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» linewireink replied on Wed Jun 25, 2003 @ 12:59pm. Posted in In Da Jungle Residents in Toronto.
Coolness: 42700
yeah it does ok you know what let me talk to some folks .... I think I cna change things for guys...
» linewireink replied on Wed Jun 25, 2003 @ 11:41am. Posted in In Da Jungle Residents in Toronto.
Coolness: 42700
yeah welldont hate tdot the federal sound/ studio 408 crew (gnome stage) who I hooked your demo up with are good folks and they will sort you out proper like I promiss!!! as soon as they get around to doing some thing they can bring you in for... I should also hook you up with the nice and smooth folks (gerald is a good friend of mine)
but please dont hate tdot its got some good people there and some bad ones just like mtl does...
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 24, 2003 @ 5:00pm. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
reviews of naw at om
[ www.tribemagazine.com ]
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 24, 2003 @ 4:02pm. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
reviews of naw at om
[ www.tribemagazine.com ]
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 24, 2003 @ 11:30am. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
cool Im gonna have a nice sit down with steve in the next few weeks and start the ball rolling to get this happening... no slackness
on this one at all... :)
I think there are enough mtl folks around that we can make this happen in a good way...
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 24, 2003 @ 10:56am. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
yeah well ghetto system totally bit what we did with the clonk stage but IMHO made a chessy attempt at being the what we did with the clonk stage at om last year in the same location...
so Ill give him props for doing something that was not in line with om but at the same time it was just a rip off of what I did last year...
with out his chessyness
picture good sound!!! (4 bass bins 4 tops spread through the woods)
2 video projectors 3 slide projectors all WORKING!!!
5 screens speard through the woods
30 hammoks in the trees
some stage lighting projecting upwards inthe trees
(red blue and green)
a booth that was made up of 4 tree posts and a tarp over head (no stupid dome thing liek this year)
and one clear light rope along the path to find your way to the stage
oh and the systme thing on the tree was a rip off also clonk had the same thing ...
so I respect what he did but really the only thing that was original about his stage was all the chessy scarfs, and the cirlces which wuld have been nicer if it was not done in a half assed attempt, like doing more then one tree...
but this is only my opinion...
personally I think all the stages try to put on to much visual stuff rather then let the music speak for it self...
I would rather do a stage in the woods with only sound and no visuals a few lights so you can find your way around but thats it...
maybe next year maybe I can get steve into working with me so mtl can represent and do a clonk/l4p stage...
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 24, 2003 @ 10:41am. Posted in In Da Jungle Residents in Toronto.
Coolness: 42700
seb keep me posted maybe I would love to be involved in some thing like this...
maybe we can do a idj/clonk and if I can convince steve l4p to all do a collaberative thing...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 5:10pm. Posted in In Da Jungle Residents in Toronto.
Coolness: 42700
yo seb ask for a sound check as the sound at laberynth louge can be ghetto some times!!!!
make sure your also not playing in the basement as the ceiling is about as tall as I am...
(6 ft from floor to ceiling)...
man who hooked up that venue for you guys its not one of the better spaces considering its 250 bucks to rent for the night... sorry Im not meaning to poo poo your gig out there but you should have hooked up with the federal sound or balanced posse out there whom I gave your dj mix to.... maybe they will contact you soon about a gig in tdot and the experince will be a positive as a result other wise I wont be surprized if you come back hateing tdot... and I dont want that...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 4:33pm. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
well you know I used to have dreads in the 80s but in 1990 I shaved my head coose the baldy look over the dread look...
but regardless... yeah louise and I are far from hippies....
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 4:05pm. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
oh man seb is so far from a hippie its not even funny... thsats like saying Im a hippie or louise is a hippie...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 12:33pm. Posted in OM hippie fest.
Coolness: 42700
I posted this in the events area but here it is in the review area
OM rocked my world for a change great stages great line ups all around
eletro organic, gnome and the feild of drones stages were killer... top knotch talent at all of them.... high lights were:
kero - live
kerri o - live
ollie - live
sarcastic - dj
aria - live/dj
wabi collective - dj
granny ark - live
aiden baker - live
jhona k - dj
the stupid hari krishnas tring to convert techno folks... what a bunch of dorks
naked man with socks and boots...
naked man with cowboy hat screaming get naked for peace on sunday afternoon...some people should never get naked in public EVER!!!
and chelse looking grossed out by all the hippie ravers... hahahhahaahaha
oh and pretending to swim while complining to steve about how shit the sound was on the stage we played on...
I played live 4 times in 3 days...
an unaanounced microsound set in the feild of drones friday night with aiden baker
an unannounced RnB glitch set saturday afternoon on the electro organic stage as dropfile
an offical listed minimal techno set saturday night on electro organic stage as naw
an offical listed drum and bass/dub set on the gnome stage sunrise sunday morning as the naw dub sound system
an offical pirate radioworkshop saturday early afternoon as my self... ;) on top of it all...

my hands were full and now Im beat...
need to sleep for a few days...
but Im at work instead...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 12:19pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
seb email me its faster to contact me or add me to your msn IM its my email address...
thats so funny in a few more months my next record will be out on noise factory... oh well better late then never...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 12:17pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
personally I dont see the comparission of om over teknival... at om you get every thing as part of the package price at teknival you are required to bring at minimum 5 gallons of water or no map at the map point... your own food and this which is totally pissed me off as a headlining artists Im not only being asked to find my own way to the fest location to play but I just got an email asking for a small donation for gas to play...
Im a bit pissed off now by this all and am thinking of not playing at this event...
as great of an idea it is it is also a bit insulting as an artist to be asked to pay to play!
so as cool of an idea as treknival is its also a very different thing from OM and can not be compared at all...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 23, 2003 @ 12:08pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
OM rocked my world for a change played live 4 times in 3 days...
an unaanounced microsound set in the feild of drones friday night
an unannounced RnB glitch set saturday afternoon on the electro organic stage
an offical listed minimal techno set saturday night on electro organic stage
an offical listed drum and bass/dub set on the gnome stage sunrise sunday morning
an offical pirate radioworkshop saturday early afternoon on top of it all...
my hands were full and now Im beat...
need to sleep for a few days...
SEB I know noise factory changed distro for north america and japan and soon for europe :) so now most places can now get my cd...
not just the smaller indie spots...
I also passed along your mix cd to the gnome folks they are going to take a listen and get back to you...
I also want to get you a cd demo of the naw sound system dub/ drum and bass stuff....
get in touch me private like please...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 5:51pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
seb its a done deal I already told jhona that hes getting a cd from you... ;)
its all ready to go....
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 5:08pm. Posted in Roomate Needed.
Coolness: 42700
soyfunk where ins t henrie you moving to?
maybe we will be neighbours...
aka naw
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 5:01pm. Posted in Roomate Needed.
Coolness: 42700
soyfunk where ins t henrie you moving to?
maybe we will be neighbours...
aka naw
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
trust me where there is a will there is a way...
get in touch with me or get steve to get in touch with me about it
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
there are other ways on to the site...
it just requires some innovative bush whacking...
you should still come up with steve from the drive Im sure youll get in some how...
just some thing to think about you know how to get in touch with me through steve if you want more info on this get in touch with me ...
as for knowing where the money goes take a look at that link I posted earlier it breaks down the whole ticket price into where all the money goes...
aka naw
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 4:20pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
oh ok then that wasnt you who went to the kero gig with steve last feb ok so ignore all that..
speak your mind its all cool how ever
I still think its lame to diss some thing that you have never attended like that as honetly om is not a hippie fest and its a great cultural festival with some awesome music...
and besides steve there are lots of folks from mtl playing there and attending...
Im playing
steve is playing
tobias is playing (if the punk doesnt bail at the last min like he normally does)
just to name a few...
but if you feel better about being bitter I can understand that since Im a sour puss my self..
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 4:12pm. Posted in Roomate Needed.
Coolness: 42700
tell me about it I love my place mine is a little smaller and its 450 a month its going to take a shit load to get me to move from my place... the landloard is super cool also fixes stuff when you ask and has a great attitude...
you respect the place and she respects you...
fuck the pleateau I could never find such a sweet place there not only cheap but in good shape...
there is nothing worse then paying a bundel of cash each month for a place thats falling apart...
or to a landlord whos a prick...
And give st henrie another year and it will be as "cool" as the pleteau with out all the dirt bags hanging out that you get out there...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 4:00pm. Posted in Roomate Needed.
Coolness: 42700
if your interested in st henri the place below me is comming up for 500 4.5 its huge newly renovated... front and back garden and a hop skip and a jump to concordia...
just down the block...
if interested IM me private like...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 3:49pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
so a pirate radio workshop is shitty?
indy media sucks? its not face painting your being a baby with your bitching...
whats this sour grapes becasue you didnt get a free tix is that what you did when I didnt put you on the list for the clonk with kero and told steve that I could only list him alone and not his honey?
come on Im fully aware of how much it costs to do things and 90 dollars is peanuts for what you get
any how if you care so much you can see how the money is used and how the collective is set up
[ www.omfestival.ca ]
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 2:40pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
lot of montrelers are representing musically I belive...
on the electro organic sound system stage alone
there is
ouef korrect
and I bleive there are others...
the 90 bucks is more thne worth and haveing been a core organizer of om in the past I can tell you that the 90 bucks a tix is totally accounted for penny per penny
think about it that 90 dollar tix covers, camping, free food, free spring water, 7 stages of music, workshops, and so much more.
having been someone whos done a stage at om in the past and performed at I can tell you that being a festival of this size with names as large as they are on some of the stages....artists comming from all over the globe....to perform, give workshops, ect... ect...
these people who do the festival are the most fair people I have ever worked with and would work with them in a second again at the drop of a hat. not to mention for just a large festival to not have one bit of corperate sponcership is some thing to be had these folks are turely grass roots non for profit!!!
and 90 dollars is peanuts to go to this festival...
oh and by the way they do cover transport I know for a fact that all steve has to do is provide gas recipts to kristyn at lectro organicand she will give him is gas money...
so I dont get it when people bitch...
why dont you bitch about the cost of tix for mutek, cream, or the cost it costs to go to a local party in the city...
I think OM is the best deal youll see all summer...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 16, 2003 @ 12:04pm. Posted in Om.
Coolness: 42700
its happening this friday to sunday june 21-23
info is here
[ www.omfestival.ca ]
» linewireink replied on Fri Jun 13, 2003 @ 6:01pm. Posted in martin rev/naw + damage/intercom 061403.
Coolness: 42700
yeah well martin rev was one of the orginators of electro clash befor it was evenc alled that he was fusing elelctronics and punk long befor ladytron were in dipers.... long befor felix da housecate or miss kitten evne peed thier first pee...
this guy did some music that was overwhelingly influencial since the 70s its an honor to open up for the guy...
his stuff as suicide is AWESOME!!!!
raw minimal low fi electronics...
» linewireink replied on Fri Jun 13, 2003 @ 5:03pm. Posted in martin rev/naw + damage/intercom 061403.
Coolness: 42700
I dont really know if you would call this night techno how ever martin rev of suicide did do a record with panasonic and naw does do techno how ever Ill be doing a more abstract type of set and intercom I have zero idea what they do I was asked at the last minuite to do this show so Im not as involved as I normally am so Im a little short on the info...

aka naw
» linewireink replied on Fri Jun 13, 2003 @ 4:16pm. Posted in martin rev/naw + damage/intercom 061403.
Coolness: 42700
cool see you there...
» linewireink replied on Fri Jun 13, 2003 @ 2:11pm. Posted in martin rev/naw + damage/intercom 061403.
Coolness: 42700
seb email me private like where IDJ is and Ill drop by or drop by the casa ... for a min or 2
if you can and ill get it from you then....
» linewireink replied on Fri Jun 13, 2003 @ 12:54pm. Posted in martin rev/naw + damage/intercom 061403.
Coolness: 42700
Saturday June 14th 2003

Appearing live as part of the SUONI PER IL POPOLO festival
the Casa Del Popolo is proud to present

Martin Rev
of legendary punk-electro outfit Suicide
performing solo for the first time in Montreal.
mirco glitch duo: naw & damage (recently added to the bill)

The night starts at 9pm and will be happening at Montreals very own
Casa Del Popolo - 4873 boul. St-Laurent, Montreal, Canada
Tix $10 adv. / $15 door
» linewireink replied on Thu Jun 5, 2003 @ 5:02pm. Posted in Midi controller.
Coolness: 42700
yeah radium is awesome I was it in action at flux during pheeks set and its well worth the money he didnt have to touch his mouse once...the whole time...
aka naw
» linewireink replied on Thu Jun 5, 2003 @ 3:15pm. Posted in Midi controller.
Coolness: 42700
If your looking for cheap and the best bang for your buck I would never go with an evolution controller or even a phat boy they are compleat shit!!! they break all the time, I have an evolution for a total of 3 days befor it broke and tinkertoy was using a phat boy that basically disentagrated over time...
I would go with the midiman oxygen 8 I swear by that controller both for its cheapness, sturdyness and compatablity and flexablity...
they have a higher version now with more knobs which is equally nice more control ect ect..
other then that if your willing to spend some money I would go for the doffer controller...
more costly but totally amazing or the peavy controllers are also great...
if your planning on doing this seriously you want to get a tool that will work for you. best suggestion I could make is go to steves and rent a few different controllers and get a feel for each of them see which one works best for you... do some reseach make sure there are not any known problems with that controller and away you go...
» linewireink replied on Thu Jun 5, 2003 @ 10:48am. Posted in bleep.june 5th feat: grannyark+noah pred.
Coolness: 42700
reminder this is happening tonight....
be there...
» linewireink replied on Wed Jun 4, 2003 @ 2:47pm. Posted in bleep.june 5th feat: grannyark+noah pred.
Coolness: 42700
well then come out who all is comming out this month any how?
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 3, 2003 @ 5:33pm. Posted in om.
Coolness: 42700
is any one going from mtl or from this board?
» linewireink replied on Tue Jun 3, 2003 @ 10:29am. Posted in bleep.june 5th feat: grannyark+noah pred.
Coolness: 42700
yeah I bet you would be into it, shes also playing at om
getting granny ark the props she deserves has been a little pet project of mine from day one...
her music is awesome!!! there are a few producers in canada that I have taken under my wing to help and promote thier work granny ark is one of them. This will be the 5th show I have had her play at on the east coast since I met her 2 years ago...
I brought her to play 3 times in toronto and this will be 2nd time here in mtl... she is definatly an artists to look out for in the future as being another success story from canada...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 2, 2003 @ 5:49pm. Posted in Flux.
Coolness: 42700
seb its all cool...
get me the cd call me email mewhat ever it takes...
as for july august in tdot let me know maybe we can get a caravan going up...
Im supposed to be playing in tdot some time in august... belive it or not opening for the human league...
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 2, 2003 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Flux.
Coolness: 42700
seb get me the cd asap as june 19th is fast approaching... Im going up to om a day early to chill out... help them do some set up ect ect...
also what I meant about the mixing is that Im glad to see a drum and bass dj beat mix as aposed to mixing records on the breaks.....its that simple all the drum and bass djs in tdot other then the other galaxy dont beat match thier records....
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 2, 2003 @ 4:56pm. Posted in Flux.
Coolness: 42700
seb get me the cd asap as june 19th is fast approaching... Im going up to om a day early to chill out... help them do some set up ect ect...
also what I meant about the mixing is that Im glad to see a drum and bass dj beat mix as aposed to mixing records on the breaks.....its that simple all the drum and bass djs in tdot other then the other galaxy dont beat match thier records....
» linewireink replied on Mon Jun 2, 2003 @ 4:27pm. Posted in Flux.
Coolness: 42700
yo seb I loved your stuff!!! great sence of sound and mixing skills .... glad to see you acctually beat match as aposed to on the breaks mixing...
I am going to talk to the people that run the gnome stage (the drum and bass stage) at om they are good friends of mine and Im going to tell them all about you and make sure they book you if you could get me a cd mix befor om that would be ideal...
so I can let them hear what I heard... :)
linewireink's Profile - Community Messages