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» MariJane replied on Tue Mar 11, 2003 @ 10:07am. Posted in Poll.
Coolness: 55085
all seem to forget that relativity is a concept invented by humans, created to define.

defining is useless, simply all to be said is that relativity is an unexistant concept.

what is right for one...is not necessarly right for the other...therefore who is right?

none..for there is no right and wrong...

unfortunatly no matter how hard it is to accept, it doesnt seem that hard to understand...

just like was said, to be on the right path...one must follow their heart...follow their wants and needs, and not be afraid to satisfy what is right for the individual...no matter what society has tried to implant in our brains...

time to break through...fuck propaganda...well as best as we can i suppose...and to be reminded that all that is relative is not really real.
» MariJane replied on Tue Mar 11, 2003 @ 2:44am. Posted in Where the female junglist’s at?.
Coolness: 55085
depends what u consider a junglist..

but i love my jungle and dnb...absolutely dooo...

no worries...many represent...the more the merrier...i do agree
» MariJane replied on Tue Mar 11, 2003 @ 2:01am. Posted in Bubble Gumm!!.
Coolness: 55085
i miss you too heather....=(

i said i missed uuuuuuuuu lots at the party....

danced for u babe...like i do for every PARTNER thats missing...as well as i dedicated one track for u on the dance floor...SUNRISE was yours=)
» MariJane replied on Tue Mar 11, 2003 @ 1:59am. Posted in Bubble Gumm!!.
Coolness: 55085
ohhh ohhh forgot one thing to say...

----outta breath just busted it to heart of gold, singing,giggling, dancing...happy----

...i was one of those that saw the monkey suit, and turned around and almost ran away...scared me a bit...but then i laughed cuz i looked like a total dumb ass...that was some funny shit, caught me by surprise!!!!!!!

"we are the children of the night...
and fight for the future of our nation...
lets come together and unite...
nothing gonna stop us now...
let the fire burn inside...
nobody can stop this generation...
cuz we're children of the night...
dont ever let them put u down...

GET UP..."
the music is callin me....=)
» MariJane replied on Tue Mar 11, 2003 @ 1:40am. Posted in Bubble Gumm!!.
Coolness: 55085
really tipsy...just one thing to say...

pookie and i were speaking on the phone today, hyper of our asses talking about the great memories of this weekend.
When ur set came up in the discussion...and we both automatically said...practically at the same time...:


i enjoyed it that much...i couldnt stop dancing from that moment on...u set me on a roll for the rest of the night..thank u!!!!!

My trip was so fucked up cuz of a random fellow candy kidd that feed me go knows what(stupid me stoned just took it)...and well im was vibing weird...and you just brought me back to life when i needed it most. Good times....

fuck im hyper again cuz im reminicing....

fuck...gots to find a way to go to IDJ or Distortion...ahhhh im broke!!!!!

fuck i want it [ www.... ]

you know what that means...lights off...music pounding...time to move the furniture...
its time for mj to dance...and be at one with music what i love most. My body will dissapear once again...and air will no longer exist. for in a moment music will be my world...and all i need.

THANK U ALL FOR ATTENDING THE PARTY...SERIOUSLY GREAT ENERGY CIRCULATING...IT WAS REFRESHING..it had been a while since i walked into a party and felt practically no NEGATIVE energies.

i was sooo happy everyone...so happy...

i decided to give out all my lollipops at once...and went around all the room...gave lollipops..that was my surprise for everone...thank u all for smiling=) it was early and very little ppl gave me weird looks cuz i just wanted to thank ppl that came to join me for our trip into "la la land". So thank u...for many ppl did understand...MJ believes strongly in the power behind symbols...just reminding u all that its nice to have u "HOME" with me, reminding the world that too many ppl take and not give. So i gave u all some sweetness, and in silence wished u all a great night/morning.
HOPE U ALL HAD FUN LIKE ME...proof i could probably write for hours like u see about it.

yet, the simple proof that u all were too good to be true is KARMA(those who enjoyed themselves to the fullest that is; with or without drugs, for the pure love of great music)was that all night...it felt like i was...
...it felt like i was...(fuck im hyper again..damn u all and my memories...im not stoned btw...its the music i tell u...read my profile &u understand)

...it felt like i was....
like i was treated like a little queen in RED!!!!!!!
RED, I LOVE RED!!!!!!!! (yayyyyyyyyy i got to "almost"finish my fun-fur...some stars had safety pins=( and had just enough time to complete my outfit designed for bubble gum...yayyyyyyy!!!)

it really did feel like i was LITTLE QUEEN IN RED FLOATING AROUND IN LA LA LAND...i was taken care of all night, without me even askin, i was given so much...especially a lot of LOVE...thank u all i needed it!!!!! Certainly did, more than u ever know=) mmmmoahhhh!!!!!!!

ohhh jees louise...need to dance so bad...i dont care if i wake up the roomates...MJ NEEDS TO DANCE...bye...sowwayyy for the long message...i get my outburst sometimes and get carried away!

...suggestions anyone???.....
» MariJane replied on Sun Mar 9, 2003 @ 4:44pm. Posted in that bubblegum shit...
Coolness: 55085
ohhh Heather...

i dont mean to brake ur heart. But it really was a good party. Shit loads of fun. and i got my fun fur almost finished and ready to go. MJ was all in red...well suited up.

and i was dissapointed that a part of the crew was missing...sweety where did you go?
» MariJane replied on Sun Mar 9, 2003 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Bubble Gumm!!.
Coolness: 55085
great amounts of fun.

worth getting broke to attend that party...and probably not be able to pay rent next week. i was a little dissapointed for the price of the ticket...more expensive than what i expected. Regardless...a great party is always worth it.

so much music diversity too...i was overwhelmed with good music. Breathing in the bass pounding from the speakers.I WAS FINALLY HOME AGAIN!

Great, i mean fuckn' great songs were spun...quite a few of my favorite tracks. The crowd was amazing...a crazy night/morning it was, absolutly crazy it was...at least for me.

Lesson learnt at the party: MJ must say no to unknown white powder given by fellow unknown candy raver...it got me fucked for a bit, quite dirty too, and well it was a level of highness that i try to no longer obtain. No more of that! Lets see if i learned my lesson.

by the way...thank u all which made this party possible...
» MariJane replied on Sat Mar 8, 2003 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Glowstckboy.
Coolness: 55085
so tired of being labeled.

little crazy, popin pills, pozer of a candy kidd.

2yrs now...extremely tired of being judged.

respect...is important and crucial to coexist in peace with others.
» MariJane replied on Fri Mar 7, 2003 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Glowstckboy.
Coolness: 55085
im sorry but i dont wanna sound aggressive nor nothing like that...
but i found that comment quite harsh, and judgemental.

it seems to me that i dont think that junglist should die...for i love every type of music as long as its good, as well that i do not forget that everyone has their own preferences.

just because tim and i for example identify ourselves with what you all label as candy doesnt mean anything really. it is part of who i am...and all that matters that i am comfortable in my own skin, and happy...

therefore i do not understand the nature of htat comment...as well as why it is there in the first place.

either all i want to say is that its all about PLUR...
its sad that too many seem to forget.


» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 3:46pm. Posted in Axionfigga @ Saphir This Thursday!.
Coolness: 55085
i know seb.....

and i tell you its Marijane...

hahaha...and it suits me well...

» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 3:36pm. Posted in Axionfigga @ Saphir This Thursday!.
Coolness: 55085
Marijane is my name...

i'll try not to be shy....

» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Axionfigga @ Saphir This Thursday!.
Coolness: 55085
its all about the IDJ CREW...fuck yeahhhh i must represent galaksy...

everytime im on the dancefloor i represent...

I c you spin sooo much....luvvv uuuu sooo much for all the great music u have given to me....

i have u on my wall of fame at home...full of pics from my favorite DJ's and party friends...

im always to shy to say hello when u walk by...all i have to tell you ...is THANK UUUUU
» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 3:17pm. Posted in Axionfigga @ Saphir This Thursday!.
Coolness: 55085
ohhh yeah 2 night...i get my jungle and dnb at SAPHIRE

so i cant relax my poor heart...in dying need to dance...

will see most of IDJ crew there...so phat!!!

hope to have free shooters like last 2 weeks...

its so much fun...and its just gonna prepare me even more for bubble gum

» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Bubblegum!!!.
Coolness: 55085
MJ is just too happy....

thank u noah...thank u tipsy...thank u everyone who is helping out....


i cant wait to dance..dance my heart out like usual...

thank u from the bottom of my heart....

» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 2:47pm. Posted in Bubblegum!!!.
Coolness: 55085

I dunno what to wear...i wanna go all out...i wanna go crazy...in a good way that is!

MJ & GLOWSTICK BOY...are thinking of what surprise shall we bring for our friends...and ppl who feed us great energy at the party.

dont worry...MJ will have a nice surprise stored for everyone...like usual.

and i will have the chance to show off my GF and BF!!!

iii wwwwuuuuvvvv uuuuu POOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iii wwwwuuuuvvvv uuuuu ANDREW!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!

cant wait...im jumping around im so happy!

» MariJane replied on Thu Mar 6, 2003 @ 2:34pm. Posted in Glowstckboy.
Coolness: 55085
glowstickboy is my roomate!!!!!!!!

he was a hardcore grunge/skater/punk...i guess like most of us...

i moved in...i brought him to "JUMP IN DA JUNGLE"
Showed him the crew...
showed him the way...
brought him TO the right parties...

and in 3 weeks our GLOWSTICK BOY WAS BORN...

MJ helped
tim discover himself...


"FOR GOD SAKES GET THE KID SOME GLOWSTICKS".... he is just meant to be loved by all...just like everyone of us=)

So fuckn excited
MariJane's Profile - Community Messages