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Mr_President's Profile - Community Messages
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» Mr_President replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 1:21am. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 46970
I do what I can...
» Mr_President replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 1:18am. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 46970
I am not sure where you got the info that the semester will be canceled if there is a CSU vote in favor of an extended strike. As far as I am concerned, the Concordia Administration and the CSU would be liable for any loss of real or potential income from the cancellation of an entire semester. The university has an obligation to remain open strike or not.

I for one will be crossing the picket line and welcome anyone to attempt to stop me. Furthermore, I can assure any of you worried students that any attempt to cancel an entire semester would result in massive litigation from injuctions to restraining orders to damages class actions.
» Mr_President replied on Sun Nov 28, 2004 @ 1:09pm. Posted in ffffuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk i miss montreal.
Coolness: 46970
I do not miss Montreal at all....I hate the damn city and am dreading having to come back tommorow. I will be happy the day when I never have to come ack.
» Mr_President replied on Wed Sep 29, 2004 @ 10:08pm. Posted in Lunch Time Maddness.
Coolness: 46970
Jeff knows what hes talking about if he is talking about being gay.

It seams as if I am always at concordia these days.
» Mr_President replied on Wed Sep 29, 2004 @ 10:07pm. Posted in for those that give a fawk.
Coolness: 46970
my respect for sharon just increased x 10.

now out of a respect level of 10 your sitting at .03
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 10:29pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 46970
Hey T,

I would love to. However, I don't know how to record radio? Any ideas? I think the Daybreak show is on around 7:45am. At least thats when they told me to be ready by. Anyone know which number on the old radio CBC radio is?
» Mr_President replied on Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 9:53pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 46970
Bah...You are all worrying for nothing.

Kerry WILL win. No doubt about it. The polls that you are seeing are very inaccurate and favor Bush because if a simple error in the method they are using to decide who is voting and who is not.

Look at all the polls. They poll likley voters. Likley voters = those who were on the voter registration list earlier in the year AND who voted in the previous election. Why is this inaccurate you ask? Voter registration is at an all time high and I predict (along with people considered more experts than I) that the turn-out rate in this election is going to be historical. From everything that I have seen, the vast majority of those unpolled voters are leaning Kerry.

My official prediction:

Electoral College = 300 Kerry Win
Popular vote = Kerry 51% Bush 47% Other 2%

But what do I know...


your local DNC rep

p.s. I swear I am not biased.

p.p.s. For those of you interested in this whole thing tune into CBC daybreak on Thursday to hear me debate a member of Republicans Abroad Canada. Scratch that. Hear me humiliate, belittle and convert a member of Republicans Abroad Canada
» Mr_President replied on Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 7:32pm. Posted in Travelling....
Coolness: 46970
I'm going to Iraq in about 13 months.
» Mr_President replied on Thu Sep 2, 2004 @ 9:57am. Posted in 1000 Points of Hope Vigil Tonight!.
Coolness: 46970
To all the Americans and Canadians dissatisfied with Bush on this board. Today we will be holding a PEACEFUL demonstration/vigil while George W. Bush accepts his parties nomination for president of the United States. At 8:15 p.m. we will be walking from University and De Maissoneuve to the American Consulate on St. Alexandre. We will be walking with candles, signs, flashlights, flags etc.

You are invited to attend this walk and vigil. However, we will not tolerate any form of negative behavior so please come with positive peaceful attitudes only. This vigil is not so much to protest Dubya but to make our point that America and the World can do better with the leadership of John Kerry and John Edwards.

The more the merrier!

» Mr_President replied on Thu Jul 29, 2004 @ 11:22pm. Posted in John Kerry For President!!!!.
Coolness: 46970
What an incredable speech. He is the man that we need in the White House to make this a better world. I was nurvous ab out his candidacy at first, but after seeing this speech I know he is the man for the job and I know he can beat Bush in November.

This ticket, Kerry-Edwards, is so deep and diverse and the potential for postivie change is overwhelming. I have chills thinking about all that he said and the hope he has given me and really the world as a whole.

For all of you living in Canada you should realize how important it is that your neighbours to the south (and my home) are being lead by an honest, honorable and dedicated individual.

Im ranting....



Reporting for Duty!
» Mr_President replied on Sat Jun 12, 2004 @ 11:28pm. Posted in Who you gonna vote for?.
Coolness: 46970
» Mr_President replied on Wed Jun 2, 2004 @ 11:55pm. Posted in Attn: Men.
Coolness: 46970
Hey paul....you have a handicap??

besides the obvious
» Mr_President replied on Tue Jun 1, 2004 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Vote Conservative.
Coolness: 46970
Im Voting Democrat and hope to abolish the death penatly.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Jun 1, 2004 @ 2:06am. Posted in al....
Coolness: 46970
» Mr_President replied on Fri May 28, 2004 @ 2:26am. Posted in I like....
Coolness: 46970
I think that was Jess...but im not sure...maybe Trish...or Nadine...
» Mr_President replied on Fri May 28, 2004 @ 12:22am. Posted in I like....
Coolness: 46970
cock. and regurgitating my friends.
» Mr_President replied on Tue May 25, 2004 @ 2:01pm. Posted in to the vibemonkey.
Coolness: 46970
Im sure dan has told you all, but due to limited space in my appartment we are going to have to sleep Russian doll style...I will ingest you all in sequence of biggest to smalles and the regergitate you in the morning.
» Mr_President replied on Mon May 24, 2004 @ 10:53pm. Posted in to the vibemonkey.
Coolness: 46970
the fish is the left over stench from fucking your mom jeff. the peanut butter is left over from using it to lore your dad in sucking my fat cock.
» Mr_President replied on Sun May 23, 2004 @ 10:36pm. Posted in to the vibemonkey.
Coolness: 46970
hahaha...oh tiptip...stop being so jealous

duct tape?
» Mr_President replied on Sun May 23, 2004 @ 3:46pm. Posted in to the vibemonkey.
Coolness: 46970
haha...ok lover

I'm not sure if or when I'm comming back yet. But I'll let you know.

» Mr_President replied on Sun May 23, 2004 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Sex Bracelets.
Coolness: 46970
This was the front page of the paper here this morning

Here is the full story
[ www.nypost.com ]

p.s. Pookie, I resent the comment about "fucking Americans." Remember some of your friends are Americans and very proud to be so.
» Mr_President replied on Sun May 23, 2004 @ 1:21am. Posted in FUNK In Da Jungle, saturday june 26th.
Coolness: 46970
KUDOS IDJ crew!!!! DOublecross is THE most talented DnB DJ ive ever heard! If I wasn't in NYC on that day I would be there 100%! Good job on finally bringing him to Montreal

You like soul, you like funk then you better not miss this man at IDJ
» Mr_President replied on Mon May 10, 2004 @ 12:21am. Posted in whats your job and how much it pays?.
Coolness: 46970
oh matt...why you hate me I'll never know.
» Mr_President replied on Mon May 10, 2004 @ 12:15am. Posted in whats your job and how much it pays?.
Coolness: 46970
I dont think i should post in this thread...hahaha
» Mr_President replied on Tue May 4, 2004 @ 11:55pm. Posted in Bitchy Ravewaver..
Coolness: 46970
shut up neofoam
» Mr_President replied on Tue May 4, 2004 @ 11:43pm. Posted in Bitchy Ravewaver..
Coolness: 46970
it wasn't me...but if it will make you feel any better I COULD put you down. Or betteryet I could insult Jeff. Thats easy to do.
» Mr_President replied on Tue May 4, 2004 @ 11:41pm. Posted in i need help..
Coolness: 46970
Hey Marie,

I got dan's number. But i want something in return ;)
» Mr_President replied on Sat May 1, 2004 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Energyze @ Rainbow.
Coolness: 46970
yeah it was a weird party. fun but weird.
» Mr_President replied on Wed Apr 28, 2004 @ 2:29am. Posted in Bael wants you dead.
Coolness: 46970
Jeff, your mom is looking hot as ever.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Apr 27, 2004 @ 12:38am. Posted in What do you look for?.
Coolness: 46970
hey man i offered first!
» Mr_President replied on Tue Apr 27, 2004 @ 12:37am. Posted in What do you look for?.
Coolness: 46970
Captain, how hard could it be for you to find a guy to mess around with?? Your a cute girl, I'd do you. It can't be that hard
» Mr_President replied on Tue Apr 27, 2004 @ 12:30am. Posted in Bathroom etiquette.
Coolness: 46970
why bother flushing at all?
» Mr_President replied on Mon Apr 26, 2004 @ 9:27pm. Posted in Bael wants you dead.
Coolness: 46970
Your mom is looking as hot as ever Jeff....congrats!
» Mr_President replied on Mon Apr 26, 2004 @ 9:24pm. Posted in how often do you get drunk?.
Coolness: 46970
I drink daily. But I will only have 1 or 2 glasses of really nice Scotch. I don't get drunk and don't like getting drunk. I enjoy having a drink to relax me a bit and because the tatse of a fine scotch, wine, etc. is very refreshing.
» Mr_President replied on Sat Apr 10, 2004 @ 2:21am. Posted in another no one cares thread.
Coolness: 46970
name it jeff
» Mr_President replied on Tue Apr 6, 2004 @ 8:44am. Posted in Peel Pub food inspection #1.
Coolness: 46970
I like money...esspecially having lots and lots of it. My soul isn't empty either.

Life is perfect!
» Mr_President replied on Mon Apr 5, 2004 @ 12:28am. Posted in Peel Pub food inspection #1.
Coolness: 46970
I like dropping $100-200 on a regular $10 meal every now and then. Its nice knowing that I totally made someones day. And that aint no real thang to me.
» Mr_President replied on Tue Mar 30, 2004 @ 11:40pm. Posted in Anyone want to come to the symphony??.
Coolness: 46970
Tommorow morning at 10:30AM?

The concert will probably be around 90-120mins give or take.

Tickets are not too expensive.

These are the peices:

Charles IVES
Variations on America

Three Dances Episode from On the Town

Fantasy for trombone and orchestra

On the Waterfront

An American in Paris
» Mr_President replied on Tue Mar 30, 2004 @ 10:58am. Posted in Emotion or Reason.
Coolness: 46970
power and money...oh wait...that wasn't an option..

ok ill go with power
» Mr_President replied on Sun Mar 28, 2004 @ 2:01pm. Posted in i need a car..
Coolness: 46970
I only buy American. I have two cadis...love em!
Mr_President's Profile - Community Messages