I guess I was just lucky to stumbleupon then...
» prrr replied on Mon May 23, 2011 @ 5:46am. Posted in Mutagenetix.
Coolness: 44360
It was fantastic! Hypnagog was just an unreal set. I'd been wanting to see hypnagog - terrafractyl for a number of years now, thanks so much for bringing! And so many live sets! It's fine for promoters to put most of their beans into hiring the music. Art oriented parties like Andromeda are awesome too on the other hand, and I feel lucky to live here where we get the opportunity to experience all of it and different parties.

This venue is great in so many ways. It was very nice to have the rooftop stage with the vibe for the sets out there.

*************** if anyone happens to see my black hemp ring with the black bead that has a pink/white heart on it I made out of fimo, let me know! I might have set it down by accident.

Update » prrr wrote on Tue May 24, 2011 @ 6:47am
i found my ring, sorry, nvm ^^
» prrr replied on Tue May 10, 2011 @ 6:07pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 44360
If people spent a bit less money on alcohol and other drugs, they'd be able to afford the extra $10 dollars for the party. It's like an hour of minimum wage work. Is this what people think is expensive? A $20 ticket? Montrealers are just completely spoiled with cheap parties that they don't appreciate parties that a lot of cost and effort went into, that cost a bit more then for the ticket.

Originally Posted By MOLOCH
40$ tix for a rave?

How many peeps attended, out of curiosity?

It was an art show AND a rave. It was only $20 for tickets. At the door was $40. It doesn't matter if it was $100, if you don't like it, don't come believe me nobody will miss your antagony. Quit yer whining.
» prrr replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 2:24am. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 44360
The venue was fatastic in some ways. Though the art really helped, thanks so much for bringing that artist, I don't even know what to say that would properly express it.
» prrr replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 7:55am. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
well actually yes. everytime that you buy something that is made to be thrown away, you're a consumer that contributes to the problems of pollution, energy needs, and landfills in the world.

I agree. It's something very easy to do, not unavoidable waste. There are some great battery rechargeable toys out there now. If they're not the right weight, weight them!

Glowsticking/reusable glowsticking can be really nice when the person has a good flow and are dancing well with it. I've only ever seen a few exceptional glow-stickers but appreciated it when I saw it.

For poi, if I'm in a crowd, I wrap my chains to make them very short... simple. If they are long, it's because I've found a big open space and if someone walks into the GIANT FLYING GLOWING BALLS, they're either being an unobservant idiot or too high for it to matter. I'd appreciate if they didn't ruin my fun by assaulting my poi with their BODY, thanks!

Seriously I'll be spinning in a perfectly fine space and there's always someone in the party who has to be looking in the opposite direction than they're walking. They SHOULD be hit, to learn to actually look where they are walking and maybe they will have better chance of not being hit by cars when they walk across the street in the future. They should thank me, I could be saving their life! :)
» prrr replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 7:45am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 44360
Steven Harper - I think I'll call him, "Mini-Bush!"

*evil pinky finger in side of mouth*
» prrr replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 7:43am. Posted in Black Hole.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By KORHAL
^ Lilah = so friggin'cuddly.

Originally Posted By aliceinacidland

*blush* <3
» prrr replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 7:36am. Posted in Psychedelica.
Coolness: 44360
So happy!

lol why are there 3 review threads, should probably be merged. Not that it wasn't a good enough gathering to have 3 threads, just sayin...
» prrr replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 7:35am. Posted in Psychedelica.
Coolness: 44360
Such beautiful vibes at that party, all my friends said the same thing, they noticed how warm the atmosphere was. What pleasure! Thanks Creature :)
» prrr replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 1:05am. Posted in Rebecca Black - Friday, as performed by Bob Dylan.
Coolness: 44360
[ www.youtube.com ]

*sniff* brings back such memories.. Oh life, we must all stop sometimes to reflect on the universe and to learn from our experiences; looking forward to the weekend with your friends, partyin, yeah... it all passes so quickly...

I don't want this weekend to end. But we must gather ourselves and carry on!!!

Update » prrr wrote on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 8:17am
yeah f you, I enoyed myself :P
» prrr replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 12:52am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 44360
I hate you Host.Wun! I am filled with HATRED! aaaerrgh!
» prrr replied on Fri Apr 1, 2011 @ 2:19am. Posted in Black Hole.
Coolness: 44360
I wouldn't have gone if the army surplus store hadn't been open that day, so that I could get my handy mask :D

The smoke on the dancefloor is quite a personal issue for me too. And, I took my hoodies instead of my jacket.. was a bit cold getting there only for the purpose of not ruining my jacket, since last time I brought it to a smoker-only party (one where you're either a smoker or an intense second-hand smoker) I had to wash it a few times before I couldn't notice the smell any more.

Other than having to wear an encumbering gas mask so that I could breathe and not agitate my eyes at the party and not be alienated by having a drug forced on me if I come, causing me to not come altogether like Yoshin and silent others, it was a lot of fun. The second room was so nice, so sweet especially in the morning. I appreciated it all, especially Zven's set!

Originally Posted By YOSHIN
because the air and dust we breathe there is toxic. it used to be an industrial building dealing with products that are not good to get in contact with, and it has never been properly cleaned.

and a personnal for me; a lot of people smoking on the dancefloor, in a badly ventilated area... it just makes me want to leave. :P

+ 1000
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 2:01am. Posted in Have You Ever Met a Conservative you liked?.
Coolness: 44360
There are a number of people who identify as fiscal conservatives that I like a whole lot, though I don't agree with them on financial politics. But I could never ever be friends with a social conservative. The two often go together but not always. Isn't "social conservative" a more politically correct way of saying "asshole who would burn people at the stake if it was still the socially acceptable and nonpunishable thing to do"?

Streamlining and making the social system more efficient is a much better option than cutting funds.

Spending money on language policing is stupid, AlienZed, but the government wasn't doing that because they're "socialist". In fact, policing to conserve some sort of cultural/language purity is a conservative thing, isn't it? Literally?

Hehe Strik_IX I am in the same boat with my brother. I love him! But... sigh

It's a good idea to learn the most spoken language of a place when you move there, otherwise you're the one who misses out. But, people should be allowed to put signs in front of their business in whatever language they like. It should be their right to put it in Chinese or Swahili or 10 languages on the same sign if they want to, it's their own business. For other things like municipal signs, they should be in both French and English as those are the most commonly spoken languages and the two national languages. I come from Alberta where, there is a much smaller portion of francophones compared to the amount of anglos here, and still they have french on all their signs. Alberta is not my favorite place but at least they have that right.

Update » prrr wrote on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 2:22am
& it's good that the government offers free french courses to people who are new here, it should be encouraged. That's not a waste of government funds IMO.
» prrr replied on Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 6:27pm. Posted in Chill dubstep.
Coolness: 44360
Adham Shaikh has made amazing downtempo dub! <3
» prrr replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 3:14am. Posted in A question about Host and Cutterhead.
Coolness: 44360
I find this place to be insanely hostile altogether. There are so many trolls, calling each other trolls.. it's almost like "don't look at me... look at him!" lol :(

Not sure why but sometimes I just read the unnecessarily aggressive circle-trolling here when I feel like unwinding.
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 2:23pm. Posted in Troll.
Coolness: 44360
Using a word that describes a group of people in a derogatory way, even if it is not used to describe someone who actually belongs to that group, creates a negative association with that word and other things that are associated with that word. It also influences young people to have a negative association with anyone who is connected to it. Regardless of if you're using it in "that way" or not. It encourages lack of tolerance as the mental connection between the word being used to describe negative things, and the group of people that the word represents, is not lost on kids growing up.

It's not a coincidence that it's that word, which describes a persecuted minority group, is also used as a negative derogatory word. Just as the word "Jew" was used as an insult in nazi times, was not a coincidence that that word was used for negative purposes.

Today, it's not as socially acceptable to use the word "jew" as an insult, for example: "don't be such a f*ing jew"... it's not as "in vogue", and it generally frowned upon to use words that describe other races or nationalities as insults. Try telling a black person the same thing that you told me, just replace the word "gay" with "nigger".

In the future at some point, using the word "gay" as an insult or complaint will be seen as using the word "jew" or "nigger" is seen today; outdated, inappropriate, anti-progressive, and backwards.
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Troll.
Coolness: 44360
That's why you were just using it very clearly as an insult? Unless you were trying to be endearing towards Bliss.
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 1:35pm. Posted in Revenu Québec enquête sur le Circus Afterhours.
Coolness: 44360
haha golden post by Zombienathan :)

Strik it's so true about them treating their artists badly. No sympathy for Circus here...
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 15, 2011 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Troll.
Coolness: 44360
Shoot me for saying so but...

The continuous use of jokes that put down men who are not straight and/or wear lipstick, or the comparison to women - is incredibly juvenile and bigoted. Really not appreciated. The whole "gay this gay that, you look like a woman, your mom this, lipstick that"

Get over yourself and the need to continuously use non-straights and androgyny and gender roles for negative connotation.

I seriously don't care if you have any defensive/antagonistic comeback for that or if you want to diss me into oblivion over voicing my views against using derogatory homophobic remarks, realllly couldn't care less so if you can hold back, save it. Just needed to throw that out there.
» prrr replied on Sat Mar 12, 2011 @ 4:51pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By DATABOY
... but did he get into your pants?

No... but he's still nice to me...

I'm not sure that he was really trying to get into my pants.
» prrr replied on Sat Mar 12, 2011 @ 2:37pm. Posted in Penises (nsfw).
Coolness: 44360

» prrr replied on Fri Mar 11, 2011 @ 9:40pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 44360
Antonino drove me into town from Eclipse festival just to get lotion that I desperately needed for a sensitive skin condition that got aggitated while I was camping, only being respectful and nice, and hilariously taking photos of any random person who would pose in the mall, making me laugh. We had a trippy and fun hour. Thanks Antonino.

Whether he was being nice just to get into my pants like a good amount of the guys who do me favors (unless everyone just became super chivalrous all of a sudden after I hit puberty), it was sure appreciated!

I'm not saying that he's not a creep to other people, as I'm just me. But that my own experience with him is positive so for the sake of balance and fairness, there you go that's my story.
» prrr replied on Fri Mar 11, 2011 @ 9:07pm. Posted in have you guys ever been this drunk ?.
Coolness: 44360
hahahahaha :) thank you.
» prrr replied on Fri Mar 11, 2011 @ 9:02pm. Posted in Vaginas (NSFW).
Coolness: 44360
lol!! Giant tongue win!
» prrr replied on Fri Mar 11, 2011 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Vaginas (NSFW).
Coolness: 44360
I like big or small pussy bits, I guess it depends on the pussy! No hair or trimmed hair is nice :) I also like racing strips, designs, or tattoos.

Alice and Yoshin your pics are killing me!
» prrr replied on Fri Mar 11, 2011 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Fun things to do in Toronto.
Coolness: 44360
Kensington market is cool. There's the best vegetarian/vegan restaurant I've ever eaten at, the pie was insaaaane! Just a warning, it's not cheap but it's worth it to go just for the desert itself :D There was good Indian food around there too, and some nice coffee shops and bakeries. Sorry I can't remember any names..

I think the Harvest Festival ppl throw some nice parties too, I don't know how often they are but look them up.
» prrr replied on Mon Mar 7, 2011 @ 11:18am. Posted in Dreadlocks.
Coolness: 44360
A blond boyfriend of mine had very long hair. Then he made it into a mohawk.. then dreaded it... it really suited him and was very beautiful. He cut it off for work related reasons, then felt very badly about cutting it off and still regrets it. Think carefully before cutting your hair/dreads because you don't want to regret it after! It might seem superficial, but hair length/type can really affect how we feel.
» prrr replied on Sat Mar 5, 2011 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Vaginas (NSFW).
Coolness: 44360
Well I think that the vagina from that necklace is very pretty...

In fact I should now make some UV reactive vagina beads for necklaces. What do you think, Alice?
» prrr replied on Sat Mar 5, 2011 @ 7:44pm. Posted in Children at festivals.......
Coolness: 44360
Open Mind is not like other festivals on the wholesome-meter. If I were a kid, it would be a wonderland for me and would be a perfect environment for growing up with a conscience. If my parents were responsible enough to take me there and look after me properly.

On the other hand, I don't like being woken up by screaming kids at 1pm no matter how cute they are. Please no kids anywhere near my tent. Pounding music, I can sleep to it, right next to the dancefloor even. Screaming screeching noon-time drunks or kids? Nothx! Leave the munchkins at home with the rents/friends/sitters.
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Dreadlocks.
Coolness: 44360
HHHHWAT! MIKE! NO DON'T DO IT!!!! why! :'-(
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 11:50am. Posted in snacks.
Coolness: 44360
Daiya (vegan) cheese. NOOMMMMMMM can't believe I only found it this week.

And today... blueberries and chia seeds in chocolate almond milk.

Hungry now
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 11:49am. Posted in Weird rave.
Coolness: 44360
lol! thx perception.

was thinking about this thread last night and that, the rave culture in general isn't bound by certain defining societal norms of our times: Homophobia is not in vogue for one. And people are more sex-positive, and less sexist. Girls can dance without being grinded on and treated like they are (only) pieces of meat like at the usual club.
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 11:44am. Posted in space gathering cancelled?.
Coolness: 44360
Oh no! You'll be so missed at Openmind! I went to Shambles a few years and while it was a unique and fun experience, for me it can't compare at all to Openmind. It's personal taste though. And traveling and BC are great..

Oh come on you can do two straight weeks of partying, lol. Well I guess Openmind would be more relaxing, a good warm-up to Shambles.
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 11:27am. Posted in Neighbors.
Coolness: 44360
In Calgary, I lived in a building full of crackheads, alcoholics, homies, cockroaches and mice. One afternoon while I was preparing my black light artwork for that night's rave, the legless wheelchair alcoholic who kept peeing everywhere was knocking on my door to get my help with his roommates/caregivers, who were crackheads with guns. Evidently they'd locked him out of his own home, not letting him back in to the stinking mess. So I come to the door in my housecoat and single rainbow toesock, blacklights going and everything. I was really busy and not into dealing with crackheads and people peeing themselves everywhere who always asked for my help but never accepted it until the paramedics had to come. So finally I went across the hall to deal with the crackheads and they apologized and I got to finish my claywork for that evening. Then sometimes the homies who kept chatting me up every time we'd meet in the hallway would start getting all violent and I'd just come in and out through my porch instead of the front door. I tried to tell the landlords about the out of control population of mice and roaches and they told me that if I didn't like it, leave. But there was nowhere else to go at that time in Calgary. So I moved to Montreal where we actually have protection, we're so lucky here!

Other than that, I guess the meth building when I was 17 was pretty bad. Mostly the abusive landlord who came into my apartment while I was showering and other unhappiness. And last year when this n00b moved into my old apartment building and would freak out when I was playing guitar at 8 in the evening. Scuse me but don't move into a place if you don't like the way it is there. It's not like it's hard to find rent in Montreal. And the guy downstairs from me would smoke in the hallway and there was no other way past him to get out, and he would smoke out of his window so it would get sucked in through mine. !! Die already, f*&%&! But now I'm in an awesome spot where I can make music whenever I like, but it's pretty quiet because I'm somewhat isolated from all the neigbors, and I only really hear them when they're jumping around on my head on Friday and Saturday nights. The rest of the time is safe for recording. I don't have roommates, and I have an alarm system. Life is good!
» prrr replied on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 11:15am. Posted in Dreadlocks.
Coolness: 44360
Dreads excite me down *there*.

I like a combination of long hair and dreads, if it's done right, can be really beautiful! It works out best if your job and lifestyle don't require you to have industrial revolution hair (short hair for men).

For a long time I thought about putting me hair into tiny tight long black and blue dreads, but I'm a bit obsessive compulsive about brushing my hair so I never went for it. It would be awesome for a week though.

Lita I love your dreads, they bring out your face, and black is perfect on you though I guess dying it other colors is fine because you could always turn them black again. Mike please never cut them.

Update » prrr wrote on Tue Mar 1, 2011 @ 11:17am
or a dreadlock mohawk. !!! On the right person, it's just fantastic!
» prrr replied on Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Lumiere Noire 2e Edition.
Coolness: 44360
Maybe you could recycle some styrofoam?
» prrr replied on Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 6:57am. Posted in space gathering cancelled?.
Coolness: 44360
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
donc oui a ceux qui se demandent quoi faire comme festivals exterieurs cet ete, il n'en manquera pas ca c'est clair!!
moi pour ma part je recommande
- sundari (avec plus de chillout)
- el hal (tres tres prog, pour ceux qui aiment ca)
- open mind (7 jours cette annee!!!!! l'an dernier c'etait tout simplement magnifique... sur 7 jours, on va surement avoir droit a une interessante variete dans la musique)
- natura (une legende! un classique! un des partys qui a le plus inspire la creation de space gathering!)

+10000000 - she said that we're not missing anything this year, it's all being absorbed by other awesome things, and recommends Sundari (with more chillout and fantastic live music), El Hal (more prog), Open Mind (a full week this year, and last year, its first year, was simply magnificent... I didn't hear a single bad thing about it from anyone who went, everyone was blown away), and Natura (a classic legendary party, one of the ones that influenced the creation of Space Gathering in the first place)

Originally Posted By perception
I pretty much only go to psy events, and THEY ARE FILLED WITH FUNNY WEIRD PEOPLE, people come up to me saying the most retarded shit all the time, like "do you want me to heal your energy", honestly, if I want to change something about myself, ...

Hahahaha yeah. Whatever I let them do their voodoo on me. :) Let them be happy in their own little dimension. At least they're friendly and not obnoxious drunken cretins.
prrr's Profile - Community Messages