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» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Aug 9, 2006 @ 4:39pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By M-MAX

Entk c'est pas en vous pitchant des tomates que vous allez régler ca.

nor will it be fixed by keeping quiet and blowing sunshine up everyone's ass.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Aug 9, 2006 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Driving Skill.
Coolness: 56215
lol, kid? You crack me up. As for "US jail", well, do you have any advice for European jails, or northern african jails? for the 2004 and 2005 Gumballs? Or did you not participate in any of those because your "sponsor" couldn't pay for you to get your car over there? Have you ever actually had a warrant for arrest in the US for speeding? I have....but I guess since we've never met, and I'm just kid, and you seem to know everything about me, you already knew that.

Sponsors don't "pay the drivers and own the cars". Each car / team has their own funding worked out, whether that be through sponsorship or personal wealth, that is up to the drivers and team members. A large number of those cars are self funded entries from bored, wealthy car enthusiasts looking for something to do. Wait, am I talking to Max Cooper here? That would explain all this "wager on where the car and driver will place and pay the fines and escape being detained in a US jail" bullshit.

It's not a RACE, it's RALLY. But if you had ever actually participated in a Gumball, you would know that.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Aug 9, 2006 @ 2:45pm. Posted in Driving Skill.
Coolness: 56215
i seriously doubt you can afford the entry fee.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Aug 9, 2006 @ 11:29am. Posted in Driving Skill.
Coolness: 56215
that is all gumball rally footage from the tekademics car.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Wed Aug 9, 2006 @ 11:30am
from about 5 or 6 years ago.
» mtl_mtl replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 7:48pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By JESSE_SAVAGE
you know what this scene need to stop bringing internal sotries of parties and promoter bullcrap on msg board so ravers can read it .... and why the fuck someone went and make a forum on how mille patte and sickness have sequestrated tipsy at the rave on an ottawa msg board COME ON KIDS "

actually, the scene needs this happening all the time so people know who's parties to go to, and who's parties not to go to. I think it's pretty clear right now who's parties not to go to.
» mtl_mtl replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:56pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By TAZZ
eil les rever qui chiale touletent. avez vous deja monter un [ party.ca ] arrive des bad luck pis pour tout le monde en plus. en passant ces pas PLUR pentout,fack pour moi vous ete pas de vrai rever.on va parler du premier etage .sa a durer 45 minutes on a calculer.pis celle qui a pogner la grippe bin te pas faite forte.pis pour fumer ces pas la faute a mille pattes ,le proprietaire de la place qui a dis sa.pis typsy toué tes pas proffessionnel pen toute a mes yeux.tu devrais aider au lieu de detruire les promoteur. jai hate qui t arrive de quoi de se genre voire se que tu va avoir lair.des rever ses supposer se tenir.fack seu qui on chialer bin j espere que vous ete content car sa en a detruis plus que 1 moi je vous le dis.moi sa fais 10 ans que je rave pis osti jen ai vu des pire que sa pis sa pas chialer comme sa.fack ses ce que je pencais la scene es rendu pourri a cause de gens comme vous autre (surtout TYPSY).pis pour dj V bin quand vous saver pas sertaine chause tourner votre langue 7 fois avant de [ parler.ca ] il y avais 1 entente avec DJ V et le promoteur.fack je pence quil y a beaucoup de (RAVEUR)qui devraient S EXCUSER envers le promoteur.pis je sen de la jalousie aussi.fack pancer a sa les suposer RAVER.

tazz, your post is completely irrelevant, yeah, I have thrown many parties where there was "bad luck", and no, we never treated our ravers like hostages. you don't make any sense.

Tipsy had the balls to speak out, everyone else is too political or just too naive to accept treatment like that.

and last I checked, Jessie, we see each other once a year...I don't think you are in the best position to judge my posting motivations....Why should the community stay quiet when things like this happen? At what point did someone put a gun to the promoters head and force him to agree with the owner of the venue?
» mtl_mtl replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 56215
"the owner's choice"? The promoters rent the venue from the owner - he can't "force" them to lock people in the basement, that was completely in their control. They could and should have stood up to the owner. There is no scapegoat when it comes to throwing an event, responsibility ultimately falls back to the promoters. The ticket buyers put their trust in these people.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:46pm
I think the "if you aren't happy don't go" applies very well in this situation. Don't go to these promoter's parties, anymore. It's disgusting.
» mtl_mtl replied on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:31pm. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 56215
This is completely ridiculous.

First of all, forcing party goers into a basement and not letting them leave because the police arrive is complete bullshit. Any promoter who would do such a thing is the most amateur, unprofessional joker I have ever heard of.

Every single party I threw, the police arrived. Every single one. They usually stayed for about an hour, and moved through the crowd and around the venue while I accompanied them to explain the situation and answer their questions. At no time did the party ever stop, or was anyone ever forced to hide. Once, I turned down the volume a few notches, while being observed by a police officer. Once, someone was ejected from the party for doing K in front of an officer.

For all of you people who sat in that basement and didn't cause a huge commotion to leave, as was your right - that's just sad. For all of you who defend these promoter's actions, and say that speaking out against them "hurts the scene" - that is even MORE sad. I'll tell you what hurts the scene - amateur hour promoters who don't know how to plan their parties properly and pull bullshit stunts like this. If the "scene" you are trying so hard to protect consists of flakes like the people who pulled this shit, well, that's not a scene worth protecting.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Tue Aug 8, 2006 @ 5:32pm
why anyone would ever attend another party by these promoters, I don't know.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 12:33pm. Posted in Hard as fuck:666Omar Santana,scott brown.
Coolness: 56215
you're fucking ridiculous.
» mtl_mtl replied on Tue Jun 6, 2006 @ 9:52am. Posted in Communist vinyl record collection blog.
Coolness: 56215
what's weird is i have tons of communist vinyl, from the early part of communist rule in russia.
» mtl_mtl replied on Mon May 15, 2006 @ 5:33pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by DOCSAVAGE...

I'm making fun of idiots for mistaking people's opinions for facts.

You don't have to fucking agree with eachother. This is why you're ALLOWED to hate people with dumb ideas of how the world works.

it's too bad that we are allowed to hate people with dumb ideas, but not people with dumb skin colours.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri May 12, 2006 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
the world isn't just split into office, fast food, and construction work....
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 11:14pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
ha how is it an assumption?

btw, are your second and third jobs

1 - an alley

2 - in front of a webcam?

be honest - do you have the office job for the sole purpose of having something to tell your parents?
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
working in an office is like being dead. welcome to your zombie life.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed May 10, 2006 @ 5:49pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by MDC...

Originally posted by BeAtJuNkIe...
I've studied this before sideshow bob...so kindly shut the fuck up and get a haircut.

i have a job. thanks.
it's an office job. pays pretty well. and they don't require that i cut my hair.
don't quit YOUR day job.

office jobs suck.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat May 6, 2006 @ 11:36pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
hahahaha terminating a partnership over a webboard, that's hilarious!
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat May 6, 2006 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
the only notion of non-compete that exists outside of civil contracts would be laws that prohibit you from using knowledge of another company's inner workings, products, services, etc, and applying that knowledge to your position at the new company.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat May 6, 2006 @ 4:13pm. Posted in Great news!.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by ZE`EV ...

Yes, it does matter who you work for in a partnership. The owners of the telco I mentioned in fact can not do any work on the side for any telco period, all legally bound. I believe even if there is no contract, there are implied laws on the issue.

There is no "implied law" on this "issue". I am under contract with 3 major pharmaceutical companies. There is no "non-compete" law other than what you sign contractually, and even then, some states have "right to work" laws that void any non-competes you may have signed.

Yes, the contracts I have signed are for both american and canadian companies.

If you don't know what you are talking about, then don't post. I am sorry you signed a non-compete, but not everybody does.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 2:46pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by SOULDAH...

scotty its illegal in public places not in private area's such as a a board room or something or hall its legal. O and my friend in secruity says that most clubs do it. When alot of black people show up they close the doors and also cops only show for haitian parties and black parties.
Unfortunatly this is true. For a reason. Once theyre in it isnt voilent but they try to sneak in alot of weapons. O and you actually allowed to have hate speeches in canada as long as u have it sanctioned and you pay the proper fee.
The only by-law is that it has too be in english and french

it's completely illegal, public or private, you do not know what you are talking about at ALL.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 7:27pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
if the policy discriminates equally, then they should not have singled out a particular ethnicity in their public statement. At the VERY least, there should be a public apology, at the VERY least in print media.
Aria does not have the right to "protect it's patrons" by discriminating against an entire racial group.
ARIA should seriously reconsider which staff members they allow to make public statements that represent their club.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 6:12pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
here is the response I sent them:

" Jean-Frederic,

There is nothing illegal about any of my actions. I don't require your permission to post our correspondence on my website. You are welcome to consult with your lawyers regarding this issue. I understand that we have differing opinions regarding your racist door policy, but that does not translate into any kind of crime on my part. I have also posted our entire conversation on several message boards. And by the way, thank you for visiting my website.

Best of luck,
Benjamin Hunting."

Has anyone else had any contact with Aria about this new policy?
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 6:03pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
email i just received from Aria:

"You should know that posting e-mails on your web-site with no permission is illegal and you should take it off before you receive a legal letter from us.

As far as calling us racist on your web-site, it's a personal attack and we will take actions against you!

We are far to be racist and most of our employes are non whites and any of my allegations are far to be racist.

You should act with jugement!

Jean-Frederic Laberge
Aria - Dagobert
[ www.aria-nightclub.com ]

I guess they went to my website, where I posted all of our correspondence so far. I have broken no laws, so they are welcome to take whatever "legal" action they see fit.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 5:04pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
are you seriously defending concentration camps? quit while you are ahead dude. your moral comment is complete bullshit.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 5:03pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by SOULDAH...

o i am. And i dont hate aria for the choice he made at all.
sorry but not every is so left winging i guess.
Its different when the GOVERMENT makes black ppl go on the bus, but if its ur company you can do wtv u want. Thats one of the problems with a free country ppl can do what they want, like the nazi olsen twins, like preacher nazism, or preaching anti-homosexaulity in the form of reggea music.
OMG black ppl not allowed at aria and other gangster looking ppl OMG. Its montreal. The whole fucking city is a party. There is other places to go.

you are completely wrong. companies cannot discriminate. there are many many laws to prevent this from happening. sorry. don't confuse freedom of speech with discrimination at a corporate or business level.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 4:34pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
yeah, it is a free country, which is why clubs shouldn't discriminate entrance based on race. it's NOT his choice. that's like saying "it's his company and if he doesn't want women working there, that's his choice". listen to yourself man.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 3:12pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
my correspondence with Aria on this issue:


On the public statement released to Rave Montreal it was specifically stated:

"C'est dommage pour ceux qui sont corrects et qui vont écoper parce qu'au Aria, l'entrée à toutes personnes de couleur noir et le moindrement habillé de façon ''hip-hop'' ce verra refuser et ce dès vendredi prochain."

This specifically targets blacks, not "black and white gang members". I don't see how you can defend this as anything other than a policy of racial intolerance. And honestly, I further fail to see how security of you club is important to you - if you club practised proper security procedures, fights and incidents would be dealt with quickly and professionally, and weapons wouldn't be able to pass through your doors into your club.

Finally, in regards to your statement "We don't care what you think us" - well, that much is clear. You don't care about your customers - and since you don't care about your customers, I will no longer be a customer. And neither will anyone I can convince otherwise. I honestly don't understand how you plan on staying in business with such an attitude.

Benjamin Hunting.

info wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't know what you are talking about but street gang members are mostly black in Montreal and nobody black or white looking like gang members will be allowed in the club. We are far to be racist, people from every where in the world are working at our club.
> We don't care what you think of us, what is important for us is the security in our club and every people that will not look right will be ban.
> Jean-Frederic Laberge
> Aria - Dagobert
> [ www.aria-nightclub.com ]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: B Hunting
> To: info@aria-nightclub.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:23 PM
> Subject: Regarding your recent public statement that you will no longer allow black people "dressed in hip hop style" to enter your club.
> Hello,
> I was shocked and appalled when I read your statement that blacks were
> no longer welcome in your club. Regardless of how many justifications
> and calims of violence you care to make, it essentially comes down to a
> ractist statement of intolerance and a lack of will to enforce proper
> security. I have been throwing parties for over 5 years and I've never
> encountered such a disgusting attitude. I will never set foot in your
> club again - you do not deserve my money - and none of my artists will
> ever play or promote any of your events.
> Sincerely,
> Benjamin Hunting
> President, Repent Tokyo Records.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 2:19pm. Posted in official statement from aria.
Coolness: 56215
fuck aria, not letting people in because of their race? they don't deserve my money.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 5:20pm. Posted in this is how u score with a chick..
Coolness: 56215
[ pumpupthenmovie.com ] like it says at the end. it's a viral advertising thing.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 5:19pm. Posted in this is how u score with a chick..
Coolness: 56215
it's from a web movie from a few years ago about cheerleading, it's completely staged.
» mtl_mtl replied on Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 4:54pm. Posted in the mirror vs. the hour.
Coolness: 56215
the one with the rant line is decent, the other one fucking sucks.
» mtl_mtl replied on Mon Sep 26, 2005 @ 2:06pm. Posted in 1.90$ !.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by ZE`EV ...

Originally posted by DJ DIALECT...

hahahaha, its all fat old men

depends when you go.. lots of the hotter porn star chicks i used to know met and recruited other hot porn couples at that beach

bla bla bla bla.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sun Sep 25, 2005 @ 1:02pm. Posted in 1.90$ !.
Coolness: 56215
gas didn't go to 1.90 anywhere in montreal, people just like to spread rumours to scare others.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 5:49pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 5:11pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
way to grab credit, attention whore.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 1:27pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
i don't even have cable, assfuk.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 1:01pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 11:43am. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by ZE`EV ...

tokyo, i dont know who's pissed in your cherios other than the fact that in a little more than a month its gonna be the anniversary of the worst dao of your life, but i neither know you nor want to. if you live with scotty right now, good for you i think you guys would make great roommates, spending hours of merry time dissecting lives of people you dont know via hearsay and feeling superior by dissing them. good job.

wtf is that supposed to mean? what are you talking about ? worst day of my life? the worst day of my life was the day your mother's cancre-infested meat hole gave birth to the reptile tailed deformed zit faced puke known as you, asshole.

i guess we all have to derive our superiority somewhere - i get it from "dissecting", you get it from bagging super stoned 15 year old candy kids in the back of a school bus.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 8:27pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
chichi boy? fuck zeev you are a major asshole.

as for kicking you out of a roommates shared housing, he won't have to, because if you ever show up near our home, I am sure I will be up to the task of kicking your skanky ass down the stairs. Same goes for a party venue. Fuck you.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 5:56pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
Originally posted by ZE`EV ...

Yeah same if ze'ev didn't fuck over his own friends for money

Scotty, while I understand how with your looks one would be very insecure and touchy about any hint of a piss ass comment in your direction, you're really pushing it with this shit.

This is the kind of bullshit you REALLY shouldnt be talking about here because youre very close to putting the lying sons of bitches who spread this shit in direct spotlight by having me spill the entire story publicly.. watch it if you have any concern for the reputation of people who you heard this from.

Funny how this never gets said to my face because fuckers KNOW its plain old BS.

All my life I've been more than straight up with people, especially some I consider(ed) friends and thats exactly why I have the aforementioned people owe me thousands. so if anyone's been fucked over, it was me.

So before you desperately scrap for any shreds of material to throw at me when you feel like I'm busting your underdeveloped balls, get your facts straight.


While I like to make fun of your deformed self because of your pomposity and high-horsedness, I actually dont hate you, dont badmouth you behind your back (only on public forums for everyone's entertainment) and respect your musical skills, which is why I've been chill to you in person.

You'd do yourself a favor to keep it this way.

you're a total fucking prick. do himself a favour to keep it this way? what the fuck is that supposed to mean? oooooo, is scott supposed to be scared of your nasty fucking ass? Wow, you're a real tough talking mountain bike riding e thug.

Keep on calling him names tough guy, you may be big shit on Tha Intarrrrrnat, but in real life, i'm willing to bet you are the pussiest pizza faced mommma's boy around.

ahahahahaha, man, you are such a jerk. wait, should i "do myself a favour" too, or am I safe from your ridiculous wrath, assfuck?
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 2:04pm. Posted in just to brag.
Coolness: 56215
just pick up the motherfuckin' phone and dial.

otherwise, it;s obvious that she wanted the attention for what happened. no that's it that's all.
mtl_mtl's Profile - Community Messages