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» moohk replied on Fri Jun 29, 2007 @ 5:27am. Posted in Pit Of Despair.
Coolness: 69775
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

"The pit of despair, or vertical chamber, was a device used in experiments conducted on rhesus macaque monkeys during the 1970s by American comparative psychologist Harry Harlow and his students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. [1] The aim of the research was to produce an animal model of human clinical depression.
The vertical chamber was little more than a stainless-steel trough with sides that sloped to a rounded bottom. A 3/8 in. wire mesh floor 1 in. above the bottom of the chamber allowed waste material to drop through the drain and out of holes drilled in the stainless-steel. The chamber was equipped with a food box and a water-bottle holder, and was covered with a pyramid top [removed in the accompanying photograph], designed to discourage incarcerated subjects from hanging from the upper part of the chamber. [2]
Harlow placed baby monkeys in the chamber alone for up to six weeks. Within a few days, they stopped moving about and remained huddled in a corner. The monkeys were found to be psychotic when removed from the chamber, and most did not recover."

» moohk replied on Mon Jun 11, 2007 @ 4:48pm. Posted in THE McKo_S FANCLUB THREAD.
Coolness: 69775

mykos = goodstuff

» moohk replied on Mon Jun 11, 2007 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Cat Grows Wings.
Coolness: 69775
Winged cat

[ en.wikipedia.org ]

"Winged cats is a term for sightings or descriptions of cats with wing-like appendages. There are three different causes of wing-like appendages. The most common is longhaired cats having matted fur. Felted mats of fur can form along the body and flanks if a longhaired cat is not properly groomed. Less commonly, mats can occur in shorthaired cats if molted fur adheres to growing fur over several seasons. When the cat runs, the mats flap up and down giving the impression of wings. These can be very uncomfortable for the cat and can harbour dirt, feces and parasites. Extensive mats must be shaved or clipped by a veterinarian. This explanation is ultimately untenable as the sole solution to the winged cat phenomenon, for several reasons. Many notable examples of winged cats feature shorthaired specimens. The occurrence of mats in longhaired cats is easily recognisable by experienced cat owners and breeders, but not recognisable to novices. Matted fur is not considered notable and rarely reported except by those unfamiliar with the condition. Although mats can occur all over a longhaired cat's body, to novice eyes they are most noticeable on the flanks when the cat is in motion.

The second explanation of reports of winged cats is a skin condition called feline cutaneous asthenia or FCA, which is related to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (elastic skin) in humans. In winged cats that are due to FCA, the wings only occur on the shoulders, haunches, or back. Winged cats that are due to FCA can often actively move their wings, suggesting the presence of neuromuscular tissue within the wings, which is not present within clumps of matted fur alone.

The third explanation is a form of conjoining or extra limbs. These non-functional or poorly functional extra limbs would be fur covered and might resemble wings, as in one winged cat case recently documented by Dr Karl Shuker, in which the wings were shown to be vestigeal supernumerary limbs.

There are more than 138 reported sightings of animals claimed to be winged cats, though some of these are clearly nothing more than individuals with clumps of matted fur. There are 28 documented cases (with physical evidence) and at least 20 photographs and one video. There is at least one stuffed winged cat, but this may be a nineteenth century fake or "grift". An undated taxidermy specimen in poor condition can be found in a museum in the Niagara Valley. It has bony structures near its shoulder blades covered with flaps of skin. These might be extra limbs......"


» moohk replied on Mon Jun 11, 2007 @ 4:24pm. Posted in Cat Grows Wings.
Coolness: 69775
Cat grows wings
A Chinese woman claims her cat has grown wings.

[ www.ananova.com ]

Granny Feng's tom cat has sprouted two hairy 4ins long wings, reports the Huashang News.

"At first, they were just two bumps, but they started to grow quickly, and after a month there were two wings," she said.

Feng, of Xianyang city, Shaanxi province, says the wings, which contain bones, make her pet look like a 'cat angel'.

Her explanation is that the cat sprouted the wings after being sexually harassed.

"A month ago, many female cats in heat came to harass him, and then the wings started to grow," she said.

However, experts say the phenomenon is more likely down to a gene mutation, and say it shouldn't prevent the cat living a normal life.
» moohk replied on Tue May 15, 2007 @ 1:43am. Posted in furry lobsters and chinese mitten crabs.
Coolness: 69775
... fuzzy lobster's life- partner:


[ en.wikipedia.org ]

Scientific classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Family: Psychrolutidae
Species: marcin ****

The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus [1]) is a fish that inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania.[2] Due to the inaccessibility of its habitat, it is rarely seen by humans.

Blobfish are found at depths where the pressure is several dozens of times higher than at sea level, which would likely make gas bladders inefficient. To remain buoyant, the flesh of the blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water; this allows the fish to float above the sea floor without expending energy on swimming. The relative lack of muscle is not a disadvantage as it primarily swallows edible matter that floats by in front it.

(i don't know if i believe that these are so rare. for sure i have seen some of these around, perhaps at le centre fractal? ... and definitely at the end of an NTK party!! but perhaps these NTK are a special and rare breed. i do love them so. and because they certainly aren't found at any "depths where the pressure is several dozens of times higher" then them , oh no, quite on the contrary, actuall....)

***and i wonder if the species was named after marcin, or vice versa?
» moohk replied on Mon May 7, 2007 @ 2:59pm. Posted in furry lobsters and chinese mitten crabs.
Coolness: 69775
...classy crustaceans..?

Furry 'lobster' found in Pacific
[ news.bbc.co.uk ]

"Marine biologists have discovered a crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster or crab covered in what looks like silky fur.
The "Yeti Crab", as it has been dubbed, is white and 15cm (5.9in) long, according to Michel Segonzac of the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer).

In what he has described as a "surprising characteristic", the animal's pincers are covered with sinuous, hair-like strands. It seems to reside around some Pacific deep sea hydrothermal vents, which spew out fluids that are toxic to many animals."

The Chinese mitten crab
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

... crab invaders!!

Exotic crabs in waterway invasion
[ news.bbc.co.uk ]
"An exotic Chinese crab that preys on British native species is on the verge of taking over the country's major waterways, environmental experts warn."

and the raver edition, (of course), found at the bottom of oceanic pools of raver goo at le centre factal..

[ www.urbandictionary.com ]
"1. crab dance : the "crab dance" (from the French danse de crabe) - a technique that can only be mastered during periods of extreme inebriety. involves arms and legs simultaneously moving in random raving-style, crab-like motions."

» moohk replied on Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 2:50pm. Posted in cat food recall.
Coolness: 69775
there's also this dry one:

[ www.hillspet.com ]

Update » moohk wrote on Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 2:52pm
"Topeka, KS (March 30, 2007) - In accordance with its over-riding commitment to pet health and well-being, Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. is voluntarily recalling Prescription Diet m/d Feline dry food from the market. Hill's is taking this precautionary action because during a two-month period in early 2007, wheat gluten for this product was provided by a company that also supplied wheat gluten to Menu Foods. U.S. Food and Drug Administration tests of wheat gluten samples from this period show the presence of a small amount of melamine. Prescription Diet m/d Feline Dry represents less than one half of one percent of all Hill's products." ...
» moohk replied on Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 10:27am. Posted in cat food recall.
Coolness: 69775
you should check here and make sure you don't feed your cats any of these:

[ www.menufoods.com ]

they found rat poison in it or something and lots of pets have died...

sorry, i really don't mean to be alarmist .. here's an article about the recall:

[ www.msnbc.msn.com ]
» moohk replied on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Low Rider / Chopper For Sale / A Vendre !!!!! Fucking Good Deal!!!!.
Coolness: 69775
right to move is a little shop that has tonnes of bike tools for community use. also well, they have a billion bike parts, and sometimes bikes even. it's mandate is to make biking accessible, which means these things are pay what you can - which is really fucking great cuz sometimes, you just can't afford anything, and it is fucking hell when you don't even have a bike to get around with!!

[ www.rtm-lvl.org ]

Right to Move was started in the spring of 1997 by a group from QPIRG-Concordia who believed bicycles are a form of transportation that should be available to all, regardless of gender, age, wealth or ethnicity.

Bicycles are a viable urban transportation option, one far more economical and more ecological than cars in moving people to where they need to be.

In order to make bicycling a more accessible transportation option, we:

* have a drop-in, do-it-yourself bicycle shop where members can fix their own bicycles with the help of volunteer mechanics
* hold hands-on workshops series on bicycle maintenance three times per year in English and French
* accept and collect bicycles destined for the landfill, fix them and donate them or sell them at low cost to those who would not otherwise be able to afford a bicycle

RTM is a membership-based organisation. A mere $20 per year gives you access to our drop-in shop (open monday to friday, 6-9 pm, 52 weeks a year).

RTM is a volunteer-driven organisation. We are always looking for new volunteers for our steering committee, to help fix bikes, to be mechanics and to do administrative work. Give us a call, come to a meeting or join the rtm members' mailing list [ www.rtm-lvl.org ] and get involved.

1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal Québec H3G 1N1
T: (514) 848-7585 F: (514) 848-7584

Update » moohk wrote on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 2:08pm
this is one good reason why concordia doesn't suck...
» moohk replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 8:52pm. Posted in Low Rider / Chopper For Sale / A Vendre !!!!! Fucking Good Deal!!!!.
Coolness: 69775
that bike! that bike! it should be mine! i would call it.... silverfish! (i think). my last bike was called jetson -it got stolen. and before that.. buttercup.. oohhh buttercup.... sigh
» moohk replied on Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 2:19am. Posted in Get Paid to Measure the Temperature of Your Hoo Ha.
Coolness: 69775
my temperature...
hooo HA .. hoo HA hhooo HA
» moohk replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 5:06pm. Posted in Get Paid to Measure the Temperature of Your Hoo Ha.
Coolness: 69775
"hah! if they ever need 20 yr old men, I'm in all the way"

no, silly, the THERMOMETER is in all the way!!
» moohk replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 3:06pm. Posted in Get Paid to Measure the Temperature of Your Hoo Ha.
Coolness: 69775
heheh i know - i just missed their deadline, last week they were recruiting for a younger group for their control. they put me on a list and they will contact me later...

when my friend was part of the study, they had her watch some het porn and also some animal nature shows!!! haha
» moohk replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Get Paid to Measure the Temperature of Your Hoo Ha.
Coolness: 69775
here's the most recent ad, darlin' ... march 2007. actually they've been doing this study for years now, and periodically change the age group.

and yep, compensation is pretty low. although $50 for 1 1/2 h still works out to a pretty decent wage. what can i say, so far as i can tell there hasn't been a human guinea pig union organized as of yet, though i've considered it...

anyways, i've no investment in recruiting volunteers (i'm not christena yager, nor do i know her, and i'm not affiliated with mcgill). i just thought i'd pass on informaiton for people who might need to make some fast cash. additionally, i think the study is funny anecdotally..

Be a Part of The Thermal Imaging Study!
Posted Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Seeking healthy men aged 40-45 and women aged 35-45 to participate in a research study sponsored by the Sex and Couple Therapy Service and the Department of Urology of the Royal Victoria Hospital to develop a genital temperature measure of sexual arousal. Participation takes and hour and a half and includes a brief telephone screening, viewing sexually explicit, anxiety provoking, humorous and/or neutral video segments and having your genital temperature monitored remotely through a special thermographic imaging camera. Participants will be reimbursed $50 for their participation.
Christina Yager
» moohk replied on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 1:40pm. Posted in Get Paid to Measure the Temperature of Your Hoo Ha.
Coolness: 69775
Participate in a Thermal Imaging Study!

Posted Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Seeking healthy men and women aged 18-45 to participate in a research study sponsored by the Sex and Couple Therapy Service and the Department of Urology of the Royal Victoria Hospital to develop a genital temperature measure of sexual arousal. Participation takes and hour and a half and includes a brief telephone screening, viewing sexually explicit, anxiety provoking, humorous and/or neutral video segments and having your genital temperature monitored remotely through a special thermographic imaging camera. Participants will be reimbursed $50 for their participation.

Christina Yager

» moohk replied on Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 3:21am. Posted in An Inconvenient Truth.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.counterpunch.org ]

Some Inconvenient Truths About the Politics of Environmental Crisis
"Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth," raises the issue of global warming in a way that scares the bejeezus out of viewers, as it should since the consequences of global climate change are truly earth-shaking. The former Vice-President does a good job of presenting the graphic evidence, exquisite and terrifying pictures that document the melting of the polar ice caps and the effects on other species, new diseases, and rising ocean levels.

But, typically, the solutions Gore offers are standard Democratic Party fare. You'd never know by watching this film that Gore and Clinton ran this country for 8 years and that their policies -- as much as those of the Bush regime -- helped pave the way for the crisis we face today.

Gore never critiques the system causing the global ecological crisis....."
» moohk replied on Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 11:14pm. Posted in Police brutality.
Coolness: 69775
Collective Opposed to Police Brutality:
[ www.cobp.ath.cx ]

Guess What? We've Got Rights:
[ www.cobp.ath.cx ]

Update » moohk wrote on Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 11:22pm
If You Are a Victim of Police Brutality

Go see a doctor and insist on getting a full medical report of your physical and mental state (anxiety, feaR, depression).

take pictures of your injuries and bruises.

find people who can be witnesses to your condition before and after you were brutalised.

write down everything you remember: what happened, when, how many cops perpetrated the violence or were present during it, their physical descriptions, names, badge and car numbers when possible, and what they said.

call COBP:(514) 859-9065
Update » moohk wrote on Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 11:27pm
Surviving Bad Policing Handbook:
[ www.geocities.com ]
Update » moohk wrote on Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 11:28pm
oh yeah , and ... FUCK THE POLICE
Update » moohk wrote on Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 11:33pm
» moohk replied on Fri Mar 16, 2007 @ 5:39pm. Posted in EFP emergency into march free party - march 17th.
Coolness: 69775
co-ordinates : 1701A St Denis (right beside metro berri-uqam)

(LUV is crazy amazing indeed)

Update » moohk wrote on Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 3:12am

You can take a day if you like!

Call all your friends--don't be late!

Get a lot of beer, chicken, and snacks!

Call up friends, don't be late!
Update » moohk wrote on Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 3:04pm
there will be grow dinosaurs

» moohk replied on Fri Mar 16, 2007 @ 12:59pm. Posted in Skywalkers Parade.
Coolness: 69775
righteous... !

[ supertouchblog.com ]

... "Day two of Miami’s infamous Art Basel convention kicked off with the incredible “Skywalkers” blimp parade by FRIENDS WITH YOU featuring art dirigibles by Mumbleboy, David Choe, Misaki Kawai, Ara Peterson, Paperrad, Devilrobots, and Friends With You. Led by a bitchin high school marching band playing a custom-written theme by Friends With You with a little help from Jazz musician Arturo Sandoval the parade began on the beach at Lincoln and proceeded slowly southward to 5th street as a massive crowd of fans cheered them on." ...

» moohk replied on Mon Mar 12, 2007 @ 7:05pm. Posted in m-a-g-i-c-r-o-b-o-t (neen is neat).
Coolness: 69775
» moohk replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 1:48pm. Posted in LoveLumpTm.
Coolness: 69775
good point. and i just like lovelump better, anyways. it has a nice name.
» moohk replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 1:25pm. Posted in LoveLumpTm.
Coolness: 69775
hahahah.. nice sleuthing murdock_rock, i was wondering how long it would take before someone figured it out.... (i mean c'mon, hosted at [ kickthebobo.com ] when the site first went up in 2003, erotech industries had their own domain name... )


this one is for real, (POUR DE VRAI), i just got a catalogue in the snail mail:

[ www.realdoll.com ]

Welcome to the exciting world of REALDOLL! Since 1996, we have been using Hollywood special effects technology to produce the most realistic love doll in the world. Our dolls feature completely articulated skeletons which allow for anatomically correct positioning, an exclusive blend of the most expensive silicone rubbers for an ultra-flesh like feel, and are each custom made to order, to our customer's specifications. We offer an extensive list of options, from body type and Face type all the way down to fingernail color. If you've ever dreamed of creating your ideal woman, then you have come to the right place.

Update » moohk wrote on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 1:32pm
[ www.realdoll.com ]

Flat Back Torso
Our flat back torso offers vaginal entry as well as size 34C breasts. Created from our Body 7 and made with the same high grade material as our dolls with foam inner core weighing approx. 35lbs. This torso is available in medium skin tone, shaved only. NOW IN STOCK!! Excerpt from a happy customer's email: "The torso just fell down into place, almost before I was ready! Awesome, awesome, awesome. You guys deserve a medal. Worth EVERY PENNY!"

Price: $1,499.00

Realdoll torso
This torso starts just above the belly button, and terminates at mid thigh. It includes both Vaginal and Anal entries, and is made with the same high grade materials as the dolls. Available in all skin tones with your choice of pubic hair style and color.


Booby Balls (Pair)
Boobyballs are the ultimate stress reliever! Makes a great gag gift as well. Buy a pair for $49.99, and save $10.00!

The RealCock
The Realcock is absolutely the most realistic penis available anywhere, bar none! Featuring a convenient flat base...It's the ultimate "Sit n' Sin"! Available in your choice of the same skin tones used for the Realdolls, and with or without pubic hair.

Price: $250.00
Update » moohk wrote on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 1:34pm
don't worry ravers .. you're an important demographic!

3 different colors--Ice blue, Electric green, and Fire red--These battery powered toys will literally light up the room when the lights go out...and you thought lightsabers were cool! REDUCED PRICE WHITE SUPPLY LASTS! $29.95/EA
» moohk replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 11:23am. Posted in LoveLumpTm.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.kickthebobo.com ]

Of the hundreds of inquires we receive each month, the most often question asked is "How Does LoveLumpTM Work?". Due to patent constraints, we are unfortunately only able to release a limited amount of research data into the public domain at this time. The Breakthroughs area has since been established in order to provide a small glimpse of some of the amazing bio-mechanics that make it all possible.

» moohk replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 11:11am. Posted in LoveLumpTm.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.kickthebobo.com ]

"One will inevitably approach this new technology first with fear, then apprehension, then finally with curiosity. Such is our nature as The Naked Ape. This new century will, without a doubt, bring with it many more leaps ahead in the understanding of ourselves and the physical world. One must take stock in the virtues of science, in order to successfully weather the storm ahead. Those who forge on will, without a doubt, find that our first 40,000 years on this planet were but a brief prologue to the novel of our existence. "

Marie M. Cookson
Brighton, England
» moohk replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 10:58am. Posted in LoveLumpTm.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.kickthebobo.com ]

[ www.kickthebobo.com ]

What is LoveLumpTM?

LoveLumpTM is an artificially-engineered transgenic tissue sculpture. It is created using a variety of animal and vegetable DNA strands, which is then mapped onto a host chromosome palette. It is considered to be one of a handful of new species created from the basic building material now available to us through recent breakthroughs in modern science.

How does it work?

A detailed explanation on the some of the inner-workings of this amazing new technology can be found on our Breakthroughs page.

Is LoveLumpTM Alive?

Yes. LoveLumpTM is constituted of living tissue and organs. LoveLumpTM is not, however, a sentient being, in that it does not possess the higher nervous system functions found in mammals, fish and birds.

What does LoveLumpTM eat?

Maintaining a healthy, robust LoveLumpTM requires a weekly sub-dermal injection of our patented LumpFoüdTM amino-protein, which acts as the primary source of nourishment for LoveLumpTM. Injections should be administered in the hind quarter, where nutrients are readily absorbed and distributed throughout LoveLump'sTM internal organ system accordingly. Keeping LoveLumpTM properly hydrated is of utmost importance. We recommend spraying LoveLumpTM down twice daily with a solution of 5 parts distilled water to one part saline.

What are the ideal conditions for LoveLumpTM?

Although LoveLumpTM is a relatively resilient organism, it should not, under any circumstances, be exposed to harsh environmental conditions. We recommend keeping LoveLumpTM in an area with a temperature between 50 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with 50-90 percent humidity. LoveLumpTM should be exposed to a reasonable amount of indoor light, but should not be exposed to extended periods of exposure to sunlight. LumpLampTM bulbs and fixtures will be made available to purchase, and will provide the proper amount of UV light that will promote a healthy, thriving LoveLumpTM.

When will LoveLumpTM be available to the public?

After years of research and planning, stage-b prototypes are now being developed. Pending approval from health agencies in the U.S, Canada and Europe, LoveLumpTM is expected to be available to the public in the first quarter of 2005.

How much will LoveLumpTM cost?

First-generation models will be available for pre-order in the coming months. The initial price of 34,000 USD will include shipment within North America, a one year subscription to the LumpCareTM service, and a 6-month supply of LumpFoüdTM. As our harvesting development refines, we expect to see costs to the consumer be reduced significantly. Our marketing analysts foresee the wide distribution in 2007 of a model available for around 5,999 USD.

Copyright 2003 EroTech Industries - All Rights Reserved
» moohk replied on Thu Mar 8, 2007 @ 3:16pm. Posted in EFP emergency into march free party - march 17th.
Coolness: 69775
there ya go, meek..

Update » moohk wrote on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 10:23am
Update » moohk wrote on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 11:35pm
you kind of get what you bring to it , you know? viva la free party spirit , on and on and ...

» moohk replied on Wed Mar 7, 2007 @ 2:32pm. Posted in EFP emergency into march free party - march 17th.
Coolness: 69775
another emergency february party (IN MARCH)


saturday 17 march 22h


yellowknives (blackmarket & scant intone)
[ www.flatwax.com ]
[ www.myspace.com ]

freida abtan
[ www.myspace.com ]

des cailloux et du carbone
[ descaillouxetducarbone.com ]

[ meekmusic.org ]

dj luv
[ ninjatune.net ]


[ www.myspace.com ]

collis browne

del ray
[ www.mbiederman.com ]
[ web1.hexagram.ca ]

...more details to come....

» moohk replied on Sat Mar 3, 2007 @ 10:44am. Posted in Eastern Canada to have best view of lunar eclipse.
Coolness: 69775
me too. tchin, tchin ...
» moohk replied on Sat Mar 3, 2007 @ 10:40am. Posted in Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.headington.org.uk ]

Headington: Here Be Sharks

The Shark became the most famous resident of Headington when it landed in the roof of 2 New High Street (see map) on 9 August 1986.

This ordinary home (built as a semi-detached house in about 1860 but now attached by a link to a second house to the north) suddenly became the centre of world attention, and the headless shark still excites interest today.

Bill Heine commissioned the shark and still owns the house. An American who studied law at Balliol College, he was running two Oxford cinemas at the time, but since 1988 he has been better known as a Radio Oxford presenter. When pressed by journalists to provide a rationale for the shark, he suggested the following:

'The shark was to express someone feeling totally impotent and ripping a hole in their roof out of a sense of impotence and anger and desperation.... It is saying something about CND, nuclear power, Chernobyl and Nagasaki.'

The headless sculpture, with the label "Untitled 1986" fixed to the gate to the house, was erected on the 41st anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Created by the sculptor John Buckley, it is made of fibreglass, weighs four hundredweight, and is 25 feet long.

Oxford City Council tried to get rid of the shark on the grounds that it was dangerous to the public, but engineers inspected the roof girders that had been specially installed to support it and pronounced the erection safe. The council then decided that the shark was development within the definition contained in Section 22 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971, and that as such it had to be removed. Their offer to display it in a public building such as a swimming pool was not, however, accepted by Bill.

Bill played for time, but in 1990 he was refused retrospective planning permission by Oxford City Council. Undeterred, in 1991 he appealed to the Secretary of State for the Environment (then Michael Heseltine); and in 1992 Heseltine's Inspector Peter Macdonald came out in favour of the applicant, and had the following to say about the shark:

It is not in dispute that this is a large and prominent feature. That was the intention, but the intention of the appellant and the artist is not an issue as far as planning permission is concerned. The case should be decided on its planning merits, not by resorting to 'utilitarianism', in the sense of the greatest good to the greatest number. And it is necessary to consider the relationship between the shark and its setting .... In this case it is not in dispute that the shark is not in harmony with its surroundings, but then it is not intended to be in harmony with them. The basic facts are there for almost all to see. Into this archetypal urban setting crashes (almost literally) the shark. The contrast is deliberate ... and, in this sense, the work is quite specific to its setting. As a 'work of art' the sculpture ('Untitled 1986') would be 'read' quite differently in, say, an art gallery or on another site. An incongruous object can become accepted as a landmark after a time, becoming well known, even well loved in the process. Something of this sort seems to have happened, for many people, to the so-called 'Oxford shark'. The Council is understandably concerned about precedent here. The first concern is simple: proliferation with sharks (and Heaven knows what else) crashing through roofs all over the City. This fear is exaggerated. In the five years since the shark was erected, no other examples have occurred. Only very recently has there been a proposal for twin baby sharks in the Iffley Road. But any system of control must make some small place for the dynamic, the unexpected, the downright quirky. I therefore recommend that the Headington shark be allowed to remain.

And so it has survived. No one living in Headington notices it much any more, but it caused a tremendous stir both locally and nationally on the day it appeared. It had been winched up by a crane overnight, and although the police were aware of what was going on they were powerless to do anything, as there is no law to prevent a man from putting a shark on his own roof. In 1992 Bernard Levin wrote a long article in The Times about the Headington Shark, describing it as a "splendid lark" and adding:

There is nothing about smiling in the analects of the planning committee of the Oxford city council, and that august body ruled that it must come down, giving as the reason that it had been put up without planning permission, or more likely just because it was delightful, innocent, fresh and amusing — all qualities abhorred by such committees.
» moohk replied on Sat Mar 3, 2007 @ 10:33am. Posted in Eastern Canada to have best view of lunar eclipse.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.cbc.ca ]

Eastern Canada to have best view of lunar eclipse
The Canadian Press

When the Earth's shadow gradually swallows the moon on Saturday, Dave Lane will have one of the best spots on the planet to watch the spectacle unfold.

The total lunar eclipse, the first in 2½ years, can best be viewed along the east coast of Canada and the United States, as well as South Africa, Europe and much of Asia.

--The moon during a lunar eclipse in 2003. Sunlight that leaks through the Earth's atmosphere can give the moon a copper or brown colour. (Michael Sohn/Associated Press)--

The moon's disappearing act is expected to begin Saturday at 5:30 p.m. AT. The eclipse will be in progress as the moon rises and the sky begins to darken over New England, Atlantic Canada and portions of Quebec. In Ontario and points west, the moon won't rise until the eclipse is well underway, making it impossible for some to see the event.
'We don't know what to expect'

Lane, an astronomy technician at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, will watch the eclipse — weather permitting — from the school's observatory perched atop a 22-storey building.

"It's one of the top events of the year for those interested in astronomy," he said. "We don't know what to expect. … We don't know what colour it's going to have, how bright it's going to be."

Lunar eclipses occur when a full moon, on its usual orbit around the Earth, slips into Earth's shadow. The eclipsed moon may appear washed in a copper or brown colour as sunlight leaks through the Earth's atmosphere.

"If the moon is really a copper colour, and if the sky isn't dark in the background, it isn't the same," Lane said.

In Atlantic Canada and eastern Quebec, the moon is expected to disappear for about 74 minutes, a phenomenon known as totality, starting at 6:44 p.m. AT. The entire moon will reappear by 9:11 p.m. AT.
Sky-watchers eye weather forecast

Though people on the East Coast will be in the right place to watch the eclipse, cloud cover could make that difficult.

The president of the Royal Astronomical Society's Newfoundland branch is hopeful the province will be spared from the snow that is forecast.

"I'm hoping they're wrong about the storm," said Garry Dymond, who has his own observatory at his home in St. John's. "It's a nice, early [eclipse], so everyone can get out and see it.

"We spend so much time in front of computers and stuff like that, we lose contact with nature. … It's a nice chance to sit back and watch nature in action."

Forecasts from both the Weather Network and [ weather.com ] call for snow in St. John's and Newfoundland, but the conditions look better in other parts of Atlantic Canada.

As of Friday morning, [ weather.com ] is predicting partly cloudy conditions in Moncton, Charlottetown and Halifax when the eclipse is scheduled to begin, while the Weather Network forecasts sunny skies for all three cities.

Unlike a solar eclipse, which happens when the moon blocks the sun's powerful rays, watching a lunar eclipse does not require any special gear or protective equipment.
Next total lunar eclipse in August

"You don't need to be in all that special a place," said Lane, who developed an interest in astronomy after he took a physics course in high school. "You don't need a telescope to see it, you can basically just look at the moon."

According to NASA, the most recent total lunar eclipse was on Oct. 28, 2004, though there have been several partial eclipses since then. Astronomers, who can predict these celestial events with precision, say the next total eclipse will occur in August.

But Lane cautions stargazers along the East Coast not to wait for the summer eclipse as it won't offer much of a show.

"The centre of that one is dead in the middle of the Pacific," says Lane. "It'll be visible for those in the western side of the country, but not quite as nicely as this one."
» moohk replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain.
Coolness: 69775
...."on peut faire des trucs utiles dans le domaine environemental, alimentaire, on peut faire du sport, s'impliquer dans sa communauté, ... à la limite collectionner les timbres s'avère plus utile!...

don't you think artist collaboration = 'getting involved in the community' ..

how do you define 'useful' .. ? is there some sort of absolute measure of what is 'useful' or 'valuable'? how could you (and why would you) determine whether playing sports or collecting stamps was any more (+) or less (-) 'useful' than making art and building a community of artists?

just as life isn't only just tutus and wars, neither do all the infinite possibilities fall into a rigid place of easily-identifiable categories of better and worse... (maybe it's just a product of 'lsd changed my life', but ...) it occurs to me that most everything is not so easily definable or absolute. and i'm glad for that. it would be a very boring world if everything were just a simple equation.

[ jeffsoto.com ]
» moohk replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 1:53am. Posted in unicorn patent.
Coolness: 69775
[ v3.espacenet.com ]

Abstract of US4429685
This invention relates to a method of growing unicorns in a manner that enhances the overall development of the animal.

» moohk replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 1:34am. Posted in Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.gelitin.net ]

Hase / Rabbit / Coniglio
Artesina, Piemont, Italy
2005 - 2025

The things one finds wandering in a landscape: familiar things and utterly unknown, like a flower one has never seen before, or, as Columbus discovered, an inexplicable continent;
and then, behind a hill, as if knitted by giant grandmothers, lies this vast rabbit, to make you feel as small as a daisy.
The toilet-paper-pink creature lies on its back: a rabbit-mountain like Gulliver in Lilliput. Happy you feel as you climb up along its ears, almost falling into its cavernous mouth, to the belly-summit and look out over the pink woolen landscape of the rabbitÌs body, a country dropped from the sky;
ears and limbs sneaking into the distance; from its side flowing heart, liver and intestines.
Happily in love you step down the decaying corpse, through the wound, now small like a maggot, over woolen kidney and bowel.
Happy you leave like the larva that gets its wings from an innocent carcass at the roadside.
Such is the happiness which made this rabbit.
i love the rabbit the rabbit loves me.

After almost 5 years of knitting the rabbit found its final place in the italian alps (close to Cuneo). It waits there to be visited by you. You might even take your time or check back every now and then as the rabbit will wait for you 20 years from now on.

» moohk replied on Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 2:48pm. Posted in emergency postal commission.
Coolness: 69775
send us your address, so february can send you a surprise ...
that's right. your co-ordinates. send your mailing address or PO Box .... (message me or email me)!!!! n' importe quoi

((**february started late this year, it seems that it has budged its way into march for at least a couple of weeks... it has been hypothesized that this too is related to global warming...))

(do you party?)

***>>%4$%^ l 'art de matt furie, see [ www.mattfurie.com ]


The great grey beast february is trying to eat us alive. It is a monstrous month, a dire and dreary month. If this month smothers us, how will we ever find our way out its intestines of dark and despair? Don't get so depressed you take a sailing trip in your bathtub with only razor blades packed. Don't get so hopeless you enroll into business school or decide to vote liberal. Don't get so boring you start watching romantic comedies. Don't get so bored you forget how to breathe. Rather than wither away in the belly of the beast, what we need are tall tails of triumph and victory. FEBRUARY PARTY. Believe in something extraordinary or at least force someone else to. It needn't be comfortable. So that our hearts are bursting instead of breaking, let's tear ourselves from ennui like an incompetent surgeon ripping out vital organs and gush like our aortas would into a bloody, pulpy mess. It's going to hurt, let's face it, it's our lives. But let's make it hurt so good. That 2-headed bastard february has our backs against the wall but we're gonna show that fucker. The great grey beast February is bloodthirsty, but before you offer your wrists, try having some fun.


·february party runs for the entire month of february, every february
·february party beings NOW
·it's never too late for february
·to celebrate february party, give cards, letters, gifts, greetings and feasts to others
·february party has no religious affiliation, does not commemorate victorious battles and focuses on no one person or reason other than festivity and carnival
·handmade/ home-made DIY is preferred
·february party is anti-capitalist; february party is a FREE PARTY
·participants only, no spectators

Far from fun, February. But why? "Because it feels like outside is loathing me". And it is, outside wants you dead. In the face of such vehement opposition, only one course of action can save us: a party. AN EMERGENCY FEBRUARY PARTY. If it's kill or be killed, kill winter first. Party is a fight for life, and anyone who plans on surviving the winter is invited. Attendance is mandatory. Now, since you are going to be at a party, you had best get your shit together so that you don't look like some socially inept crusader of lost and forgotten causes, pathetically peddling postfunctional propaganda in a sea of the happy, healthy and hip, like some bad suit wearing lunatic waiting at the outlets of mass transit to distribute dubious documentation and being laughed at. No one likes to be laughed at, especially at a party. No, if you are going to get through this you better have a plan, you must be ready. Fortunately, FEBRUARY PARTY is free of fixed formalities such as dress codes and discussion topics (not to mention locations or timelines or fees), so just by staying alive at least until March you can join in on the fun. Fortunately, any number of things beginning with the letter F make for fun and exiting activities that will make you a hit at February Party, such as: Filming. Frothing (be it in cups or from the mouth). Fires. Firing weaponry. Fieldtrips. Fucking, (or alternatively if you are a bit of a prude but still do like a little bouncy bouncy now and then). Fornicating. Forming (clay perhaps, or even your own religious sect). Fishing (nothing makes you feel alive like making something else dead). Freezing. Freeing. Formulating mathematical equations. Frog Farming. And that's just the letter F, and F isn't a very good letter. You see, you could do anything. The trick is making sure the party keeps on rolling, and then before you know it, it will be March. You could even bring it along into March too if you are having too much fun...
» moohk replied on Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:07am. Posted in Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain.
Coolness: 69775
[ www.ananova.com ]

Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain

An enormous pink bunny has been erected on an Italian mountainside where it will stay for the next 20 years.

The 200-foot-long toy rabbit lies on the side of the 5,000 foot high Colletto Fava mountain in northern Italy's Piedmont region.

Viennese art group Gelatin designed the giant soft toy and say it was "knitted by dozens of grannies out of pink wool".

Group member Wolfgang Gantner said: "It's supposed to make you feel small, like Gulliver. You walk around it and you can't help but smile."

And Gelatin members say the bunny is not just for walking around - they are expecting hikers to climb its 20 foot sides and relax on its belly.

The giant rabbit is expected to remain on the mountain side until 2025.
» moohk replied on Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 1:18am. Posted in get paid to take drugs, drink, smoke and / or gamble.
Coolness: 69775
why not be a guinea pig for emergency february party.. hey, we may as well get paid for it...

[ www.mcgill.ca ]

Cocaine Research
Posted Monday, January 22, 2007
Researchers in McGill University's Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology & Neurosurgery are conducting a study about men (age 18-40) who have used cocaine during the past year. The study involves two 24-hour hospital stays and the administration of cocaine. Participants will be compensated for their time. The principal investigator is Dr. Leyton.

Substance Abuse Study
Posted Monday, January 22, 2007
The Psychiatry Department are looking for 3 groups of volunteers (age 18-25): 1) People who have used amphetamine or cocaine and have 3 relatives with substance abuse problems (alcohol or drug), 2) People who have used amphetamine or cocaine and have no close relatives with substance abuse problems, OR 3) People who have never tried amphetamines or cocaine and don't have any close relatives with substance abuse problems. The study involves an interview, 2 PET scans, an MRI, and the administration of amphetamine. PARTICIPANTS WILL BE COMPENSATED $170. The principal investigator is Dr. Leyton.

Smokers wanted!
Posted Friday, January 26, 2007
Researchers in McGill University’s Dept. of Psychiatry are looking for healthy cigarette smokers (age 18-25; 55-100 kg) to participate in a study about smoking. The study involves an interview, drinking protein shakes, and smoking cigarettes on two test days (8 hours each). We are looking for people who have smoked for as little as 1 month and as long as over 5 years. Participants will be compensated for their time and inconvenience. The principal investigator is Dr. Leyton. If interested, please leave a message for Vinod at 514-398-2083
V Venugopalan

Douglas hospital ad
Posted Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Alcohol Research Centre of the Douglas Hospital is conducting a study investigating stress and alcohol. We are looking for males&females, aged 18-40yrs. These individuals must be heavy social drinkers with or without alcohol related problems and CANNOT be taking any type of prescription drugs (i.e. birth control pill, etc.). Individuals must have (had) an alcoholic father AND paternal grandfather; OR must have no alcoholic members in their family. Accepted individuals will receive monetary compensation for their participation. If interested, please call Sandra at (514)761-6131 EXT.3456
(514) 761-6131

Gambling Study
Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2007
We are looking for male right-handed gamblers to participate in a study conducted by the Montreal Neurological Institute. In the study participants will be given money with which they will play a real card game. Participants will keep all their winnings in addition to being compensated for their time. Those interested can call (514)933-5022 or email patrick4900@yahoo.ca. Ask to speak to Patrick
Patrick Francois Farago
» moohk replied on Mon Feb 19, 2007 @ 3:46pm. Posted in numark IDJ review.
Coolness: 69775
thanks, party. yeah, it doesn't say anything about pitch control in the specs on numark's page.. i knew it was too good to be true. the IDJ2 definitely looks like fun, but in terms of how much it costs in comparison, i may as well stick some forks in my eyes instead for that kind of fun....

did it just come out? it seems like if it had more channels the price would seem more reasonable.. maybe the price will drop soon... do you think there is anywhere in town that rents them out? i'd like to check it out at least.. if not, i guess there's always my cuttlery drawer...wheee...
» moohk replied on Mon Feb 19, 2007 @ 3:07pm. Posted in numark IDJ review.
Coolness: 69775
does anyone have the iDJ compact mixing console for apple ipod? can i get some reviews, please?
how about the IDJ2?
» moohk replied on Mon Feb 5, 2007 @ 3:31pm. Posted in emergency february party.
Coolness: 69775

The great grey beast february is trying to eat us alive. It is a monstrous month, a dire and dreary month. If this month smothers us, how will we ever find our way out its intestines of dark and despair? Don't get so depressed you take a sailing trip in your bathtub with only razor blades packed. Don't get so hopeless you enroll into business school or decide to vote liberal. Don't get so boring you start watching romantic comedies. Don't get so bored you forget how to breathe. Rather than wither away in the belly of the beast, what we need are tall tails of triumph and victory. FEBRUARY PARTY. Believe in something extraordinary or at least force someone else to. It needn't be comfortable. So that our hearts are bursting instead of breaking, let's tear ourselves from ennui like an incompetent surgeon ripping out vital organs and gush like our aortas would into a bloody, pulpy mess. It's going to hurt, let's face it, it's our lives. But let's make it hurt so good. That 2-headed bastard february has our backs against the wall but we're gonna show that fucker. The great grey beast February is bloodthirsty, but before you offer your wrists, try having some fun.


·february party runs for the entire month of february, every february
·february party beings NOW
·it's never too late for february ·to celebrate february party, give cards, letters, gifts, greetings and feasts to others
·february party has no religious affiliation, does not commemorate victorious battles and focuses on no one person or reason other than festivity and carnival
·handmade/ home-made DIY is preferred
·february party is anti-capitalist; february party is a FREE PARTY
·participants only, no spectators

Far from fun, February. But why? "Because it feels like outside is loathing me". And it is, outside wants you dead. In the face of such vehement opposition, only one course of action can save us: a party. AN EMERGENCY FEBRUARY PARTY. If it's kill or be killed, kill winter first. Party is a fight for life, and anyone who plans on surviving the winter is invited. Attendance is mandatory. Now, since you are going to be at a party, you had best get your shit together so that you don't look like some socially inept crusader of lost and forgotten causes, pathetically peddling postfunctional propaganda in a sea of the happy, healthy and hip, like some bad suit wearing lunatic waiting at the outlets of mass transit to distribute dubious documentation and being laughed at. No one likes to be laughed at, especially at a party. No, if you are going to get through this you better have a plan, you must be ready. Fortunately, FEBRUARY PARTY is free of fixed formalities such as dress codes and discussion topics (not to mention locations or timelines or fees), so just by staying alive at least until March you can join in on the fun. Fortunately, any number of things beginning with the letter F make for fun and exiting activities that will make you a hit at February Party, such as: Filming. Frothing (be it in cups or from the mouth). Fires. Firing weaponry. Fieldtrips. Fucking, (or alternatively if you are a bit of a prude but still do like a little bouncy bouncy now and then). Fornicating. Forming (clay perhaps, or even your own religious sect). Fishing (nothing makes you feel alive like making something else dead). Freezing. Freeing. Formulating mathematical equations. Frog Farming. And that's just the letter F, and F isn't a very good letter. You see, you could do anything. The trick is making sure the party keeps on rolling, and then before you know it, it will be March. You could even bring it along into March too if you are having too much fun...

[ quadrantcrossing.org ]
[ neithereithernoror.blogs.friendster.com ]
[ emergencyfebruaryparty.blogs.friendster.com ]
» moohk replied on Sun Dec 10, 2006 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Meek +des Cailloux Carbone + Dj Cyan.
Coolness: 69775
meek + des cailloux et du carbone + dj cyan

December, 10 2006 at Saphir
montreal, Quebec

moohk's Profile - Community Messages