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» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 8, 2008 @ 2:11pm. Posted in Auditorium (flash game).
Coolness: 85650
Im going to lose hours on this one....
» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 8, 2008 @ 11:46am. Posted in A/S/L?.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By MICKOS
age/sexe/location, du jargon d'internaute en manque

» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 8, 2008 @ 11:40am. Posted in Neon Genesis Evangalion: Who Gots It..
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By MICO

That's the only one that stood out for me.

[ www.evamonkey.com ]

Kinda interesting, apparently the director is a practitioner (follower? believer? wtv.)
» No_Comply replied on Sun Dec 7, 2008 @ 11:18am. Posted in Neon Genesis Evangalion: Who Gots It..
Coolness: 85650
+50 if you can pick out all the Kabbalah references.
» No_Comply replied on Sat Dec 6, 2008 @ 3:50pm. Posted in Shamwow!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
I dunno why I miss-read that, but I thought the thread/name of this stuff was "Shamown!" like that thing michael jackson says.

"hamown, hamown, ham on whole wheat, alright"
» No_Comply replied on Sat Dec 6, 2008 @ 9:43am. Posted in NTK jour de l'an - Laurent Ho.
Coolness: 85650
ca m'intrigue...
» No_Comply replied on Fri Dec 5, 2008 @ 1:53pm. Posted in What´s your ALL TIME favorite venue?.
Coolness: 85650
Playground was the one attached to blade? ya that was cool when they were all open for a party.
» No_Comply replied on Fri Dec 5, 2008 @ 10:45am. Posted in What´s your ALL TIME favorite venue?.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By SOURULTRAFAST
Originally Posted By no_comply
The church on beaubien

witch one?

Whichever one We Are Slaves was at.
» No_Comply replied on Fri Dec 5, 2008 @ 1:26am. Posted in What´s your ALL TIME favorite venue?.
Coolness: 85650
The church on beaubien
» No_Comply replied on Thu Dec 4, 2008 @ 3:37pm. Posted in Downtown Montreal sign FAIL!.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By THE.NEOFORM

p.s. I'm getting a package by UPS today.

I'm ashamed to say i lol'd.
» No_Comply replied on Thu Dec 4, 2008 @ 3:36pm. Posted in Apples.
Coolness: 85650
mmm no i dont think so. But we had a casette player that hooked up to it. Some programs came on a casette o0
» No_Comply replied on Thu Dec 4, 2008 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Apples.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
Originally Posted By moloch
Originally Posted By lynzyn
Originally Posted By moloch
I miss the apple E's...



Now I feel old...

Thanks Lynn.

hahaha. one could say he would like to shove one of his texas instrument in one of thoses apple IIe

Had a TI too =p
» No_Comply replied on Thu Dec 4, 2008 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Apples.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Originally Posted By lynzyn
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
I miss the apple E's...



Now I feel old...

Thanks Lynn.

I had a iiE and c >.<
» No_Comply replied on Thu Dec 4, 2008 @ 11:04am. Posted in Belladonnakillz (TO) DJ Plague (NL) TerroristKriss (CA) 17 dec 2008.
Coolness: 85650
» No_Comply replied on Thu Dec 4, 2008 @ 1:53am. Posted in ʇıɥs ǝɥʇ sı uʍop ǝpısdn.
Coolness: 85650
I'm disappointed, no bel-air.
» No_Comply replied on Tue Dec 2, 2008 @ 4:57pm. Posted in december already...
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By KUZUTETSU
im gonna go fucking bankrupt
you call that a good thing ?

Join the club, we meet on thursdays.
» No_Comply replied on Tue Dec 2, 2008 @ 12:52pm. Posted in Needs a good mixer under 300$.
Coolness: 85650
that's low, real low. luls
» No_Comply replied on Tue Dec 2, 2008 @ 11:28am. Posted in Korg EMX-1 et Access Virus KC.
Coolness: 85650
Put the price up imo, isnt it close to 3k new?
» No_Comply replied on Tue Dec 2, 2008 @ 11:17am. Posted in Le Cyber Loft.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By NO_COMPLY
They hiring?
» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 1, 2008 @ 4:57pm. Posted in Le Cyber Loft.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By NISMO
my business is not based on [ rave.ca ]

God help you if it was.
» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 1, 2008 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Korg EMX-1 et Access Virus KC.
Coolness: 85650
#$%# why is it ppl only sell a virus when i have no job..
» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 1, 2008 @ 3:27pm. Posted in The Transporter 3.
Coolness: 85650
Movies != real.
» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 1, 2008 @ 2:36pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Mr. Screwhead!.
Coolness: 85650
I tried to compile home made upside down dogs pics, but they wouldnt stay still long enough, and then they decided my arm was a chew toy. I have failed you.
» No_Comply replied on Mon Dec 1, 2008 @ 2:27pm. Posted in Le Cyber Loft.
Coolness: 85650
They hiring?
» No_Comply replied on Fri Nov 21, 2008 @ 11:51am. Posted in RAINBOW TRIP: MULTI-BIRTHDAY BASH!! (Nov. 21, 2008).
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By ZIMMERMAU5
Hahaha I NEVER get lost in Montreal... I have a great sense of direction! :P

I'm so gonna get lost :S Anyone wanna meet me at berri :P

Ok, so STM maps really help... Off the metro @ charlevoix out the door heading North east up charlevoix toward Centre rd. straight down to St Patrick... then left... got it.

Ya like i posted before, forget lionel groulx, get off at charlevoix and walk north (left) up charlevoix to st patrick.
» No_Comply replied on Thu Nov 20, 2008 @ 11:54pm. Posted in RAINBOW TRIP: MULTI-BIRTHDAY BASH!! (Nov. 21, 2008).
Coolness: 85650
might be faster to metro to Charlevoix, then walk up to st. patrick rather then bus from Lionel, imo.
» No_Comply replied on Thu Nov 20, 2008 @ 4:03pm. Posted in RAINBOW TRIP: MULTI-BIRTHDAY BASH!! (Nov. 21, 2008).
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By JOJO_BIZARRE
what... you're going?

damn everyone will be there!

Ya I'm just as surprised as you o0
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 2:59pm. Posted in RAINBOW TRIP: MULTI-BIRTHDAY BASH!! (Nov. 21, 2008).
Coolness: 85650
save some for the broke-till-friday crowd ><
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 1:49pm. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Originally Posted By no_comply
No dude, i never said it was, but nor was the burden of proof on me. And solution? gee i dunno, how ppl stop generalizing? its shit like that that keeps digging the trench between everyone even deeper. I know you love to be negative, but what does it gain? You're not even being realist or pragmatic, just spreadin more slander.

It's really not hard to have a grasp on the problem, Databoy, but like i said, if you're not part of the solution...

Dude, you are so intelectualy dishonest that discussion with you is useless, but whetever... If you are to "call me out" quoting your personal experience, the burden of proof does fall on you, sir.

The fact that you must attack me personaly while only superficialy addressing my statement tell me that you have little else to contribute to this discussion than trolling.
So keep on smilling...

Again with the defensiveness. Where is this 'personal attack'? And where have you 'contributed' to this discussion, other than trolling yourself? You get upset too easily dude. You attack what other ppl say rather than trying to understand. I'm also curious as to what 'intellectually dishonest' means? (and also, when using said 'intellect'-oriented statement, at least try to avoid typo's, really).

As for 'superficially addressing' your statements, they deserve no more than this, as they are (love repeating myself) negative and ego-driven. You fail to see or address an always present second side to any story and you have still never replied to me with a single respectable answer. You can call me a troll all you want, forgetting the fact that you have added nothing, refuse to even consider other ppl's opinions, get upset at everything, over react and assume ppl are attacking you.

If you still consider replying to a thread here useless, what the fuck are you doing on [ rave.ca ] in the first place? Seriously.
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 12:53pm. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Originally Posted By masa
Well that's a somewhat negative statement though, No_Comply :)

There are probably far worse places do be stuck in around the world, I'm sure :)

Hence him not learning to speak ethiopian

Heh, fair enough.

didnt mean it to be negative, but i didnt have a thesaurus handy =p You're limited to Qc, hows that?
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 12:47pm. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By THE.NEOFORM
Originally Posted By masa
Easy databoy, he's right about you making blatant generalizations, IMHO.

But I'll agree that English being the most prominent language today is probably not a good incentive for English people to learn other languages.

When living in Quebec where French is the only language bill 101 enforces, what incentive is there for anyone to learn anything but french?

The prospect of not being stuck here?
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 12:40pm. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
No dude, i never said it was, but nor was the burden of proof on me. And solution? gee i dunno, how ppl stop generalizing? its shit like that that keeps digging the trench between everyone even deeper. I know you love to be negative, but what does it gain? You're not even being realist or pragmatic, just spreadin more slander.

It's really not hard to have a grasp on the problem, Databoy, but like i said, if you're not part of the solution...
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:58am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Some ppl aid the solution, some aid the problem. Hope no one wonders why there *is* a problem, eh databoy?
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:39am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By MASA
Easy databoy, he's right about you making blatant generalizations, IMHO.

But I'll agree that English being the most prominent language today is probably not a good incentive for English people to learn other languages.


waaah wahh preach injustices blah blah get over yourself. Whatever... would you be happy if i quoted a survey?

All i hear is crying that someone's calling you out. You should ditch your negativity dude, not everyones here to piss in your cornflakes. Again, you lose credibility real easy when you can't leave ego out of your insights.
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:23am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Originally Posted By no_comply
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Most peoples around the world are prowd of speaking more than one language, but not anglos. For them, being uniligual is a right.

I can easily and equally say the same for alot of francos. Note I said some. If you want to keep credibility, try not to generalize. I am an anglo who speaks more than 1 language and wish i spoke more. Even my family in Ontario (born and raised) are all bilingual.

Whenever i decide to talk about the exeptions like your family and mine, you can jump in. I was however refering to the vast majority of anglos, hence the generalisation.

Naw man, you dont get it, it still makes you a hypocrite if you're trying to preach injustices while committing them yourself. I really doubt you've asked 'the vast majority of anglos' so really, get over yourself, let facts talk, not your ego.
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:05am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Originally Posted By DATABOY
Most peoples around the world are prowd of speaking more than one language, but not anglos. For them, being uniligual is a right.

I can easily and equally say the same for alot of francos. Note I said some. If you want to keep credibility, try not to generalize. I am an anglo who speaks more than 1 language and wish i spoke more. Even my family in Ontario (born and raised) are all bilingual.
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 10:40am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Yeah you are, I've been discriminated against on skin colour, religion and mother tongue =[ I did notice the 3rd was worse on teh south shore, taking tech support calls from longueuil/st bruno/la prairie/ste julie etc was the worst =p
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 10:35am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
hey WOAH, dont bring the south shore into this!

laval either.

9what Longueuil got to do with it anyway?)
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 10:31am. Posted in If You're NOT Voting For the Bloc Quebecois Read This.
Coolness: 85650
Then join in the dialect goodness.
» No_Comply replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 10:29am. Posted in pola: the movie.
Coolness: 85650
Interweb dude, post what you want.
No_Comply's Profile - Community Messages