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moohk's Profile - Community Messages
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» moohk replied on Fri Dec 1, 2006 @ 11:48am. Posted in Sous le sol part 2.
Coolness: 69775
» moohk replied on Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 1:28pm. Posted in Sous-Le-Sol Part Deux.
Coolness: 69775
i'l bring my party pants (and my maggot spray)
» moohk replied on Mon Oct 30, 2006 @ 12:28pm. Posted in NTK/Twisted Bass - reeeeeeeally underground.
Coolness: 69775
free party....a mutual benefit society for people with a common interest which is illegal or dangerously marginal- hence, the necessary secrecy...KIDS' LIB URBAN GUERILLAS, PIRATE UTOPIAS, POETIC TERRORISM, LES ENFANTS SAUVAGES...

thank you!!
» moohk replied on Fri Sep 29, 2006 @ 3:38am. Posted in =FreeFalling=NTK...sep.16..
Coolness: 69775
i fukkin love you guys
» moohk replied on Mon Sep 18, 2006 @ 3:26pm. Posted in =FreeFalling=NTK...sep.16..
Coolness: 69775
i don't know about that whole trampoline idea. isn't it dangerous? ntk, you have weird friends.
» moohk replied on Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 9:59pm. Posted in =FREE FALLING= sept. 16th, NTK - TEKNO PARTY!.
Coolness: 69775
We want a wild and ephemeral music.
We propose a fundamental regeneration:
concert strikes,
sound gatherings with collective investigation.
Abolish copyrights: sound structures belong to everyone.
» moohk replied on Tue Jul 18, 2006 @ 5:24pm. Posted in NorthTek.
Coolness: 69775
The basic instructions to prepare pancakes

Pancake Mix
Vegetable Oil

1. Combine Pancake Mix, water and oil. Turn on the heat.

2. Oil griddle. Turn and cook pancakes for as long as you feel like it. If you don't feel like it, your friend might cook them for you. It depends how good of a friend they are. If you forget a spatula, use a CD. Or whatever.

3. Eat the pancakes. Eat them.
» moohk replied on Tue Jul 18, 2006 @ 5:17pm. Posted in NorthTek.
Coolness: 69775
"Black Sabbath"

What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I'm the chosen one
Oh no

Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desire
Satan's sitting there, he's smiling
Watches those flames get higher and higher
Oh no, no, please God help me

Is it the end, my friend?
Satan's coming 'round the bend
people running 'cause they're scared
The people better go and beware
No, no, please, no
» moohk replied on Mon Feb 13, 2006 @ 7:11pm. Posted in free party*EFP*freek show.
Coolness: 69775
Pour moi, le queer, c'est d'abord politique. Politique a
ne pas confondre avec la politique ou le milieu gai.
Une perspective contre l'elite economique
majoritairement male occidentale qui impose un
systeme libral capitaliste patriarcal individualiste et
ou domine un modele blanc homogene reproducteur
qui perpetue dans l'abrutissement des valeurs
racistes, sexistes, materialistes. Je pense qu'un sens
critique, qu'un inconfort ou qu'une forme de
rsistance a ce systeme dominant peut facilement se
retrouver dans le queer. Ayant la notion de
transgression des standards tablis notamment au
niveau du genre, la prise de conscience et l'utilisation
de son genre, de son identification et de sa sexualite
peuvent etre des outils contrant cette homogeneite
imposee. Selon moi, le queer est avant tout une idee
anti-capitaliste et anti-patriarcal qui peut s'epanouir
dans bien des aspects. Le festival, a l'automne
prochain, veut rassembler les gens dans une prise
d'espace permettant un meilleur echange et
apprentissage des expriences et des performances
artistiques concernant une manipulation sans
contrainte du genre et de l'identification. Un
rassemblement a la fois festif et politique, tout comme
l'est l'idee queer.

(For a english translations, just let me know)

(Version plus franaise en bas)

I would like to get together, monday the 13th, anyone
interested in having and/or collaborating in any ways
to put together a Queer Festival next autumn. It
would be a kind of workshopish during the day, big
meal and stuff, movie/film projections or performances

in any ways, then bands and then djs from thursday
to sunday or so. If you like the idea, there's need
people to join and split the work. But it's worth it
the more we are, the lighter the work load is and the
more specific to what you like it can be. The idea is
keep it simple, get people together, learn, work a
exchange, le rsultat peut tre vraiment enrichissant
pour tout le monde. So, monday in 2 weeks (13th)
anytime after 8h, at the Elegant Stink Horn House,
1849, Delorimier, south of Ontario mtro Papineau.
Mostly just to talk about it, see who's up for what in
kind of aspects. Please feel free also to post this
anywhere it can be pertinent


Je voudrais voir, lundi le 13 Fvrier, qui est
avoir ou monter ou collaborer de quelconque
faons un Festival Queer l'automne prochain. a
serait probablement du type ateliers le jour, grosse
bouffe et trucs, performances ou projections films/
vidos aprs des bands aprs des djs, du jeudi au
dimanche. Si l'ide t'intresse, on a besoin de gens
qui veulent se joindre au projet et aussi en diviser
travail. Mais a vaut la peine et plus on est, plus il
possible que chacun fasse ce qu'il aime faire et plus
lgers sont les efforts. L'ide est de garder a
de rassembler les gens, d'apprendre, de travailler un
peu, d'changer, a peut etre vraiment enrichissant
pour tout le monde. Donc, lundi dans 2 semaines (le
13 fv.), aprs 8h, the Elegant Stink Horn
House,1849, Delorimier, Sud d'Ontario mtro
Papineau. Surtout pour en parler et voir qui est prt

quoi. Soyez bien l'aise de prsenter cette annonce
partout ou il sera pertinent

» moohk replied on Tue Jan 24, 2006 @ 10:03pm. Posted in free party*EFP*freek show.
Coolness: 69775
*Emergency February Party*
Friday January 27th
7154 St-Urbain @ 22:00
free techno/experimental music party / une partie gratuit du techno et musqiue experimental

ohio spiko wio (live)
dj tobias
dj luv [ninja tune]
phreeduh (live)
des cailloux et du carbone (live) [natacha's recordings]
meek (live) [ ]
dj blackmarket

with visuals by Del Ray

don't let winter beat you down--beat back! venez pour partiez avec des amis vieux et nouveaux dans un entrepôt beau et chauffé par le corps to the tune of glitch-house, brain dance, noise improv, and more.

c'est une partie anti-sexiste, anti-raciste, et queer positif
this is a queer positive, anti-racist, anti-sexist party

Tickets: $0$0$0
Info: [ emergencyfebruaryparty.blogs.friendster.com ]
» moohk replied on Wed Jan 4, 2006 @ 12:10am. Posted in Blood Bank For Bursting Hearts.
Coolness: 69775
Body: Blood Bank For Bursting Hearts: A Gift Giving Gathering

Thursday/January 26th/2006
6PM - til we are the last ones standing
7154 St Urbain

YOU and absolutely ANYONE ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO INVITE are cordially invited to bring to share:
1) A GIFT THAT YOU HAVE MADE (and wrapped in any fashion as long as it is congealed, err, I mean concealed...)

.................this is an emergency february party..........

Dear Distinct Entity,

Due to your singular intensity and joyous individual style, we wish to humbly and cordially request your participation in a Blood Bank For Bursting Hearts: A Gift Giving Gathering.

This is an event where a sense of personal connection within a Temporary Free Community can be created by the sharing of fun, energy, homemade food, drinks, and gifts. It is essential that you construct your contributions yourself as this, and only this, will create the emotional involvement necessary to fully participate as an equal in our community.

By this we mean that we require nothing less than your total commitment to make and give and share an inspired piece of art that you have created with heart and soul and brain and spleen and mindful attention to the spirit of equality, individuality, love, and silliness. We urge you to be completely determined to make a gift of real value and splendour as this will heighten our emotional involvement and increase the quality of gifts. Everyone wins at the Blood Bank, but you don't want to look like a potato, do you? Do your best work, and we're sure you'll find that in different ways we are all equal.

This is an UNCLOSED invitation: feel free to extend it to anyone, but bear in mind that all participants are expected to contribute one gift and one scrumptious* dish to our evening of fun and friendship. It is highly recommended that any extended guests examine the preceding text.

Please come and share yourself with us and have delight in giving for the sake of giving.


*In some elite circles, a bag of chips is not considered scrumptious.

[ emergencyfebruaryparty.blogs.friendster.com ]
moohk's Profile - Community Messages