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» MelooDie replied on Sun May 29, 2011 @ 11:38am. Posted in Mickos fail hahaha.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By DJ_DIALECT
What I'd like to know is, why can't there be a smaller event there in the future EVER again??
Every night this summer cops will patrol the area or what?

» MelooDie replied on Sun May 29, 2011 @ 1:35am. Posted in Mickos fail hahaha.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
agreed! and that's pretty cool ... but I don't see too many people thanking the promoters for that :/

No and it's pretty funny how people love to hate on people's fail . Get mature a bit. It was the 3rd epic, and yeah it got busted. I played at the 1st one, it was an amazing party and everyone loved it. Last year the same! This year lots of efforts were done to bring a good show to people and they are happy about this bust and laugh about it. Well remember kids ( talking to promoters ) Nobody is perfect , and i just hope your party get busted as well one day and people instead of being sad missing the event they will have tons of fun making fun about it. I'm sad to see we are at that point of the scene where other promoters and their friends take so much pleasure about a bust. Karma is a bitch guyz, you should remember that............

and rakakon, , vieillis un peu. J'espère ca va t'avoir apporter ben du fun de faire ton thread de marde. T'aimes pas Mickos? fine. Mais en fesant ce thread, tu bitch aussi Noah, Meta B, William , et bcp d'autres gens qui ont unis leurs effort pour apporter un peu de bonheur au monde. J'imagine ca leur apprendra à vouloir faire plaisir à des minables qui en valent pas la peine. Vous êtes tous ben bon pour chialer, mais des fois prendre des risques c'est ce qui fait avancer la scène. C'est surement pas tapper sur les gens lorsqu'ils sont déja par terre qui va faire avancer quoi que ce soit. My 2 cents
» MelooDie replied on Sat May 28, 2011 @ 6:23pm. Posted in Mickos fail hahaha.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By TREY
for the organizers of the party;

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt "

Best part of being an old ninja is talking to some ravewave posters, knowing who they are, while pretending to be some random noob (except for 2 people).

I Was so Glad to see you Trey!! hahaha , you were ninja at being the biggest oldschooler yesterday !! <3
» MelooDie replied on Sat May 28, 2011 @ 3:44pm. Posted in Great way to know if your party is about to get busted.
Coolness: 249135
I never seen anyone of these kids in 13 years of raving. Who were they? kidz should stay in the kindergarden
» MelooDie replied on Sat May 28, 2011 @ 3:24pm. Posted in Great way to know if your party is about to get busted.
Coolness: 249135
I think a friend recorded it, i'll try and upload it !
» MelooDie replied on Sat May 28, 2011 @ 2:50pm. Posted in Mickos fail hahaha.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By CJBSEXX
Les 3/4 des gens qui écrivaient sur le Babillard de l'événements demandaient:

" Où est le club TBA ?? "

Ça sentait déjà mauvais.

Je suis resté bien au chaud aussi..

Je suis bien d'accord. J'ai passé la journée à traiter le monde d'idiots, d'aveugle etc.. heahea. TBA come on.. Puis depuis le début je me demandais moi aussi ou Mickos voudrait faire ca. Ya pas un spot a Montréal qui aurait pu recueillir autant de jeunes cons. Joindre le mainstream à la scène underground, ca été un epic Fail en Effet. La promo perso j'ai invité personne, juste le poster sur mon profile de dj était bien en masse. J'étais contente de jouer au début pcq j'avais moi aussi biensur un feeling que ca allait être busté, et bien hélas j'ai même pas eu le temps de jouer. C'est triste pcq Epic 1 et 2 étaient vraiment de bons partys. Avec la pluie j'avais un espoir que tous les jeunes hipsters ne viendraient pas mais ca ne les a pas empêcher.Pour ce qui est du hate, Hartimes et NTK étaient supposés jouer aussi ( Moebius , Zimo, Mad K, Ataka etc.. ) je pense pas que c'est nécessaire de s'acharner comme ca sur Mickos, puisque tout le monde était pas mal involved dans ce party. C'Était une coallition d'Une trentaine - quarantaine de personnes comme les 2 autres années. L'erreur qui a été faite est de joindre la crowd mainstream dubstep qui est bcp trop jeune et irrespectueuse et n'a aucune notion d'être ninja. Mais encore la, qui a invité tout ce monde la? J'en ai aucune idée. La promo a été hors de controle et a atteint des sommets inégalés pour le genre d'Événement. Mais une fois que la machine a été enclanché et que ca avait pris une ampleur démesurée, personne ne pouvait revenir en arrière non plus et juste annuler l'événement. Ce qui est arrivé est ben platte, mais se lancer des pierres à travers la gueule amènera rien de bon non plus. On est pas en Europe hélas, ce genre de free party ne peut pas avoir lieu dans notre petite ville, on en a vu la preuve hier!
» MelooDie replied on Fri May 27, 2011 @ 3:13pm. Posted in epic 2.
Coolness: 249135
» MelooDie replied on Thu May 26, 2011 @ 1:42pm. Posted in The last forward/Three year aniversary 2011-05-26.
Coolness: 249135
:( que de tristesse!!! Je serai la !!
» MelooDie replied on Thu May 19, 2011 @ 12:24pm. Posted in Happy B-Day Wu ( tang ).
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By KIRE
why disgusting ? :P

Dj Dialect rate it like that, it's just for fun lol.
» MelooDie replied on Tue May 17, 2011 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Terra 5 - Aug 18th 2012.
Coolness: 249135
C'est vrai qu'on est tous rendus vieux :(
» MelooDie replied on Mon May 16, 2011 @ 10:40pm. Posted in The Moustache Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 249135
Pat O_O
» MelooDie replied on Mon May 16, 2011 @ 1:35pm. Posted in the month of may.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By SPARKLZ
I 2nd the sentiment. BRING BACK THE SUN!

Yeah seriously!
» MelooDie replied on Sun May 15, 2011 @ 11:33pm. Posted in Happy B-Day Wu ( tang ).
Coolness: 249135
Arrête t'es chouette! ON T'eumeeeee <3
» MelooDie replied on Sun May 15, 2011 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Piknic Schedule - Who are you most excited for?.
Coolness: 249135
Win a Piknic free pass!!

[ swak.es ]
» MelooDie replied on Sun May 15, 2011 @ 11:22am. Posted in Happy B-Day Wu ( tang ).
Coolness: 249135

Happy B-Day raver! <3
» MelooDie replied on Wed May 11, 2011 @ 10:06pm. Posted in Piknic Schedule - Who are you most excited for?.
Coolness: 249135
Yeah seriously... nothing in the line-up is Banging. They brought us Stanton Warriors this winter and then.... nothing?
» MelooDie replied on Sat May 7, 2011 @ 3:59pm. Posted in Drama, Hate & Ex (boyfriend,girl friend).
Coolness: 249135
» MelooDie replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 8:33pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 249135
Je sais pas hahahah. Le plus drôle c'est qu'elle termine en disant qu'on fait pas de sens...
» MelooDie replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 6:02pm. Posted in djing headphones.
Coolness: 249135
Moi c'est ce que j'aime Pola, Ils sont flexibles, alors je peux mettre le left side sur mon oreille et laisser le côté droit dans mon cou. La seule chose qui me gosse en faite, c'est mes cheveux qui pognent dedans, mais ca je pense je peux rien y faire avec la touffe que j'ai haha
» MelooDie replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 4:24pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By PURESEXMEGS

And if you guys actually did a true price comparison, one party had a headliner with no deco, in a shitty venue, with probbably nasty washroom facilites . I dont know what the security was like so I cant say

Witch party are you talking about? We were comparing our party who took place at the same venue ( that was used in the rave scene for the 1st time by the way ) 3 months ago with 2 headliners ( one from Los Angeles and the 2nd one from Toronto ) + 25 locals, there was deco as well ( from the guy at Bain Mathieu, Simon Spak ) . And ticket price started at 15$ : door price was 40$. I had to search hard to find that crazy venue by the way. But to make it afordable, you need something else than dj's who plays few times a week for 5$ cuz people won't come and fill the room ( 300 people ) .
» MelooDie replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 12:48pm. Posted in djing headphones.
Coolness: 249135
Well investing in good headphones is important if you really dj with them , not just listening to your i-pod. While djing you have to put them to your ears, than listen to the sound without them, so move them to your neck , so all these movement tends to broke the sides, my first 2 pairs broke that way and you look dumb having to fix them with tape during a gig heaheahhae
» MelooDie replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 7:57pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
When planning an event don't make your break even the capacity of the venue... It's better to have a break event with half the venue being filled and the other half can be profit.

» MelooDie replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 5:35pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 249135
I didn't know expressing opinion was bitching? People complained there was only locals dj's, and yup it's true . Art is art, but it's not everyone who are willing to pay 40$ for deco and you have to respect that. So yup the artist did a great job, but they didn't had enough people to fill this expensive room. Doing a party is mathematics. Being a promoter means business for your information Kund.da.li.ni and if people are willing to pay to hear music they love made by artist that cost more cuz they will only see them once or twice in their life, you have no right to judge that.. The *rave* philosophy was brought by Frankie Bones itself in North America, and for dealing with him, he is a business man. He brought the idea from a ghetto party in the UK in a hangar ... and guess what ?there was no deco and surely not *lights*.Electricity was a + at the beginning of the rave scene... You have your own ideology of what *raves* are supposed to be, well it's your idealistic, that doesn't mean it's the reality.
» MelooDie replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 1:39pm. Posted in djing headphones.
Coolness: 249135
I think they were 200-230$ at Moog when i bought them. And Yes of course there's a good insulation from sound.
» MelooDie replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 12:27pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 249135
so you paid 3000$ for a painter ? Sorry to break your bubble, he did a nice work, but people who came to our party came to see Frankie Bones, the guyz who brought rave to the north American culture, a legend. So yeah , asking 40$ at the door for him was totally justified. If you paid 3000$ for a painter / decorator, , the point is you still have the same local dj's over and over in your line-up and don't excpect people do not complain about it.
» MelooDie replied on Wed May 4, 2011 @ 10:23pm. Posted in Andromeda.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By INDIGOCHILD
Le party etait great pis tu le sais que la salle a coute fucking chere men Mickos la louer . Avec 15 dj a payer plus une deco Epique 3 kit de son..
Sa vallair en masse 40 piace.

C'est pas trop comparable, pcq on avait aussi un headliner qui coûtait 3000$ Nos prix étaient complètement justifiés ;) Cette salle est superbe mais ouais elle coûte cher. Il faut travailler fort pour la rendre rentable!
» MelooDie replied on Tue May 3, 2011 @ 12:42pm. Posted in The Moustache Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 249135
» MelooDie replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 8:58pm. Posted in The Moustache Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 249135
» MelooDie replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 7:38pm. Posted in djing headphones.
Coolness: 249135

That's what I use. I really love them, I loved the Stanton , but my 2 pairs broke. After that i tried the Audio Technica , they are cheap and do the jobs. But i really prefer my new Allen & Heat ....
» MelooDie replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 7:31pm. Posted in The Moustache Appreciation Thread.
Coolness: 249135

GO MOUSTACHE!!! Our future is between your hands!
» MelooDie replied on Mon May 2, 2011 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By V.2-1
I went New York last summer and got a hotel in Brooklyn so we had to take the subway about 6 times a day - sometimes early, sometimes incredibly late - to visit all sorts of neighborhoods. I can tell you this much, if the NYC subways were dangerous, it wouldn't explain the sheer amount of baby carriages and hipsters sporting iPads I saw in there at all times.

Not only that but most stations are about a century old and they're in far better shape that the 40 years old ones we have. I haven't seen one torn down wall or burst pipe leaking water all over the walls over there. The subway system there is a lot older and got way more love - despite looking very old and dated - than our metro.

If we take care of our subway system the same way we take care of our roads, we serious fucking suck at maintenance. It seems for any government or public transportation company to be in our nature to do shit all for years, sit on our asses, contemplate for years and wait until the whole place is falling apart to apply cheap McGiver-style emergency repairs and go right back to procrastinating as soon as possible. Then when we run out of duct tape, string, asphalt and rubber bands, we go cry and whine to the government for funding to rebuild shit that we should've taken care of for years.

Plus our subway looks like an crumbling horrible 70s hippie art gallery. For a city that prides itself with leading edge technological, medical, video game and 3D industries, our subway sure as hell doesn't look the part.

Well that's from your experience cuz from mine it was the total opposite When i took subway in the Bronx, it was well really not clean at all and lots of crazy wierdo all around. Even see some coachroaches....... I wouldn't have stayed there alone that's for sure. There's some good stations here and there as well in New-York. IT depends of the areas like in Montreal. . And what i'm saying it's we are lucky to have a metro compared to other cities who would really need it. For the price we pay , i think you guyz likes to complain , but i'm pretty sure if the government were asking us to pay 100$ / 200$ + to renovate it, you would all be the first to laugh in their face and say no. People complain when they put 25 cents raise... 4 years to have new metro is pretty reasonnable and we should look at what we have in a positive way instead of complaining all the time. Grass is always greener on the neighbor side you know.
» MelooDie replied on Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 10:31pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 249135
Well if we compare, New-York's metro is not THAT better!

And for the price, Transport in Montreal is quite really cheap ! In my mind, better have an ugly metro than no metro at all..... I wouldn't pay more to have a classy one .
» MelooDie replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 8:52pm. Posted in Wtf with Berri-Uqam Station.
Coolness: 249135
» MelooDie replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 12:15pm. Posted in The Return Of Dj CZECH with Bliss & Kephroc April 29th Salon Officiel.
Coolness: 249135
OH que ca me tente! :)
» MelooDie replied on Sat Apr 23, 2011 @ 3:08pm. Posted in Research Phase!.
Coolness: 249135
We heard every details on the police station! I was really surprise, the girl said, apparentlly they have no reason to interrupt the party ,you had the right to be there. THe other male cop tho, was shocked ( HAHAHHA , me and Fred were laughing , imagining his wtf face ) . he said: REALLY? You are telling me they have the right to be there? mmmmkay....... We have a good police system seriously! People should be careful with lightstick tho in these kind of events around the site. That's why some complaint were done, because normal people found it strange and called the police.
» MelooDie replied on Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 11:35pm. Posted in Ndg peeps.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
That's what people with small TVs say!

That's what people with schmall penis says too!
» MelooDie replied on Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 5:27pm. Posted in steves news: full stock for traktor!!.
Coolness: 249135
avez vous recu le S4 flight case??
» MelooDie replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 11:54pm. Posted in House plants.
Coolness: 249135
i just became recently addicted to house plants and i planted seeds for my outside garden this summer . So for now i have : Coriander, Cosmos, Green Beans, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Carrots, Radish,Dill weed, Jalapeno peppers, Cubanel peppers, , Green oignons, parsley.. and oh yeah, cucumbers. LOL. It's all growing inside for the moment. Radish grows pretty fast! Coriander as well , it's freak. There's lots of seeds at the 1$ store and everything you need !!

I have 2 big plants as well all but i dunno what kind they are. It feels good to live around plants seriously. Once you start , you want more and moreeeeeeee green friends!
» MelooDie replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 1:11am. Posted in 7D: The Seven Dimensions of Euphoria.
Coolness: 249135
So you did a double account just to have more attention? good job.. has been used by the following users:

Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 12:00am » Dj-V User Lookup
Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 12:24am » StevenHHC User Lookup

» MelooDie replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Adding text to your clothes.
Coolness: 249135
Hey this will match amazingly with your glowsticks
MelooDie's Profile - Community Messages