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» LiquidShadow replied on Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 7:59pm. Posted in c quoi vous avez ecouté dernierement ?.
Coolness: 34600
Jojo, k ouin, meurtre et course poursuites au pays des puits des puits de petrole lol

Pis aerial, sérieuse la ? la revanche des abeilles tueuses ? ca a l'air cheesy en criss hahaha
» LiquidShadow replied on Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 5:53pm. Posted in Apt For Rent.
Coolness: 34600
'tention lone star patrouille dans le coin :P
» LiquidShadow replied on Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 4:04pm. Posted in SOMA 2008 *New Years Party!!!!*.
Coolness: 34600
je viens d'avoir mon billet, c petit et mignon.

Yen reste qqz1 au psychonaut, mais faites vite paske a 20 $ c pas cher !

A part ca, le proprio du psyC ma dit que cette année ca va se passer dans le boutte du stade, un estie de belle place a l'entendre me décrire ca, j'ai trop haaaaaate =P

Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Tue Oct 16, 2007 @ 6:05pm
bump sti
Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Tue Oct 16, 2007 @ 6:06pm
ca maaaarche paaaaas :(
» LiquidShadow replied on Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Montreal RaveWave Dj Vote.
Coolness: 34600
hey you should call Diebold if you want to pull a bush-trick.
» LiquidShadow replied on Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Apt For Rent.
Coolness: 34600
yeah but in toronto you pay les taxes and the salaries are higher, else ppl wouldnt be able to afford living there. Lets stop comapring mtl to toronto please, or lets compare everything, salarie included..

That said, I used to pay 1300 $/month without hydro for a 4 1/2 (on R. Levesque west) soo...
» LiquidShadow replied on Mon Oct 15, 2007 @ 3:04pm. Posted in c quoi vous avez ecouté dernierement ?.
Coolness: 34600
quand jai entendu the kingdom, ooh nice un truc dans le genre médieval, mais nooon ca a l'air d'un autre film d'action a la hollywood, jme demande juste pkoi ca se nomme le royaume ??
» LiquidShadow replied on Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 8:01pm. Posted in Torrents,,post em up.
Coolness: 34600
sicko was nice and very informative.
» LiquidShadow replied on Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Ya tu quelque chose a faire avec ca?.
Coolness: 34600
jvois que d'excellens conseils ont été donnés ici, ceux de joey en particulier, c bon de voir qu'on passe pas juste du tps a se blaster :)
» LiquidShadow replied on Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 12:52am. Posted in Ya tu quelque chose a faire avec ca?.
Coolness: 34600
des up and down de tps en tps c normal, la elle parle d'au moins 1 an, c ca qui est inquietant..
» LiquidShadow replied on Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 12:31am. Posted in Ya tu quelque chose a faire avec ca?.
Coolness: 34600
dépression mélancolique p-e, elle devrait consulter tk car des fois ce sont des cas pathologiques et non pas simplement psychologiques, donc tu peux pas ten sortir sans médication.

dans le cas ou c pathologique ou ben psychologique mais profond, ses amis pourront rien pour elle, sinon lui mettre de la pression pour qu'elle consulte, en plus c gratuit faq elle a rien a perdre, a part son orgueil p-e.

un tier de la population est atteint de mental disorders, a peine 5% de ces personnes la consultent, mais c un choix personnel et en assume pleinement les conséquences.
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 7:18pm. Posted in c quoi vous avez ecouté dernierement ?.
Coolness: 34600
Hier j'ai ecouté Evan the Almighty, pis sérieux, stun pas pire de film, meilleur que le premier tk.

J'ai aussi écouté Next la semaine derniere, le film est trés bon, adaptation de l'un mes auteurs favoris de SF americaine oblige, jai adoré ! en plus la fin est weird, vraiment weird, tu ty attends pas mettons.

Et vous, qu'est ce que vous avez ecouter ou prévoyez ecouter ? salut la gang :)
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 7:15pm. Posted in Netherlands bans magic mushrooms.
Coolness: 34600
en fait stune tendance en Hollande, par exemple ils ont arreté de delivrer des permis de "coffee shop", faq chaque fois yen a un qui ferme, ca en fait un de moins.

faut dire qu'il y a pas mal de pression qui se fait au niveau de Bruxelles, faq..
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 7:12pm. Posted in Sainte-Danse!.
Coolness: 34600
hah c t pas le seul qui est a pogné la grippe (jimagine c ca ?), moi itoo chu doooown, heureusement j'ai qq1 pour me dorloter :)
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 2:21pm. Posted in Contravention à Transe-O-Gazébo : Appel à la solidarité!!!.
Coolness: 34600
psy trance event ? where ? :P
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 3:41am. Posted in Netherlands bans magic mushrooms.
Coolness: 34600
plus de mush pour moi, ca décaliss trop l'estomac.
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 3:09am. Posted in What I did in math class today..
Coolness: 34600
encore ! encore !
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 2:33am. Posted in Help me understand you please.
Coolness: 34600
dis iz euh euh very streunge, you live euh baon a very very bad way euh of life, it iz meuch meuch bettar back in fronce, I'm shure you neveur heurd that befaure, but euh believe it ohr note, dis is why dere are so many euh euh canadians in fronce and so fyou froncais in canada.


Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 2:36am
ah ouaieuh et VIVE LA FRONCE LIBRE !!
Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 2:52am
c juste pour rigoler, j'adore les francaises.
» LiquidShadow replied on Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 2:26am. Posted in VERDUN massive TRANSFORM.
Coolness: 34600
moi chu ben content qu'il existe des BS, ca permet a ceux qui veulent avancer dans la vie de le faire, pis ceux qui veulent pas de pas nous faire chier pendant qu'on le fait.

C koi genre 600 piasses par mois pour qu'il te caliss patience pis te laisse leurs places ? C pas cher payé a mon avis.
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 2:39pm. Posted in Speed.
Coolness: 34600
ouais man, avec plaisir, jvais sortir au chill bientot, ché ps si tu y va ?

sinon a part ca, jte vois pas trés bien sur la pic, mais me semble tt a SOMA de l'année derniere?
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 2:37pm. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 34600
one of the shittiest threads ever.
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 2:26am. Posted in Speed.
Coolness: 34600
c nice mec, moi chu pas doué pour grand chose a part la danse, mais dans ce domaine la jen connais un boutte; Street Dance/funk, tout ce qui est tut, pop 'n lock, wave and strobe, shuffling (melbourne surtout) mais mon dada ca reste le liquid, qui me permet réellement de rentrer en transe (pis de faire buzzer en sale lmonde qui prete attention) pis jadore ca ;)

Tk bonne continuation, j'ai ben hate de voir ton prochain tableau.
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 2:16am. Posted in The Delta Live ! :::amazone Haloween Ritual: Saturday October 27:::.
Coolness: 34600
ca a lair cool, mais ca dure pas assez longtps...bon party quand meme les amis ;)
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 2:08am. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 34600
jai déja faite du GH, pis c pas si pire que ca, c ben le fun quand tu commence a downer pis c une alternative interessante a la E (que j'hais).

Faut juste que tu fasse pas le con, c tout.

A part ca, depuis que je suis a MTL, jarrive pas a en trouver, faq si il y a qq1 qui a un "hint", un ti pv me rendrait service :P
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 1:54am. Posted in SOMA 2008 *New Years Party!!!!*.
Coolness: 34600
pour moi cette année encore, fidele a SOMA !!

Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 2:17am
ils vont tu le refaire a meme place ?? elle etait pas pire la salle de l'année derniere.
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 12:29am. Posted in Circa!!!!.
Coolness: 34600
i thought you said ass american, which, grammar apart, makes sense imho.
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 12:26am. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 34600
its an old saying:

"Winning an argument over the internet is like winning at the special olympics, you may get the gold, but you're still a retard"
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 12:25am. Posted in Attention whoring..
Coolness: 34600
c a peu prés ca la face que je fais quand je shtroumpf les seins de ma blonde, pis sont plus gros que ceux la, faq mon smile yé plus large :)
» LiquidShadow replied on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 12:22am. Posted in Looking for a used motherboard/CPU combo.
Coolness: 34600
this card is such a beast, they had to keep it in a cage :P
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 5:40pm. Posted in Attention whoring..
Coolness: 34600
eille merci man, c gentil :)

ca c shtroumpf baiseur.
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 5:36pm. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 34600
Thy TechnoViking hast spoken, thus the discussion has endeth !

Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 5:39pm
I wonder which epeen's bigger ?
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:58pm. Posted in Speed.
Coolness: 34600
McKo_S c koi t peintre en plus detre DJ ? tu fais quoi dautre a part ca ?
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:55pm. Posted in Circa!!!!.
Coolness: 34600
exactly what I was wondering.
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:53pm. Posted in Attention whoring..
Coolness: 34600
jaimais mieux ton autre avatar smurf, celui qui embrassait les lolo :P
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:49pm. Posted in Looking for a used motherboard/CPU combo.
Coolness: 34600
man le tchnoviking vent son tandy 5000 au prix cost lol

Update » LiquidShadow wrote on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:56pm
hey lightning fast 20mhz, operates Xenix ! caliss mon gars c le deal du siecle
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:45pm. Posted in Napoleon Dynamite.
Coolness: 34600
McKo_s cette peinture géante de Picasso, est ma préferée de toutes les peintures, et cette fascination remonte a mon enfance, paske je trouvais ca morbide et fascinant au boutte.

Plus tard jai su que ca avait rapport avec le bombardement d'une ville basque (guernica) pendant la guerre civile et jai mieux compris le message.

Trés intense, dans tous les sens du terme.
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:37pm. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 34600
Originally Posted By LONE_STAR
Can't take a joke there Raf?

It was just a joke actually :P

to the rest who are bitching about canada;

Try growing up in an impoverished african neighborhood, where, starting at more or less 8 years old, you have to wake up at 5am in the morning to go buy bread, walk a km to go get 20 liters of fresh water, walk 2-3 km to go to school, then when you're done with school (starts at 8am and finishes at 6pm! with only a pause between 12 and 1:30 pm, believe it or not I remember fondly the days I spent there on the stairs eating a thin tuna sandwitch waiting for school to restart) you have to go do a huge line up (sometimes 50 yards) to buy sugar, coffee and tea because you live in a fucking pooor communist country who doesnt produce anything, so everything is scarce and overvalued.

Try also living as a teen in a country where there are no video games, no cinemas, no computers, no libraries neither. Where you cant have sex with girls cuz you live in a fucking ultra orthodox muslim country where you cant have a girlfriend and have to wait for marriage to finally find yourself blocked cuz there are no rented appartements and the houses cost like 100 years of the avg income. Talking about police, I got beaten by the them once, I dont even know why and when i went to the hospital cuz I fell on a stone and was bleeding, the blankets were already dirty and they told me to come back with some wire cuz they had none (and i got none as it was too expensive, so I still have an ugly scar on my chest).

Try living in a country torn by civil war, where 300.000 persons died within 5 years, where there is at least a night per week that is disturbed by explosions and ak-47 firing sounds, and everytime you step outside (cuz you have to !) you wonder if you will come back in one piece, heck I even used to avoid crowds cuz I knew thats where the Al Qaeda (nicknamed GIA over there) places bombs and kamikazes, and I still do by habit.

Try living in a country where your only hope is to go file an immigration request and get the fuck out of the country, leaving everything behind you, friends, family, hometown so you can finally live a fullfilling live, learn french and english and avoir ton ostie de place au soleil toi itoo.

Then come back and bitch about Canada.

PS: sorry for the rant. But when you grow up in soft cotton, you'll never realize how lucky you are, never !
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Napoleon Dynamite.
Coolness: 34600
C tu Dostoievski ? pis ostie que c platte comme auteur; le joueur, les freres karamzov, crime et châtiment en particulier yé crissement, mais crissement platte. Ah oui a faisait chier la Sorbonne !
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 3:33am. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 34600
yeah lone star, you !
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 1:05am. Posted in I need phat pants.....
Coolness: 34600
dolphins dont suck, they chew, so it feels like OUUUUCHIIIIEEE MAMA !
» LiquidShadow replied on Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 1:02am. Posted in Bike Path Downtown..danger.
Coolness: 34600
my hats off, I used to ride on a bike at trois rivieres, but the city is made for that, heck it was even named among the top 10 best cities for bicyles in the world.

But MTL ? brr I sold my bike to my bro and he loves it, but I always get a shiver when I "release" him after being completely weeded out and knowing he has like 10 km to go.
LiquidShadow's Profile - Community Messages