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» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 2:39pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
listen.. did you hear anyone say that NO ONE should get bursaries?
no... you didn't... and if you did, you're obviously illiterate and should DEFINITELY NOT be getting a bursary anytime soon

what most people have been agreeing on here is that TOO MANY PEOPLE, who would otherwise be able to afford school but are too lazy to get a job, are TAKING ADVANTAGE of the bursary program
*I* am paying taxes for some lazy fuck to go to school for free? no fucking way... (and yes i pay taxes even though i'm still a student, i made a lot of money this summer and reached a higher tax bracket... and yeah, i worked all summer, 2 jobs even, at one point I had 5... and i havent worked a day since september 4th)
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 11:15am. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
yes you should worry
there is a strike on wednesday but the unlimited strike isnt looking too bright
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 11:15am. Posted in Why the 50/Game beef was REALLY squashed.
Coolness: 69685
There was a shooting not too long ago involving the two apparently at a radio show.

and no one is in jail?
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 9:18am. Posted in Why the 50/Game beef was REALLY squashed.
Coolness: 69685
why do i keep hearing about 50 cent and the game and some kind of beef?
can someone please enlighten me about what all these morons are talking about?
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 9:16am. Posted in Missle Defence.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by MICO!...

I've read that oil is perpetual.
Something related to the discovery of 'tarsands' or 'Oil sands'
And Canada just so happens to have the largest deposit in the world.
So the world won't be fucked when all the crude oil runs out...
Just Canada, if you know what I mean... *cough* Iraq *cough*

Here's the [ ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu ]

yeah.. that's true
but it is extremely dificult to extract oil from tarsands
you need to use super heated vapor to extract the oil from the sand, and the sand is so fine that in order to put that water back into nature you would need to let the sand settle for 20 years before it would be same for animals or humans to use it again... even using chemicals to help the sand deposit itself it would still take somewhere around 10 or 15 years for that water to be clean again...
and it take massive amounts of water to extract the oil from tarsands...
as much water (if not more) as oil that would be extracted from the sands
» michaeldino replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 9:50am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 69685
^^ correction:
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 6:14pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by X-FROG...
Dinosaur, do you really think you can live for a whole year with 7500$+gifts?
Maybe if you live in a little crappy 1½ and eating kraft dinner every night, yes. There's time for scrafice, there's time for life. You choose.

Being selfish is only to think about his own semester, because, first, you won't lose it, it might just be retarded from few weeks, and second, if students are united in this conflict, results will appears quite faster.

look... if i want an education i have to work for it.
"There's no such thing as a free lunch."
So why are all these kids getting a free all you can eat buffet all day?
and no, I dont think I could live off 7500$ a year, but what I said was taht i managed that ONLY working the summer
i could easily get a weekend job... when i want extra cash i find work
fuck it.. im tired of arguing this whole thing...
i COMPLETELY disagree with the strike.

blah blah blah equality blah blah blah... yeah? wheres the equality in me getting fucked in the ass because a FEW people are pissed off that the government wont be giving them free shit?

fuck it...
look, yeah, sure, i agree... bursaries are great... if you getting a bursary or need one or whatever thats fine... but theyre a PRIVILIDGE not a RIGHT... if you want to fight for your bursary how does it involve me?
why do i have to get fucked

give bursaries out all you want... just dont screw me over... it doesnt involve me
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 6:06pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 69685
I wanna sleep with her more than a fat kid wants cake
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 5:59pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 69685
yaz, i want to fuck you more
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 4:24pm. Posted in student strike in mtl.
Coolness: 69685
when's thanksgiving?
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 4:02pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 69685
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by FANCYLUNG...

yeh, it's pretty selfish.

thank you
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 3:30pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
ok now we're not even talking about the strike anymore
the point is i dont want to lose my semester cuz they dont want to get a job
you do what you gotta do? so should they!
if you dont complain, why should they?
how many people rely on bursaries to the point where they would DIE if theyd get a job? like what a handful of people?
i (and by that i mean everyone else who DOESNT get a loan 99% of people maybe?) shouldnt be forced to lose a year for them
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
i wasnt...
i was making like 9$/hour working for the government... sure it more than minimum wage.. but not much
grrrrrrrr... it just angers me that i would lose all my work for this semester PLUS need an extra YEAR of school because some lazy dicks want a free ride
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 3:11pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
oh wait im sorry... i forgot... i got maybe 150$ for my birthday! my summer job wasnt my only source of income...
and once i installed lights at my gym and they paid me 150$

eat me...
if i can do so can those lazy artsy fartsy fucks who wanna strike
theyre lazy end of story
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by RANDOMJUNKIE...

You're taking your own life experience to justify your views on how the whole society works. I don't think that makes sense. There are many factors that you have to take in account here, you can't just dump something like "if i did it, they can too". A lot of people don't have their parents backing them up, and living with your parents is an easy +500$ per month. 6000$ a year. Even if you work 45 hours, you end up with debts. This is a reality that clearly you don't care about. It's ok, it's just egocentrism.

i stopped reading after that...
I told you that I am living with my parents for food and shelter... But EVEN SO I SAVED UP 5000$ AND SPENT NEARLY 1500$ GOING TO CUBA AND 1000$ GOING BACK AND FORTH FROM VANCOUVER.
that's 7500$ that i saved... and if i was living alone with my parents it would more than cover my expenses for living... (i also stated that i pay my own tutition and books totalling MUCH more than 2000$ a semester im in engineering)...
so wow... read before saying anything...
if i can work ONLY during the summer and manage that PLUS a 3.3 GPA eat me...
and I'm sure if i was living on my own i would cut back on eating out and wasting money...
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 12:56pm. Posted in student strike in mtl.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by THOG...




and on a different note:
Yaz = I dunno... get naked I guess... and take pictures maybe?
» michaeldino replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 12:35pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685

Look, a strike is a useless way to get the government to hand out bursaries. People on bursaries are lazy. Not everyone getting money from the government deserves it. A lot of people just don't want to work, and that's the truth. THere are plenty of healthy people who could easily work for their schooling who just say "Fuck it! THe government will give me a free ride!"
So there's no way that I can ever support a strike. Sure, I can't talk (supposedly) because I don't rely on bursaries to go to school. But I pay ALL my tuition and books, FROM MY OWN POCKET. Sure I live at home, with my parents and they feed and house me. But I still saved enough money last year to invest 5000$ in stocks and that's enough to pay for rent and I'm sure I could have gone without my trips to Cuba and been able to feed myself for a year too. Heck, and I don't even work during the school year! I only worked in the summer!
People are lazy as fuck. FUck them if want a free ride.
I may be lucky because I don't have to "worry" about money (supposedly), but I could even afford it if I did!

I won't let all my ahrd work go to waste because so lazy fucking hippies want a free ride.
» michaeldino replied on Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 2:43pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
it hasn;t been decided yet.. I'll keep you posted
» michaeldino replied on Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 12:09pm. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 69685
Very Important Read:

To all Concordia students, this was forwarded to me...

At the assembly this afternoon, the majority of people who showed up were in favour of the strike. A one day strike was proposed and the motion passed as a large majority took it. The strike is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 16th. Worse, a motion was proposed for an unlimited strike which would wipe out our whole semester. Again, it passed, but by a smaller margin. However, since there was no quorum (I'm not a poli sci student but I'll explain it as best as I can),
meaning there wasn't enough people to vote for the second proposal, the proposal could not be adopted. As is, there will be another general meeting in regards to an unlimited strike sometime in the very near future. In order for there to be quorum, all they need is 2.5% of Concordia's students to vote. From what I understand (the official numbers might be different), that represents 753 people. That means if 377 people vote yes for an unlimited strike and 376 vote NO, all Concordia goes on strike. TRUST ME ON THIS...ALL THE YES PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY ONES VOTING. The CSU which is in favor of a 1 day strike but against an unlimited strike (again, I don't know if this is their official position but I understand this is what they voted today) held
a petition today asking what people wanted, a 1 day strike, a 3 day strike or no action. I saw that petition, and those voting, voted unlimited strike by a majority. Take this into consideration, INACTION will not save your semester. The people who are voting yes
are skipping their classes/activities to vote YES and they will cause other students to suffer. If you don't want to lose your semester, you have to ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY SHOW UP AND VOTE NO if that's what your intentions are ( I didn't get any disgruntled people write back to me so I assume most people do not want to go on strike). Please
stay informed, check out the concordia site, check out the news (trust me we made the news), more importantly check out the CSU webpage for news. [ csu.concordia.ca ] [ csu.concordia.ca ] People, the YES voters will do what they have to, skip class, protest to get their message across, etc. We have to do the same. There will be a quorum next time and I'm positive 100% of the Yes voters will vote. DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO BUT VOTE at the next assembly!! MORE IMPORTANTLY..... PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW.. These are my opinions which I tried to base as much as possible on solid information. THE REST IS UP TO YOU, INDIVIDUALLY!
» michaeldino replied on Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 11:49am. Posted in Drama.
Coolness: 69685
» michaeldino replied on Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 11:47am. Posted in student strike in mtl.
Coolness: 69685
concordia is officially gay (for a different reason this time)...
we're striking next week!
fuck i hate these stupid morons whio fight for nothing
i wanna beat them all with horse shoes
» michaeldino replied on Thu Mar 10, 2005 @ 11:41am. Posted in Missle Defence.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...

Yeah we need another world war, world war2 did wonders for the economies of many countries as well as advanced science... I mean people died but what are you going to do?

fisrt off, not related to the quoted section above: why must you be a cynical fuck?

now to my point... yeah... it did... what ARE you going to do about it? go back in time? Let Hitler kill all the jews? and gypsies? and anyone else he felt like?

yeah.. that's a great analogy there scott...
cuz by building a defense system within the borders of our own country is really going to start a war...
build a missile defense system around your house.. see if anyone cares

and i said that I agreed that we shouldn't build it

everything has pros and cons... you cant just look at one side of any issue
» michaeldino replied on Wed Mar 9, 2005 @ 10:45pm. Posted in student strike in mtl.
Coolness: 69685
i did!
there was a guy at school handing out pamphlets telling us to go on strike too..
i told him to get to class.
he said he doesnt go to concordia.
if i wasnt late for class i would have sucker punched him in the kidneys.
» michaeldino replied on Wed Mar 9, 2005 @ 10:42pm. Posted in Talking DOG!!!.
Coolness: 69685
wow.. you two are fgross...

the f stands for fucking
» michaeldino replied on Wed Mar 9, 2005 @ 10:38pm. Posted in student strike in mtl.
Coolness: 69685
am i the only one who supports what our government is doing?
why does everyone ALWAYS oppose what the government does? because they've given you all you ever wanted and more and now you have nothing better to do besides criticize their every action cuz you're a fat lazy slob sitting on his ass doing nothing but sucking the energy out of our economy?
yeah that's what i thought
why can't people every do anything to SUPPORT the governemt...
why can't i have a big rally and close the schools and cause traffic because i AGREE with the governemtn?
» michaeldino replied on Wed Mar 9, 2005 @ 10:32pm. Posted in Question for all you heads:.
Coolness: 69685
i detect a high degree of poor spelling in this thread
» michaeldino replied on Wed Mar 9, 2005 @ 10:31pm. Posted in Missle Defence.
Coolness: 69685
i agree with Martin's disagreement with Bush, BUT the missile defense system would have helped Canada economically and would have GREATLY advanced our research in teh aeronautics and space design. we would be leading the way (moreso) in these fields. economics can never be overlooked in today's world.. as much as some may want to.
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 7:18pm. Posted in International Women's Day.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

for international women's week support us! the BLOWS will be sold for $7 and $10 from what i've heard (which is really reasonable)

Tipsy speaks, and things get done...
you selling any Sarah?
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 7:16pm. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 6:45pm. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

don't make me hurt you.

you couldnt if you tried
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 6:41pm. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

Originally posted by Dinosaur...

sarah... you jusgt WISH you had my ablls in your mouth

go suckle your friend's nipples

you're gross
like really gross
you know that I'm gonna be suckling your nipples later right?
like you don't have a choice
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 11:24am. Posted in student strike in mtl.
Coolness: 69685
fuck the strike
god.. just go to school and shut up!
we have it better than anywhere else on earth (except maybe Cuba) FUCK!
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 11:22am. Posted in Drama.
Coolness: 69685
If all Porn was taken off the internet
The only site that would be left is
[ www.bringbacktheporn.com ]
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 11:20am. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
sarah... you jusgt WISH you had my ablls in your mouth
» michaeldino replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 11:17am. Posted in Saving the World from Soccer.
Coolness: 69685
stop calling soccer football.. we live in north america.. thats what it's called here: soccer
if you say football, you're refering to the soccer-rugby hybrid
and soccer is popular because it's fun
has nothing to do with money
» michaeldino replied on Sun Mar 6, 2005 @ 11:12pm. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

ew. don't say things liek that. balls are filthy from what i've heard

no theyre not.. i wash them all the time
» michaeldino replied on Sun Mar 6, 2005 @ 9:37pm. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
not me.. you want my balls
» michaeldino replied on Sun Mar 6, 2005 @ 8:58pm. Posted in Isaw Heather P.
Coolness: 69685
» michaeldino replied on Sun Mar 6, 2005 @ 8:00pm. Posted in hey baby,.
Coolness: 69685
what's that yas?
all i heard was "TOUCH MEEEEE!!!!"
michaeldino's Profile - Community Messages