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» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 15, 2011 @ 5:19pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By KIRE
this is pretty interesting, well i learned you really can't argue with melo tbh lol best to take criticism objectively ^^

» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 15, 2011 @ 12:44pm. Posted in Why'd you start DJing?.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By NIJI
Et ils te permettent même de laisser libre cours à ton côé exhibitionniste.

» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 15, 2011 @ 10:47am. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By K-DZO
WOW , lol c tout ce que tu trouve a dire, ? jpeux pas torde le bras de persone , si toi tu lfait ben BRAVO Chere ''promoteuse ''

Ben si tu peux pas *tordre* le bras à personne, tu n'es p-ê pas faite pour être promoteur. Ca fait malheureusement partie de la job plate de gérer les djs et leur discordes. Ca arrive tout le temps ce genre de trucs, mais pour éviter d'en faire une escalade comme le thread ici présent, ben c'était à toi d'aller dire à Ussef que 3 am c'était le timeslot à Psydraulix. C'est pas aux dj's de régler ca voyont donc. C'est ton 2e party, ben apprend de tes erreurs au lieu de me répondre avec ton commentaire sarcastique. Le mien était bien constructif. Comme Screwhead a expliqué, tu dois agir à rôle de gérant dans cette histoire la. Mais bon j'imagine que tu préfères avoir d'autre thread de 5 pages de guerre entourant ton party? Surtout pour des enfantillages de même. Ben good job, continues à faire ce qui faut pas faire et n'écoutes pas les conseils des autres : ca va être toute à ton avantage.
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 7:34pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
Guess I'm lucky. Every Tuesday, I have to play the part of Promoter, not my favorite thing,

Moi je me rappelle de toi qui fait l'inventaire des fils tous les jeudi à cause d'une certaine personne dj travaillant au saphir avec nous . haha. Ce qu'on a pu en voir des hurluberlus dans la scène sérieux.
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Why'd you start DJing?.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By A_X_CELL
2000 : I was 10 y/o

(75% of this post is true)

WTF you're not only 21??
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 5:25pm. Posted in Why'd you start DJing?.
Coolness: 249135
My cock is bigger than yours!
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 5:01pm. Posted in Why'd you start DJing?.
Coolness: 249135
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 2:03pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA

ce que ca prend, c'est des promoteurs qui savent ce qu'ils font. des ens avec un peu plus de comprehention de POURQUOI et de COMMENT. allez voir les plus vieux, les 'oldschools', ceux qui sont la depuis plus de 10 ans, et encore mieux, ceux qui sont la depuis 20 ans. et prenez 3 ou 4 ans pour ecouter, pour comprendre ce qu'ils ont a transmettre.

La dessus je te l'accorde, comme j'ai dit , je me demande vraiment pourquoi le promoteur n'a tout simplement pas dit à Ussef de jouer après , deco apportée ou pas, ca ne te donne pas aucuns droits ! Des fois j'apporte mon mixer, mes tables tournantes, mon S4, mon ordinateur , mon rack à ordi et puis ca me donne pas plus le droit de jouer plus longtemps que les autres et leur manquer de respect.
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 1:46pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
moi j'suis meilleur dj que toi et en plus je pisse plus loin

OK , fac pour toi un gars qui mixe pas ses tracks pis qui les jouent 2 X en 20 min. tu appelles ca un dj premièrement? Si on compare ca en tant que Deco Artist, je vais allé acheter de la deco chez Wal Mart, pis la coller sur le mur en y mettant mon nom dessus. C'est pas une question de fame, la question c'est qu'il était supposé mixer à une telle heure et que le gars avant lui qui fesait même pas la job comme du monde ne la pas laisser pour pas rompre la *trance* de la vibe, qui , à ce qu'on en lit, avait pas l'air forte forte pcq plusieurs se sont plains du dj en question. Les djs ci, les djs ca... c'est ridicule ton affaire. Le fame, l'argent lol et quoi encore? voyont donc. Toute personne qui se présente à un travail à l'heure à le droit à un minimum de respect quel que soit son emploi non?
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 12:42pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By A_X_CELL
Answer :
I know some guys who do this. They always use the SAME excuse : "The producer have made the track like this so it should be untouched and unmixed to keep the vibe of the track". (Yeah it's not like 90% of electronic music is made with an intro and outro so DJs could mix it....)

WOOTTTT?? lamest excuse ever hahahhaha.
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 9:27am. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
*Please don't interrupt Ze Tranceee*

Or this guy will kik your butt!
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 7:42am. Posted in Coretoon - 11 Juin 2011.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By JEE3.14_AGRICOLE
i was listening to Tilzs - plastic portal earlyer today.. and that trak is as close as ill get to happy / freeform as ill go without sacrificing "enjoy-ness' .. so old, yet so epic!

OMG dj Tilzs was my favorite dj back then. I still secretly listen dj Tilzs @ Solarstorm , his set @ Prophecy and where i met my boyfriend, @ K-haus. Good rave years, god i miss them!
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 7:39am. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 249135
Not to sound harsh, but wtf K-dzO... I'M a promoter as well, why didn't you just came and shut the fuck up to this guy ( psyrenity ) and let AlienZed play? Were you afraid as well to *interrupt the trance* heahehaea ? I would have come, say, look, you can play AFTER him or not at all. If you're not happy with the situation , go HOME! I don't understand why everyone let psyrenity play his 1h30 set. Ok there was a free timeslot, good thing! just give the dj's a bit more time, but if the guy came at 3 to play at 3, let him play his timeslot? If i was AlienZed i would have just get the fuck out of this party.
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 14, 2011 @ 7:34am. Posted in help me with some tracks =).
Coolness: 249135
When we talk about fidget, we have an amazing local producer for that, check out Zimo's stuff on Soundcloud . For the rest, well , like everything you have to pass hours and hours on website and find what you like. Yep, it's boring and long, but this is what dj's do ;)

[ soundcloud.com ]
» MelooDie replied on Mon Jun 13, 2011 @ 10:38am. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
sorry but 1 room for 350 people... theres only gonna be psy and dubstep partys in there... especially for 2000$ .. waaaay too expensive... lespace des arts is bigger and cheaper..

L'espace des arts c'est la même capacité maximale pour les 3 salles, 300 personnes *légalement*. Ca m'est revenue à 2000$ pour limouzine magazine, mais à 8 am fallait qu'on calisse notre camps sinon ils chargent extra! C'est un peu plus dispendieux l'espace des arts, pcq en plus ca comprend pas les cdj's etc...! Pis les speakers faut en louer plus, fac en bout de ligne cette salle la est cheaper :)
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 5:00pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
Oui je travaille la!! :) ( ben la je suis en congé de maternité heahaehe ) En connais-tu de montréal? fait 4 ans je suis la, j'en ai vu passer des matelots / officiers! Est-ce que ya un Olivier avec vous par hasard? tatoué? messemble yé partie dans le même genre de boat que toi!
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 4:45pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
Quoi tu serais pas fière qu'elle soit ta maman?
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 4:42pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
And sometimes you get to work with some crazy chick. (The one who was high as a kite and decided to have a fucking chat with my mother >.< )


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. JULIE! mais la est en congé de maternité ! lol , son 2e enfant..
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 4:38pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
Dave if you would like to work on a boat, i'M pretty sure Eldee can hook you up for a busboy job. But it's really physical, running with stuff in your hand on 3 floors. Good thing is we finish in December , so you have free time on chomage till late may! ;) But yeah... Summer sucks a bit tho, working all the time with unusual schedules ( sometimes you work at 6 am, sometime you start your shift at 4pm and sometimes you only do Boat Parties during the night , starting at 11pm ) . Boat camping as well while going to Tadoussac, but you're only out of town for 2 days.. not that bad
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 3:00pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 249135
and it looks like a sausage party! No boobz involved!
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 1:11pm. Posted in question on tracks w/ kbps.
Coolness: 249135
Well if you don't find them, maybe they are not RELEASED yet! few years behind us, and we were all playing vinyls paying 20$ for a track......Maybe cdj's killed the whole concept? Like REcoil said, the only track i would play i didn't buy are tracks that were GIVEN by the producers themself to promote their music for free! Even there, if i see on juno a track i already have by Dialect or some friends , i will buy it since they work their asses hard, passing hours and hours on tracks dj's like Kire will download illegaly for free on the web and think it's ok, cuz everyone does it.

Listen Kire, THE WHOLE THING about being a dj is to let people knows/ listen your favorite producers ( locals or internationnal ). Do you think it's fair to play their tracks, have a booking, getting paid for it ? That sounds totally asshole to me. Even when i was practicing in my living room, i had to pay orders of 200-300$ in vinyl .
» MelooDie replied on Fri Jun 10, 2011 @ 12:22pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By DJ_DIALECT
sounds pretty cool to me...

Sound like a moustache plan Bro ;)
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 11:42pm. Posted in question on tracks w/ kbps.
Coolness: 249135
I've been playing for 5 years, and i've been paying and searching tracks in the stores since 5 years as well. No producer = no dj's. Plain and simple
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 11:23pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
me and CJBSEXX are boat bitchez. YVAN EHT NIOJ!!
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 3:15pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
hahahahah <3 I'M sure you can join my crew! All you need is boobz and party skillz! BOobz we got them!!
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 3:07pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
Of Course! Not to mention i can make drinks and spin tracks while all doing that! Life ain't easy!
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 2:48pm. Posted in What do you do for a living?.
Coolness: 249135
I make babies and sniff cocaine off men's dick.
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 2:46pm. Posted in Fire In Front Of 3810 St-Patrick.
Coolness: 249135
haha seriously, i never really liked 3810.... Convenient is the right word to use here.
» MelooDie replied on Thu Jun 9, 2011 @ 2:44pm. Posted in NOUVELLE SALLE RAVE DISPONIBLE POUR LA LOCATION - 100% Legal.
Coolness: 249135
Oublies pas notre réservation face de pet!! :)
» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 8, 2011 @ 10:19pm. Posted in Fire In Front Of 3810 St-Patrick.
Coolness: 249135
Esti, fucking kidz heh!
» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 8, 2011 @ 9:44pm. Posted in djing headphones.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By METZEN
[ www.ultrasone.com ]

Moi j'utilise ca maintenant mais ils sont un peu cher

Metzen, t'es pas mort? heaheaheha
» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 8, 2011 @ 9:42pm. Posted in Fire In Front Of 3810 St-Patrick.
Coolness: 249135
The initial spot of the NTK Party last saturday as well! When they came on the site, the firemen were already there cuz the site burned down... they had to find a B plan ASAP!!:) they made it!
» MelooDie replied on Wed Jun 8, 2011 @ 6:29pm. Posted in Fire In Front Of 3810 St-Patrick.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By RAWALI
.... ok c'est plus que bizzare la... ça fait trois "places à rave" qui pognent en feu... kessé the fuck est-ce qui se passe...

WTF indeed la! 1 ok... 2.. wtf.. 3 ca commence à être de drôles de *hasards*
» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 7, 2011 @ 1:47pm. Posted in question on tracks w/ kbps.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By DJ_DIALECT
Everything I play is 128kbps or under, no one ever notices.
I usually cut the songs right out of other peoples sets, works great!

Never play wavs, they ALWAYS sound like shit on JBL speakers.

Hope that helps Kire! Good Luck!

» MelooDie replied on Tue Jun 7, 2011 @ 1:44pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Masa!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 249135
Much love bwoy!
» MelooDie replied on Mon Jun 6, 2011 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
I have an XOne 62 also... I would sell it if the price was right! 600$ maybe! What is a decent price for the unit?

Yeah i was thinking between 600 and 700$ as well. not under that!
» MelooDie replied on Mon Jun 6, 2011 @ 2:32pm. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
En passant il est encore ici :)

Pu maintenant :D bing bang boum!
» MelooDie replied on Mon Jun 6, 2011 @ 11:35am. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 249135
Moi j'ai pu vraiment besoin de mon mixer , mais j'hésite vraiment bcp à le vendre pcq de 1 il est top notch, je l'ai payé neuf 1200$ . Combien seriez-vous prêts à mettre pour? je suis vraiment pas décidée mais si j'ai une bonne offre , je vais p-ê m'en débarasser. Avec Mon S4 il m'est tellement inutile, je le garde au cas ou j'organise des party vous voyez le genre... heahaehhae

» MelooDie replied on Sun Jun 5, 2011 @ 10:40pm. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 249135
Originally Posted By EL_PRESIDENTE
and by "trade with each other" I mean orgy

Orgie de fluides en tout genre?
» MelooDie replied on Sun Jun 5, 2011 @ 9:07pm. Posted in Vinyl and gear garage sale?.
Coolness: 249135
that could be cool!
MelooDie's Profile - Community Messages