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» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 12:24am. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
ok, I work from home, so seriously, I'm here all the time. I'm not the one looking for a fight dude - I'm the one calling you on your fake ass threats. So ball's in your court, I guess. There's not going to be a fight. You're an idiot. You get all worked up online, and then nothing happens. There are thousands of guys like you.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 12:20am. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
i just used paintshop, actually, i can't afford photoshop. but yeah, bring it by whenever, I'm easy to find and you're a joke.
» mtl_mtl replied on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 12:11am. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
hilarious - i don't know who's more fun, you or neoform. well, neoform never makes empty "i'm gonna beat you up" threats, so I guess plus one for him.

Some bedtime reading for your while you dream of a world where I would actually take your threats seriously:
[ www.storyarts.org ]

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 12:15am
how am I hiding behind the computer screen? It's very easy to find out who I am and where to find me. All you need is motivation, which you clearly don't lack. But what you do lack is balls, or at least, the ability to manifest your online persona in real life.
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 12:15am
btw, this isn't a fight, this is me having a good time at your expense.
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 12:16am
and at the expense of whoever is reading, I guess.

I think we've all forgotten that at the root of this thread, is your desire to beat up a girl.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 11:38pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE

faggy-internet fights are where it's at for venting frustration...anyone that has a fucking cock in their profile is definately not on the same side of the fence sharon, lets get fuckin real here.

keep them coming. biggest pussy on [ rave.ca ]
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:47pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
stillllllll waiting for more threats of violence!! Or any actual violence to materialise.

I'll take either one.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
actually i posted it for the pics of ravewave people thread, but your complex psychoanalysis is obviously the best interpretation of my motivations.

The last I looked, only losers think that personal profiles have any kind of deep, hidden meaning.

btw, have you noticed how you've stopped with your threats of violence now that you realised you're a phony?

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:43pm
but by all means, continue to try to distract everyone from the fact that your words are just words, and weak words at that.
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:43pm
has this thread also saved you from throwing imaginary beat downs on people you don't have the guts to track down and fuck up?
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:35pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
I see tits.....

You see dick.....

.......point proven.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:32pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
who the fuck is gregarious?

and why the fuck would I listen to an internet tough guy spin dnb on the internet? I'm listening to hockey, dude.

What I find hilarious is that to me, that is a pic of Sharon's tits, and to you, it's a pic of some guy I have never heard of's cock. I guess it's all about perspective.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
So I see repressed homosexuality is also part of the equation.

by violence, do you refer to the fantasy violence you keep talking about that is supposed to induct me into your "new world"? I am very curious! Making me cry in person! My goodness! And how do you propose that we do that? Are we to set up some kind of encounter behind chenoy's where you flex your muscles and put me in the hospital? Becuase you are all talk, fuck o.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:25pm
ahahaahaha a SHOW ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahahaahaahahaha!
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:25pm
when do I get 2 tickets to the GUN SHOW?!?!?!?

you are a pathetic, pathetic, loser who makes empty threats on the internet.
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:25pm
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:26pm
ps, someone just told me you are an even bigger asshole than I am - congratulations!
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
wait, I thought you said you did know me. You're so confused. Maybe that's why you threaten people over the internet - because you are too shy and confused to go see a therapist about why you wet the bed at night / why you are so amazingly tough.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:20pm
but I do understand how it's frustrating for me to take up space that could be better used to threaten girls / boys / whoever from the safety of your computer fortress.
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:21pm
wtf is a "Repent Tokyo" jig???
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:21pm
do I need to be in a kilt to do it?
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:16pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
LOL! I haven't done a show in years, buddy, you gotta come up with some fresher material. If you really want to hurt me.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:17pm
if you really want to make meee crrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeyyyyy!
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
haha so you DO know who I am ! That's hilarious because I have no idea who you are.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:14pm
I do know WHAT you are tho
Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:15pm
a fucking JOKE.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:09pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
haha a whole new world? wtf does that mean? You gonna burn my ships like Cortez?

As for my name, ask one of your many many friends, I am sure someone knows who I am. Although I don't see how my identity makes you any more or less of an internet tough guy.

I think your posts have made it clear that no one really needs a REASON for being on this site.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 7:03pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
you are so hilarious, as if anyone would ever be afraid of you "lunging" at them in public. you do realise that being a tough guy on the internet is like being a girl in thailand, right?

does anyone actually take your threats seriously? Are you the JVD of [ rave.ca ] Have I been away that long?
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 6:55pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
what what? you gonna reach of of my laptop screen and DESTROY ME TOO????????
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 6:51pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
No one could ever take on an E-Thug and survive.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 6:50pm. Posted in What would you do....
Coolness: 56215
anyone who tries to counter faith with science or fact completely misunderstands the concept of faith. Faith is belief in the absence of proof. Faith does not require, nor even conform to, the scientific method. How then, can you construct an empirical argument against the which does not conform to an evidence based reality?
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 5:51pm. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
Originally Posted By RepentTokyo
a bank loan is a bank loan, but generally, for mortages, mortage companies / banks give you twice your yearly salary. I am willing to wager that most people don't make 75 000-100 000 a year....so that puts houses out of reach for a single person. Add another person to the mix and your mortage can double.

I don't understand what you mean by collateral....mortages aren't the same as regular bank loans. The house is the "collateral", and the financial status of all parties involved in the purchase are determining factors in the mortage.

It's not comparable to an apartment because an apartment is not an asset. And it's highly unlikely that you and a friend would buy a house together - because it ties your futures together potentially for a long time. Most people don't make such committments to their friends - they make them to their spouses or spousal equivalents.

Clearly you know what you're talking about. You'll hear no more argument from me.

just something i've been looking into for a few years while planning on buying some property.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 5:33pm. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 56215
a bank loan is a bank loan, but generally, for mortages, mortage companies / banks give you twice your yearly salary. I am willing to wager that most people don't make 75 000-100 000 a year....so that puts houses out of reach for a single person. Add another person to the mix and your mortage can double.

I don't understand what you mean by collateral....mortages aren't the same as regular bank loans. The house is the "collateral", and the financial status of all parties involved in the purchase are determining factors in the mortage.

It's not comparable to an apartment because an apartment is not an asset. And it's highly unlikely that you and a friend would buy a house together - because it ties your futures together potentially for a long time. Most people don't make such committments to their friends - they make them to their spouses or spousal equivalents.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 5:08pm. Posted in Who Thinks Bush Deserves The Death Penalty?.
Coolness: 56215
you don't need to convince an army to fight. An army doesn't think, it obeys orders. It is under the direct control of the executive - the president of the US is the commander of all american armed forces.

Whether you guys like it or not, America and Canada are brother nations. You might not always get along with your brother, but he is always your brother.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 5:06pm. Posted in 70 / 80's stereo gear repair - where to go in Montreal?.
Coolness: 56215
perfect, thanks. I will definitely call them tomorrow.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 5:06pm. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By ALIENZED

I have nothing against her buying a house... it's just dangerous to do it with someone you're involved with... there's a reason why most apartments with roommates make a point of NOT sleeping with each other, it fucks things up.

90 percent of houses are bought by people who are involved with each other. Buying a house is out of reach financially for most single people. It's not a comparable situation to an apartment or being roommates. I don't see it as being any more dangerous than any other activity you involve another human being in...
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 4:40pm. Posted in 70 / 80's stereo gear repair - where to go in Montreal?.
Coolness: 56215
thanks thierry. do you happen to remember the cross street?
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 4:15pm. Posted in 70 / 80's stereo gear repair - where to go in Montreal?.
Coolness: 56215
thanks, I will try technopolis.

I want the unit refurbished again. it goes beyond fuses, sadly. I need inputs cleaned and replaced, and some switches cleaned, and I don't have time to do it myself.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By SHINDY
alienZed your the most depressing person I meant this week :) Congratz :D

And if you so jaded you don't trust nobody enough to take a chance, fall in love, and invest in it... I'm sorry for you. Sally got it by a bus??? so what!!! Jhonny was lucky enough to have had Sally in is life for a little time.
Seriously, if he breaks my heart in 2 year FINE, that's life. At least I will have tried and I will have learn a little something. I had my heart broken before, it hurts like shit, but you eventually move on.

Maybe I'm naive, but I don't care. I'm happy.

don't listen to these assholes, congratulations on buying your house, I hope everything works out well. Just because some people end up ask burnt out bitter husks doesn't mean everyone does.

Update » mtl_mtl wrote on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 3:36pm
ask = as
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By MOLOCH

I`m still with you on this one though, I think your right to express yourself is not negociable, but so is every other peep whos got an opinion. Take it as a good opportunity to take note of `worthless mofos and remember thuis situation when THEY post sumething you don`t agree with. You got a green ligt to flame the fuck out of them if you want.

dude, I dunno if you noticed, but on this site everyone has a green lite to flame at any time.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 3:18pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
ooooh, internet tough guy!!
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 2:48pm. Posted in 70 / 80's stereo gear repair - where to go in Montreal?.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By MURDOCK_ROCK
did you try steves?

I'm not a big fan of steve's, I find that their attitude can sometimes be lacking, but I will use it as a last resort, thanks, it hadn't occured to me.

As for calling the manufacturer - I don't know as if someone like Toshiba would be up to date with people who could repair 30 year old gear...Might be too old for them. I was hoping someone on here knew a specialist in this area.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 2:46pm. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 56215
this website is great, people have a personal problem and BAM! they freak out all over the intarnat!! I'm surprised no one has used [ rave.ca ] to confess to a murder yet.
» mtl_mtl replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 2:39pm. Posted in 70 / 80's stereo gear repair - where to go in Montreal?.
Coolness: 56215
Where can I get good audio repair done on older solide state amps? In Montreal.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 7:32pm. Posted in What would you do....
Coolness: 56215
wow, you really zinged him. there's no recovery from that.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Testing Windows.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By ANGUS_SMUGGLEBUM
owned? you seriously have the mind of a 4 year old.

probably why I have such a childlike fascination with your posts.
» mtl_mtl replied on Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 4:17pm. Posted in Testing Windows.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By __PHOENIX__
couldn't you just enter that command in 'run' instead of doing openening a cmd prompt 1st?

» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 11:31pm. Posted in Who Thinks Bush Deserves The Death Penalty?.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By SCOTTYP
Can you sum that up in one sentence, I am too lazy to read all of the above reply. Please don't mention man pecks.

man pecs are the only thing keeping this thread alive!
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 10:44pm. Posted in Service request.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By ANGUS_SMUGGLEBUM
I know it didn't since the messages get entered into the database unedited.

Also, if you think this site is so shit, why don't you get the fuck out of here and never return?

because you are so amazingly entertaining.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Who Thinks Bush Deserves The Death Penalty?.
Coolness: 56215
it's far more interesting / coherent than the ridiculous shit you were posting before I got turned on.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Service request.
Coolness: 56215
sure I did. you are right, this board has so many amazing features, how could I ever have assumed that it somehow couldn't properly interpret a url. especially when I did it to the url containing a hypen as well.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Who Thinks Bush Deserves The Death Penalty?.
Coolness: 56215
exactly. some people just can't be themselves.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Service request.
Coolness: 56215
[ rave.ca ] turned it into an abbreviated link. I'm not the asshole who coded this shit system.
» mtl_mtl replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Who Thinks Bush Deserves The Death Penalty?.
Coolness: 56215
Originally Posted By ANGUS_SMUGGLEBUM
Originally Posted By RepentTokyo
Originally Posted By ANGUS_SMUGGLEBUM
Meh, it was a joke meant to turn on all the fags on the site. Apprently it worked since I'm receiving requests for cock pictures..


hehe, well dude, did you ever consider that maybe the requests were from people seeking proof that you actually have a cock?

No, no I didn't.. and neither did anyone else. Why the hell would they?

because out of any one I have ever met, you are the number one suspect for being a hermaphrodite.

or at least possessing a mangina.
mtl_mtl's Profile - Community Messages